Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 12 Qiniang

Qi Xuansu stopped talking, took a step back, bent his knees, dropped his body, and assumed an ordinary sword-drawing stance.

Zhuge Yongming's eyes fell on the dagger at Qi Xuansu's waist that had not been unsheathed for a long time: "Is it finally time to draw the sword? I want to see what gadgets you have at the bottom of the box that can allow you to cross the border..."

Before the last word "fight" of "fighting across the border" was uttered, Zhuge Yongming's figure was already moving.

This sixth-grade Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Tao had no intention of waiting for Qi Xuansu to draw his sword. He took action boldly and it was a killing move.

Zhuge Yongming was not a Taoist priest in his study, so how could he wait for someone to make a move? In his consideration, whether Qi Xuansu really had a backup plan or was bluffing, he would not let Qi Xuansu pull out that sword.

Zhuge Yongming rushed forward like a giant elephant. When he was three feet in front of Qi Xuansu, he suddenly stepped out and stepped deeply into the ground. While stopping his forward momentum, his whole body was like a bow, like a full moon. The punch that was curled up in the chest was a bow and an arrow, and then the punch was blasted out fiercely, like a crossbow firing, each sound like a firecracker, and the whole action was completed in one breath.

Qi Xuansu did not choose to draw his sword at this time, but instead used the "body protection energy". There were external deflation machines surrounding his body, which seemed to be there but not there, to be empty and real, and to be filled with smoke.

In the previous county government battle, the reason why Qi Xuansu was able to block the lightning-fast flying sword at the end was that in addition to knowing the trajectory of the flying sword, he also relied on the "protective energy" to slow down the speed of the flying sword. It was just the rain at that time. The majesty blocked his sight, and Li Sanxin was distracted by shock, so he didn't notice it.

Zhuge Yongming's punch landed on the mist, and he was stagnant for a moment.

But that's all. He is not Li Sanxin who is in the realm of Qi refining. No matter how mysterious the "Body Protecting Qi" is, it will never be able to defeat skill with force.

After a slight resistance, the zhenqi was completely dispersed by this punch, and then the fist continued to attack Qi Xuansu's head. It was obvious that his head would explode before he could give up.

Qi Xuansu, who was about to have his head smashed, was not frightened. He lay down backwards on an iron bridge. While narrowly dodging the punch, he slapped the ground with one palm diagonally, and his body followed the trend. Then slide away.

Zhuge Yongming's punch failed, he was able to send and receive it freely, and he stepped forward with a heavy kick. He missed Qi Xuansu's body by just a hair, and landed on the ground with a loud bang, causing countless leaves to fall in the entire dense forest.

At this moment, Zhuge Yongming suddenly stopped pursuing the figure and retreated instead of advancing. When Zhuge Yongming stopped, his throat was dripping with blood. If he hadn't had a warning sign just now, he would have retreated in time. Withdrawing, he was almost choked by the flying sword hidden in the ground waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Qi Xuansu, who slipped out, slowly stood up and took back the "Green Snake" that had not yet been completely refined. It was a pity.

When he fell to the ground just now, he used the opportunity of slapping the ground with his palm to press the "green snake" in his sleeve into the muddy ground. When Zhuge Yongming rushed forward, he flew out of the ground with his flying sword. Zhuge Yongming's forward momentum pierced his throat with the flying sword.

It's a pity that Zhuge Yongming is not the kind of young man who is just starting out. He is very experienced in fighting. He is still alert at the critical moment. He only started to retreat after being stabbed halfway by the sword. Therefore, the result of this sword is just scary to look at. For a man For a martial artist who is in the realm of flesh and blood, it can only be regarded as a skin injury and is of no serious concern.

Zhuge Yongming touched the wound on his throat with his fingers, his face finally darkened, and he suppressed his anger and said word by word: "What a good means, good thoughts, and good calculations!"

Qi Xuansu stepped back without hesitation.

Zhuge Yongming, who was really angry, had a blood-red color on his face. He did not hesitate to lose some energy and blood to forcibly increase his speed, making him like an alchemist shrinking into an inch, and instantly arrived in front of Qi Xuansu. .

Then I saw Zhuge Yongming taking one step forward with his front foot, and one step with his hind foot. The hind foot did not exceed the front foot. Compared with the one step of ordinary people walking with the hind foot exceeding the front foot, it was only half a step.

Then he shrinks the fist and sends it out from the center of the chest and abdomen. Its shape is short and its force is fierce, like a collapsing arrow piercing the heart, like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking. This is the "collapse fist".

A half-step collapsed fist.

Normally when Bengquan is used, the front hand is used to hook the opponent, and the back hand is used to penetrate the opponent. Due to Zhuge Yongming's advanced realm, coupled with the right timing and quick steps, Qi Xuansu was hit by the Bengquan with half a step in an instant. The force penetrated the chest and back, and the body The shape flew out again.

The "body-protecting Qi" condensed by Qi around Qi Xuansu's body has completely collapsed and disappeared. He was hit in the chest and abdomen by this punch. No matter how strong his body was, Qi Xuansu could not remain unharmed. He only felt that the blood and Qi in his body were boiling like a river pouring in. Qi Xuansu Rolling like a snowy landslide.

