Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 34 Investigation

The "war of abuse" between Zhang Yuelu and Qin Lingge lasted for a long time and attracted enough attention. In the end, Shi Daren and a great Confucian master ended up in person. After each wrote an eloquent ten thousand-word essay, It’s come to an end.

This reflects a strange phenomenon. The Taoist sect does not allow Taoist priests and Taoist people at the bottom to talk nonsense about the Taoist sect, but it is always tolerant of the outrageous remarks of the upper-level elites, allows dissent, and creates an image of being able to accept what others say and listen to others to gain understanding. There is no doubt that Confucianism falls within this category, so Taoism does not ban the discussion, but starts a debate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, although Zhang Yuelu failed to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, he had already found out the relevant contents of the report letter. For example, the report letter said that Qi Xuansu had an improper relationship with a certain woman. If the specific time and place cannot be given, or if the details given are proven to be fabricated, we can conclude that the content is fabricated based on the principle of innocence.

Zhang Yuelu just grasped these few points, and was quickly overturned by the contents of the entire report letter, defining it as a false accusation, and then released the news.

The world has no interest, and they don’t even bother to understand the specific process. It is as if this matter has never happened, it has not spread at all, and it has not caused any ripples. Many people even do not know about it at all. Therefore, those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. In the eyes of others, this seems to be just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. However, Zhang Yuelu put in huge efforts behind the scenes in exchange for the "insignificant" four Character.

As for the female Taoist priest Zheng Zaishi who "reported" Qi Xuansu, she was naturally placed under guard.

Everyone knows that she is just a pawn, and a discarded one, even she knows this.

It may be difficult to open up the situation from her.

However, Zhang Yuelu did not give up and asked people to carefully investigate Zheng Zaishi's background. It was discovered that Zheng Zaishi's parents died early and she had a younger brother. The two siblings had been dependent on each other for many years and had a deep relationship. Not long ago, her younger brother disappeared. .

This made Zhang Yuelu realize that the reason why Zheng Zaishi stood up and falsely accused Qi Xuansu was probably due to coercion. But Zhang Yuelu went to check the traces of Zheng Zaishi's brother again, but failed to find any valuable clues. Firstly, it had been a while, and secondly, the person who took action was very experienced and left no trace.

The only thing that was found was that Zheng Zaishi's brother was last seen in Taiqing City, Yujing.

This is interesting. Yujing is almost the safest place in the world. Being able to kidnap people in Yujing is not something ordinary people can do. Especially if it is so silent and leaves no traces, it is even more difficult. Even for a powerful local like Wang Jiaohe, it is difficult to do it. It is not difficult to kidnap people, but it is difficult to leave no traces.

This also indirectly shows that the mastermind behind the scenes is from Yujing, located in Jinque.

Zhang Yuelu did not give up. While letting people continue to trace this line, he sorted out the whole thing from beginning to end.

On the surface, it seems that the fundamental purpose of the people behind the scenes is to ruin Qi Xuansu's reputation and prevent Qi Xuansu from participating in the competition for the great leader. The people with this motive are Li Changge, Yao Pei, and Zhang Yuelu, who happen to correspond to the three major families, and all three of them have Ability to plan this matter.

The Zhang family is no exception. Some people in the Zhang family could have done this without telling Zhang Yuelu. Don't forget, the Zhang family has always been wary of Zhang Yuelu. They are very wary of Zhang Yuelu seizing the power of the Zhang family with the help of Qi Xuansu.

Let’s not talk about the Li family, they are the biggest suspects.

As for the Yao family, despite being Qi Xuansu's biggest helper, perhaps in the eyes of the Yao family, Qi Xuansu is just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. The subtle relationship between Qi Xuansu and Yao Shu is a proof. Qi Xuansu believed in Qiniang but doubted the Yao family and insisted on entering the Lingshan cave to find out. Did the Yao family know nothing or was aware of it? This is something no one can say for sure.

As a result, Zhang Yuelu could not directly use the Zhang family's power to investigate the matter. Instead, she could rely on her master Cihang.

In addition, Zhang Yuelu did not contact Qiniang, because the report letter clearly stated that Qi Xuansu colluded with a secret association. There is a possibility that this report letter was actually a bait, tempting Qi Xuansu to use secret association methods to investigate If this matter is caught and the crime is confirmed, Qi Xuansu will be beyond redemption.

Although Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu were also competitors in a certain sense, Zhang Yuelu considered the issue entirely from Qi Xuansu's perspective.

If Zhang Yuelu wanted to harm Qi Xuansu, he didn't even have to do anything. He just had to sit back and let the matter ferment. Maybe Qi Xuansu could only be her "good wife" in the future, but Zhang Yuelu didn't do that.

Qi Xuansu may not believe in the Zhang family, or he may not believe in the Yao family. He may treat the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master with suspicion, but he will only believe in Zhang Yuelu.

This kind of trust even goes beyond the relationship between Taoists and Taoists.

Trust objects should not only look at their character, but also their abilities. At critical moments, lack of ability can also betray trust.

Zhang Yuelu's independence is not an act.

Some women always pretend to be capable and stay away from strangers, but when faced with powerful men, they turn into well-behaved kittens, gentle and obedient. In essence, they are still attached to a big tree. dodder flower.

