Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 165 Laba Porridge (Part 2)

Qi Xuansu climbed horizontally on the bare cliff for a long time, and after completely leaving the Taoist ruins here, he climbed up to the top of the cliff with both hands.

At this time, Qi Xuansu's fingers were dripping with blood, and even bones could be seen, and his nails were even worse. Fortunately, he possesses some magical powers as a martial artist, and has made great progress in both strength and physique. He is now able to crawl such a long distance on a bare cliff at such a speed without using any tools.

Qi Xuansu let out a long breath and finally understood why Zhang Yuelu told him not to go out. It turned out that Zhang Yuelu had already expected such a thing.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu stood up and walked to Zhang's house without caring about anything else.

In fact, Qi Xuansu looked up to Zhang Yuelu. Zhang Yuelu really didn't expect that her mother and cousin would use this method to deal with Qi Xuansu. Her worry came from that unfounded bad premonition, but she really couldn't figure out where it came from. Although She has many enemies, such as the enemies from the Jiangnan case, Li Tianzhen, who was disgraced by her, etc. But this is Yunjin Mountain after all, and the Heavenly Master is now in the Dazhen Mansion. Who dares to go to Yunjin Mountain to do something so bold? thing? Even the Earth Master Xu Wugui back then only dared to surprise the Da Zhen Mansion when the Celestial Master was not in the Da Zhen Mansion.

So Zhang Yuelu couldn't figure it out. It couldn't be that he had a premonition of the danger six months later, right? There is no such reason.

In the method of divination and calculation, the larger the time span, the more variables there are, and the success rate plummets. Therefore, many whims of prediction will not exceed two months. Zhang Yuelu calculated his itinerary for the next two months and found that he would be either in Yunjin Mountain or Yujing, both of which were very safe places.

After Qi Xuansu returned to Zhang's house, he happened to meet Zhang Kuqi.

Qi Xuansu had a good impression of this kind and polite Uncle Zhang. He was very polite and respectful, and took the initiative to stop walking.

Zhang Kuqi glanced at Qi Xuansu, his eyes fell on Qi Xuansu's ten fingers, and said meaningfully: "Don't think that Yunjin Mountain is a pure land. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are fights."

"Be taught." Qi Xuansu said seriously.

Zhang Juqi stopped talking and went about his own business.

Qi Xuansu stood there, looking at Zhang Kuqi's back, thoughtfully.

He had an inexplicable intuition that Uncle Zhang was not as simple as he seemed. There seemed to be some story behind him.

At this moment, someone patted Qi Xuansu behind him: "What are you looking at?"

Qi Xuansu turned around and found that it was Zhang Yuelu. He was surprised and said: "Come back so early?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "After finishing the Laba porridge, I ran away. I didn't want to act there."

"Acting? What kind of acting?" Qi Xuansu asked curiously.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Of course it's the drama of a loving father and a filial son. At this time last year, the Celestial Master was not in Dazhen Mansion, and I didn't come back, but I heard others talk about it, and that's it. But this year is different, the Celestial Master attended in person , after drinking the Laba porridge, all members of the Zhang family naturally went to pay homage to Tianshi. Even though Tianshi has never married and has no biological children, he has more children and grandchildren than anyone else."

Qi Xuansu laughed dumbly and said, "Why didn't I realize before that your mouth is so unforgiving?"

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand, noticed Qi Xuansu's hands, and couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

Qi Xuansu didn't hide anything and told everything about what happened just now. However, he didn't express his guess clearly. He only said that he felt something strange: "Maybe I am too worried."

Zhang Yuelu fell into deep thought, shook his head and said, "It's not that you are overly concerned. Why didn't you see Zhang Yuyue? What are they going to do?"

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu had roughly understood the discord between this, and his tone became fierce: "It's too much to bully others, which is intolerable!"

Qi Xuansu was very calm: "Qingxiao, don't get angry yet. After all, there is no evidence."

Zhang Yuelu suppressed his anger, nodded and said: "My cousin has such courage, but does not have such a brain. I'm afraid there is someone behind her."

Although Zhang Yuelu didn't say it clearly, both of them knew who Zhang Yuelu was talking about.

Zhang Yuelu said to himself: "It seems that my original idea was correct. I cannot stay in Shangqing Town for a long time. It is best to come back on New Year's Eve and leave on the first day of the new year."

Qi Xuansu smiled helplessly: "That's not the case."

Zhang Yuelu's good mood after drinking Laba porridge was completely ruined, so she asked Qi Xuansu to follow her to her room.

Women's boudoir and the like, with the rise of mind science, are no longer considered forbidden places, but this is the first time Qi Xuansu has set foot in it. What disappoints Qi Xuansu is that because Zhang Yuelu doesn't live here often, most of his things have been moved to Yujing's residence, so it looks extremely simple, with only a bed, a table, a screen and two embroidered piers.

Zhang Yuelu motioned for Qi Xuansu to sit down, and she sat across the table across from Qi Xuansu.

Then Zhang Yuelu took out the ointment bought from Huashengtang. Since returning home, she has started to use the ointment on time. Many wounds on her body have almost recovered, leaving no scars, only a faint red mark - this is Because the new skin has a different color, it will get better after a while.

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "It's not serious, it's just a minor injury. It will be fine after a while."

