Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 46: Extraterrestrial Demon

Chapter 46: The Extraterrestrial Demon Su Yuanzai asked: "What is the Extraterrestrial Demon?" In fact, Qi Xuansu also wanted to ask, but it just didn't cost him face. Su Yuanzai happened to ask, which would save trouble.

Zhou Mengyao didn't hide his eyes, glanced at Qi Xuansu, and said: "You should know that the immortals have the method of reincarnating themselves into the world in order to ascend for the second time. We call these immortals' incarnations as banished immortals.' This is also the inheritance of the immortals. One of the reasons why it is called the inheritance of the Immortal."

Pseudo-immortal and pseudo-immortal stages are not the same thing, nor are the banishment of immortals and the inheritance of immortals.

As Master Shenzhi, Qi Xuansu and Su Yuanzai certainly know what the incarnation of the immortal means. Perhaps to others, this is still a secret, but to the higher-ups of the Taoist sect, it is not a secret.

Zhou Mengyao also acquiesced that the two of them knew the mystery, and did not elaborate too much. He continued, "There is another saying, and the immortals are called outsiders.

The so-called "inside the domain" refers to the human world, and "outside the domain" means outside the human world.

To be precise, it refers to where you will go after ascension. "

“This world is boundless and has nothing, no light, no shadow, no sound, no breath, no beginning and no end.

If a mortal reaches this point, it will be the same as nothing.

Westerners put forward the concept of dimensions, believing that this is a world with a higher dimension than the human world. When mortals reach this dimension, it is like the characters on paper leaving the paper and entering the real world, unable to exist independently.

Immortals are already extraordinary and advanced beings, so they can exist in this higher-dimensional world. "

"It is said that there are not only immortals outside the territory, but also other beings. These are collectively called aliens from outside the territory or aliens from heaven.

Some of them that are particularly bad are called extraterrestrial demons, thus giving rise to the distinction between immortals and demons.

Westerners call them foreign gods, which are different from human gods. "

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "How are these secrets about foreign affairs passed down?"

Zhou Mengyao said: "I have already said that the immortals will take out their incarnations and come down to earth, and things outside the realm will naturally be transmitted to the human world through these incarnations of Guanxian.

However, some of the content about extraterritoriality is too profound and astringent: it contains great dangers and cannot be known by others, so it is classified as top secret, and generally only immortals are qualified to know it. "

Qi Xuansu and Su Yuanzai looked at each other and understood in their hearts that although he was a pseudo-immortal and a real person, they were still far behind in the end, and this standard should have nothing to do with power and status, but only to do with realm and cultivation.

However, Su Yuanzai still asked: "Why would these contents be dangerous?"

Zhou Mengyao explained: "This has something to do with the demon outside the territory."

"First of all, it must be clear that the extraterrestrial demon is not the inner demon. Although the two are somewhat similar in some aspects, they cannot be generalized."

"Secondly, the extraterrestrial devil has no specific appearance or fixed shape. It is neither human nor beast. It is as big as the world and as small as a thought. It can be anything, it can be the most beautiful existence in your heart, or it can turn into the most terrifying thing in your heart. The existence is more like a concept.”

"How was the extraterrestrial devil born? He didn't ascend, nor was he born first. He was more like a patchwork of countless fragments, including space fragments, incense and wish power, scattered souls, wandering around three households, immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons. The lost bodies, even the lost caves and the ruins of the collapsed divine kingdom, together constitute the extraterrestrial demons.

The Divine Kingdom of Cave and the fragments of space make up its body, and those lingering thoughts, residual souls, incense, and three households make up its soul.

Strictly speaking, the extraterrestrial devil does not have a real core of consciousness, but a huge collection of consciousness that has been full of chaos from the day it was born. "

"The extraterrestrial demons will crazily devour everything, including living creatures and various small worlds, and will also follow their instincts and constantly try to come to the human world."

"However, the human world in the Tai Chi period must be concrete, and simple concepts cannot be based on the human world, so the extraterrestrial demons need a container or host."

“Most people don’t know about the existence of extraterrestrial demons and will never have contact with them.

But once you know the existence of the demon outside the territory, you will have a mysterious connection with the demon outside the territory. One day, you will follow the trajectory of fate and become the host or even the container of the devil outside the territory.

The Western Holy Court calls this phenomenon pollution. "

Su Yuanzai's face was not very pretty: "Just knowing the existence of the extraterrestrial demon, it is possible to become the container of the extraterrestrial demon? Then wouldn't we... Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Master Su, don't worry, since the immortal is qualified to know this matter , that means that immortals can resist the erosion of extraterrestrial demons, as long as I become an immortal as soon as possible.

Su Yuanzai smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

As the existence closest to immortals, pseudo-immortals are certainly not without any resistance. It is impossible for them to know the existence of extraterrestrial demons today and be contaminated by extraterrestrial demons tomorrow.

This process may take decades, but there is no need to worry too much.

In fact, there is another way, which is to not think at all. Even if you know the existence of the extraterrestrial demon, as long as you don't think about it, you will naturally not feel it.

