Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 147: Dragon Slaying (End)

When the imperial master slayed the dragon, he showed his freehand brushwork in an understatement, and even recited a few lines of poetry leisurely.

Qi Xuansu and his party did not have such ability, so they just rolled around in the mud. Several people tightly wrapped around the dragon to prevent it from moving, and then waited for the "horned dragon" to fire.

The old dragon was frightened and tried to escape back to the sea despite being injured, but Wu Tu also blocked the old dragon's retreat.

I saw Utu manifesting his Dharma form, standing upright, ignoring the storm, holding a giant scythe, and the blade was entangled with the shadows of countless innocent souls, sweeping past.

Dragon power is fear, and death is also fear.

The old dragon was swept by the sickle, and his body was not damaged at all, but he was lost for a moment.

Qi Xuansu and Hu En'ahan took the opportunity to catch up and entangled the old dragon again.

Qi Xuansu's main responsibility is to use the state of harmony in the Qi Refiner's creation stage to constantly unite the world and the world, and to unite heaven and man in the true sense. He competes with the old dragon for the "right to speak" in this world, causing the old dragon several times. All efforts to condense the storm failed.

Hu En'ahan, as the orthodox human immortal successor, takes on the responsibility of confronting the old dragon head-on and competing in physical strength. After all, Qi Xuansu's martial arts inheritance is only in the stage of creation and is still inferior to Hu'en'Ahan.

Wutu pulled the old dragon's soul, so that the old dragon had to concentrate on dealing with it. If he was a little careless, Wutu would disturb his mind, or even be invaded by shadows, causing constraints.

The three of them cooperated tacitly, making it impossible for the old dragon to enter the sea.

The first "Dragon Eyes A-2" of "Ceratopsian" has been loaded.

From a considerable distance away, the "Ceratopsian" began to swallow up the vitality of the world, and all of them converged on the main gun. A dazzling red light emitted from the depths of the barrel.


The bombardment at this level is not locked by the naked eye, but by the breath, which is the same as the Thousand Miles Flying Sword.

Inside the "Chorned Dragon", the spiritual officials performed their duties with solemn expressions, and their voices sounded one after another.

"Calibration completed."

"The momentum is ready."

"Everything is ready, please give instructions."

Yang Shaozhen stood in the bridge, staring in the direction of the sea of ​​clouds. With the naked eye, he could only vaguely see a huge shadow looming in it, and then gave the order: "Fire!"

"Chorned Dragon" reaches its limit with momentum.

There was a bang.

The entire "Chorned Dragon" seemed to tremble, and a circle of air waves spread out in all directions with the "Chorned Dragon" as the center, blowing away all the smoke and mist.

A continuous stream of fire shot out from the barrel of the "Broken Star", streaking across the sky and reaching the dragon deep in the sea of ​​clouds, like a long red straight line.

Although it is said to be a thin line, it is actually the same as the muzzle of the "Broken Star" and is three feet thick.

This blow hit the "seven inches" of the old dragon. Although it failed to directly break the old dragon, the dragon's scales flew around and the flesh and blood were blurred, forming a penetrating wound.

Under the severe pain, the old dragon let out an earth-shattering dragon roar, and the dragon's power was great.

Hu En'ahan's eyes were dazed, and he relied solely on his body and mind to move independently.

Qi Xuansu's arrogance brought by "Xirui Sutra" alone could no longer completely neutralize the overwhelming power of the dragon, so he could only use "Pure Bodhi" to resolve it.

Utu was relatively resistant in this regard and had to stay away temporarily.

However, after the brief dragon roar, the old dragon inevitably became weaker.

Qi Xuansu abandoned the "Daozi Sword" and used "Qingyun" instead, and his whole body turned into a sword.

Qinghong headed straight for the wound caused by "Dragon Eye Jia Er".

The old dragon waved his dragon claw, intending to block Qi Xuansu, but Qi Xuansu used the "Qingyun" that banished the immortal, ignored the dragon claw's blow, and nearly doubled the size of the penetrating wound.

This is where Qi Xuansu is unreasonable. He possesses the inheritance of the four major stages of creation and is almost omnipotent. If he can push all five inheritances to the extreme, there will be almost no weakness at all, except relying on a higher realm. If you fall to ten levels, you will be completely unbeatable at the same level.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu activated Wu Luo's karmic fire and Yi Zangnuozun's evil fire. This was also a first-level method for immortals. As Qi Xuansu temporarily became a pseudo-immortal, his power increased to a higher level. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to inflict serious damage to the person. The seriously injured old dragon caused a lot of trouble.

The old dragon turned around and opened his mouth to bite Qi Xuansu, but Wu Tu quickly stopped him. He quickly rotated the giant scythe in his hand, like a full moon, and cut off one of the old dragon's whiskers.

Hu En'ahan had already jumped to the top of the old dragon's head, holding two dragon horns with both hands. The arms of the human immortal's true form expanded and he used crazy force to break the dragon's horns. Although he failed, it was enough. The old dragon was in pain and became more and more manic.

For a moment, the old dragon lost sight of this.

I have to admit that this style of play is very ugly, but it is quite practical and puts the old dragon into a difficult situation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, "Ceratopsian" has begun to prepare its second shot.

To this end, "Chorned Dragon" used rapid cooling methods and did not hesitate to consume a drop of "Tianyi True Water". This kind of thing is also a product of creation engineering. The production process is not complicated. It just needs to be refined with water.

Continuously refine and extract the essence.

