Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 121 Jin Guan Mansion

Zhang Yuelu was thoughtful after listening, and then looked Qi Xuansu up and down.

Qi Xuansu felt a little weak when she saw him, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You know the ropes here very well." Zhang Yuelu said with a smile, "If I hadn't known that you were very poor, I would have suspected that you had done this kind of thing."

Qi Xuansu said: "I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs running away. Jianghu is not a kind place. This kind of thing is not uncommon."

Zhang Yuelu said: "From this point of view, it is not good for us to stay here for a long time. We should go to Jinguan Mansion first and then talk about other things. As for the employer behind this, we can only wait until we return to Yujing and then slowly investigate."

Qi Xuansu naturally had no objection.

After daybreak, after the rain, the sky cleared, and the two were on the road again.

This time, the two of them no longer walked slowly and leisurely. Qi Xuansu put on his "horse" again and ran along the ancient tea horse road without stopping in the middle, heading straight to Jinguan Mansion.

Entering the territory of Jinguanfu, you will reach the core sphere of influence of Shuzhou Daofu. Just as Luzhou Daofu is located on Taiping Mountain outside Huainanfu City, Shuzhou Daofu is located on the green mountain of Tiancang Mountain in the southwest outside Jinguanfu City. city. Among them, there are ten thousand acres of bamboo forest like the sea. Every time the bamboo sea sways with the wind, it is like thousands of blue waves. Because the bamboo forest is evergreen all year round and the peaks of Tiancang Mountain surround it, it looks like a city, so it is named "Qingcheng".

Speaking of this place, it has a very special status. It is not only one of the holy places of Quanzhen Taoism, but also one of the holy places of Zhengdao. At that time, the ancestor of Zhengdao Heavenly Master first lived in seclusion in Yunjin Mountain to practice Taoism. Later, he heard that the Shu people were kind-hearted and easy to teach. In addition to many famous mountains, he also heard that Bashu rash was harmful to the human body and the people were trapped by diseases and disasters, so he left Yunjin Mountain and entered Shu. He first lived in Yangping Mountain, then Heming Mountain, and also went to Xicheng Mountain, Gegui Mountain, Qin Mountain Zhongshan, Changli Mountain, Yongquan Mountain, Zhendu Mountain, Beiping Mountain, and finally Tiancang Mountain, where he commanded the disciples of the Tianshi Sect to fight against the ancient witchcraft. Therefore, there is still a Tianshi Cave in Tiancang Mountain.

It was only later that the Tianshi Sect fell apart, became the Zhengtai, and withdrew from Shuzhou. This allowed Quanzhen Taoism to occupy this place, and Tiancang Mountain gradually became the holy land of the Quanzhen Taoist Longmen Sect.

In Quanzhen Taoism, Tiancang Mountain's status is only slightly inferior to Difeishan Mountain, which is known as the first blessed place.

Generally speaking, no one would dare to assassinate a fourth-grade Taoist Taoist priest here. After all, the local Taoist government also has the responsibility of arresting those who rely on their cultivation to commit lawlessness.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu relaxed slightly and no longer tensed their heartstrings.

However, the two of them did not go to Tiancang Mountain, but to Jinguan Mansion. Because the branch of Huashengtang in Shuzhou is not on Tiancang Mountain, but in Fucheng.

Because Huashengtang is also an important part of the Taoist sect's huge business system. It has to do business with people, and most of the Taoist temples are located on famous mountains, such as Tiancang Mountain, Daxue Mountain, Taiping Mountain, Taibai Mountain, etc. , if Huashengtang established a branch hall in a Taoist government, it would be very inconvenient, so they simply established it in the city.

The two of them walked along the official road to the west gate of Jinguan Mansion. There were men in black who were guarding the city to check the route. The two of them had no way to guide them, but they had the Taoist ultimatum.

The gatekeeper was startled when he saw Zhang Yuelu's fourth grade Taoist priest's gift of wine. He respectfully handed it back with both hands and said, "I don't know if the Master has arrived. I'm not respectful. I hope the Master can forgive me."

Qi Xuansu took the ultimatum on behalf of Zhang Yuelu and asked in passing: "I wonder where the Huasheng Hall is in the city?"

Mr. Ba replied: "After entering the city gate, go east along the main road. Although the market has been abolished in the city, there is still a remaining market, which covers a large area and houses many wine shops, inns, shops, The bank is located here, and Huashengtang is located here. The facade is very impressive and can be seen at a glance. "

"Thank you." Qi Xuansu thanked him and entered the city with Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Tianyuan, what day is it today?"

Qi Xuansu did the math: "We left Yujing on October 16th. Today is the second day of November, more than half a month has passed."

Zhang Yuelu sighed softly: "On the second day of November, there will be no flying boats."

The number of flights is limited and only available on the first and fifteenth day of each month. If you miss it, you will have to wait half a month. Moreover, the airships between the state capitals are not interconnected. You must first take the airship to Yujing, and then take the airship from Yujing to the state capitals, which is very troublesome.

Qi Xuansu immediately understood Zhang Yuelu's intention and asked, "Are you afraid of injuring me? Do you want me to take a flying boat back to Yujing?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "I don't mean to look down on you, but I admire you very much. If I are at the same level as you, I will definitely not be as good as you."

Qi Xuansu said: "Then we'll make peace with our arrival. Follow our original route, take the waterway to Huzhou, and then go to Wuzhou via Huzhou."

Zhang Yuelu was not a mother-in-law. When Qi Xuansu said this, he did not persist.

While the two were talking, a large number of people watching the excitement suddenly appeared on the road ahead. In the middle was a makeshift grass platform. It seemed that someone was performing a show, because so many people gathered that the road was blocked.

