Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 170 Old Friends

After Qi Xuansu listened, he did not express an opinion. On the contrary, it was Zhang Yuelu who said: "The real person is very accurate, so I can borrow the good words from the real person."

Pei Xiaolou laughed: "I once heard that Miss Zhang does not praise others easily, even her bosses and elders. It is really rare for me to get compliments from Miss Zhang today."

Zhang Yuelu said: "My true words are serious."

Qi Xuansu asked tentatively: "Is the real person coming to Yunjin Mountain this time for Taiping Road?"

"It can be said that." Pei Xiaolou did not hide it, "Taiping Taoism, especially the Li family, is very ambitious and wants to have a third great leader named Li in the Taoist sect. This is something that neither Zhengyi Taoism nor Quanzhen Taoism are willing to see. Even Xuan Sheng doesn't want the Taoist sect he built to become a family."

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other, but neither of them spoke rashly.

Pei Xiaolou said: "But don't worry too much. The two sides are still in the testing stage of each other, and they are far from the point of using swords and guns. However, I heard that Zhiming Cult and Lingshan Witch Cult are making moves again. In the future, there will be peace." I'm afraid the days are getting shorter and shorter. You two are in Tiangang Hall and you have to deal with them. It's better to be careful. "

"Thank you for the reminder, Master." Zhang Yuelu said, "I haven't been in Yujing recently, and even the news has been blocked a lot. I think the files on the table have piled up like a mountain."

Pei Xiaolou smiled and said: "That's why Shenzhi Zhenren has so many deputies and assistants, just to handle these errands."

Zhang Yuelu is one of others' deputies, and she takes this very seriously. Every time she goes to the host's room, the old man is always leisurely, either drinking tea or splashing ink. Most of the things on the desk are of himself. It's a calligraphy treasure, not a dossier. Anyway, it's not as busy as myself.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "After the spring, it will be the turn of the Imperial Master to be the rotating Grand Master. In the eyes of the Master, will the Imperial Master make any big moves in personnel matters?"

Pei Xiaolou said: "The position of the Grand Master is vacant. The Nine Halls, which are directly under the Grand Master, are temporarily under the command of the three deputy Masters. The Grand Master of Taiping Dao controls Beichen Hall, and the Grand Master of Quanzhen Dao controls Ziwei Hall. A great master controls Tiangang Hall and checks and balances each other. This is the pattern of Yujing today. "

"And you have to understand one thing. The rotating great master has a lot of power, but it cannot be equated with the great master. Because there is a restriction, that is, the three great masters take turns to act as the great master. If there is a big matter, they will discuss it together. It's a big deal if you want to change a real person in charge of the hall. If you can't change the real person in charge, just changing a few deputy hall leaders won't have much impact. Influence."

"To put it bluntly, the main role of the rotating Great Master is to maintain the situation, which is equivalent to half of the Grand Master at most. In the past year, the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master have each been serving as the rotating Great Master for half a year, and they have not done anything to the people of Taiping Dao. The two One of the reasons is that the deputy head masters are not completely united, and the other is that the rotating master does not have that much power."

Qi Xuansu was a little relieved, but not that relieved. After all, Zhang Yuelu is not the hall master, but the deputy hall master. The rotating master still has the power to bypass the other two deputy masters, Dazhenren and Jin Que, and directly depose the deputy hall master. Who can guarantee that the Taiping Dao master will not do it for his grandson? Taking it out?

Because Pei Xiaolou has set up a soundproofing ban, outsiders have no way of knowing the specific content of the three people's conversation, but from the surface, the three of them can be said to have a very happy conversation.

This makes others more confused about the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Pei Xiaolou.

Looking at it like this, they are indeed old acquaintances, but how did Qi Xuansu get involved with a real person?

Tantai Qiong asked softly: "Yuyue, what is this real person's last name?"

"It seems that her surname is Pei." Zhang Yuyue has never cared much about this kind of thing. For a standard rich lady, especially if she has an outstanding brother who loves her, she doesn't have to support the family and can keep her ears to the outside. thing.

"The surname is Pei." Tantai Qiong whispered to himself.

In the earliest days, Buddhism and Taoism merged to fight against Confucianism, and many Buddhists also joined Taoism. For example, the lineage of Master Cihang was the earliest disciple of Buddhism. Later, Buddhism and Taoism split, and the lineage of Master Cihang chose to stay in Taoism. , continue to be a real person in Taoism, rather than a Buddhist scholar, and many Taoist practices and systems also have the shadow of Buddhism, such as the "Cihang Pudu Sword Code" practiced by Zhang Yuelu, in which "flowers are falling from the sky", "golden lotus surging from the ground" ", "Buddha's Light of Ten Thousand Kalpas", "Thousand Swords Guanyin" and other moves are all obviously Buddhist style.

Later, the Taoist sect defeated the Confucian sect, and the Confucian sect lost its orthodox status and became a vassal of the Taoist sect. In this process, many Confucian sect disciples switched to the Taoist sect, such as the Tantai family, the Ning family, the Pei family, the Xie family, etc. He was once a Confucian family.

