Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 135 Governor of Shuzhou

Zhang Yuelu wanted to seal off the courtyard to thoroughly investigate the demon. Tang Yongde did not dare not agree, but some people dared not agree.

Tang Yongde was the head of Yong'an Palace, and Baidi City was on the boundary of Shuzhou, so he naturally had the Zimu Talisman to contact the Shuzhou Taoist Office. After Zhang Yuelu contacted the Shuzhou Taoist Office through Tang Yongde's Zimu Talisman, the Shuzhou Taoist Office's Before anyone came, the backer behind this hotel came first.

A tall woman disguised as a man came here surrounded by people. She was dressed in splendid clothes and had an impressive air of heroism and wealth.

Of course, she is not the madam of the brothel. A mere bustard would not dare to challenge Zhang Yuelu without opening her eyes. To be precise, this woman is the daughter of the backer behind the brothel here.

There is no doubt that the hotel is a huge profit business, and the clients of the hotel are a mixed bag. If there is no backing, this kind of business will definitely not be possible. And the backer of the palace here is no one else, it is the Governor of Shuzhou.

The Daxuan court established nine governors, namely: Governor of Gyeonggi, Governor of Jiangnan, Governor of Liaodong, Governor of Xiliang, Governor of Youyan, Governor of Qinzhong, Governor of Lingnan, Governor of Yunmeng, and Governor of Shuzhou.

Among them, the Governor of Gyeonggi, also known as the Governor of Zhili, is in charge of all the prefectures of Zhili, Qizhou, and the Donghai Navy. He is the head of the nine governors. The Governor of Jiangnan was in charge of Jiangzhou, Chuzhou and the Nanhai Navy. The Governor of Liaodong was in charge of Liaozhou, Fengzhou and Beihai Navy. These three governors respectively control the three major navies of the empire and are responsible for maritime trade matters. They are regarded as the top three governors.

Followed by the governor of Xiliang, the governor of Youyan, and the governor of Qinzhong.

The Governor of Xiliang is in charge of Xizhou and Liangzhou, the largest areas, and controls the Xizhou Protectorate. Governor Youyan is in charge of Youzhou and Yanzhou; Governor Qinzhong is in charge of Qinzhou and Zhongzhou; these three governors are just in line to defend the Golden Horde in the north. Although they have no navy, they have one-third of the entire empire. He is an elite field warrior, responsible for border trade and trade routes in the Western Regions, and is regarded as the third governor of the Central Military Commission.

Finally, there are the Governors of Lingnan, Yunmeng, and Shuzhou, who are regarded as the lower three governors.

The Governor of Lingnan is in charge of Duanzhou and Wuzhou; the Governor of Yunmeng is in charge of Huzhou and Xiaozhou on both sides of Yunmengze. Since there are few wars in these two places, the military power in the hands of the two governors is not heavy.

As for the Governor of Shuzhou, he is located at the end of the nine major governors. Most of the other governors are in charge of two states, but only the Governor of Shuzhou is in charge of one state. One reason is that Shuzhou is vast in area. Although it is slightly smaller than Xizhou, it is far larger than other states. In terms of population, Shuzhou is far better than Xizhou. The second is that before the world was in chaos, Shu was in chaos. The world was already settled but not Shu. This place was connected to the southern border, and the chieftains often rebelled, so the imperial court specially set up a governor here.

Although the nine governors are divided into three, six, and nine ranks, there is no difference in rank. It is just a matter of ranking order. To ordinary people, these nine are all real feudal officials. The official has achieved the ultimate level, and the next step up is to be a minister and to enter the cabinet to worship the prime minister. One can imagine the great power in his hands.

The current Governor of Shuzhou is a military general. In his early years, he accompanied His Majesty the Emperor on an expedition to Xizhou to suppress the rebellion as the Deputy Chief Military Officer. After the war, he was promoted to the chief military officer of Yuguan based on meritorious service. Later, he served successively as minister of Taipusi Temple and right minister of the Ministry of War. In the 32nd year of Jiushi, he was sent to the military affairs of Shuzhou as the commander-in-chief of military affairs. Due to the suppression of southern Xinjiang, The rebellion was meritorious. After taking office as governor of Shuzhou, he was promoted to governor of Shuzhou in the 39th year of Jiushi.

