Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 8 The strength of the Qi family

Finally, Zhang Yuelu took over the affairs of the Borneo Taoist Government and returned to Yujing with Ke Qingqing and Lin Yuanmiao.

Xu Jiaorong, Pei Xiaolou, and Chen Jianchou did not come. They would come on the wedding day, attend the ceremony, and then go back immediately. Master Landa and Yao Shu did not come. In name, they were staying behind, but in fact they were staying at Landa. The real person was too lazy to move, so he asked Xu Jiaorong to serve as the representative. Yao Shu even sent "congratulatory gifts" in advance, so there was nothing else to say.

Xiao Yin hadn't woken up yet, so Qi Xuansu could only "pick up the driver" alone. By the way, there is also Yan Yongzhen. As Qi Xuansu's new secretary, he will have to deal with Ke Qingqing in the future.

Speaking of Ke Qingqing, he followed Qi Xuansu from the Imperial Capital Taoist period, and went to the Borneo Taoist House and Lingnan Taoist House. He followed Zhang Yuelu and returned to the Borneo Taoist House for the second time, and now to Tiangang Hall.

There is nothing wrong with my resume. I worked for two bosses and worked in five positions, but there are still some things missing in terms of cultivation.

Zhang Yuelu was very satisfied with Ke Qingqing and planned to apply for some resources for Ke Qingqing to strive for her to be promoted to heaven as soon as possible. After all, Zhang Yuelu is not a rigid person. Issues of principle should not be touched. For issues that do not involve principles, just do whatever you want.

Some people may say that one person can ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs. In fact, this is a common normal operation. There is nothing illegal. The higher the status, the more resources you have at your disposal. The platform opportunities are greater than personal efforts. With the foundation of the Taoist sect, talent is secondary. An ordinary person can become an immortal, and even a useless person can become a heavenly being. What's more, Ke Qingqing is not a useless person, but still has good qualifications. Even if he takes it slowly, he can survive in this life. It’s just a matter of time before we reach heavenly beings.


To put it bluntly, the kindness of knowledge and encounters is a great kindness alongside the kindness of saving lives and the kindness of giving birth, because it can really change the trajectory of a person's life.

If Ke Qingqing had not met Qi Xuansu, she would still be in the Imperial Palace now, and her promotion to the fourth level of Taoist priest would be far away. But when she met Qi Xuansu, she rose to prominence.

When Ke Qingqing becomes a heavenly being, Zhang Yuelu plans to release her to be the last assistant or assistant in a branch to gain some experience.

After all, Ke Qingqing is no better than Chen Jianchou. The latter has the two-way bonus of Landa Zhenren's lineage and the Chen family. It's not just Qi Xuansu who can do it alone, so he can ascend to the position of deputy palace master in one step. Ke Qingqing can be an assistant. It's already very good. As Ke Qingqing's senior, Mu Jin has been away from home for many years, and now she has just been promoted to the assistant manager of the Beichen Hall Branch of Jiangnan Taoist Prefecture.

Then Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu agreed to transfer Liu Hu over to be Zhang Yuelu's secretary.

Zhang Yuelu didn't have any objections. She had nothing to do with the secret, so she could do it as a secretary. The key was to do her job well.

Qi Xuansu's idea was very simple. One was to find a future for Liu Hu, and the other was that Liu Hu would follow Zhang Yuelu so that Zhang Yuelu could teach Liu Hu well and not to go astray. Qi Xuansu had long discovered that Zhang Yuelu had the potential to be a teacher. Perhaps it was the legacy of Cihang's family who liked to recruit many disciples. He is not good enough. In this regard, he is very similar to Master Donghua, who has few disciples.

The flying boat landed with a crash, and Zhang Yuelu and his party stepped off the flying boat one by one, with Zhang Yuelu walking first.

Qi Xuansu greeted him: "Warmly welcome Chief Zhang to Beijing."

If Xiao Yin is here, we can still let Xiao Yin come up

It's more like that if you lay flowers in front of you.

