Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 141: All Truth and Peace

Zhang Yuelu asked: "How do you feel now?"

Qi Xuansu replied: "I feel that all the accumulated medicinal power has been refined. If the Yuxu stage is divided into ten equal parts, it will increase the cultivation level by about 20% out of thin air, saving me a year of hard work. Are you really not going to drink a gourd?"

"No." Zhang Yuelu shook his head and refused, "Your 20% and my 20% are not the same thing. When you were a child, it was enough to eat half a bowl of rice. Do you still only eat half a bowl now?"

Qi Xuansu smacked his lips and thought it made sense.

The passenger ship slowly docked, and Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, the female deacons, left the ship and landed.

Although Jianglingfu is the capital of Huzhou, the Huzhou Daofu is not in Jianglingfu. It is located on Taihe Mountain in Taihe County, Xunyang Prefecture. According to legend, this place is the place where ancient Xuanwu attained enlightenment and ascended to the throne. statement.

This place is both a Taoist holy land and a blessed land of caves and heavens. There are seventy-two peaks, thirty-six rocks, twenty-four streams, eleven pools, ten pools, twelve caves, eleven springs, ten platforms and three waterfalls. The main peak is Tian Zhufeng is like a gold and jade pillar that dominates the sky. It is known as "one pillar holding up the sky". Tianzhu Peak is surrounded by seventy-two peaks. The peaks bend down and head towards the main peak, forming a "seventy-two peaks facing the top". , the spectacular sight of "Twenty-Four Streams of Water".

During the previous Wei Dynasty, Taihe Mountain was named "Dayue" and "Xuanyue to govern the world", and was known as "the four famous mountains all bowed to each other, and the five immortal mountains shared the ancestral ancestry".

Judging from the map, Huzhou Taoist Prefecture is very far away from Jiangling Prefecture, closer to Shuzhou, Qinzhou, or closer to Difei Mountain, known as the center of Quanzhen Taoism.

If Yujing is the center of the entire Taoist sect, then Yunjin Mountain, Difei Mountain, and Penglai Island are the cardinal cores of Zhengyidao, Quanzhen Tao, and Taiping Tao respectively. Qi Xuansu has never been to Difei Mountain and Penglai Island, but he is going to Yunjin Mountain soon. Although Zhang Yuelu's home is not in Dazhen Mansion, it is halfway up the Yunjin Mountain.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu was inexplicably nervous. Yunjinshan's famous name is only part of the reason, but the main reason is that he is about to meet Mrs. Tantai, who has a very strong style of behavior.

Zhang Yuelu began to count the days. Although she said it would be best to return home on New Year's Eve, she did not dare to go so far. If she really wanted to do this, Mrs. Tantai would have to fly directly to Yujing to find her next year. After all, she couldn't be away from Yujing all the time. She would always have some time to rest in Yujing.

So Zhang Yuelu calculated that he would go home in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and then leave by flying boat on the sixth day of the first lunar month. Half a month, whether it was long or short, should be able to fool him.

It is mid-November now, and there is still one month left before the mid-twelfth lunar month. From Huzhou to Wuzhou, from Jiangling Prefecture to Shangqing Prefecture, one month is very rich, and you can walk slowly.

However, Zhang Yuelu had no intention of going to Jiangling City, but decided to go directly to Wuzhou.

Probably the incident in Baidi City made her think more, and she didn't want to cause trouble for nothing.

Compared to the great reputation of Qingluan Guard, the pro-army captain's mansion is not very eye-catching. But this is reasonable. After all, we are at the feet of the emperor. Not to mention the major yamen and the cabinet that is pressing on it. Qingluan Guard is only a third-grade yamen after all. No matter how powerful he is, he dare not show it openly. Give people a handle.

However, because Qingluan Guard is the emperor's personal army, it has a special status. It is not scattered in the inner city lanes like other pro-army yamen, but is close to the main gate of the imperial city, Chengtian Gate, on the west side of Qianbu Corridor, adjacent The deposed Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is across the street from the Liubu Yamen on the east side. It can be said that it is in a central location, second only to the cabinet located in the imperial city.

There are armored Qingluan guards guarding the entrance to the pro-military Duwei Mansion. Anyone who comes near will be detained and interrogated, let alone entering. Even a court official is not allowed to enter without permission. .

The Qinjun Duwei's Mansion is divided into Nanya and Beifu, which correspond to the famous Nanzhen Fusi and Beizhen Fusi respectively.

In a dark signing room in Nanya, there was nothing but a kang, a table and a cabinet. A woman wearing a third-grade embroidered leopard military attaché robe was sitting cross-legged on the kang, her face dimmed. Shrouded in light and shadow, it is difficult to see clearly.

