Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 6 Drama and News

Tantai Ying imitated Westerners and shrugged, spreading his hands, "I don't know either."

Qi Xuansu didn't expect Tantai Ying to answer. If she had known, she wouldn't have said that all she had were fragments.

But when it comes to heaven, Qi Xuansu thinks of Paititi. It is not the new Paititi that exists as the capital of Tawanting, but Paititi in the narrow sense, also known as the Lost City and Forgotten City. The city, the land of gold.

A long time ago, Qi Xuansu got a map about Paititi from Wang Jiaohe. It is said that it contains the secret of Kukulkan, which can make the pseudo-immortal ascend to immortality.

Because Qi Xuansu had the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", he was not so eager to pursue immortality. In addition, he was really busy with his affairs and had no time to spare, so he never started looking for this legendary city. .??.

Later, Qi Xuansu obtained a special "key" from "Baron" Ramon in St. York, which was also said to be related to Paititi, and also related to Kukulkan and Ixichel.

Now it seems that it should be related to Itsumna and Ixichel. However, arrogance is natural. Outsiders have no intention of understanding the origins of these ancient gods, so they mistakenly identify Kukulkan and Itsumna. Confused.

It is not even ruled out that Wang Jiaohe also confused the two.

After all, when Qi Xuansu first arrived in the New World, he didn't realize that there was another Sun God before Kukulkan. It was only after he met Ixichel that he gradually realized this problem.

For Qi Xuansu, there is one more clue and many more questions. It is a mess.

Then Tantai Ying led Qi Xuansu to the place where the files are stored. The files of the "Shadow Case" were piled up here. Tantai Ying's management was more meticulous. She had divided them into categories and even compiled a catalog. This was something she could quickly summarize. The reason why a summary was given to Qi Xuansu.

If Qi Xuansu wanted to know more details, he would look for them in these files.

Take the missing condor guard case as an example. The personal files of each missing condor guard can be detailed. In addition to name, age, and experience, it also includes a family background investigation. It can be said to be very detailed.

There is also the case of Kamakai Island. Although it is impossible for the Juesheng Church to have information about everyone, some important figures on the island, including the situation of the missing merchant ship, are also recorded in detail.

Qi Xuansu flipped through it without reading it bit by bit. After all, he was the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall, so there was no reason for him to sit here and slowly read through the files. Since Huangfuji has already agreed to open the door to convenience and cannot say that there is a shortage of manpower, it is natural for Jueshengtang to organize a group of manpower to further organize and refine the various information in the dossier.

, and then provide Qi Xuansu with the corresponding information in a targeted manner based on Qi Xuansu’s ideas and requirements.

However, Qi Xuansu didn't stop reading it completely. He still relied on Sanren's reborn memory to browse the details of many cases at a speed of almost one glance. Naturally, it was much more detailed than Tantai Ying's summary.

This also allowed Qi Xuansu to discover some details that he had not noticed before. For example, the appearance of the shadow was not without warning. In fact, it can be described as the wind rises at the end of Qingping, but many times, the attention of those in power is not here, or They were simply insensitive and didn't realize that the shadow was coming, so when the shadow accumulated to a certain critical point and finally exploded, they felt it was sudden.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also read the blood book of the Divine Eagle Guard. Unlike the photocopy, the actual blood book gave Qi Xuansu a completely different feeling. It was like a talisman.

Words have power, so various rune scrolls have been developed in the West, and talismans have been developed in the East, all of which work through the power of words.

This blood letter also gave Qi Xuansu a similar feeling.

However, the power in the blood book is like a candle in the wind, mixed with divine power, and is almost undetectable. If Qi Xuansu did not have his own divine domain, he would not be able to sense it.

As we all know, Xidaomen mainly has two major traditions: Qi Lianshi and Wufu, and there are almost no witches and blessings. It is reasonable that the people from Juesheng Church failed to discover it.

In the blink of an eye, at night, Gong Fu, the second-largest figure in Xidaomen, sent an invitation to Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu had to temporarily interrupt his investigation and go to the banquet.

This dinner was hosted by Gong Fu himself. Although Tantai Zhenxiao, Huangfu Zhao and others did not show up, it was still of a very high standard.

The reason is not complicated. It is just to thank Qi Xuansu and the powerful Taoist faction behind Qi Xuansu for speaking out for Xidaomen in the Jinque discussion.

This move also somewhat means tying Qi Xuansu to the chariot. However, in today's environment where the left or right centrists are the first to be unlucky, Qi Xuansu is not opposed to doing this. If he does not take sides completely, he just does not take sides. The consequences of not taking sides are often not good.

At the dinner, Gong Fu praised Qi Xuansu as a young hero. It is true that Qi Xuansu is not a teenager at his age, let alone that any man will remain a teenager until his death. But in the eyes of an old man like Gong Fu, teenagers, twenties, and thirties are not too young. The big difference is that they are both teenagers.

Then Gong Fu also used half-truths and half- lies

In a drunken mood, he made some drunken remarks. It was a pity that such an outstanding young man had a master so early. If he had no master, it would be just right for Tantai Dazhen's eldest granddaughter to be unmarried.