Qi Xuansu stretched out his hand, pretending to shake hands with Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu slapped Qi Xuansu's hand away unceremoniously: "Go to hell."

Qi Xuansu was always funny, so naturally he didn't care about it. He laughed, said hello to Lin Yuanmiao and Ke Qingqing respectively, and introduced Yan Yongzhen to several people.

Zhang Yuelu had heard of Yan Yongzhen a long time ago and exchanged a few words with him.

They are all old acquaintances. This is how one family does not talk about two families.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "Let's go home."

This home was naturally the former princess's residence.

Zhang Yuelu raised an objection: "We haven't held the ceremony yet, and I'm going to live in it openly. What's going on?"

Although Qi Xuansu has many Taoist people from Dazhen Mansion, Zhang Yuelu is really different.

Qi Xuansu obviously forgot this. After Zhang Yuelu reminded him, he realized something was wrong and said, "It's true. Then where do you plan to live?"

Zhang Yuelu had already planned: "I will go back to Xuandu just in time to meet the master."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "That's fine. Master, she has been resting for the past two days and is planting rice seedlings. You can also lend a hand and plant rice seedlings together."

Zhang Yuelu rolled her eyes at him: "I am happy to plant rice seedlings. When Donghua is painting, aren't you also grinding ink next to him?"

Qi Xuansu corrected him: "You can no longer call me Master Donghua. You have to change your name to Master."

Zhang Yuelu cleared his throat, feeling a little uncomfortable. Although he had been mentally prepared, changing his statement was still a bit awkward and made people blush.

But Zhang Yuelu was Zhang Yuelu after all, so he didn't really blush, but changed the subject: "Old Lin, let's go back with you, just in time to take a look.

Xiao Yin. "

Qi Xuansu said: "This is natural."

Qi Xuansu said to Lin Yuanmiao again: "Old Lin, if you can become an immortal one day, at least I will give you the title of Pingzhang Dazhenren. You have meritorious service. Over the years, you have fought against Chen Shuhua in Fenglinzhou battlefield, Borneo, and Wu Guangbi, you have done your best.”

Lin Yuanmiao remained taciturn: "I dare not think so."

In fact, Qi Xuansu's strength is already quite impressive. Qi Xuansu himself is a pseudo-immortal, and there is also an incarnation of a pseudo-immortal. Qiniang is a pseudo-immortal, Lin Yuanmiao is a pseudo-immortal, Zhang Yuelu and Xiao Yin are created by creation, and Wuniang is an immortal. Even if we don’t talk about external forces such as the Zhang family, Donghua Zhenren, Jiang Da Zhenren, and Lan Da Zhenren, just relying on these family members, Qi Xuansu has enough power to protect himself. At least an ordinary immortal can’t do anything to Qi Xuansu’s group. They may even be killed.

This would be even more remarkable if we include the "peripheral members" of the three major evil beings.

This is not even a fairy.

If you count the immortal objects, Qi Xuansu's sect has as many as four immortal objects. Thanks to the strong support of the Heavenly Master, he alone supports half of the country.

Qi Xuansu himself holds the "Gui Zang Lamp", Zhang Yuelu holds the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil Swords", Qiniang has the "Bone Mirror", and Wu Niang has her natal fairy "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans". This does not include the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". If it were included, it would be five pieces.

As for semi-immortal objects and items that can be compared to semi-immortal objects, there are even more, such as Qi Xuansu’s Buddha relics, pages of the "Xirui Sutra", "Pure Bodhi", Zhang Yuelu's "Photoless Paper", "Six-Character Light Mantra" "Sword", Xiao Yin's "Heavenly Horse Unconstrained", Qiniang

"Ban Miansou" and so on.

Strong in every sense of the word.

Although Qi Xuansu is far from reaching the top of the Taoist sect, he is now one of the top leaders within the Taoist sect. He is considered a figure and can stretch his legs.

A group of people got in the car and headed to Yujing.

Qi Xuansu wanted to talk to Zhang Yuelu about some private words between Taoists, but there were others, so Qi Xuansu simply asked about Zhang Yuelu's cultivation.