"Stretch out your hand." Zhang Yuelu seemed to have not heard him and said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to stretch out his hands.

"That's it, don't move." Zhang Yuelu stood up and left. When he came back, he had a basin of water in his hand.

Zhang Yuelu first washed Qi Xuansu's hands with water, and then carefully applied ointment.

To be fair, Zhang Yuelu had never done anything like this before. Not to mention how gentle his movements were, they were even a little clumsy and even hurt Qi Xuansu. But for Qi Xuansu, a little pain is really nothing, and it is nothing compared to the warm pleasure that comes from it.

Zhang Yuelu spent a lot of effort to finish applying the ointment: "Okay, are you comfortable?"

Qi Xuansu felt carefully that after the initial pain, there was indeed a slight chill, which even accelerated the recovery speed of his flesh and blood to a certain extent. The wound that originally took three or four days to heal healed in about an hour. enough.

Zhang Yuelu said: "Just raise your hands like this and wait until the effect of the medicine is fully exerted before putting it down."

Qi Xuansu could only do as he was told.

Every New Year, a strange scene will appear in Daomen, that is, the number of people in Yujing begins to decrease, while the number of people in Zhenjing Courtyard, Wanshou Chongyang Palace, and Dazhen Palace will be much higher than usual.

Take the Dazhen Mansion as an example. Not all of them are children of the Zhang family. There are also many people related to the Zhang family who will come to the Dazhen Mansion. At this time, the frequency of flying boats will be increased.

A huge flying boat broke through the sea of ​​clouds and descended slowly, preparing to land in the lake outside Shangqing Palace.

A group of people had already stood by the lake, ready to greet them. The leader was Zhang Yuyue's father, the second-grade Taiyi Taoist Zhang Jucheng, who is now the master of the Shangqing Palace.

Although Zhang Jucheng is not Tianshi's biological son, Tianshi and Zhang Jucheng's father are brothers from the same mother. And because Tianshi has never married a wife and has no children, according to the clan inheritance system, Zhang Jucheng is still the one shouldering the responsibility. Two families were chosen to inherit the family, so Zhang Jucheng was still considered the eldest son of the clan.

After Zhang Jucheng's death, a group of people accompanying him were all high-grade Taoist priests, including Zhang Kuping, a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest who had met Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Jucheng and others all looked at the landing craft. They were all heavenly beings worthy of the name. With only a little bit of escape, they could block the majestic water vapor brought by the craft.

After the flying boat stopped, a staircase was lowered, and everyone on board got off the boat one by one.

Zhang Jucheng had already taken the initiative to greet him.

This flying boat is not an ordinary flying boat, but a special flying boat from the Wanshou Chongyang Palace. The boat is full of Quanzhen Taoists. They respect the order of the Earth Master and go to the Great Master's Mansion in Yunjin Mountain to meet the Heavenly Master. In name, they are drinking Laba porridge is actually exactly the same as Qingwei Zhenren’s visit to Beijing to meet the saint.

In fact, eating Laba porridge is also divided into two sessions in the morning and evening. The first session is during the day, and is mainly attended by members of the Zhang family, that is, Zhang Yuelu participated this time. The second game was held in the evening, and only senior officials from the Zhengyi and Quanzhen circuits participated. Although the number of people was smaller, the weight was heavier.

Among the people coming this time were the master of the Shuzhou Taoist Palace, the chief deputy master of the Qinzhou Taoist Palace, and the master of the Wuxu Palace, all of whom were second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests.

Zhang Jucheng had an old acquaintance with Qi Jiao, the head of Shuzhou Taoist Palace, and the Qi family from which Qi Jiaozheng was born was the Qi family from which Qi Xuansu was often misunderstood.

To be fair, if Qi Xuansu was really from the Qi family, he would be on equal terms with Zhang Yuelu. However, it is a pity that Qi Xuansu has no blood relationship with the Qi family. After all, he just followed his master's surname of Qi.

After Zhang Jucheng and Qi Jiaozheng exchanged greetings, they walked in the front.

Behind are Zhang Jucheng's cousin Zhang Jianshu and the master of the Wuxu Palace.

Logically speaking, the master in charge of Wuxu Palace should correspond to the master in charge of Shangqing Palace. However, in the past, the master in charge of Wuxu Palace was concurrently held by Donghua, until Donghua became the master of Beichen Hall. After being promoted to the headmaster of Ziwei Hall, this real person who was originally one of the assistants took over. This real person is only a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. He has not yet had the word "Shen Zhi" and is older than Zhang Jucheng. He and Qi Jiaozheng were lowered, so this time the Quanzhen Taoist visitors were led by Qi Jiaozheng from Shuzhou Taoist Prefecture.

One after another, Quanzhen Taoists left the flying boat.

The number of Zhengdaozhen responsible for welcoming them is also decreasing.

In the end, only Zhang Kuping was left.

Feizhou's stairs still haven't been removed.

A figure appeared.

Pei Xiaolou was wearing a Taoist formal suit and a lotus crown on his head, like a blooming lotus.

It is said that a man is judged by his clothes. At this time, Pei Xiaolou no longer had the slightest sense of obscenity, but rather looked quite chic.

Pei Xiaolou stood at the gangway and looked in the direction of Dazhen Mansion. He turned his face and smiled, looking at

It's hard to imagine that two people with such different personalities could become friends.

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