Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 163: The jade hidden in the stone depends on blessings and misfortunes

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Zhang Juqi appeared and smoothed things over: "Okay, Qing Xiao finally went home, and there are still guests here, so why create tension."

Tantai Qiong suppressed the anger in her heart, adjusted her breath, and said calmly: "Okay."

After that, she turned and left the living room.

Zhang Juqi did not leave, but said to Qi Xuansu: "She has such a temper, Tianyuan shouldn't take it to heart."

Qi Xuansu actually didn't take Tantai Qiong's words too seriously, but Zhang Yuelu's anger made him care more. Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu quickly calmed down his anger and just gave Qi Xuansu a look that said, "I'll settle the score with you later."

Qi Xuansu slapped his mouth gently.

Let you talk nonsense.

The problem that I mentioned casually should indeed be corrected.

However, the situation is easy to change, the nature is hard to change, and it is not easy to get rid of the old habits for many years.

Zhang Kuqi saw this scene in his eyes and found it interesting. This young man was not afraid of Tantai Qiong, but he was a little afraid of Zhang Yuelu. No matter how he looked at it, Tantai Qiong was aggressive and difficult to talk to, but Zhang Yuelu was more reasonable. Could it be that this young man has a temper that only accepts soft things but not hard words?

In fact, the reason is very simple, because Zhang Yuelu is reasonable. The sage said: If one's body is upright, he will not do what he is told. If his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told. Mother and daughter Tantai Qiong and Zhang Yuelu perfectly interpreted these words of the Confucian saint.

Tantai Qiong just met Qi Xuansu. She didn't care about the facts and just made heart-breaking words. How can she convince Qi Xuansu? Not to mention respect from the bottom of my heart. Zhang Yuelu, on the other hand, never treated Qi Xuansu condescendingly based on his status. Even if he wanted to change Qi Xuansu, he did it in a subtle way instead of forcing Qi Xuansu to do what he wanted. Qi Xuansu was naturally convinced.

Qi Xuansu's way of life is not complicated. As long as it does not infringe on his interests, he will always give you a foot in return. Even Sun Yongfeng and Zhang Kuping, as long as they did not poke Qi Xuansu's lungs with a word, Qi Xuansu would not do anything. He still maintained his superficial respect, but at most he felt disapproval in his heart.

But Zhang Yuelu is different. She has a bright heart. It cannot be said that she has no selfish thoughts at all, but she is better than most people, so much so that she is regarded as "thorny" or "alien" by many people. Naturally, she is better than Qi Xuansu, and then In addition, Qi Xuansu himself has many shady secrets. After confronting Zhang Yuelu, especially when Zhang Yuelu is being reasonable and he is being unreasonable, he will inevitably feel guilty and lose confidence.

If one day, Zhang Yuelu becomes unreasonable, starts to seek personal gain, uses his power to oppress others, and makes sarcastic remarks about Qi Xuansu, Qi Xuansu will no longer have such feelings.

The back house of the Zhang family.

There was only a pebbled path from the second door to the bedroom, and all the servants avoided it.

Tantai Qiong sat in front of her dressing table, looking blankly at the mirror, but her ears were obviously paying attention to what was going on outside. Although there is no movement at the moment.

Zhang Yuyue stood behind Tantai Qiong and said: "Auntie, you have also seen that this boy named Qi is not a good man. In time, there will be another Li Minghuang, and we have to guard against him."

Tantai Qiong said: "Of course he won't be a good person. If he was a good person, he wouldn't be able to reach this point without any background, let alone Qingxiao's eyes."

Zhang Yuyue couldn't help but feel depressed.

It would be fine if Zhang Yuelu really wanted to find a useless pretty boy. They had their own say, they were afraid that someone like this would not be as good as their favorite candidate, but he would still be considered useless and still have some abilities.

Tantai Qiong said slowly: "What this person said reminded me that the key is not him. Even if we kill him, it will be in vain if Qingxiao doesn't change his mind. The key to this matter lies in Qingxiao. If Qingxiao Xiao has figured it out on his own, and Qing Xiao will take the initiative to kick him without us having to do anything."

"My aunt, isn't this enough to persuade Qing Xiao?" Zhang Yuyue said helplessly, "Qing Xiao's temper is so determined that even eight cows can't pull her back."

Tantai Qiong said softly: "That's not necessarily the case. The key is to use some means."

Zhang Yuyue was startled and asked: "What method?"

Tantai Qiong was deep in thought and did not answer Zhang Yuyue immediately.

On the other side, Zhang Kuqi asked Zhang Yuelu to lead Qi Xuansu to the guest room. After all, the two of them would not leave Shangqing Town until after the Chinese New Year, and they could not allow guests to stay in an inn outside.

In any case, Zhang Juqi is not Dong Baijing who obeys his wife's orders, but he still dares to make the decision.

Because the Zhang family is only a two-entry house, there is not much to say, and the guest room is located in the front house. Zhang Yuelu led Qi Xuansu to the guest room. It was fully furnished and very clean. However, the air was slightly turbid because no one had lived in it for many years. As for Zhang Yuyue, she naturally lives in her natal family, which is the Dazhen Mansion.