Zhang Yuelu roughly said that because of the help of the "Eternal Life Pill", she not only broke through the threshold of the creation stage, from the small Five Qi Dynasty Yuan realm to the Three Corpses Killing realm, but also broke through to the relatively late creation stage in one breath. The position is at least halfway through, close to the pseudo-immortal stage.

However, this kind of cultivation that relies on external forces is not as good as walking through it step by step. It does not have a weak foundation, nor does it mean a papery realm. Cultivation is cultivation, and whatever realm it is, it cannot be idealistic. Regarding. It's just that Zhang Yuelu is very uncomfortable and needs an adaptation process, which can be called "consolidating the realm." She is mainly busy handing over and has no time to consolidate the realm.

So Zhang Yuelu is still in the exploratory stage at this time.

The thirty-six thunder gods of the "Five Thunder Tianxin Formation" are becoming more and more solid. This is Zhang Yuelu's fundamental training method. Because it is the original version, even if it is the Xuanmen righteous method, it progresses slowly and still causes some damage to the body. , and even hindered the practice of the "Five Thunder Heavenly Mind Rectification" and slowed down the overall progress.

Under normal circumstances, there is no good way, which is to wait until the cultivation level is high, and then go back to make up for these hidden injuries, and even gain insufficient gains. This can be regarded as bitter at first and then sweet.


The "Eternal Life Pill" swept away these negative obstacles, but in disguise, it made the practice of "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa" faster, which benefited Zhang Yuelu greatly and made the thunder method more sophisticated.

If Tianshi could fire twelve thunders in a row without compromising the quality of his thunder skills, then Zhang Yuelu could already fire five thunders at this time, which was a significant improvement. The next stage of pseudo-immortality is probably the seven thunders, the nine thunders of immortals, and the twelve thunders of immortals in one tribulation.

The Ancestral Heavenly Master can reach the number of thirty-six thunders.

In addition, Zhang Yuelu's "Wordless Scroll" has also begun to gain a glimpse of its ability to freely transform sword energy. Sword energy can be dark or bright, large or small, and its wonderful operation lies in one mind. The key is to learn other sword techniques. It helps a lot.

Zhang Yuelu decided to start practicing the "Twenty-Eight Sword Techniques of the South Dou".

This is Xuan Sheng's self-created sword technique, and the inheritance of the banished immortals that points directly to the Immortal Avenue was also established by Xuan Sheng, so there is a strong correlation between the two.

Now Qi Xuansu already knows the secret of the "Sixth Tai" and has seen Master Qingwei control the "Twenty-Eight Swords of the South Dou". In his opinion, the "Xingluo Sword Formation" of the "Twenty-Eight Swords of the South Dou" has actually been With a bit of the prototype of "Taixu Illusion", it is perfect to learn this sword technique.

When it comes to sword skills, Qi Xuansu may not be able to catch up with Zhang Yuelu.

Speaking of using swords, we have to mention the "Three and Five Male and Female Evil-Slaying Swords". The Heavenly Master did not take this sword back and left it with Zhang Yuelu. This is of course a good thing, but for Zhang Yuelu, it is still too "heavy", just like a child swinging a sledgehammer. If one swing is not good enough, it is easy to swing himself out.

Even Qi Xuansu is on his way to becoming a pseudo-immortal

Only then did he manage to control both swords at the same time. Zhang Yuelu was not a pseudo-immortal at this time, so naturally he couldn't do it. But she also came up with a way to kill the three corpse incarnations, and then the original body and the avatar each held a sword, and the two swords were combined.

The only problem is that the incarnation is slightly weaker than the original body. Either the original body accommodates the incarnation and downgrades its use, or it tries to find ways to strengthen the incarnation.

Regarding these, Qi Xuansu can't help. Zhang Yuelu can find time to ask the Tianshi for advice, or he can ask the real person Cihang for advice. One of them is a quasi-one-kalpa immortal and the other is an immortal. They are both more reliable than Qi Xuansu, a pseudo-immortal.

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