Tantai Qiong's ancestors were Confucian sages, and there was a great master named Pingzhang in the family. She knew more about these families who also came from Confucianism. Among them, the Pei family, whose ancestors were located in Lanling Mansion in Qizhou, were disciples of Confucianism and served as officials for generations. Until one of the family members met Xuansheng and worshiped Xuansheng as his teacher. He followed Xuansheng and started the great cause of reviving Taoism. Finally, Achieve understanding of real people and lead the whole family to join the Taoist sect.

To this day, although the Pei family is not as good as the Li family, which has seven real people, or the Zhang family, which is known as only three families in the world, it should not be underestimated. Donghua Zhenren, the second person in Quanzhen Taoism, was born in the Pei family. Donghua Zhenren has been passed down from generation to generation as a fixed name. His mountain gate residence is located on Jin'ao Peak in Qizhou, not far from the ancestral home of Lanling Mansion and across the sea from Penglai Island where Qingwei Zhenren has lived for generations. And today's Taiping Dao Da Zhenren is the Qingwei Zhenren of the previous generation.

However, as the situation became tense, Master Donghua rarely returned to Qizhou and lived in Yujing for a long time.

On the other side, Wan Xiuwu and Yue Liuli were Quanzhen Tao disciples and knew more.

This Master Pei is indeed inextricably linked to Master Donghua. He is the younger brother of Master Donghua. If Master Qi Jiao represents the Earth Master, then Pei Xiaolou represents Master Donghua. His weight is Not light.

"Did we guess wrong that Qi Xuan Suzhen has any relationship with Master Qi's Qi family? It's just that the Qi family couldn't come forward, so they asked Master Pei to take care of him?" Wan Xiuwu said to himself.

Yue Liuli frowned slightly: "It's not impossible, but I always feel that things are not that simple."

Wan Xiuwu did not despise Yue Liuli's opinion and said: "It is indeed not that simple. Even if the bloodline is wandering outside, there is no reason to send it to the Wanxiang Dao Palace. If it is sent to the Wanxiang Dao Palace, why bother to give up another person? If a real person comes forward to take care of me, I won’t just recognize him recently.”

Yue Liuli shook his head and said, "Stop talking. What if we know the inside story? If these words reach Master Qi's ears, it will be detrimental to us."

Wan Xiuwu nodded and said no more.

Talking privately about a Master Shenzhi can be a serious or minor crime. If Master Shenzhi himself does not mind, it is just a matter of giving a few words of reprimand. But if Zhenzhi really cares about it and even gets angry because of it, then it’s hard to say what the fate of the two of them will be. I’m afraid their future ends here. Requiem Secretary Grave Guarding is a good place to go.

The bidding gradually came to an end, and the real person and the Taoist priest of the third grade Youyi began to take action. The final red fruit sold for a high price of 8,000 Taiping coins and was collected by a real person from the Quanzhen Taoism. The large axis of the Xumi object was The price was 15,000 Taiping coins, and it was photographed by Zhang Jushu.

Pei Xiaolou said to Zhang Yuelu: "Miss Zhang, I want to borrow Tianyuan from you and let him talk to me. It doesn't need to be more, just half an hour."

After this period of conversation, Pei Xiaolou and Qi Xuansu became very familiar with each other. They no longer called them Taoist friends, but changed their nickname to "Tianyuan".

Zhang Yuelu said calmly: "The real person is asking himself, why should he ask me? I'm not his mother."

After that, she bowed to Pei Xiaolou, stood up and left first, leaving only Pei Xiaolou and Qi Xuansu.

Pei Xiaolou said: "Tianyuan, I believe you have a lot to ask me, but it's hard to ask in front of Miss Zhang. Can you talk to me now?"

"It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask my ears." Qi Xuansu said.

The two of them also got up and left the place, and came to a secluded garden outside the auditorium. This was the Shangqing Palace. People waiting for leisure were not allowed to move around at will. However, Pei Xiaolou was both a real person and a guest, so naturally he was not considered a person waiting for leisure.

The two of them walked on the cobblestone path. Qi Xuansu carefully considered his words and took the initiative to say, "I have something I don't know whether to ask or not."

"You can ask anything. If I don't want to answer, I won't answer." Pei Xiaolou's attitude was very indifferent.

Qi Xuansu stopped being polite and asked directly: "The first time the real person and I met, was it a chance encounter? Or did the real person do it intentionally?"

Pei Xiaolou seemed to have expected that Qi Xuansu would ask such a question, and answered directly: "Half and half, I did have to return to Yujing at that time, and the flying boat was only half a month away. It didn't matter whether I came early or late, as long as I didn't For more than half a month, we would always meet on that flying boat. It was not my intention. As for why I wanted to take the flying boat, it was naturally more labor-saving. Even heavenly beings would not want to fly all the way back to Kunlun if it was not necessary. It's okay for heavenly beings in the infinite stage, but those who are only in the free stage will inevitably have insufficient strength. If they want to stop and rest, it is better to take a flying boat directly. "

Pei Xiaolou paused for a moment and continued: "Half of this is a chance encounter. The other half is intentional. After I saw you at that time, I could make friends with you or ignore you. It was all in one thought. , I decided to meet you at that time."

Qi Xuansu keenly noticed something: "The real person seems to have known about me for a long time? But I am just an unknown person."

Pei Xiaolou smiled and said, "Of course someone mentioned you. Qiniang and I are old friends."

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