However, the cost is quite high, because refining a drop of "Tianyi Zhen Shui" can almost drain the martial arts water in Qiantang Prefecture. Under normal circumstances, Daomen uses seawater for refining instead of the more precious fresh water. Because of the complex composition of seawater, the cost of refining is further increased.

"Tianyi Zhenshui" has a wide range of uses. It can be used to refine medicine or weapons, it can also be used to set up formations, and it can even be used as water reserve. Under normal circumstances, Daomen uses it as a strategic reserve material and is widely used for the cooling of artillery, especially this heavy artillery and the "Dragon Eye" series.

Because of the high cost of "Tianyi Zhenshui", it will never be used unless it is an emergency. This "Ceratopsian" is only equipped with three rounds of "Dragon Eyes A2" and two drops of "Tianyi Zhenshui" in order to be able to launch all three "Dragon Eyes A2" it carries in the shortest time.

Qi Xuansu spent a lot of money today in order to successfully implement the dragon-slaying plan.

This time, the "Broken Star" heavy artillery aimed at the old dragon's head.

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Shaozhen's forehead. Not to mention that Hu En'a Khan was right on top of the old dragon's head. The key point was that the old dragon was still chasing Qi Xuansu and needed to calculate the lead time. If he missed the target, the consequences would be disastrous.

If it is empty, it means that the dragon-slaying plan will basically fail. If he accidentally hit Hu En'ahan or Qi Xuansu, then Yang Shaozhen would be ready to take the blame. If it were Fenglinzhou's tradition, he should commit suicide on the spot.

Yang Shaozhen took a deep breath and gave the order to fire.

The hull of the "Ceratopsian" sank again.

The old dragon might be

Too much attention was attracted by Qi Xuansu. Maybe it was the pain that affected his sanity, maybe it was Hu En'ahan who kept pulling the dragon's horns and his head lost its flexibility, maybe it was Utu who blinded his eyes.

This shot not only hit the target, but also shot directly into the old dragon's bloody mouth.

The surface of the dragon's body is covered with dragon scales. Although a large number of dragon scales were shattered by the first shot, the damage caused by being blocked by the dragon scales is very limited. However, there are no dragon scales in the dragon's body. , all living beings are inherently more fragile.

This shot not only blasted the old dragon's mouth to pieces, but also penetrated all the way, passed through the throat, esophagus, and directly entered the intestines and stomach.

The old dragon's huge body also crashed to the ground due to this blow, and rolled continuously. The ground shook for a moment, and a huge ravine was opened up.

However, the old dragon will not die from this. After all, his body is comparable to that of a human immortal warrior. Human immortals are derived from flesh and blood, and the dragon is similar. As long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can still recover from such an injury.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu took action again, following the location of the old dragon's blown mouth, directly entering the old dragon's body, and then struck with all his strength inside his body. The "Qingyun" sword energy exploded crazily, like a green lotus in the old dragon's body. The dragon's body bloomed.

Not to mention that the old dragon recovered as before, but his injuries were further aggravated.

As the saying goes, they wanted to take advantage of his illness to kill him. Utu and Hu En'ahan did not watch the show from the sidelines. They all took action with all their strength and attacked Qi Xuansu from both inside and outside, with the intention of putting the old dragon to death.

At the critical moment of life and death, the old dragon had to fight for his life


I saw the old dragon barely coiling into a snake formation, the only remaining dragon beard trembling violently, a little light first appeared in the blown mouth, and then a purple dragon ball flew out.

This is not only the core of the dragon, but also the core of the Taoist flying boat.

The golden elixir of the Immortal is invisible and without substance, but the inner elixir of the Demonic Immortal is tangible and substantial. It is not only the condensed essence of the body, the most precious thing, but it can also be used to deal with enemies.

The dragon ball carried purple energy, as mighty as a river, as if rushing from the sky, and by the way, Qi Xuansu, who was making trouble in the old dragon's body, was also rushed out.

After the dragon ball appeared in the world, it shined brightly, like a purple sun, and then gave birth to countless water balls, each the size of a human head, arranged closely, like a bead curtain.

These methods can be used to attack, retreat or defend. When necessary, the "Bead Curtain" can also be turned into a mine and exploded, which is far more powerful than the normal "Kui Shui Divine Thunder". The power of so many mines can be imagined.

The Dragon Ball is Jiaolong's key weakness and also Jiaolong's strongest weapon.

However, there were several obvious cracks on the dragon ball at this time.

This was not caused by Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu was not that capable yet. It was the result of the fight between the old dragon and the Nanyang monster. It was precisely because the dragon ball was damaged that the old dragon was reluctant to spit out the dragon ball. But at this time, he There is no other way but this.

He could only bet that the "Yinglong" he recognized could not fire a third shot. Two consecutive shots was already the limit.

This idea is not wrong. In the absence of "Tianyi Zhenshui", firing two shots in a row will almost melt the barrel, and it is impossible to fire a third shot.

It's just that the old dragon doesn't know how powerful an organization is.

Da is powerful in all aspects, and the world is different after all.

As for the "Ceratopsian", the second drop of "Tianyi Zhenshui" has been used, a second round of forced cooling has been carried out, and the last round of "Dragon Eye Jia Er" has been loaded.

Needless to say, the target this time is the dragon ball that looks like a purple sun, and it is a dragon ball that already has cracks.

As Yang Shaozhen issued the order, the last "Dragon Eye A-2" shot shot out from the barrel of the "Broken Star" and hit the dragon ball without any suspense.

The cracks on the dragon ball continued to deepen and grow, and finally became one.

The old dragon's momentum also plummeted, and his breath was dying.

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