A fifth-grade Qingluan guard stood in front of the Kang, holding a secret letter with intact lacquer in his hands.

The woman was none other than Yun Luo, the commander in charge of Nanzhen Fusi, and the only woman among the three Qingluan Guards Hall officials. And the fifth-grade Qingluan Guard Qianhu is Qianhu Zhao Guangji, the palm seal of Luzhou Qianhu Office.

Yun Luo took the secret letter and did not open it in a hurry. He raised his index finger and tapped it lightly on the Kang table. He raised his head and asked, "What else did Jiang Bie Yun say?"

As she raised her head, her whole face emerged from the darkness. It turned out to be a very beautiful face, but there was a coldness in her expression, like a piece of ice in the cold winter, coupled with the unconcealed coldness on her body The murderous aura makes people stay away and then frighten them.

Zhao Guangji has the air of a military general on the battlefield, with a burly figure, but he does not give off the slightest sense of roughness. Instead, he adds a bit of majesty, and the expression on his face is calm and cold, without any violence. After all, someone who can climb up to the position of Qianhu in the Qingluan Guard will definitely not be a fool with a head full of killings.

He replied in a deep voice: "Replying to Master Tongzhi, Master Jiang just said that I would like to ask Master Tongzhi to give it to you personally."

Only then did Yun Luo open the secret letter in his hand. There were two pages of letter paper, filled with dense regular script.

After carefully reading the contents of the letter with an expressionless face, she still showed no emotion or anger, and was even undecided about what was written in the letter.

Yun Luo put the letter in his hand on the kang table and asked, "Have you read it?"

Zhao Guangji shook his head and said: "Since I asked you to open it in person, my subordinates naturally dare not open it without authorization, so I have never seen it."

Yun Luo picked up the secret letter sent by Jiang Bieyun: "Regarding Li Hongwen's case, it was decided by you and Jiang Bieyun, and you sent people to do it. You can read it yourself." He handed the letter over. past.

Zhao Guangji took the letter and immediately lowered his head to read it.

Yun Luo said calmly: "You were afraid of attracting attention, so you didn't take action personally. But in the end, the news leaked out before you took action. Both Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyiyi had a hand in it, and others took the cake."

After reading the secret letter, Zhao Guangji raised his head and said, "This matter concerns Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyiyi. It should have nothing to do with our Qingluan Guards. It is their Taiping Tao that has a problem, but Jiang Bieyun avoids talking about this."

"It's not surprising." Yun Luo's tone remained calm, "If you mess up an errand, before taking the initiative to plead guilty, you always have to shirk responsibility and avoid the important. Otherwise, will Master Qingwei spare him?"

Zhao Guangji put the letter back on the kang table in front of Yun Luo. He was silent for a moment and then asked, "What do you mean, Master Tongzhi, by asking me to come over?"

Yun Luo stared at him closely: "Li Hongwen is dead. A small county magistrate is nothing. Even if this case is closed, it is not a big deal. The key is whether this matter is really related to Donghua." Is it related to the real person? If it is related to the real person Donghua, then we can give an explanation to the real person Qingwei. After all, the real person Donghua intervened, what can we do, let these two people who are also among the best in the golden palace go to the ring? Just answer one question: Who is the person who killed Zhuge Yongming? Why are they both Quanzhen Taoists killing each other? If it has nothing to do with Master Donghua, then who is the person who took the 'Xuan Jade'?"

Zhao Guangji was silent again, and after a long time he said: "I have been to Fengtai County in person, and the person who took action was very sophisticated, leaving no trace or a living person. As for Zhuge Yongming's death, he died The person from 'Xuan Yin Tu' and 'Inn' died from 'Tangled Heart Silk', so it should be the same person who took action twice."

Yun Luo picked up two thin pages of paper, brought them to the oil lamp and lit them. When the ignited fire was about to burn his fingers, he threw the ashes of the letter onto the brick floor.

Yun Luo looked at Zhao Guangji and said slowly: "Master Qingwei is entering the capital on behalf of Taiping Dao this time, so he has set up a guard of honor and walks very slowly. But even so, he will arrive at the Imperial Capital soon. According to usual practice, he will Staying at Taipingguan, you should know how close Taipingguan is to the Qingjun Duwei Mansion where we are now. Master Qingwei will probably drop by our place after the interview. How should we respond then? You have to think about it.”

Zhao Guangji said in a deep voice: "I understand my humble position, please rest assured, Lord Tongzhi."

Yun Luo waved his hand, indicating that Zhao Guangji could retreat.

After Zhao Guangji left the pledge room, Yun Luo stood up from the kang and scattered the remaining ashes on the ground with his foot, his face uncertain.

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