Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 133: Deciding the Case (Part 1)

Tang Yongde coughed heavily to remind him that someone had arrived.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu had already walked around the screen and entered the house, where he saw several women playing leaf cards on a Fugui couch. The furnishings and decorations behind the screen also made Qi Xuansu couldn't help but "tsk". Dressing table, spring stool, small table, incense burner, standing mirror, curtain, soft couch, wardrobe.

Various rouges, gouache and various jewelry are scattered on the dressing table. Just looking at the box, you can tell that they are expensive; the spring stool and the side table are both made of rosewood; the incense burner is burning ambergris; the standing mirror is from There is a tall glass mirror brought from the West; the soft couch is covered with embroidered pillows and brocade quilts, Jiangnan craftsmanship; the wardrobe is Western-style, with the door half open, and all kinds of light silk and satin clothes can be seen in it.

The price of any of these things will not be less than a worry-free money. The exquisiteness of this house may only cost thousands of peace dollars.

Qi Xuansu became a Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall, and climbed onto Zhang Yuelu's lap. He was in water and fire, with swords and swords flashing, and all he got was only a few hundred peace coins. Some people make money while standing, some make money while kneeling, and some people make money while sitting down. On the other hand, these people made money while lying down. Hey, this is a skill, just don’t talk about it!

Zhang Yuelu has seen the world. Although she does not live in Dazhen Mansion, she often goes there. That is the atmosphere of wealth and wealth for thousands of years, so she doesn't think anything of it, and her eyes fall directly on several women.

Although it was winter, there were ground dragons gathering underground inside the house, and the charcoal fire was full of fire, so the heat flow in the house was as warm as spring. The clothes of several women were very cool, with half-covered gauze, revealing two curved arms and shoulders. Naked, white and shiny, her stockings were taken off, and a pair of jade feet poked out from under her skirt.

Several women were surprised when they saw someone coming in. Because Zhang Yuelu was wearing a cloak and a hood, they failed to realize in their panic that she was also a woman.

Tang Yongde said: "This is Master Zhang, Hanyu, come out."

A frail-looking woman stood up and arranged her clothes. There is not much seductiveness about this woman. Instead, she has a cute temperament, like a frightened deer, which makes people want to protect her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu strangely.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Qi Xuansu's attention was not on these charming women at this time. His eyes kept wandering over the various furnishings in the room, showing a hint of resentment.

Zhang Yuelu didn't know what Qi Xuansu was thinking, but he could guess a thing or two. He probably felt it was unfair. Whether he was working for others in the arena or going to the Western Regions to kill monsters in the wind and snow, he didn't earn much peace. It is not even comparable to a few women from the courtyard.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.

Many people from Taoist sects have fallen because of this. Many people are obviously inferior to me, but they all wear rich clothes, change four sets of clothes a day, live in mansions, and enjoy all the splendor. However, I can only wear no more than eight sets of clothes in four seasons and guard hundreds of people. Tai Ping Qian's regular money didn't even have a second-class house. He couldn't be considered poor, but it was far from rich. Over time, anyone will become mentally unbalanced.

This has also led to frequent major corruption cases in Taoist sects in the past century, and the trend has deteriorated rapidly. The ancestral court also had to repeatedly improve the treatment of Taoist priests at all levels, but it still could not stop the dissatisfaction of people.

In fact, Qi Xuansu didn't have so many grievances, or he did have some grievances at first, but he soon thought about it. Although he didn't have much Taiping money, he gained status. Now when people see him, they all call him "Deacon Qi" or "Taoist Master Qi". If he rises to another level, he will be Master Qi, Gao Gong Qi and Zhenren Qi. , no one dares to insult him, this is something that businessmen and others cannot compare to.

Hanyu came to Tang Yongde and bowed respectfully: "I have met Master Tang."

Generally speaking, job titles such as deputy hall master, principal, and deacon are only used within the Taoist sect. They can also be used by people in the court or those related to the Taoist sect. Outsiders refer to people in the Taoist sect as "Taoist" and "Master." , "High Gong" and other titles. If it goes beyond the limit, it is equivalent to flattering the horse's hooves, which will make the Taoist people unhappy.

Tang Yongde responded calmly and said: "This is Master Zhang, who is here to investigate the case. When Master Zhang asks, you must answer truthfully."

Hanyu lowered her head and said softly, "Yes."

Zhang Yuelu said: "You were the first one to discover Mason's body?"

"Yes." Han Yu said softly: "At that time... the Nu family was sitting on the body of Shopkeeper Mei."

Zhang Yuelu's face was a little stiff, and she was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, she was wearing the hood of her cloak, so no one else could see her.

She was silent for a moment and then added: "The specific situation at that time."

Hanyu glanced at Tang Yongde and hesitated. After all, it involved sexual intercourse between men and women, and Master Zhang was a woman and very young.

Tang Yongde said with a straight face: "You can answer whatever Master Zhang asks."

"Yes." Han Yu responded again, but her words were still relatively vague and concise, "I was in a state of emotion at that time, and suddenly I heard Shopkeeper Mei snort, which seemed to be in great pain. I hurriedly stopped my movements and opened my eyes. , I saw Shopkeeper Mei covering her chest..."

