Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 100: Give him a taste of his own medicine

Xiao Yin's teeth are first-rate. When she first appeared on the battlefield of Fenglinzhou, she was able to surprise Qi Xuansu.

Later, when she arrived in Borneo, Xiao Yin was only in the Infinite Stage. When she faced Sun Heyu, a pseudo-immortal, she only had one encounter, and one of Sun Heyu's legs turned into white bones, without a trace of blood left.

Now Xiao Yin is already in the Creation Stage, and it is reasonable for her to be able to gnaw the flesh and blood of the Great Awakening Golden Immortal.

So Xiao Yin still held back when she was fighting with Qi Xuansu. Even when she was angry, she would butt Qi Xuansu with her head instead of biting him. Her bite was not as simple as leaving a few teeth marks like other girls. I'm afraid Qi Xuansu will have to experience the pain of a long-lost broken hand again.

Qi Niang once said to Qi Xuansu, with our Xiao Yin's physique and teeth, smoking and drinking will not hinder her from becoming an immortal. Why do you have nothing to do with that?

For Xiao Yin, this is the time to feast on food.

The flesh and blood of the Great Awakening Golden Immortal is not inferior to dragon meat, and it has a different flavor compared to dragon meat. After all, eating dragon meat all day long is a bit boring.

If it were normal times, even if Xiao Yin had such teeth, she would not have such an opportunity. No immortal would stand still and let her gnaw. At the beginning, she gnawed one of Sun Heyu's legs, but was stabbed in the throat by Sun Heyu, and then lay on the ground, blood gushing out of her mouth like a fountain.

If she rashly gnawed the Unconscious Dharma King, she would most likely be burned by the Unconscious Dharma King as firewood.

But now is a godsend opportunity. The Unconscious Dharma King was trapped by a group of people and could not resist at all.

Looking carefully, there was a layer of green light on Xiao Yin's body. It was the method of He Luoshen that allowed Xiao Yin to enter the Buddha's light safely.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yin had gnawed off half of her neck, revealing a cervical vertebra like gold.

This is because there is an iron chain tied around the neck of the Dharma King Wuzhi, and some places are difficult to chew, otherwise the progress would be faster.

Xiao Yin also tried to chew the cervical vertebrae, but it was too hard and almost broke her teeth, so she had to give up.

After a while, the Dharma King Wuzhi finally melted the iron chain on his neck with the Buddha's light, grabbed Xiao Yin's neck, and pulled her off his neck.

Xiao Yin was so scared that she screamed: "Old Qi, save me."

Qi Xuansu certainly couldn't let Xiao Yin be burned by the Dharma King Wuzhi, so he raised the "Tai Chi Bagua Mirror" again.

This time he used the magical power of collecting people, but not collecting the Dharma King Wuzhi, but collecting Xiao Yin into the mirror world, and then releasing Xiao Yin, and completed the rescue of the black-robed young general Qi Xiaoyin.

This is the reasonable use of immortal objects.

Qi Xuansu usually studies a lot. Since it is difficult to trap immortals in the mirror world, it is much easier to change the idea and use it to save people. Once the mirror light shines, it can be collected into the mirror world and immediately escape from danger.

The King of Unconsciousness obviously did not expect Qi Xuansu to save people in this way. He was actually on guard against Qi Xuansu's old trick of shining a mirror on him, but Qi Xuansu chose to shine a mirror on Xiao Yin, so that he still maintained the posture of holding Xiao Yin, but his hands were empty.

At this moment, countless Yin Qi rushed into the sky and headed straight for the Qingyue above.

The green light became stronger and stronger, and the blue moonlight paved a "Qingyun Road" as if it led directly to the netherworld.

The Yin Moon is a portal to the spiritual world.

Through the green light, in the depths of the Yin Moon, you can vaguely see the palace-Chan Palace.

In an instant, many tentacles stretched out from the "Qingyue", comparable to Mr. Lao Yin's "Netherworld Lock", which just rolled up the King of Unconsciousness.

The King of Unconsciousness is not Qi Xuansu, he is a Great Awakening Golden Immortal. According to reason, he should be able to break free.

But at this time, the King of Unconsciousness has been weakened repeatedly, and even his golden body has been gnawed by Xiao Yin. He has not recovered yet and is in a very weak state.

He just thought that he was on par with Donghua Zhenren, not with Dishi. Even if he had some advantages against Qi Xuansu and the other four, they were all gone.

The Wushi Dharma King was caught off guard and was caught by the tentacles. He was not able to break free in the first time and was directly pulled into the "Qingyue". Then the "Qingyue" closed quickly.

When Wushi Dharma King entered the spirit world, he felt that there was no cloud, fog or water under his feet. It was as if the starlight condensed into ice, and it was as if the ground was paved with glass, making it difficult to distinguish.

Above his head was a vast starry sky with countless stars and ever-changing star maps. A palace could be vaguely seen in the distance. It was completely unlike a palace on earth. It was crystal clear, as if it was made of crystal. The color was slightly dark and flickered with a faint fluorescence. Above the palace, the galaxy flowed and a blue moon hung high.

Looking closely, it was not a blue moon, but a huge ball of light, or an eyeball emitting a faint blue light.

An eye without eye sockets or eyelids, a single eyeball, hung high above the Toad Palace. In the dark starry sky around the Toad Palace, tentacles stretched out, like human limbs, but no body was seen.

The Kingdom of God can trap people, but not immortals. When the Dao Sect invaded Wu Luo's Kingdom of God, it was not always possible to enter but not leave.

Celestial immortals can travel through the universe and go back and forth between places without restrictions.


