Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 89: Corpse Raising Ground

This was Qi Xuansu's second close contact with the outer demon, not the first time.

If it were someone else, they would have suffered misfortune long ago, such as Meng Mai.

But Qi Xuansu was different, with too much capital.

I don't know who once said this: All fear comes from insufficient firepower.

Ghosts are scary, enough to scare ordinary people crazy, and the fear that goes deep into the bone marrow is irresistible. But when you hold a stack of ghost-subduing talismans in your hand and wear a Taoist robe to ward off evil spirits, then ghosts are no longer scary.

Qi Xuansu also had this mentality. He had too many cards in his hands, but he was not afraid of attracting the attention of the outer demon. Not to mention the existence of He Luoshen, even if there was no He Luoshen, there was still the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", not to mention that the geomancer had invested so much in him, could the geomancer be willing to lose all his money?

What Qi Xuansu wanted was to control the outer demon.

Soon, the eye disappeared.

Qi Xuansu found himself still standing there, and everything just now seemed to be just an illusion.

The book was still in Qi Xuansu's hands, but it had been opened. It was full of Golden Tent texts, but the order of the texts was reversed and the handwriting was distorted, as if it was the nonsense left by a madman after drinking.

Qi Xuansu reluctantly translated it. There were some seemingly plausible articles recorded in it, which seemed to be the classics of shamanism, but they were misinterpreted. There were also various rituals that were misinterpreted. If you worship and pray according to this ritual, the final destination is not Changshengtian, but "Changshengtian".

This book should belong to Batu Khan, but Batu Khan died and somehow fell into Mengmai's hands. Perhaps there is a possibility that this book took the initiative to "find" Mengmai.

It is said that there is a destiny in the dark. The outer demons have already had the prototype of the way of heaven. In a sense, the outer demons can also manipulate fate, especially the fate of those believers who are highly bound to the outer demons.

Qi Xuansu thought about it, and finally decided to put the book away, then wrote a report about the extraterritorial demons, submitted it to the Golden Palace through the "Xun Fu Array", and issued an order to strictly investigate the illegal sacrifices inside and outside the Daofu.

Next, Qi Xuansu told Yan Yongzhen not to let anyone disturb him, and then borrowed Xiao Yin from Wu Niang to go to a "good place" - the corpse raising ground.

The Great Snow Mountain, formerly known as the White Mountain, has snow in winter and summer, so it is called the Great Snow Mountain. The Golden Tent people called it the Tianshan Mountain, also known as the Zheluoman Mountain, which is 21,900 feet high, about 5,000 miles long and about 600 miles wide. The highest peak is the Tomur Peak, and the Great Snow Mountain Palace is located under this peak.

When the Great Snow Mountain Palace was still in the hands of the Shamanism, Xu Zu had cooperated with the Shamanism.

In order to complete the "Eight Tribes" plan left by Guge Zaodao, Xu Zu had some exchanges with the then shaman leader Wu Wang. The result was inspiring. Xu Zu was able to complete "Emperor Shitian" and Wu Wang was able to complete "Eternal Life Stone". After all, the two had many similarities and merits in refining the power of living beings. The corpse-raising ground in the Great Snow Mountain Palace was left at that time.

In other words, "Emperor Shitian" once slept in the Great Snow Mountain Palace.

The Great Snow Mountain Palace was originally the palace of the Khan of the Golden Horde. Changchun Zhenren, who defeated Lin Lingsu, went to the outside of the Great Snow Mountain Palace, went out of the Iron Gate Pass, and met the Khan of the Golden Horde on the ground.

Later, the Great Snow Mountain Palace was given to the Wu Wang by the Khan of the Golden Horde. The Wu Wang operated here for many years, making the Great Snow Mountain Palace gradually become the core of Shamanism.

Later, Daxuan established the country and recovered the lost land in the Western Regions, naturally including the entire territory of the Great Snow Mountain. The Great Snow Mountain Palace became the location of the Western Region Daofu. The last time Shamanism provoked a war in the Western Regions, it was under the banner of "returning to the old capital".

The corpse-raising land that Xu Zu and the Witch King jointly opened up was located deep underground in the Daxue Mountain Palace.

The Daxue Mountain Palace was built on the mountain. From the outside, it was white, the same color as the mountain, like a city of ice and snow. If the weather was clear and the clouds were bright, it would be even more sacred and solemn. Who would have thought that there was a "mass grave" buried with countless corpses under this place?

The Daxue Mountain Palace was called a palace, but it was actually a city. Because it was built on the mountain and built in piles, the buildings in the city could not be arranged neatly like ordinary cities. They could only make do with the terrain, so they rose layer by layer according to the mountain. Each layer was connected by stone steps and slopes.

However, the palace had multiple entrances and exits. For example, there were other roads on the upper level connected to the Yaochi. The core institutions of the Daofu were also located on the upper level of the palace, and the lower level was mostly residential and commercial areas.

After reaching the lowest level, there is an underground city. This was built by the Golden Tent with more than 100,000 slaves. I don't know how many people died because of it. After death, their bodies were abandoned in the corpse-raising ground. It can be said that every inch of this place is stained with blood and sin.

The Taoist sect seized the Great Snow Mountain Palace, and it didn't have to bear the moral burden. No wonder Shamanism is obsessed with it. It makes Shamanism suffer, and the infamy is also let Shamanism bear.

This underground city is very solid and large in scale. It is connected in all directions and can accommodate thousands of people. There are many mechanisms and formations. It is really a dragon's den and a tiger's lair. Even if a master in the stage of heaven and man rashly enters it, there is a possibility of suffering here. If one day, the Great Snow Mountain Palace falls, you can enter here to defend it.