Such a warrior is inevitably arrogant and domineering. His children are influenced by him and do not know how to restrain themselves. They act very domineeringly and openly open yongyuan, banks, pawn shops, etc. Naturally, they give others authority. However, the governor is now in a holy family. Jane is in the emperor's heart and no one can touch him. These are just trivial details and nothing.

There are three young masters and a young lady in the Governor's Mansion. The eldest young master has long been an official, and he has followed the path of a military attache like his father. Now he has become a guerrilla. Without the emperor's favor, except for the imperial capital, father, son and brothers are not allowed to serve as officials in the same place. , so he is not with his father.

The second young master also took the path of a military attache, but he did not come from the military like the first young master. Instead, he took a different path, taking the route of General Tianwu. He was directly under the command of the Qingluan Guard and was responsible for the palace guards and the emperor's guard of honor. He also had internal and external duties. The inner class is mainly filled by the children of meritorious officials. This seems to be a hard job, but under the premise that the eunuch is deposed, he can become familiar with His Majesty the Emperor. It is somewhat like the emperor's close ministers. It will not be too low to be promoted to an official in the future. This is the cost of the Governor. It took a lot of effort to accomplish it, so the second young master is not in Shuzhou, but far away in the Imperial Capital.

Today, the Governor is surrounded by his youngest son and daughter. The third son has not been able to do anything in literature or martial arts since he was a child. He is a standard dandy. His only advantage is that he is good at business. With the help of his father's name, he has done a lot of things over the years. There was little business, from the gold trade, to the trade routes in the Western Regions, to the Western maritime trade, there was no one that he did not have a hand in. He actually made a lot of money, and coupled with the doting of his grandmother and mother, the governor could not resist his mother and wife. , just let it go.

The governor's favorite is his youngest daughter, which has also developed her arrogant and willful temperament and the temperament of a young lady.

As soon as the fourth lady of the Governor's Mansion entered the door, her eyes fell on Zhang Yuelu and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Zhang Yuelu hated young ladies like this the most, and raised his eyebrows: "Who are you?"

Tang Yongde hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "Let me introduce, this is Wang Ruyi, the fourth lady of the Governor's Mansion, and this is Deputy Zhang Yuelu of Tiangang Hall."

"Such a young deputy hall master, whose surname is Zhang, is probably from the Zhengda Da Zhenren Mansion. He is either the granddaughter of the Celestial Master, or the great-granddaughter of the Celestial Master." Wang Ruyi obviously understood the Taoist sect's charter, but was not afraid at all, "No Coincidentally, we in Shuzhou do not believe in Zhengyi Dao, but in Quanzhen Dao. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Master is, he cannot control the Earth Master's territory."

This young lady from the Wang family is domineering, but she is not arrogant. She is quite strategic. Even if word spreads about it, people in the Taoist sect will not say much. Because this is indeed the case. Nowadays, there are undercurrents surging between the three major factions, and the three patriarchs are also at odds with each other. It is difficult to explain in one sentence.

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "I am a Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall, directly subordinate to the Grand Master. What does it have to do with Zhengyi Tao and Quanzhen Tao? Mr. Tang, when you do business in Shibo Hall, do you only do Quanzhen Tao business?" Aren’t you going to do the Zhengyi business?”

Tang Yongde couldn't bear such a big crime, so he quickly said: "Of course there is no such statement."

Zhang Yuelu's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "It's better if there is no such statement. Back then, Xuansheng integrated the Taoist sects and established three major systems. He clearly stated that each of the three major systems had their own responsibilities. One of them was responsible for the affairs of ghosts and gods, and the Quanzhen Tao was responsible for the affairs of creation. "Taiping Dao is in charge of human affairs. When did Xuan Sheng say that Zhengyi Dao is in charge of Wuzhou and Quanzhen Dao is in charge of Shuzhou? If the regions are divided by Taoism, what do the local Taoist authorities do?"