As a result, before Qi Xuansu said anything, Tantai Ying had already stood up and left the table - her temper got so bad that she didn't even give Gong Da Zhenren the face.

Gong Fu had become accustomed to it and didn't care. He didn't even bother to say "unbridled", "nonsense" or "stop". Let her be.

This is truly a spoiled woman. Apart from anything else, in the upper level of Xidaomen, the atmosphere of fireworks and human touch is indeed a little stronger than that of the upper level of Daomen.

This is not surprising. With huge external pressure and alien races around, as long as you still want to survive, many internal conflicts will be suppressed, many issues will be put aside, and you will naturally become more united. Once there is unity, there is not so much infighting, and the human touch comes out.

On the other hand, the Taoist sect was too far away from the Holy Court. Even if the two families were willing to be hostile, even though they were of equal size and no one had a clear advantage, the distance of half a world also made the two families powerless and neither one was willing to take the initiative, thus forming a situation. This creates an environment where external pressure is low but internal strife is high. In this environment, although everyone is related to each other, it is only for the sake of face.

After the dinner, Gong Fu invited Qi Xuansu to watch a play. It was a new play that combined the characteristics of various local operas in the Central Plains.

The theater was very large, a bit like an enlarged theater. Qi Xuansu and Gong Fu were invited to the front row seats. They were the only two people in the entire first row. Originally, there was a seat for Tantai Ying, but she left early. .??.

Everyone else is behind the two, showing a strict hierarchy. This kind of situation usually does not happen in Daomen that shouts equality on the surface. Xidaomen tore off this fig leaf directly.

Just when Qi Xuansu was thinking about this, the show started. The costumes of the actors made Qi Xuansu temporarily put down all kinds of thoughts in his mind. At the same time, he felt a sense of absurdity. He saw all the Central Plains faces wearing wigs and Western clothes. The story of a man's clothes turning out to be a Westerner is indeed unconventional enough.

This couldn't help but remind Qi Xuansu of the new play "Three Halls Trial of Jia Li Lei" that he and Zhang Yuelu watched at Yujing Taishangfang.

Immediately afterwards, the actors started talking, and the expression on Qi Xuansu's face showed an uncontrollable and wonderful variety of changes.

"Saints are not created by humans. The innate Holy Spirit comes to earth..."

"I felt like a knife was twisting in my belly, it turned out that the baby was about to come to the world..."


"Hearing this, the three great sages were alarmed and set out to present the gifts. They brought a dozen fresh fruits and ten kilograms of fine white flour..."

"Mr. Joseph, sit down and listen to what I have to say..."

"She got pregnant before she got married. I know you have thoughts in your mind. Who is the father of the child? You can't sleep every day and night..."

"This child was created by the Holy Spirit and came to the world through his mother's womb. He will pay for the sins of the world and is the Emmanuel Messiah..."

"The grace of the Supreme Will is mighty, and the reputation of the Virgin Mary spreads..."

How should I put it, although it was not made up randomly, it was all based on the legends of the Holy Court, but for some reason, after Qi Xuansu listened to this play, he felt that the word "holy" in the Holy Court had been almost eliminated.

After the show, Qi Xuansu received a letter from Gong Jiaojun.

What is Ziweitang’s biggest advantage? Is it a fast promotion? is more informed. Sometimes, Ziweitang will know which real person is about to retire or which position is vacant. This time difference is very precious. If you know first, act first, and take the first step, the probability of success will be much greater.

Gong Jiaojun conveyed a message to Qi Xuansu that the matter of resetting the master of the Wanxiang Dao Palace was probably settled.

The biggest advantage of Wanxiang Taoist Palace is that it is self-contained and can dominate in its own small circle.

There are so many Taoist palaces, why can the Wanxiang Taoist Palace be compared with the Zixiao Palace and have a dedicated master in charge of the palace? The reason is very simple. The Wanxiang Taoist Palace is related to the descendants and future of the Taoist sect. In addition, the Wanxiang Taoist Palace is relatively closed and self-contained. It is easiest to establish a disciple-disciple relationship similar to the one between the examiner and the Jinshi under the Confucian imperial examination system.

In this kind of student-student relationship, the examiner is the master if the same subject is the same year.

The Taoist priests who came out of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace will naturally regard the Master of the Palm Palace and the Master of the Palm Palace as "masters". This is a natural faction. Master Shi Dazhen unreasonably favors Qi Xuansu because Qi Xuansu is the master of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. Origin. In addition, Wanxiang Taoist Palace is also responsible for training high-quality Taoist priests, which is also a disguised teacher-student relationship.

Of course, Wanxiang Taoist Palace also has disadvantages, that is, it is too closed-minded and self-contained. After leaving the Dao Palace,

The influence will be greatly weakened. For things like connections, if you can help others, others can also help you. Helping each other is called connections. If you help one-sidedly, it's not called a network. Moreover, after spending a long time in Wanxiang Dao Palace, it is easy to become more academic and bookish, and incompatible with the outside world, such as Sun Hewu.

In short, there are advantages and disadvantages, but Qi Xuansu's whereabouts have been roughly decided.

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