The underground city is heavily guarded and no one can enter or leave it casually. However, Qi Xuansu is the real person in charge of the house. Who can control him? Go directly to the underground palace deep in the underground city.

Before Qi Xuansu set foot in it, he felt a strong yin energy coming towards him, which was almost as strong as the outer area of ​​the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven. This shows that the number of deaths here has reached a point where quantitative change has led to qualitative change.

The corpse-raising ground is located in the underground palace. It was originally part of the underground palace. After the construction of the underground palace was completed, many craftsmen who built the underground palace were buried alive here. Later, Xu Zu was invited to the Snow Mountain Palace to choose the location of the corpse-raising ground, and finally chose this place.

So the witch king gave an order, and a large number of slaves' bodies were transported here, so that the corpse-raising ground was covered with blood and flesh, and the ground was paved with bones. The yin energy was soaring, so the shamanism had to set up a formation to block the leakage of yin energy.

There were no spiritual officials stationed here, but a large number of mechanical puppets were arranged, similar to the puppets in Tianshui Yixin Tower, which were not afraid of ordinary yin energy. Qi Xuansu had the token of the real person in charge of the mansion, and could directly command the puppets here.

In this way, Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin walked for a long time without any obstacles. Along the way, they could see the traces left by the fierce battle when Xuansheng attacked the Snow Mountain Palace, which had not been repaired.

Finally arrived at the corpse-raising ground, the concentration of yin energy here was comparable to the core area of ​​the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, but only slightly inferior to the area where Emperor Liu was located.

Xiao Yin took a few gulps of Yin Qi and said it tasted very good.

There are two huge stone doors that are comparable to city gates between the corpse raising ground and the underground palace. There are exquisite reliefs on the stone doors. On both sides of the huge stone doors are two pillars. There are stone braziers on the pillars, and there is a faint Yin fire burning in them.

There is no guard here, mainly because the Yin Qi here is too strong and has begun to affect the present world. Even the mechanical puppets developed by Tianji Hall cannot exist for a long time. They will be gradually eroded by the Yin Qi and eventually malfunction.

Only the "Morning Body" can resist this level of Yin Qi, but the cost of the "Morning Body" is too high to be wasted in this place without sunlight.

Qi Xuansu opened the stone door with the token of the real person in charge of the house. Inside is the layout of the hall. It is extremely open, and you can't even see the edge at a glance. The dome is supported by countless pillars that can be hugged by three people. The spacing of these pillars is exactly the same, making the whole hall look like a chessboard. However, now you can no longer see the original floor tiles of the hall, only countless gray-white bones.

After the Taoists occupied the Snow Mountain Palace, considering that this place was not corroded by Yin Qi like the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, they were too lazy to use manpower to "purify" this place. What if the corpse-raising ground was used again? After all, the Taoists were civilized, but there was no way to replicate it.

So the Taoists simply sealed it off, just like Qi Xuansu sealed the relevant files of Mengmai. Without the order of the Master of the Mansion, no one could enter, which was equivalent to a forbidden area.

Now Qi Xuansu is the Master of the Mansion, so he can come whenever he wants, and there is no such thing as not being able to enter.

In the depths of the hall, there is a blood pool, which is the key to the entire corpse-raising ground. After more than 200 years, the blood in the pool still has no dark color, as if it had just left the human body.

The "Emperor Shitian" was immersed in this blood pool, but now the building is empty and there is nothing here.

Xiao Yin was not afraid at all, and looked around curiously, even with an intoxicated expression on his face.

For her, this is the breath of home. Coming here is like going home, reminding her of the days when she climbed up and down the Emperor Willow.

Seeing the blood pool, Xiao Yin was even more eager to go down and soak in the hot spring.

Qi Xuansu called Xiao Yin to him and held her head. Just when Xiao Yin was a little confused, Qi Xuansu unfolded his own divine domain.

Qi Xuansu's fundamental divine domain is based on the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, in which a fictitious Emperor Willow was created, like a projection of the Emperor Willow.

But how can the shadow of the Emperor Willow compare with the genuine Emperor Willow spirit?

In addition, the rich yin energy here is comparable to the core area of ​​the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, making Qi Xuansu's divine domain extremely real.

This is the inspiration Qi Xuansu got from the Heavenly Master. Since the power of the Emperor Willow is so easy to use, he can also pry the power of the Emperor Willow slightly through Xiao Yin. In this way, he can overlap his divine domain with the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven to achieve the purpose of stealing the sky and replacing the day, and making the fake look real.

After all, under normal circumstances, Qi Xuansu has no authority and cannot drive the three major yin objects at the same time. That is the authority of the Earth Master.

After the divine domain condensed, Qi Xuansu still pressed Xiao Yin's head, while raising his other hand, exerting all his strength to activate his magic power, and attracted the rolling Yin Qi, like a sea of ​​clouds and fog, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

Countless black mists transformed by Yin Qi gathered towards Qi Xuansu like a whirlpool, and this time they turned into three portals.

Mr. Yin, Master Wan, and Madam Bai appeared from the door one after another.

That's not all, Qi Xuansu activated the Dao Fruit Realm again.

A Yin Moon appeared above the divine domain, emitting endless green light, and the Yin Qi was blazing. Through the green light, the Toad Palace could be vaguely seen.

There were stars all around the Yin Moon, dotting the night sky, and the starlight gathered into a purple light, which fell obliquely from the sky, and a figure descended to the mortal world on the purple light.

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