It’s just that the mind is wandering, but who can completely control the mind? I'm afraid it's counterproductive, after all, "confessing that I don't think about the devil outside the territory is also thinking about the devil outside the territory."

Having said that, although Qi Xuansu and Su Yuanzai took the initiative to ask, Zhou Mengyao did not give any advance warning and just said it directly. Obviously, he did not have good intentions.

Now that he knew that it could not be reversed, Qi Xuansu had no worries and asked directly: "What level of cultivation is the demon outside the territory?"

Zhou Mengyao said: "If it is an extraterrestrial demon, it must be above an immortal. But if it is an extraterrestrial demon that comes to the human world, then the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. It mainly depends on the cultivation level of the host or container."

“In addition, every extraterritorial demon is unique, and there are no two identical extraterrestrial demons in the world.

Because the opportunities for the formation of each extraterritorial demon are different, and the imperfections that make up the extraterritorial demon are also different, the extraterritorial demons bred are naturally different, and each has different magical powers. "

“Even heavenly immortals cannot know all the demons outside the realm.

However, it is certain that the extraterrestrial devil will be very targeted. If its consciousness is mainly concentrated in the East, then it will be more inclined to interact with the Eastern world, and eventually descend in the East, and after it materializes, it will also It has a strong oriental style, which is more in line with the cognition of Eastern people.

On the contrary, if its consciousness set is dominated by the West, then it will be more inclined to resonate with the Western world, and will have a strong Western style after its realization.

“It is said that Sirila’s Sirui Sutra has a certain relationship with the demons outside the territory.

It may be that Sirila was inspired by the demon from outside the territory.

Of course, according to the Holy Court, he should be called an Outer God.

Even the Holy Court believed that Sirila had been contaminated by the outer gods. "

"There are also suspected extraterritorial demons in our Eastern world. It happened during the Taiping Uprising. It is said that Cang Guan is dead and Huang Guan will be established. The founder of Taiping Dao believes that Cang Tian is the extraterritorial demon, while Confucianism believes that Huang Guan is the extraterritorial demon.

What is the specific truth? After the death of the great virtuous master, the world was divided into three parts, and the heroes competed. No one knows, and it can be regarded as completely submerged in the fog of history. "

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but said: "Ru Guang also believes in demons outside the territory?"

Zhou Mengyao said in the same tone as Qi Haoran back then: "You don't say anything about the strange power and the gods. The Holy Master just didn't say it, but he didn't say he didn't believe it."

Qi Xuansu felt stung by the feelings of his former master and apprentice again, so he remained silent.

On the contrary, Su Yuanzai said: "If Cangzhen is an extraterrestrial demon, is it related to the Battle of Kunyang? Historical records indicate that during the Battle of Kunyang, meteors fell into the camp at night, and clouds were like broken mountains during the day. , and dispersed within a foot of the ground, and all the soldiers were tired of lying down. Then there was another strong wind, and there was a heavy rain, and the turbid water surged. Hundreds of thousands of people were drowned, and the water stopped flowing. "

Qi Xuansu was surprised. He didn't expect the extraterrestrial demon to be so powerful.

According to Su Yuanzai, the extraterritorial devil named "Cangtian" does not rely on a host or container to come to the world, but more like a direct incarnation of his own body to achieve such power.

It was not until the Great Taiping Uprising that Cangguan was extinguished."

However, Taipingdao seems to have also relied on the power of another extraterritorial pass demon "Huang Pass". As for the final fate of "Huang Tian", I don't know.

Talking about "Cangtian", the two armies fighting are not hundreds of thousands of ordinary people. Most of the soldiers in the army are strange people and strangers. Ordinary soldiers also have great spiritual abilities, not even the level of immortals. The demons from outside the territory can strike with one blow. To destroy an army of hundreds of thousands, this is not just the power of an immortal, but more like a second calamity immortal, or even a third immortal.

Zhou Mengyao waved his hand and said: "Don't be afraid, it's been 1,800 years since the Gengshi Year. Time has changed.

As the saying goes, this time and that time, the human world at that time was still in the Taishi period and was very loose. The rules of the customs were not fully developed and there were many loopholes, so the foreign customs demons could come directly. "

"Today's human world has entered the Tai Chi period, which is extremely strong. It is even going to enter the lawless era, which not only restricts immortals, but also restricts otherworldly things. If the demons from outside the realm want to come again, it is already difficult and difficult, so we can only start from the human heart.

For demons outside the realm, changing bodies is like changing clothes. Unfortunately, the clothes in the human world are too small and rarely fit, making it even more difficult. "

“Actually, since the Dapu period, we have rarely heard of anything about extraterrestrial demons.

By the time of the Wei Dynasty, there had been no large-scale advent of demons from outside the territory. At most, it was just some small fights and nothing to worry about.

By the time of the Daxuan Period, the Outer Territory Pass Demon had become a legend in the old books, and no one believed it. Many people would even confuse the ancient immortals with the Outer Territory Pass Demon, thinking that ancient immortals such as Wu Luo and Siming Zhenjun were the Outer Territory Demon.

Qi Xuansu looked at the human face in the sky again: "Since it is difficult for the devil from outside the territory to come, how can this be explained? Monthly display book recommendation

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