Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 43 The Rise of the Holy Court

So far, Qi Xuansu's harvest has been quite good. Not to mention "Shebi Corpse Poison", "Xuan Jade", and Buddha's relics, Qi Xuansu is very satisfied with the progress of the investigation of "Heart of Immortality Stone".

If you prosper by this, you will perish by this.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to reach the top because of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone" and eventually fall into the dust because of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

This trip to Lingshan was actually a matter of Qi Xuansu borrowing his strength to fight, and using the strength of the Heavenly Master to defeat the Earthly Master.

When analyzing things concretely, do not rush to seek advice from others or apply mechanically based on past experience.

They are all pretending to be the Grand Master, and the situation today is very different from the past. When the Sixth Generation Grand Master came to power, the three deputy Grand Masters had just experienced the dictatorial era of the Fifth Generation Grand Master Qiangang. Therefore, the three deputy Grand Masters were able to have a greater consensus while having lingering fears, and they were united. Working together, the Sixth Generation Master would naturally have no way to leverage his strength. After decades of working together, the three divisions have accumulated a lot of conflicts and have less and less consensus. It is no longer unbreakable, but has gaps.

Moreover, the time of the Third Master is running out. As the Sixth Generation disciples headed by the Third Master ascend and pass away one after another, the Seventh Generation disciples will gradually forget the memories of the Fifth Generation Grandmaster period. Many of the Seventh Generation disciples have not even personally experienced the Fifth Generation Grandmaster period. During the teaching period, let alone the eighth-generation disciples, they no longer remember it deeply and are no longer fearful from the bottom of their hearts. They just listen to what the elders say, so naturally they will no longer be overly wary of the centralization of power by the great leader.

Under the combination of various conditions, Qi Xuansu's idea of ​​achieving a balance of power by leveraging strength is not unachievable, and its difficulty and resistance are far less than during the Sixth Generation of Great Masters.

Of course, even if the resistance is reduced, it still does not mean that it can be easily achieved, and the requirements for personal ability are still very high.

Next, after Qi Xuansu and Qi Jiaoyao left the underground ruins by the original route, they closed the "Yin and Yang Gate", that is, they restored Yao Zu's paintings to their original state, moved them from Wu Xian back to Yao Zu, and the formation was closed again. Returned to a state of bleak, dead silence.

Then the two waited until the blood moon disappeared and continued on their way to Lingshan.

On the other side, before the investigation on Kunlun Daofu had a clear result, Zhang Yuelu received a notice to go to Yujing to attend the meeting.

Of course, it is not to use the meeting as an excuse to arrest Zhang Yuelu, it is just about the follow-up of the Jiutang joint meeting. The person who presided over the meeting last time was Master Cihang, and this time he became the real person Qingwei.

The location also changed to Beichen Hall.

Regarding Beichen Hall, Zhang Yuelu was not unfamiliar with it. After all, it was her first hall. However, just like Qi Xuansu, who first entered Tiangang Hall to offer sacrifices.


Zhang Yuelu was the first to work in Beichen Hall but was thought to be from Tiangang Hall.

In short, Zhang Yuelu's impression of Beichen Hall was not very good.

After the proceedings officially began, Mr. Qingwei first summarized the achievements in the past two years, which were gratifying and inspiring. After everyone's unremitting efforts, most of the "nails" have been removed, and the situation in overseas continents and coastal states has greatly improved. Among them, the Borneo Taoist Government was particularly praised - because Qi Xuansu was in seclusion, Xu Jiaorong participated in the discussion on his behalf. And this is the responsibility of the second deputy palace master.

After summarizing the results, Master Qingwei did not directly get to the main topic of this discussion, but instead talked about a seemingly unrelated topic, the demise of the Qin Empire.

The so-called Qin Dynasty was a unified dynasty on the western continent west of Parthia, and its capital was called the "City of Seven Hills". There are many proverbs, such as the city of seven hills was not built in a day, all roads lead to seven hills, etc.

However, with the fall of the Qin Dynasty, the Western Continent once again became a state where various countries coexisted, and it was never possible to establish a unified empire like the East. Everyone here is a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. They have systematically studied Western history and know this history.

Qingwei Zhenren focused on the demise of the Western Qin Empire. In the last few hundred years of the Western Qin Empire, citizens of the empire no longer served in the army, because the imperial army required ten years of hard labor, and they were stationed at the border and were not allowed to return, and Military pay is not high, and you have to go through life and death. Therefore, in the eyes of the Western Qin Empire, the barbarians gradually took control of the army, which was somewhat similar to the barbarians who controlled the army in the late Daqi Dynasty. In this process, the civil servants and military officers of the Western Qin Empire became two distinct lines.

In the late Western Qin Dynasty, various barbarian warlords were in constant internal strife. The emperor was precarious and almost a puppet. Warlords from all over the country became the real power, relying on the title of "general" in the empire to rule. All kinds of careerists wanted to threaten the emperor. The behavior of the princes is very similar to the power of the vassal town in the late Qi Dynasty.

These generals are all barbarians in the eyes of the Western Qin Empire. Real Western Qin people regard joining the army as a vulgar thing and never join the army.