There is no doubt about Zhang Yuelu's ability. No matter who she is in front of, she is Zhang Yuelu, not anyone's vassal. She can protect herself from wind and rain, can stand alone, and is trustworthy enough.

Many people can see that Qi Xuansu is not interested in women, and even a little repulsive. He longs for parents and children to make up for his natural lack of family affection, but he does not need a partner. If nothing unexpected happens, he You are supposed to be alone all your life, which is also normal in Taoism.

Why would such a person be so devoted to Zhang Yuelu? It can be seen that Zhang Yuelu has his own merits. This is not the so-called skill of controlling a husband as a woman in the market. It is too superficial. If you really use this method on Qi Xuansu, it will only push Qi Xuansu away. To put it bluntly, there is only one word "sincerity" and one word "truth".

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yuelu treated Qi Xuansu with sincerity and sincerity, and Qi Xuansu naturally had to treat her with sincerity. It sounds cliche, but it is difficult to do.

Zhang Yuelu was a little worried about Qi Xuansu at this time, but after Tongzhen Palace was closed and isolated from the outside world, she didn't know what was going on inside.

A somewhat uneasy Zhang Yuelu was pacing back and forth subconsciously. At this moment, Ke Qingqing walked in quickly and softly reported a piece of news.

After Zhang Yuelu heard this, his face did not show much emotion, and he ordered very calmly: "Contact Master Cihang."

Ke Qingqing responded: "Yes."

Soon, the picture mirror was connected.

"Master." Zhang Yuelu said in a deep voice.

On the other side, Master Cihang was sitting behind the desk in the signing room and asked directly: "Qingxiao, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "Master, I just received news that there are some clues about Tianyuan's case."

Master Cihang raised his eyebrows and waited for the next words.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Zheng Zaishi's brother was found. It was found by Jiang Daren's people."

Master Cihang was not so surprised: "Over the years, Mr. Jiang has claimed to be absolutely neutral and can make him come forward. Tianyuan's weight is not light. It seems that he values ​​Tianyuan very much. Also, the three groups always take turns to take charge, and the great master is of the same lineage. Will be willing to do so.”

Zhang Yuelu continued: "However, the person is already dead."

Master Cihang asked: "Where did you find it?"

Zhang Yuelu replied: "In Xingxiu Sea, Jiang Daren's people were late and were silenced. The person responsible for guarding him also committed suicide."

"Dead soldiers? It's no better than in the past, but it's rare." Master Cihang was finally a little surprised, "This is not the work of an ordinary force. Could it really be those few people who took action?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "It cannot be confirmed now, but there are many great Bodhisattvas in the temple. Looking at the bright side, it may not be the direct instruction of the third master or the other two real people. It may also be some people's own initiative."

Master Cihang naturally did not have the energy to carefully consider the case, but only had a general idea, so he asked directly at this time: "What help do you need?"

Zhang Yuelu was not polite: "I would like to ask Master to help me check whether the people in Kunlun Taoist House have done anything strange recently."

Master Cihang understood: "You think it is related to Kunlun Taoist House."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and said, "Yes, after much thought, Kunlun Taoist Mansion is the most suspect."

As a Taoist government that directly defends Yujing, Kunlun Taoist House plays the role of the central imperial army, just like many overseas Taoist houses, which directly controls the military force of Lingguan.

Zhang Yuelu did not suspect that the people from the Kunlun Taoist House were the real culprits behind the scenes, but that someone used the force of the Kunlun Taoist House to kidnap Zheng Zaishi's younger brother. This is a line that can be continued to be traced. It's just that the status of Kunlun Taoist House is too special. As a member of the local Taoist government, Zhang Yuelu is not enough to reach out to Kunlun Taoist House without using the power of the Zhang family. However, as the head of Tiangang Hall, Master Cihang The real person directly leads the Lingguan Mansion, but can intervene in the Kunlun Taoist Mansion, which has a large number of Lingguan Mansion.

Because the Kunlun Taoist Palace is too important, no one force can completely control the Kunlun Taoist Palace on its own. Several forces within it restrain each other, which also gives a huge space for manipulation.

Master Cihang only thought about it briefly before agreeing. Although she is a member of the Zhengyi family, she is not a member of the Zhang family. Seeing that there is no hope of competing for the top leader, she is likely to become Master Pingzhang, and she will also place her hope on her apprentice and son-in-law to become the Eighth Generation. The great leader was naturally opposed to Yao Pei and Li Changge. At this point, the interests of the three are relatively consistent. ..

In general, these six people, Tianshi, Earthly Master, National Master, Cihang Zhenren, Donghua Zhenren and Qingwei Zhenren, each have their own ideas. Among them, Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren should stand next to Qi Xuansu. On the other side, it’s hard to say about the other four people, including the Celestial Master.

In addition to these six people, there are some other forces, such as Jiang Dazhen, Shi Dazhen, Zhang Wuliang of the Zhang family, Li Changsheng of the Li family, Yao Yi of the Yao family, etc. They should not be underestimated and are also suspected.

Now Zhang Yuelu still doesn't know who his opponent is, so he can't even talk about counterattack.

Qi Xuansu on the other side naturally didn't know this either. He and Qi Jiayao were walking on the way to Lingshan.

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