For a moment, all the people in the Taoist sect did not dare to make a sound, and all of them looked solemn.

Within the Taoist sect, Xuansheng's words are iron rules, similar to the ancestral precepts of the imperial court. No matter whether it is a heavenly master, an earthly master, a national master, or even the great masters of later generations, they cannot refute it.

Wang Ruyi's face turned slightly pale, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhang Yuelu stared at Wang Ruyi: "Miss Wang, you are not a member of the Taoist sect. You don't know Xuansheng's words and are talking nonsense. I won't argue with you. But if you still dare to speak nonsense here and sow discord between Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism, I can't tolerate you."

"Who are you going to tolerate?"

A deep voice suddenly sounded, neither sharp nor harsh, and the tone was very understated, as if it was just a greeting between friends. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at the uninvited guest who said this. They saw that the visitor was wearing the uniform of a military attaché of the Daxuan court. His rank could not be seen. He was standing in a dimly lit place with his hands behind his back.

No one knows when this person came here.

Zhang Yuelu's pupils shrank, and the person who came was actually a heavenly being.

This man stepped slowly, walked out of the shadows, and came to Wang Ruyi's side. He was wearing a big horse and a golden sword, and he was as powerful as a mountain.

When Wang Ruyi saw this person, he seemed to see someone to rely on. He no longer had the arrogance of just now, but more like a lady who knows etiquette: "Uncle Zhao."

This man smiled slightly at Wang Ruyi, then looked at Zhang Yuelu: "I, Zhao Fu'an, the commander-in-chief of Shuzhong, would like to ask Deputy Hall Master Zhang, who are you not going to tolerate?"

Qi Xuansu only felt that General Zhao's momentum was overwhelming, like a dark cloud over the city.

Zhang Yuelu is not afraid of this person. There are not many other things in Yujing City, but there are many heavenly people, not to mention other halls. As far as Tiangang Hall is concerned, except for her, the newly promoted deputy hall master, the other eight deputy hall masters , all are heavenly beings, and Master Zhangtang is a heavenly being in the stage of creation, only one step away from the pseudo-immortal.

Zhang Yuelu said: "You don't have to scare me. Don't say it's her. Even you, if you dare to talk nonsense, make wild remarks, and sow discord between Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Tao, I won't tolerate you."

"I don't know how you can tolerate me?" Zhao Fuan pointed at his nose as if he heard a joke, "Are you threatening me, or are you threatening the court?"

Zhang Yuelu looked directly at Zhao Fuan: "You don't have to play the trick of changing the concept. Not to mention that I was just a warning and not a threat. You alone cannot represent the imperial court."

Zhao Fu'an narrowed his eyes: "I can't represent the court, how can you represent the Taoist sect? Although I don't have the power to deal with people from the Taoist sect, but because you threaten the court officials, I can take you down now and let the Taoist sect Come and get people.”

Zhang Yuelu responded tit-for-tat: "General Zhao, you are still threatening to take me down. I really don't know who is threatening whom. It doesn't matter, General Zhao can take action and take me down. Wait until the real person in charge and the When the master arrived, we slowly confronted each other. If I was really wrong, I would be willing to be punished. If Zhao Zongbing was wrong, I would have to report the matter to Ziji Zhenren to see if Zhao Zongbing could still keep his life. official position."

Tang Yongde's face turned pale.

Zhao Fuan's face was gloomy and he slowly clenched his fists.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly said: "General Zhao, what happened today involves evil spirits. If the pursuit of the evil spirits is delayed because of General Zhao, then someone will inevitably ask whether General Zhao has something to do with these evil spirits." What's the implication? Otherwise, why would we try to obstruct him in every possible way? We can't ask General Zhao for advice today, but someone will come to ask General Zhao for advice later."

Zhao Fuan suddenly looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu did not show the slightest fear and said in a deep voice: "If we really want to let go of the evil cult monster, the Taoist sect will investigate. Today General Zhao can capture us and let the Taoist sect take over. I'm afraid that General Zhao will be captured by the Taoist sect tomorrow." I'll ask the imperial court to pick them up. I hope General Zhao will think twice."

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