Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 31 Yun Mengze

Chapter 31 Yun Mengze Qi Xuansu took Xiao Yin back to the custody room after class. As punishment, he asked Xiao Yin to copy the Tao Te Ching twice and hand it over to him at Mingguan.

Xiao Yin still wanted to bargain, but after Qi Xuansu tried to raise the price three times, Xiao Yin immediately gave in and said that two times would be enough.

Qi Xuansu sent Xiao Yin away and asked Yan Yongzhen to bring the roster of students from the palace. Only then did he know the origins of the two young Taoist priests.

Among them, the female Taoist priest named Yan Yongyi was a disciple of the eighth generation, but she was much younger than Qi Xuansu and others. Like Xiao Yueru, she was the tail of the disciples of the eighth generation, and after that she was the disciple of the ninth generation.

No wonder she fiercely opposed Qi Xuansu's criticism of Yan Zhenren, who turned out to be from the Yan family.

If the aristocratic families within Tao were classified into a hierarchy, then Li, Zhang, and Yao were undoubtedly the top aristocratic families and the main candidates to take turns to be the banker.

Next are first-class families such as Pei, Su, Lu, Shen, Qi, Xu, etc. In fact, some families with immortals can also be regarded as first-class families, such as the Yan family, which has great energy. It just follows the death of the immortal. If the foundation is not enough, other family members If you cannot support it, you will immediately fall down the class and return to its true status, so it is difficult to say.

There are also historical issues like the Zhou family, which is equally difficult to say.

Maybe some people say that the Pei family does not rely on Donghua Zhenren alone? In fact, it is not the case. In any case, Pei Shenfu is also named Pei, Lei Xiaohuan is also a member of the Pei family, Donghua Zhenren determines the upper limit of the Pei family, and these two women determine the lower limit of the Pei family.

The Yan family probably belongs to a third-rate family. Although they have produced Shenzhi Zhenren, the younger generations have failed to live up to their expectations and have begun to decline. Although they still have certain connections in the high-level Taoist circles, if they cannot reverse this decline, they will eventually fall out of this circle. .

Most of the children from such families have two directions. One is to give up on themselves and enjoy themselves while the family has not yet fallen down the class, regardless of whether the flood will disappear in the future.

The other is to fight desperately, hoping to restore the family's momentum and restore the family's future. Now it seems that Yan Yongyi belongs to the second type.

Qi Xuansu's impression of her was pretty good, at least he didn't dislike her.

As for the other male Taoist priest, he was from the Xu family of Xu Dacheng and Xu Xiaoying. His name was Xu Xingying, and he was Xu Dacheng's son.

Qi Xuansu and Xu Dacheng still have some friendship, and Zhang Yuelu and Xu Xiaoying have a good relationship. Regardless of their seniority, Xu Xingfu should call Qi Xuansu his uncle.

Of course, it’s time to call the teacher, that’s about it.

If Yan Yongyi can form a Taoist couple with Xu Xingying, then it is not bad. The Yan family is also married, and the Xu family can help the Yan family. In any case, Xu Tiancheng is also a real person in the Zhangtang, one of the Nine Palms.

However, Qi Xuansu looked at Xu Xingfu's appearance as a bit too gentle, and did not look like he could control Yan Yongyi.

A woman like Yan Yongyi must be very opinionated. It's okay if two people are on the same page. If they disagree, it's up to them. Either obey her or go their separate ways.

But these have nothing to do with Qi Xuansu. Anyway, he has convinced Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu took note of these two people and decided to list them as key objects of observation. The teacher-student relationship is a powerful tool for getting closer.

It's okay to have a heart-to-heart talk and help solve some problems when nothing happens.

Just don’t rush these things.

Qi Xuansu can't be too deliberate. No one is a fool. If his intention to win over is too obvious, it may be counterproductive. It's better to let nature take its course.

Qi Xuansu's next course is after the Seventh National Congress. Qi Xuansu plans to go to Yunmengze first to explore Long Xiaori's hometown.

On the contrary, it is also idle to watch.

Even if they are left behind by immortals, they are not afraid. Qi Xuansu and Long Xiaori combined can already compete with immortals. They are not afraid of living immortals, let alone dead immortals.

The world is so big that there is nothing that cannot be conquered.

So Qi Xuansu called Yan Yongzhen, Lu Yujue, Cheng Lixue and others to give some explanations, and then left the Wanxiang Taoist Palace with Long Xiaobai.

As for asking for leave, that's not necessary. The relationship between the real person in charge and the real person in charge of the palace is not a superior-subordinate relationship in the true sense, but a relationship similar to that between a governor and a governor. The governor is a head taller than the governor, but he doesn't want to see the governor in bed to take care of things. They all listen to the governor, or there will be no talk of a governor-general dispute.

Strictly speaking, Qi Xuansu does not have an immediate superior, and he is completely free to act as he pleases. Yunmengze is located between Huzhou and Xiangzhou, and it is not that far from Zhongzhou. After all, Zhongzhou and Huzhou also have a border, and they are neighbors. No wonder Long Xiaobai originally ran all the way to Fang Xiang Dao Palace, mainly because it was close.

When he heard the news that he was going home, Long Xiaobai still had mixed feelings. Although he knew that Qi Xuansu wanted to explore the immortal cave more, he still felt better about Qi Xuansu.

Another point is that Shi Bingyun's hometown is in Xiangzhou, and she recently invited Xiu Mo, who happened to be over there.

This is the advantage of the Imperial Palace. Basically, nothing happens. You can protect yourself as long as you want, and no one will care about it.

When Li Changge was the chief, no one in the Taoist government had seen the chief. Now it was Shi Bingyun's turn to be the chief, and she did the same.