At this time, the civilian government had collapsed and the empire had lost control of the lower-level administrative areas. So what were these Western Qin people doing?

They chose another avenue, which was to enter the church.

While civilian government collapsed

, the church, which had mastered huge amounts of wealth, increasingly assumed the functions of local government, and the priests became the actual rulers of local cities. Therefore, the aristocratic families in the Western Qin Dynasty would send their children to the church to integrate with the Holy Court to ensure that their incense would continue and survive in this troubled world.

This was the beginning of the Holy Court becoming the ruler of the Western Continent.

This raises a question: when the civil government of the Western Qin Empire collapsed, why did the Holy Court assume governmental responsibilities? This has to mention the university system of the Holy Court.

Middle school is the education required by the nobility, gentry, and respectable classes. Universities are training courses for priests, doctors, judges, and lawyers.

The full name of the university is "Cathedral School" and its purpose is to train clergy. Because the Holy See advocates that the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures must be based on the orthodox theological views recognized by the Holy See, the Holy See requires all priests to accept theology. educate. The Cathedral School is for training priests.

With the development of the world, in order to meet the needs of missionary work, medical and legal courses were also developed.

Needless to say about medicine, treatment is needed everywhere. Regarding this point, the Taoist sect has a very deep understanding. In troubled times, rebellion requires Fu Shui to cure diseases and save people, so as to win people's hearts. Its effect is second only to distributing food. In the prosperous times, dignitaries also rely on alchemy to please the emperors and nobles, so as to rise to the top and become the masters of the country. Its essence is to eliminate diseases and eliminate disasters. At most, we seek longevity on the basis of health.

Legal studies are more of a necessary means for priests to take the upper-level route. Priests who are proficient in legal studies can better serve the monarchs everywhere, get closer to the monarchs, and thereby gain power and influence the monarchs, thereby achieving the ultimate goal of spreading doctrines. In essence, the cultural and martial arts acquired by Confucianism are the same as those of the imperial family.

For this reason, clergy increasingly took on the responsibilities of the bureaucracy, even replacing the bureaucracy after the collapse of civil government. ??

This also transformed the university into three basic disciplines, namely theology, medicine, and law.

Later, the nobles were no longer satisfied with secondary school education, and many civilians seeking to advance into the university flocked to universities. As a result, the subjects of universities became more and more abundant, but today's universities still only have theology and medicine. Only students in the three disciplines of law and law can get various privileges.

The Wanxiang Taoist Palace essentially imitates the university system of the Holy Court, but goes a step further on this basis. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace is not limited to the three basic disciplines, but is a comprehensive "university" whose purpose is not simply to cultivate Taoist priests or technical skills. Bureaucrats, if they can make it to the end,


So it has already reached the category of leaders.

In the words of Confucianism, all the skills of dragon slaying and the inner skills of emperors are taught.

If you understand the rise of the Holy Court, you will find that their rise is not the same as that of the Taoist sect, but more similar to the Confucian sect, from being dependent on the monarch to controlling the monarch.

What is the path to the rise of Taoism?

In fact, it is the path of rebellion. After respecting Confucianism, the Taoist sect was defeated and retreated from the temple to the Jianghu. Then it began a tireless journey of rebellion, mobilizing the people to fight against the court and Confucianism. It was not until the end of the Wei Dynasty that he finally succeeded and replaced the Confucian sect as the master of the world.

The two routes determine that the way of thinking and behavior of the Holy Court and the Taoist Sect are completely different.

The Holy Court is keen on proselytizing, which is essentially replicating the successful experience of the past, moistening things silently, confusing people's hearts, and disintegrating and replacing them from the inside. Therefore, all kinds of spies, instigators, and infiltrations are emerging in an endless stream, trying to make the Taoist sect chaos by chanting sutras.

Daomen was also replicating the victory experience of that year, so Daomen promoted a massive resistance movement in the New World, helping the aborigines of the New World to overthrow the rule of the Holy Court, strive for independence, and establish their own country.

Therefore, in unfamiliar areas, Daomen is the undoubted defender. Daomen needs to constantly clean up the traitors within and remove all kinds of "nails". This is the reason why Beichen Hall held a joint meeting of nine halls to target the infiltration of Holy Court forces.

In familiar areas, Daomen is the attacker. For example, in the New World, Daomen successfully helped the aborigines establish a country of their own, forming a conflict between the north and the south with the Holy Court. The Holy Court was busy suppressing various uprisings, and became Defender.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but perked up when she heard this. She somewhat understood what Master Qingwei was going to say.

As expected, Master Qingqing heard Master Wei say, "After two years of unremitting efforts, we have achieved a good situation. This is like preventing the punch from the Holy Court. But everyone can't be happy too early, it's not that We win if we block this punch. As the saying goes, don't reciprocate. If they punch me, we should punch me back. This is only fair. "

"As for how to return it, of course we can't secretly engage in missionary or infiltration like them. We have to open up another battlefield, and this battlefield is in the New World."

After Master Qingwei finished speaking, a huge curtain slowly lowered behind him, with a map of the entire New World drawn on it.

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