Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 26 Between Worlds

Actually, saying they are cousins ​​is a bit far-fetched.

There is a very counter-intuitive fact. The ancestral residences of the Zhengdao Xiao family and the Quanzhen Dao Pei family are both in Qizhou, and they have been old neighbors with the Li family and the Sage Mansion for many years. ..

The ancestral home of the Li family is in Beihai Mansion, the ancestral home of the Xiao family is in Langya Mansion, and the ancestral home of the Pei family is in Lanling Mansion.

The Xiao family in Langya Prefecture has a longer inheritance history, far surpassing the Pei family in Lanling Prefecture. It has six branches, namely the North Ancestral Fang, the South Ancestral Fang, the Xijing Fang, the Dijing Fang, the Beihai Fang and the Langya Fang. These six branches of the Xiao family They originate from the same ancestor, but after more than a thousand years of inheritance, they have become relatively estranged from each other, and each has an ancestor. They are from the same lineage, and they are not from the same lineage.

Xiao Yuehua was born in Beihai Fang, and Xiao Yueru was born in Beizu Fang. In terms of blood relationship, they are not very close. However, the relationship between the two lines is relatively close, so Xiao Yuehua and Xiao Yueru only talked about cousins.

Qi Xuansu came here mainly to investigate the case, not to visit Putuo Island, so after a brief greeting with Xiao Yuehua, he led Liu Hu to the place where Gu Ying was imprisoned.

Putuo Island has Lianyang Wudu, Duangu Holy Relics, Meiwan Spring Dawn, Pantuo Sunset, Lotus Pond Night Moon, Fahua Cave, Ancient Cave Tide Sound, Rising Sun, Thousand Steps Golden Sands, Guangxi Snow Ji, Tea Mountain Sui The twelve major landscapes of fog and Tianmen Qingfan. Nantianmen, Puji Temple, Houshan, Xitian, Fayu Temple, Foding Mountain, Fanyin Cave, Zizhu Forest, and Luojia Mountain are also famous.

However, since the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism began, both Puji Temple and Fayu Temple were rebuilt into Taoist temples, becoming Puji Temple and Fayu Temple, Foding Mountain became Daoding Mountain, and Fanyin Cave became Miaoyin Cave. Various Buddha statues were destroyed one after another, and even the huge statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva was changed into Cihang Pudu Tianzun. Anyway, it was originally a person. Only Xitian and Luojia Mountain were preserved, and the atmosphere of the "Haitian Buddha Kingdom" can still be seen. Leave traces behind.

This was not forced by Xuansheng or Donghuang, but Cihang's lineage took the initiative to change it. It is evident that these women have a keen sense of wind direction changes and a sense of smell.

Gu Ying and others were imprisoned in Fayu Temple.

Qi Xuansu walked into the gate of Fayu Temple, and Zhang Qingyue had already greeted him: "Chief Qi."

"No move yet?" Qi Xuansu got straight to the point.

Zhang Qingyue shook her head.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to interrogate Gu Ying. He wanted to interrogate another person who had just been arrested and was also a party to the first major Jiangnan case.

This man's name was Ma Jinguo. He was not a member of the Taoist sect, but a deputy chief military officer of the Nanhai Navy. He escaped because of his identity. This is also expected. It would be strange for this kind of thing to happen without the involvement of people from the imperial court.

As we all know, Taiping Road has a great influence on the Donghai Navy, and Zhengyi Road has a great influence on the Nanhai Navy. Zhang Jucheng said hello, and the Nanhai Navy was willing to cooperate, so he captured this person. This is of course against the rules. Officials at this level must ask the emperor for instructions, so the situation is very complicated.

However, Zhang Jucheng couldn't care anymore, he wanted to kill first and then show off.

This is not without precedent. Although in principle, people from the imperial court can only be handled by the imperial court, and people from Taoist sects can only be handled by Taoist sects, in practice, only "people from Taoist sects can only be handled by Taoist sects" has been better implemented. In terms of execution, the first half is a bit in name only. After the attack on the Eastern Emperor and during the period of the Five Dynasties Grand Masters, there were two peaks. It was not uncommon for people from the Taoist sect to directly interfere in court affairs as long as the reasons were legitimate.

That is to say, the position of Dao Sect's Grand Master is now vacant, and the Emperor Jiushi is a strong Emperor. Only then has the disadvantage been restored, and the situation has begun to remain the same.

However, the imperial court had an inherent disadvantage in this regard. Although Beidaomen was the foundation and core of the imperial court, it absorbed a large number of Confucian people. Every time the Taoists interfered with the imperial court, they usually held high the banner of Confucianism and Taoism, and the imperial court had to give in. Because the Daxuan court's faith must be Taoism and cannot be shaken even a little bit. This is the rule set by Xuan Sheng and Emperor Gaozu.

There were also some court officials and generals who were originally Taoist priests from the Taoist sect, and had the dual status of officials and Taoist priests. The Taoist sect directly dealt with these Taoist priest officials according to Taoist laws, and the court had nothing to say. Who makes them Taoist priests? Taoist priests must obey the laws of Taoism. The Daxuan court could not let officials and generals give up their status as Taoist priests, because the emperor already had the status of a super-grade Taoist priest. If the officials gave up their status as Taoist priests, could the emperor give up? This is foundation-shaking.

Because of this, Emperor Jiu Wang wanted to seize power from the Taoist sect, and even serve as the Taoist sect's leader. Such a lame emperor is really frustrated.

All in all, Zhang Jucheng took a great risk to arrest the deputy deputy military officer, nominally to assist in the investigation, but in fact he used some forceful means.