Other Taoist authorities also have to worry about power issues, worrying that their long-term absence will lead to a loss of power.

For example, when Zhang Jucheng left Jiangnan Daofu and went to Yujing, he made a special statement: All issues related to personnel appointments, removals and major decision-making would not be discussed during his trip to Yujing, and unexpected events and uncertainties would not be discussed. Matters of principle must be reported to him through safe channels.

In this way, news from Jiangnan Province reaches Yujing every day. Zhang Jucheng is far away in Yujing and presides over Qi Xuansu's marriage. The dynamics of Jiangnan Province are still in full view.

The Imperial Palace does not have this problem, because you cannot fight for something that does not exist. There is no power in the first place. The power has been divided between the imperial court and Qizhou Daofu. What are the two sisters still fighting for? The last time we filmed The table was still because of Qi Xuansu.

A similar situation exists in the Luo Pozhou Taoist Prefecture, where apart from the mines there are also exiled prisoners. Although the territory is large, few Shenzhi practitioners are willing to go there.

This is a place for retirement or transition. People who come to these Taoist mansions are either frustrated people with no hope of future, or they use this place as a transit point for temporary transition.

Bingyun undoubtedly belongs to the former.

Since it was a transition, Shi Bingyun simply applied for a month's rest, and started resting after going to Yujing to attend Qi Xuansu's wedding. Zhang Yuelu's wedding was over, Qi Xuansu had already taken office as the real person in charge of the palace, and she was still on interest.

Qi Xuansu stopped by Shi Bingyun and asked about Yunmengze's current situation. Shi Bingyun's hometown is located in Taoyuan County, Hengyang Prefecture, Xiangzhou. It is very close to Yunu Mountain where Xiangzhou Taoist Prefecture is located. It is not far from Yunmengze and only has Sanbai. Yuli.

There is also a Taoist palace on Xuannu Mountain on Yunmengze. It is not as big as a Taoist palace like Fangxiang Taoist Palace, but it is still quite large.

Qi Xuansu did not take a flying boat or ride a dragon. He just flew normally and took Long Xiaobai, who had transformed into a human form, to quietly arrive in Taoyuan County.

When Qi Xuansu visited, Shi Bingyun was not at home. He said he had gone out. No one at home knew exactly where he went.

This is in line with Shi Bingyun's character. Master Cihang couldn't control her back then, let alone others.

Qi Xuansu was not in a hurry and planned to wait.

After the people here know Qi Xuansu's identity, they don't dare to be arrogant, professional! He watched Qi Xuansu talk, and then quickly sent someone to retrieve Shi Bingyun.

Around evening, Shi Bingyun finally came back, arriving before anyone else arrived: "Tianyuan, how can you come to my place when you are so busy? Just come here without saying anything in advance!"

After the words fell, a woman came in from outside, dressed in men's clothing. Shi Bingyun was more respectful to his old boss, Qi Xuansu, and did not become a master just because he had been promoted to Shenzhi Zhenren. He stood up and introduced Long Xiaobai politely, saying Be your own friend.

Of course Shi Bingyun was able to tell the story of Long Xiaobai's excellence, but he didn't ask too much. There were so many strange people and strangers in the Tao. If he really wanted to explore them all, he wouldn't be able to get to the bottom of it. It was better not to get to the bottom of it.

Then Qi Xuansu explained the purpose of his visit. He learned about an immortal cave, the entrance of which was located in Yunmengze. His original intention this time was to hunt for treasures and visit his old boss on the way.

After hearing this, Shi Bingyun said: "The fallen immortal? Is it still related to Yun Mengze? Is it the Taoist uprising in the previous Wei Dynasty?"

Qi Xuansu also knew about this. Before Xuansheng integrated the Taoist sect, during the reign of Wuzong of the former Wei Dynasty, Tao! There was an uprising, but at that time the Confucian sage Xinzi Sage was still in the world, and he suppressed Tao with one blow. It is said that Tao suffered heavy casualties.

It would make sense if a Taoist immortal was seriously injured at the hands of a sage from the Xinxue sect.

Qi Xuansu said: "It is indeed possible."

Shi Bingyun changed the subject: "However, we cannot conclude that Yunmeng Daze was originally a general name for a series of lakes and water systems, including not only lakes, but also mountains, forests, wilderness, and Baze. However, later climate changes and terrain subsidence changed the situation here. Many small lakes gradually connected into one, and the swamps all sank underwater, turning into a vast sea-like lake, comparable to Tso Wenbu in the northwest. It is said that dragons appear in it.

But now it is no longer visible. "

"The New World has already divided into several divine systems. The divine systems in our Central Plains are even more complicated. The orthodox divine system is of course that of Emperor Guan.

However, there is another pantheon, that of the Xiangchu region. The main god is not the Emperor of Heaven, but Donghuang Taiyi, also known as Dongjun. Some people believe that Dongjun once competed with the Emperor of Heaven and was ultimately defeated, so the Emperor of Heaven became the orthodox one. "

“Among the many legends, there is also a connection between the two divine systems, that is, the ancient witchcraft religion.

The great witch was both a subordinate of Emperor Guan and active in the Chu land. Some people believe that Dongjun was the previous emperor of Guan. The great witch was once a subordinate of Emperor Dongjun. Later, the second emperor of heaven was enlightened by Taishang Taozu and rose to power. , defeated Dongjun and became the new Emperor of Heaven. The Great Witch Zai was loyal to the second Emperor of Heaven, but in the end he could not escape the end of destruction and was eliminated and replaced by the Taoist Sect. "

"I won't talk about the specific situation for now. In Dongjun's pantheon, there is a god named Yunzhongjun, who is regarded as the god of Yunmengze."

PS: It is recommended not to wait until Chapter 2.

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