Qi Xuansu raised his eyes and looked up. On the stage, there were no opera singers, nor people selling Dali Pills, nor juggling, but a few scantily clad dancers. They were not dressed like people from the Central Plains, but more like people from the Western Regions. They had high noses and deep eyes. Green, with a thin veil on her face, only a tube top on her upper body, exposing her navel, and slightly fat wide-leg pants on her lower body, tightened at the ankles, with bare feet and bells on her wrists. jingle.

Qi Xuansu spotted Zhang Yuelu looking at him out of the corner of his eye, and immediately swallowed back the sigh that had reached his lips. The expression on his face slowly changed, revealing a bit of shamelessness and contempt, and he hummed: "It's immoral."

"Indeed." Zhang Yuelu nodded in agreement.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Shall we take a detour?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head: "Let's take a look first and then talk."

Since Zhang Yuelu wants to see it and Qi Xuansu has no objection, then let's see it.

In fact, in addition to dancers, there are also musicians on the stage, mainly playing pipa and drums. Every step of the dancers steps on the drum beats, and their dance postures are sometimes intense and sometimes soothing as the pipa is played.

Qi Xuansu was not a member of a noble family, nor had he seen much of the world. He could not judge the dancing skills of these dancers. He could only say that the scale was large and the temptation was heavy.

For ordinary people, this is enough. The sages all said that food and sex are the nature of food.

This is also the reason why so many people gathered around.

Zhang Yuelu gathered the cloak around him and suddenly said: "Even if the climate in Shuzhou is warm, it is winter weather after all. Isn't it cold for these women to wear such thin clothes?"

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "Qing Xiao means that these women are weird."

Zhang Yuelu said again: "The Taoist priests in Shuzhou Taoist Prefecture have said that there have been scammers in Jinguan Prefecture recently."

"Is it a fairy dance?" Qi Xuansu pondered, "It's not impossible, but I can't see anything yet."

Zhang Yuelu suggested: "Why don't you try it? It will be a blessing after all."

Qi Xuansu asked back, "Are you willing to give up?" "What's the reason why I'm not willing to give up?" Zhang Yuelu was startled for a moment, then realized and punched Qi Xuansu lightly, "This is called reluctant to let go. The child cannot trap the wolf."

Qi Xuansu said: "I am... a boy."

Zhang Yuelu was speechless. After a long time, he whispered: "What's wrong? I'm still... a virgin."

The virgin man and virgin woman they mentioned did not refer to their age. They were already adults and had reached the age of marriage. What he is actually saying is that he is inexperienced, just like a child.

It's not that there is no such opportunity, not to mention Zhang Yuelu, just Qi Xuansu, it is not difficult to find a woman to have fun. The key is that many of the exercises in Taoism require the body to be as strong as jade. If the body is broken and the Yuan Yang or Yuan Yin is released, the practice will not be successful. Therefore, people in the Taoist sect are not very shy about this matter, but appear to be bold and open.

Qi Xuansu said: "Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to control myself..."

"Then you can get married and have children here, and I'll go home by myself." Zhang Yuelu said expressionlessly.

Qi Xuansu laughed dryly: "I am also a veteran of the world, how could I fall into the tricks of these Yanweizi? Besides, they are all vulgar and vulgar, how can they compare to..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yuelu had already lightly kicked him: "Stop talking so much and hurry up."

While the two were talking, something changed again on the stage. The dancers were seen gathering and dispersing. Suddenly, several people were seen gathered together like flowers. Then, several people were seen separated layer by layer, like flowers blooming.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in costume appeared from the "stamen" and came to the stage as if she had transformed into a living person.

Different from other dancers, this woman is wearing an exotic-style red dress and is tightly wrapped. She also wears a veil on her face and a tall gold crown on her head, which is very eye-catching.

This is the flower. The dancers before were just green leaves to accompany it.

The woman also noticed Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, her eyes wandered uncertainly on them, and there was green energy flowing in her eyes.

She first looked at Qi Xuansu. Although the Taoist robe was damaged, it was worth a good price. Her skin was shiny, her divine beauty was restrained, and her Qi and blood were extremely strong. It turned into a flame that could not be seen with the naked eye around her body, swaying and dancing in the wind. , is actually the aura that only returning warriors have.

She was slightly startled.

Then, she shifted her gaze to Zhang Yuelu next to Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu wrapped himself in a cloak and wore a hood. Only his chin could be seen, but there was a self-generated cloud and mist that was invisible to the naked eye. It was changing erratically, disappearing and appearing, which was in sharp contrast to the Guizhen martial artist next to him.

This doesn't look like a Qi refiner, nor does it look like a scribe, a gentleman, a Brahma or the like. Could it be that he is banishing an immortal?

Qi Xuansu made a "tsk" sound and stopped moving forward.

Zhang Yuelu asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Qi Xuansu said: "It seems that an eagle's claw has been eyeing this place, but we don't need to do anything extra."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud shout: "Qingluan Guard is handling the case, and everyone else is waiting to retreat!"

Zhang Yuelu was slightly startled. Because the person yelling was just an acquired person, she did not notice it in advance. The reason why Qi Xuansu was able to detect it was probably because he could see that this person had certain characteristics of Qingluan Guard through his eyesight, not By sensing the breath. Zhang Yuelu secretly made a note in his mind that in the future he should not rely too much on means such as looking at Qi and sensing, but should also pay attention to observation with his eyes.

However, the people around them, regardless of whether they were born or acquired, heard the words "Qingluan Guard" and immediately dispersed in a swarm, leaving only a mess on the ground.

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