The Great Awakening Golden Immortal is comparable to the Celestial Immortal. Even if it cannot travel between the worlds at will, it is not difficult for it to leave the Kingdom of God.

The Unconscious Dharma King immediately fled outside, unwilling to entangle with the God of He Luo.

The God of He Luo also knew that it was impossible to stop the Unconscious Dharma King, but he still tried to delay the Unconscious Dharma King as much as possible, and swept the tentacles, intending to pull the Unconscious Dharma King into the Toad Palace again.

However, He Luoshen did not want to fight to the death with Wushi Fawang at this time. After all, she did not have the organization of the Taoist sect, and it was impossible for her to be reimbursed afterwards like Qi Xuansu, and she did not have the support of the Taoist sect. If she really wanted to fight to the death, the consumption of divine power would be a big problem. Although she invested in Qi Xuansu in advance, Qi Xuansu had not yet become the Grand Master, and it was far from the time to reward and distribute dividends.

So He Luoshen just delayed. When Wushi Fawang wanted to escape, she pulled Wushi Fawang. If Wushi Fawang turned around and hit her, she would retreat into the Toad Palace and let Wushi Fawang leave.

Then Wushi Fawang stopped and prepared to leave the Kingdom of God, and she pulled him again. When the enemy advances, I retreat, and when the enemy retreats, I harass, and so on, the main focus is on delaying and harassing.

Wushi Fawang also did not want to entangle with this unknown ancient god. What would happen even if he killed her?

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your opponent. As a long-time rival of Taoism, Buddhism certainly knows about Taoism, but it was the first time that the Dharma King Wushi knew about the existence of He Luoshen.

Although the Nanyang Buddhism had been deeply involved in the Nanyang United Dao Mutual Aid Association, both Buddhism and Taoism only knew about the existence of the Queen of Insects, and could not associate the Queen of Insects with He Luoshen. And as the name suggests, "Queen of Insects" inevitably reminds people of insects, and even Qi Xuansu thinks so. But strictly speaking, the real Queen of Insects is actually the first owner of Yin Yueliang and Toad Palace, and the insect man is also created by the Queen of Insects. He Luoshen is already the second owner, and she just picked up the ready-made one.

In this way, it is reasonable that the Dharma King Wushi did not know about the existence of He Luoshen.

What does this show?

This shows that the unknown ancient god in front of him does not belong to Taoism, but to Qi Xuansu's personal team. This is also a common thing. At Qi Xuansu's position, it is a strange thing not to have a personal team. The lessons of the sixth generation of the Grand Master are profound enough, and the seventh and eighth generations will not make such mistakes again.

Destroying this ancient god would only weaken Qi Xuansu, and would not affect the overall situation between Buddhism and Taoism. He wanted to kill Qi Xuansu, not because he had any grudge against Qi Xuansu, but because Buddhism made a desperate decision. The fundamental purpose was not to destroy Qi Xuansu, but to destroy the series of consequences caused by destroying Qi Xuansu.

In other words, as long as the result desired by Buddhism can be achieved, Qi Xuansu can survive. If the result desired by Buddhism cannot be achieved, then even if Qi Xuansu is successfully killed, it is a failure.

If Qi Xuansu cannot be killed, then weakening Qi Xuansu is meaningless, and the only one who will benefit in the end will be Li Changge.

So the Dharma King Wushi was very annoyed, and it was not right to fight or not to fight.

When the news came from Qi Xuansu, everything was ready, and He Luoshen stopped delaying and obstructing.

The Dharma King Wushi was finally able to leave the Yinyue and found that it was no longer the gray underworld, but returned to the human world.

But there was no trace of Qi Xuansu.

At this moment, the Dharma King Wushi felt something in his heart and looked up.

He only saw the golden light like the sea, but not the temperament.

Qi Xuansu finally offered the Buddha's relics sent by Qi Jiaoyao.

The boundless Buddha's light seemed to illuminate the four directions and ten lands. Waves of Sanskrit chanting penetrated the void and shook the heaven and earth. A little bit of golden Buddha's light gathered into one place, and the light shone in all directions, and then became bigger and bigger. In the boundless Buddha's light, a majestic and vast red sun jumped out of the golden light.

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, the clouds rolled and the wind raged, and the momentum was terrifying.

In the red sun, a Dharma image of the Great Sun Tathagata gradually appeared.

The Great Sun Tathagata is one of the three bodies of the Buddha, similar to the Taoist's one breath into the Three Pure Ones. Its power and light shine everywhere, and the light of wisdom and Buddha nature shines on the three realms and ten directions, illuminating all visible and invisible things, all living beings, and all dharmas.

The real sun that was originally hanging in the air seemed to encounter a solar eclipse and quickly dimmed. Then the Dharma image of the Great Sun Tathagata was shining brightly, constantly illuminating the world, as if all the light came from this, which is called infinite light.

The right forearm of the Vairocana Buddha is raised in front of the chest, slightly at right angles to the body, with the fingers naturally stretched upwards and the palm facing outwards.

This is the seal of fearlessness.

There is a palm technique that falls from the sky.

The five fingers are like the five mountains.

Even if the monkey jumps to death, it can't escape the palm of the Buddha.

There is only light between the Buddha's palms, and the light is so strong that it condenses the true fire of the sun.

When the palm is slapped down, it seems that an endless sea of ​​fire with no edge can be seen at a glance, which is particularly shocking.

This palm covers a radius of 100 miles, showing the power of the immortal.

The Dharma King Wuzhi never thought that one day, he would be retaliated by the disciples of the Taoist sect.

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