Zhang Yuelu opened the window to ventilate the guest room.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "I'm sorry for what happened just now."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him sideways: "Don't blame me for being rude next time."

"There won't be a next time." Qi Xuansu said immediately.

Zhang Yuelu stopped dwelling on the matter, sighed, and said instead: "Tianyuan, I'm sorry to trouble you. I didn't expect my mother to go so far."

"How much have you heard?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It started when she said why I chose you. It's not that I meant to stand by and watch. It's just that there are some things that you will have to face sooner or later, unless we stop here."

Qi Xuansu blinked: "Of course. But what does this point mean?"

Zhang Yuelu said without changing his expression: "Of course we are friends, otherwise what do you think it is?"

"I thought they were friends," Qi Xuansu said with a smile.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "Bad thing."

Qi Xuansu said: "I read the story in the storybook. The marriage between a poor boy and Jin Zhiyuye was successful. There are two main reasons. One is that men want to strive for success, such as winning the first prize in the exam and returning home in fine clothes. The other is that women do not If you are willing to compromise and never marry, you can wait until the day when the man returns home in fine clothes. But then again, the best time for a woman is precisely the time when a man has nothing in his life. Even the twenty-year-old Xuan Sheng cannot be with her. Comparable to the seventy-year-old Xuansheng."

"This is true. The twenty-year-old Xuansheng can only be regarded as a young talent and does not have much weight. The seventy-year-old Xuansheng suppressed Buddhism at the cost of giving up the integration of the three Taoisms, causing Buddhism and Taoism to negotiate peace."

"Then..." Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu and blinked, "Are you talking about us? I don't care. I am a person who has considered becoming a Taoist nun. I don't care about waiting. But you, you are indeed the most powerless At that time, I believe that the seventy-year-old Qi Xuansu would definitely be better than the twenty-year-old Qi Xuansu. Maybe the seventy-year-old Qi Xuansu is already the great master."

Qi Xuansu said: "You just know how to make fun of me. If I can wear the sword of wisdom, I will be satisfied. It's better that you be the chief master and I will assist you."

"It sounds like the title of Grand Master is already within our grasp. If we spread the word, we won't be laughed to death by others, who will laugh at us for being blind and daydreaming." Zhang Yuelu laughed at himself.

Qi Xuansu thought of something: "By the way, where is my luggage?"

When the two left Yujing, they packed their luggage at Qi Xuansu's home, and finally stuffed them into Zhang Yuelu's Xumi belongings.

Zhang Yuelu only remembered this incident, took out Qi Xuansu's luggage from the Xumiwu, and handed it back to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu took the luggage, dug out a palm-sized wooden box, and handed it to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu subconsciously took the box and asked, "What is this?"

Qi Xuansu said: "My gift."

Zhang Yuelu then opened the box, which was filled with stones the size of hawthorns.

Qi Xuansu smiled sheepishly: "I picked these up in Kunlun. Master said there should be jade inside. Although it's not worth much, you can find a craftsman to remove the outer skin and grind it into beads."

Kunlun is famous for its jade production. You can even pick up jade on the river beach, which shows that the jade production is rich. For hundreds of years, jade collectors have made a living from it. Since the Taoist sect returned to Kunlun, such behavior has been banned. Most of the jade collectors have become Taoist citizens under the Taoist sect and started other livelihoods. However, the Taoist sect does not prohibit Daoist disciples from picking up stones when they have nothing to do, but they cannot mine on a large scale.

Some nephrite jade, like jadeite, has a skin. The stones Qi Xuansu picked up are jade with a skin. The outside is very smooth, probably because it has been washed by the river.

Zhang Yuelu reached out and picked up a smooth stone, rubbed it gently, and smiled: "You still have such a leisurely mood."

Qi Xuansu said: "I picked them up before. There are many outside Yujing. I hope you don't dislike them."

"How could I dislike it?" Zhang Yuelu closed the box and said sincerely, "You picked these up one by one. I like them very much. Thank you."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said, "No need to thank you. After all, it's not a valuable thing."

Zhang Yuelu held the box with both hands, but for some reason, an unknown premonition suddenly came to his heart, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's okay." Zhang Yuelu also found it strange that people in the Taoist sect do have whims, especially when they have practiced "Zi Wei Dou Shu", they can even have a premonition of the future by chance. It is said that Buddhists who practice "fate knowledge" can also foresee the future in dreams.

So, what exactly will happen?

At this moment, Zhang Kuqi came to the window and said to the two of them: "I ordered a table from the Taiping Inn in the town and asked them to send it to my house to take care of you two."

Qi Xuansu hurriedly said: "Thank you uncle."

Zhang Yuelu also had a smile on his face and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Dad."

Zhang Juqi smiled, turned and left.

He doesn't want his daughter to get ahead like Tantai Qiong does. He just hopes that his daughter can live happily.

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