Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 206 Cheng Lixue

During the meal, Qi Xuansu naturally sat at the head table. If he didn't sit here, others wouldn't dare to sit here, so Qi Xuansu didn't give in. Cheng Lixue and Mo Qingyi sat next to Qi Xuansu.

In fact, Cheng Lixue has been working hard during this period. Although he doesn't have much interaction with Qi Xuansu, his relationship with Chen Jianchou is pretty good, because Chen Jianchou also depends on the direction of the trend. Since Qi Xuansu does not dislike Cheng Lixue and recognizes him as a classmate, then Naturally, Chen Jianchou would not turn Cheng Lixue away.

When Qi Xuansu came out this time, he still did not bring Chen Jianchou with him, and asked Chen Jianchou to continue to serve as his "backyard" in Yujing, or as the director of the hostel in Beijing, so Cheng Lixue consciously took on the role of secretary.

At the banquet, everyone toasted to Qi Xuansu. I did it all, you can do whatever you want. In addition to Qi Xuansu's high status, it is also Qi Xuansu's ability to drink. He can still stand firm without relying on his cultivation to drink a cup of "drunken life and dream of death" in one go. This is not something ordinary people can do.

But even so, Cheng Lixue still played a role in blocking the wine. Whether Qi Xuansu needed to block the wine was one thing, and whether he had the posture to block the wine was another matter.

Compared with Cheng Lixue's meeting, Mo Qingdi was very dull. He even felt a little worried when facing others' "love the house and the black" toast. The white wine was replaced by yellow wine, and the yellow wine was replaced by red wine. How could he care about Qi Xuansu? Instead, Qi Xuansu asked Qi Xuansu to help him out by saying a few words.

After the wine was half drunk, Qi Xuansu and Cheng Lixue were still sober. Mo Qingdi was about to slip under the table. Qi Xuansu was not angry and directly asked Shi Yu to send him back to rest.

Because of the strong alcohol, many people became less restrained and gradually opened up their chat boxes, revealing the bitterness of these years.

Too little money and too many things to do.

My boss is a jerk and my husband is an alcoholic.

A true husband will inevitably have an unvirtuous wife and an unfilial son.

After vomiting his bitterness, he looked at Qi Xuansu with some hope.

Qi Xuansu just listened without saying anything.

There is no way to save people who are in trouble and save them all. ..

Besides, it’s better to help the urgent than to save the poor. If any classmate encounters a life-or-death crisis, then he really doesn't mind lending a hand to help. As for the rest, forget it.

Of course, Qi Xuansu still felt a little regretful.

At this time, no one can jump out and laugh at him. According to Mo Qingdi's storybook, his classmates probably didn't know his current situation, looked down on him, ridiculed him, and lectured him condescendingly. Then he revealed his identity, and the classmates were shocked, with strange expressions on their faces, and fear. The female classmates who missed him back then all had mixed emotions and regretted not having done anything.

He was finally satisfied, elated, and relieved of all the obstacles in his heart.

There is definitely no such chance now, and these classmates of his, who are obsessed with Maobi Monkey Spirit, will not give this chance.

Cheng Lixue knew how to read Qi Xuansu's face. Knowing that Qi Xuansu didn't want to deal with these things, he took the initiative to deal with it for Qi Xuansu.

It's no big deal if he acts like a bad guy in front of his classmates. These classmates can't do anything to him, and they might even ask him. The key is that he must be a good person in front of Qi Xuansu.

There is no need for more. One day Chen Jianqiu is released and he can replace Chen Jianchou as Qi Xuansu's secretary, that will be enough.

Not to mention, Qi Xuansu has indeed considered the issue of Chen Jianchou's release. It's not that Chen Jianchou has any shortcomings, but that Chen Jianchou only follows him, which is too wasteful. Qi Xuansu wants to run Nanyang well, and Chen Jianchou is The key is, Zhang Yuelu will also leave. If Qi Xuansu can be compared to the great masters of the Five Dynasties and will one day take charge of the Zixiao Palace, then Chen Jianchou may be the second Wang Jiaohe.

Qi Xuansu is already considering the issue of his own fundamentals. If one day, the Taoist sect is torn apart and all the heroes come together to compete, then Qi Xuansu's capital is not the mere name of his position, but Nanyang. Qi Xuansu must defend this place no matter what. No matter how high Qi Xuansu rises in Jinque, Nanyang is his foundation.

As for Cheng Lixue, Qi Xuansu's impression is not bad. This person is capable. Although there may be some flaws in his character, there are no fish in clear water. Qi Xuansu himself is not a saint, so how can he ask his subordinates to be saints? Besides, what if he is a saint? There are still different opinions on the koan of the Neo-Confucian sage.

Take tonight for example, Cheng Lixue served Qi Xuansu very comfortably. This kind of service is not a woman's service, but trying to figure out what Qi Xuansu thinks, and even consider it in advance. As soon as Qi Xuansu raised his hand, he knew what he was going to do and was already ready.

This is called walking behind and wanting to be in front.

It’s very energy-consuming and physically demanding. If you are not tired in one day, you will be tired in a year. If you are not tired in one year, you will be tired in ten years. Most people really can't stand it.

Therefore, if factors such as sexual desire between men and women are put aside, men are the best at serving men. It’s just that most men don’t have the opportunity to be served by other men. Of course, women's advantage lies in the word lust. They don't have to be better at serving others than men. They can win favor by relying on these two words.