If it were another Sanren in the Kunlun stage who suffered such a punch from a martial artist in the Yuxu stage, even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would already be dead.

But Qi Xuansu was different. His body had been tampered with by Qing Pinghui, and he was still not beaten to death with one punch. After landing, he staggered back, and finally hit his back against the trunk of a big tree, causing the tree to have two legs. The big tree, as thick as a man's arms, swayed, knocking off countless leaves, and then barely stopped its retreat.

After using the half-step Bengquan, Zhuge Yongming stopped, made a closing movement that caused the energy to sink into his Dantian, exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and then the bright red color on his face began to fade away.

The key to a martial artist's powerful fighting power lies in the Qi and blood in his body, which can destroy magical powers and spells, and warm and nourish his body. If he loses too much Qi and blood, it will be equivalent to the loss of his own cultivation.

If Qi Xuansu hadn't been forced into real anger, Zhuge Yongming wouldn't have sacrificed part of his energy and blood to throw this punch. Now that Qi Xuansu has lost the ability to fight back, there is no need for him to continue to waste his energy and blood.

After Zhuge Yongming finished doing this, he looked at Qi Xuansu, with a bit of surprise on his face, and slowly said: "Who are you?"

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

He knew very well that it was probably because of his unusual physique that he had revealed some clues. After all, if it were another Kunlun stage person, even the strongest martial artist would die under Zhuge Yongming's consecutive punches. It's been two times. There's no way he could still stand up after taking a half-step punch.

When Zhuge Yongming saw that Qi Xuansu was silent and had no intention of getting to the bottom of the matter, he wanted to kill Qi Xuansu, take away the "Xuanyu", and then go back to recover.

He was about to take action, but found that he couldn't move.

He lowered his head slowly.

He saw a woman's hand penetrate his chest. This extremely unexpected strike with his hand did not allow Zhuge Yongming to react in time.

This hand knife not only pierced Zhuge Yongming's heart, but also smashed his mid laner field, causing the energy in his body to rapidly collapse.

Then before he died, he heard a woman's voice: "I wanted to give you a way of life, but you chose to go to the road of death. It doesn't matter, there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no way to hell but you have to go through it, so I have to help you." "

Qi Xuansu, who was leaning on the tree trunk, could clearly see the slim figure standing behind Zhuge Yongming.

The person who attacked was a woman who looked to be in her thirties, with a face like a full moon, skin like gelatin, and a large face.

She was wearing a long dark blue dress, covered with black gauze, embroidered with many patterns similar to square-hole copper coins, which was slightly tacky. She had a long cigarette on her belt, a dark gold pot, and an ebony stem. The emerald cigarette holder has a small purse hanging on it, which shows some age.

She also wore a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, covering less than half of her face.

With the development of the world, sunglasses are no longer a novelty and are different from glasses.

Ordinary glasses were introduced to the Central Plains through sea trade during the Wei Dynasty. They were originally called "叆叇". They were made of glass and allowed people with old eyesight to see. It took more than 200 years to develop.

However, according to the records of "Gui Qianzhi", sunglasses were something that existed in the Jin Dynasty five hundred years ago. They were not imported from overseas, and they were not made of glass. Instead, they were made of smoky quartz or black quartz. Generally, they were only Officials like Qingluan Guard wear it not to see things or to block the sun, but to cover their eyes so that others cannot see their reactions when listening to confessions.

The woman stood behind Zhuge Yongming, facing Qi Xuansu, with the corners of her mouth raised.

Even though he was wearing sunglasses, Qi Xuansu could imagine that the eyes behind the lenses must be smiling, and it was a sarcastic smile.

She reached out and pushed, and the already dead Zhuge Yongming immediately fell forward and fell to the ground, stirring up some mud.

The woman shook off the blood on her hands, and her palms were like lotus flowers, not even a drop of blood on them.

She looked at Qi Xuansu again and stretched out a finger: "Tianyuan, one hundred yuan of peace money, remember it."

Li Sanxin has a backer, the fourth-grade Taoist priest Jiang Bieyun, and just as Jiang Bieyun expected, Qi Xuansu also has a helper.

This woman was Qi Xuansu's contact person in the Qingping Association, and her nickname was "Qiniangzi". Qi Xuansu would usually call her "Qiniang", and the woman would call Qi Xuansu's cousin "Tianyuan".

After the master's death, Qiniang became the person Qi Xuansu trusted the most. When Qi Xuansu was chased by his enemies, it was Qiniang who rescued him and brought him to Qingpinghui.

Later, Qi Xuansu joined the Qingpinghui and became Qiniang's subordinate and Qiniang's only subordinate.

The relationship between the two is more like a partner than a superior and a subordinate.

During the time when the two were partners, Qiniang took great care of Qi Xuansu, like a reliable eldest sister. At least in Qi Xuansu's opinion, Qiniang has no shortcomings except being greedy for money, stingy, stingy, and stingy.

Qi Xuansu, who had narrowly escaped death, breathed a long sigh of relief. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood in his chest, his vision went dark, and then he fainted completely.

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