If the trial comes out, then everything will be fine and everything can be explained, and the court will be justified and the matter will be settled. But if they can't be found out, Zhang Jucheng and Qi Xuansu will be in big trouble. The court will really make them miserable. After all, the Daxuan court is not one of those small countries, but a real behemoth.

This is actually very similar to Wang Jiaohe's arrest of Chen Jianchou, both of which do not follow procedures. Qi Xuansu was able to successfully counterattack because Zhang Yuelu and Yuheng Star Master blocked Sun Heyu, and Xiao Yin even received a sword for this. Wang Jiaohe did not obtain enough evidence, and there were problems with the procedures, so he naturally fell into a passive position.

But if Sun Heyu takes down Chen Jianqiu and proves Chen Jianchou's crime, then Qi Xuansu's counterattack in Taoist affairs will be very weak. Facts speak louder than words. At that time, non-compliance with procedures will be a minor problem, and your secretary Qi Xuansu's secret association with the secret society will be a big problem. No matter what Qi Xuansu says, Wang Jiaohe can back it up with just one sentence - don't evade the important and take the easy.

Now, Zhang Jucheng stands in Wang Jiaohe's position, and the Daxuan court stands in Qi Xuansu's position. Qi Xuansu played the role of Sun Heyu. If he could get enough evidence, there would be no big problem. If you can't get it, you will fall into the same passivity as Wang Jiaohe.

People in the court can ask Qi Xuansu and Zhang Jucheng, what are you going to do?

Because of this, Qi Xuansu was under a lot of pressure, so he interrogated him personally.

Under the guidance of Zhang Qingyue, Qi Xuansu came to the temporarily renovated interrogation room.

Qi Xuansu had already read Ma Jinguo's files on his way here, and he probably knew it well.

This person's experience is quite complicated. He has the status of a Taoist priest, but he is a wild Taoist priest, so he has many quack habits. This is somewhat similar to Qi Xuansu. However, Qi Xuansu focused on being behind the Taoist sect, and soon got rid of those Jianghu habits. The more he spoke Mandarin, the smoother he spoke, and the Jianghu slang was no longer spoken. Those who didn't know better thought that he was from a noble family and had been exposed to it since he was a child.

Qi Xuansu is no stranger to dealing with such people.

Under the escort of two spiritual officers, Ma Jinguo walked in, wearing special shackles that could lock ordinary heavenly beings, and his eyes immediately fell directly on Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Master Ma, do you know who I am?"

"You can probably guess that it's Chief Qi." Ma Jinguo said slowly.

Qi Xuansu ordered the two spiritual officials: "Bring a chair to Master Ma."

Two spiritual officers moved a chair and placed it opposite Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down."

Ma Jinguo was a little surprised, looked at Qi Xuansu, and sat down.

He is a disciple of the seventh generation. He was unhappy in the Taoist sect, so he went to live in the world. Later, by chance, he became a man in black, first on land, and then on the sea. After decades of ups and downs, he finally became a deputy deputy. The commander-in-chief is also a man of considerable experience. He originally thought that Chief Qi, who had risen to the position by killing tigers, would show off his power first, but he did not expect it to be so peaceful. For a moment, he was not sure what Qi Xuansu was thinking.

Then Ma Jinguo lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes: "I don't dare to be called 'sir'."

Qi Xuansu was not polite: "Then I will call him by his first name."

Ma Jinguo replied: "Okay."

Qi Xuansu got straight to the point: "Ma Jinguo, do you still have any impressions about the first major Jiangnan case?"

Just this sentence made Ma Jinguo's face look a little pale, but he was also a man who had experienced the storm. He immediately stabilized his mentality and replied: "Chief Qi, of course I remember. The main culprit in this case, Fang Linhou, has been punished by the Taoist sect. capital punishment."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Do you know how much money Fang Linhou embezzled?"

"I don't know." Ma Jinguo answered simply, "I have not paid attention to this case."

Qi Xuansu was still calm: "How is your relationship with Fang Linhou?"

"We are both in the south of the Yangtze River, so we can't help but have some intersections, just acquaintances." Ma Jinguo said.

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Since we are just acquaintances, then why did Marquis Fang Lin put two money into your account in the thirty-sixth year of Jiushi, the thirty-seventh year of Jiushi, and the thirty-eighth year of Jiushi?" Ten thousand Taiping money, thirty thousand Taiping money, thirty-five thousand Taiping money? Even a year before the incident, he was still paying you dividends?"

Ma Jinguo suddenly fell silent.

He didn't know why he was being arrested before, but now he knows.

Qi Xuansu raised his voice: "Reply."

Ma Jinguo had to reply: "I don't understand what Chief Qi means. Marquis Fang Lin has never sent me any money."

Qi Xuansu pointed at Liu Hu beside him: "Do you know who she is?"

Ma Jinguo raised his head and glanced at Liuhu, then lowered his head: "I don't know."

Qi Xuansu said: "She is Liu Shiying's daughter."

Ma Jinguo trembled when he heard the name "Liu Shiying".

Qi Xuansu said: "Liu Shiying is an old accountant, shrewd and capable. If not, Fang Linhou would not leave the accounts to him. Do you think Liu Shiying will leave a copy of the accounts, just in case? Although Liu Shiying has already He is dead and silenced, but his daughter is not dead, and the evidence has not been found. Haven't you been looking for it all these years? "

Ma Jinguo's hands trembled, and beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead.

Qi Xuansu took out the account books and vouchers: "Unfortunately, I found the people you didn't find and the things you didn't find. Ma Jinguo, are you going to take the initiative to confess? Or will you not shed tears even if you don't see the coffin?"

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