Qi Xuansu is also a human being with seven emotions and six desires. There is no reason for him to hate such a person.

Qi Xuansu didn't mind giving Cheng Lixue a chance. He specifically told Cheng Lixue something.

Some people have low status, which is not shameful. Most of us are not high, but some people just want to make others feel that they are someone.

How others view you has a lot to do with the people you associate with.

Therefore, some people always show off that they have an extraordinary relationship with someone. Some people with high status are always talked about by other people, making others confused and thinking that they really have such a good relationship. In fact, it might just be a casual acquaintance.

Qi Xuansu will undoubtedly be talked about by some classmates to enhance his status.

Qi Xuansu didn't want anyone to cheat outside in his name, so this was what he told Cheng Lixue. He didn't ask how Cheng Lixue would handle it, he only looked at the results.

Cheng Lixue agreed immediately.

In Daomen, secretaries have become a culture, and such matters are usually handled by secretaries. This can also be regarded as a test for Qi Xuansu. As long as Cheng Lixue handles it well, Qi Xuansu will consider it further.

Because Mo Qingdi and Shi Yu left early, Song Yu took the opportunity to sit next to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu has no feelings for this senior sister, but only feels a little sorry.

One of the faults of men is to drag a good girl into the water and persuade a promiscuous girl to be good. Of course, women also have two corresponding tricks: talking about money with poor people and talking about relationships with rich people.

Qi Xuansu is also a man. He doesn't like to drag girls from the good family into the water. However, at this time, he had some thoughts on persuading the prostitute to be good, so he asked: "Senior Sister Song, what are you doing recently?"

Song Yu hurriedly said: "I dare not call Tian Yuan Senior Sister."

As we all know, Qi Xuansu has just become a disciple of Donghua Master, and he has only one senior sister, Yao Pei. It is reasonable for Song Yu to say this.

But just now in public, Qi Xuansu also called her like this, but she agreed.

The thoughts behind this are not difficult to guess.

Then Song Yu said again: "I went back to Taoist Palace last year to teach Yinqing."

When she said this, she paused slightly. She couldn't show too much gratitude or not at all. She could only glance at Cheng Lixue with a grateful look: "Thanks to Brother Cheng for helping me."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "The Dao Palace is good. Compared with the outside, it can be regarded as a pure land."

Speaking of this, Qi Xuansu thought of his old teacher. He passed away long before Qi Xuansu became successful. At that time, Qi Xuansu was still following Qiniang around the world and had no means of contact such as scriptures. When Qi Xuansu got the news, the funeral It's been done long ago. Qi Xuansu didn't even catch up with the first seven.

Qi Xuansu asked a few more questions and unexpectedly discovered that Song Yu had a good relationship with Cheng Lixue.

how to say.

Conservatives are usually a bit mystical, and the Peripatetics have no such concerns.

To get Qi Xuansu to accept Song Yu, Qi Xuansu would not do it even without Zhang Yuelu.

The same is true for Zhang Yuelu. When Li Tianzhen pursued her, she didn't even need to have in-depth contact to understand Li Tianzhen's personality. As long as she knew that Li Tianzhen had been entangled with multiple women, she could completely deny it.

In fact, Qiniang is also a conservative. Regardless of her words, she talks about raising men and doting on men. In fact, she is similar to Master Cihang and Master Donghua. This is also the norm at the highest level of the Taoist sect. The higher the cultivation level, the more desire for men and women. The lighter it is, the more conservative it will naturally be.

It is foreseeable that Xiao Yin is also a conservative. With so many conservative elders, it is impossible to teach a Xiaoyao sect. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu would not agree.

Of course, Qi Xuansu will not interfere much with what others do.

After the banquet, everyone chatted again.

Maybe Qi Xuansu was so famous that he wanted to mess with him on the issue of men and women, but others no longer believed him. Therefore, the version has changed recently. The talk about Qi Xuansu's fame and reputation has become outdated. Now it is beginning to spread that Qi Xuansu is indeed not a womanizer, but a good man. Chen Jianchou can rise to the top just because he is like Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu was actually very miserable and had to remain a widow for the rest of his life. There were also rumors that Zhang Yuelu was a womanizer. The two of them actually lived together and covered each other up, so they never got married.

That is to say, Master Donghua has too much prestige and dare not spread rumors about Master Donghua. Otherwise, they would dare to say that Qi Xuansu came to power because of Master Donghua. The same goes for Master Cihang.

As soon as Qi Xuansu sat down, what a good guy, all men.

Shi Yu was not there, Song Yu was sitting next to Cheng Lixue, and there were several female classmates, all far away.

From Qi Xuansu's perspective, it's over, I'm surrounded by men.

Of course there is nothing wrong with this, but Qi Xuansu really doesn't like men's style. Rather than being said to be the best of Long Yang, he would rather be said to be just trying to gain fame.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but glance at Cheng Lixue and hesitated to speak.

Otherwise, let’s arrange for a few women next time.

Don't go from one extreme to another, that's not good.

Qi Xuansu finally said to Cheng Lixue: "Taoism is about the harmony of yin and yang. It is not good for yin to be strong and yang to be weak, and yang to be strong and yin to be weak is not a long-term way."

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