Qi Xuansu suddenly interrupted: "Miss Hanyu, are you sure you saw it correctly? Shopkeeper Mei is holding her chest in great pain?"

Hanyu nodded and said, "I got it right."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Zhang Yuelu, and Zhang Yuelu understood.

There are obvious traces of Nightmare Town on Merlin's body. The characteristics of those who died in Nightmare Town are that they have no energy, and then become confused and lost. At first glance, they look like they are sleepy, and eventually become an empty shell. However, what Hanyu described is that It is a symptom of sudden death.

As a result, Hanyu seemed extremely suspicious. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the murderer did all the tricks, and even Hanyu was deceived, so it is not directly certain that Hanyu is related to the murderer.

Hanyu continued: "After I got off Shopkeeper Mei, Shopkeeper Mei started to twitch, and her eyes turned white. It was so scary. I quickly put on my clothes and called for people. First, people from the hospital and several other shopkeepers came over, and then It was someone from Yong'an Palace, and he was brought here."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and said: "I would like to ask a few of you to stay here for a while. Chief Tang, you and I will stay here to continue questioning, and send someone to lead Deacon Qi to the main hall."

The second half of the words was addressed to Tang Yongde.

Tang Yongde nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yuelu said to Qi Xuansu: "Go to the main hall and ask those businessmen."

Qi Xuansu responded and left the place with a spiritual officer.

When they came to the main hall, several businessmen were still waiting here. Official Ling introduced: "This is Deacon Qi."

Qi Xuansu took off the hood on his head, clasped his fists and said, "I'd like to ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer them truthfully."

A mature and serious businessman said: "We are either from the same hometown or friends with Shopkeeper Mei. He died in a foreign country without any explanation. We always have to find an explanation and go back to his family. If Deacon Qi can solve the case, we will be grateful." If Deacon Qi has any questions, we will naturally answer them."

Qi Xuansu secretly thought that these businessmen who were able to do business with Shibotang were not ordinary merchants and hawkers. They probably had some background and had some confidence in their words.

Qi Xuansu motioned for several people to sit down, but he did not sit down. He slowly walked back and forth and asked, "Did Shopkeeper Mei have any enemies during his lifetime?"

An elderly businessman said: "We businessmen are all about making money by being harmonious and will not make enemies for no reason. I have never heard that Shopkeeper Mei has any enemies."

"Isn't that right?" Qi Xuansu said, "Don't you say that fellow travelers are enemies?"

Strictly speaking, the businessmen present here are all colleagues of Shopkeeper Mei, and they are all listed as suspects by Qi Xuansu, so their expressions are not good-looking.

The mature businessman who spoke earlier said: "Deacon Qi doesn't work in Shibotang and doesn't know the rules here. Anyone who can do Shibotang's business cannot be robbed. Shibotang conducts public bidding every year. , whether we can succeed in bidding depends entirely on our own strength, and has nothing to do with others. Therefore, although we are all businessmen, the specific business we do is not the same, and we all work for Shibotang, so we are not enemies. ”

Another person said: "Not only are we not enemies, we have become friends."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's it."

They work as errands for Shibotang, so they are half Taoist sect members, and they can also claim their positions.

Then Qi Xuansu asked again: "I don't know what you mean by bidding?"

The same businessman explained: "I am in the tea business. Take tea as an example. When shipped to the West, the price can increase dozens of times. But only Shibotang can negotiate large-scale business with Westerners and sell tea to Westerners." Even if something went wrong and one or two ships were sunk, Shibotang could afford it if it was transported to the West without incident. If it were other small merchants, it would be bankrupt, so no one wanted to go to sea by themselves. As a supplier of Shibotang, the profit is not only dozens of times, but also several times. After a few years, you can save a lot of money. This kind of good thing naturally attracted countless people to rush for it, so Shibo. The company will put the supplier's position out for bidding, and whoever has better goods and a more suitable price will be chosen as the supplier."

"This is just tea, there are also porcelain, silk, etc. Moreover, Shibotang's fleet transports our goods to the West, and when it comes back, it will also bring back goods from the West. This is in short supply, and many big cities and mansions are prosperous. Shibotang has its own branch, which sells directly, but there are always times when it is out of reach, and we are needed. It means Shibotang eats meat, and we drink soup along with it. Who can sell Western goods? , Shibotang will also put it out for bidding, and after winning the bid, it will have the right to sell it exclusively. "

"No matter what kind of situation, anyone who wins the bid is considered to be working for Shibotang. He is not considered a member of the Taoist sect, but he is still looked down upon by others and dare not be insulted. If we encounter difficulties, please seek help from Shibotang. Shibotang will most likely come forward, and killing people is a small matter, but ruining Shibotang's business is a big deal. I have never heard of anyone who dares to be so bold and not take Taoism into consideration. So when we add it up, it seems that there are only those who are lawless. A cult monster can kill people so randomly."

Qi Xuansu pondered: "Is it because of this reason that the murderer was determined to be a demon from a cult? It does make some sense."

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