Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 179 The first day of the new year

Zhang Yuelu originally thought that Qi Xuansu would be embarrassed the next day, but on the first day of the new year, Qi Xuansu seemed to be fine. It seemed that he was so drunk that he couldn't even remember what happened last night. However, Zhang Yuelu thought about it and realized that this was reasonable. Qi Xuansu would not have dared to utter wild words and wanted to marry Zhang Yuelu in Dazhen Mansion unless he was drunk to that extent.

In fact, Qi Xuansu still has some impressions, but he understands the truth. If he feels embarrassed, he will be the one who suffers. If he doesn't feel embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed. So even if he pretends, he still has to pretend to be nonchalant.

According to custom, the first day of the Lunar New Year is a day for visiting relatives and friends to pay New Year greetings, but Zhang Yuelu has decided to leave Yunjin Mountain today and return to Yujing.

When things got to this point, Yan Mingchen had already left, and Tantai Qiong didn't think it was interesting, so she didn't want to stay and just let it go.

Zhang Juqi wanted to keep his daughter for a few more days, but seeing the attitude of the mother and daughter, he had to give up.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu left home early and followed the mountain road to the ferry of Shangqing Palace, which was called Shangqing Lake. I don’t know if I should say that Zhengyi Yiyi’s naming is always consistent, or that they don’t take their names seriously. Shangqing Mansion, Shangqing County, Shangqing Town, and then Shangqing Palace and Shangqing Lake are all competing with “Shangqing” .

The two of them first went to Shangqing Palace to buy boat tickets, which were still the same price, one hundred Taiping coins, and then received the jade plaque. Qi Xuansu's number was forty-eight. It was not that Qi Xuansu came late, but the first thirty numbers belonged to the second floor.

The third floor of the flying boat is where the cardinals who control the flying boat are located, and no casual person is allowed to enter it. The cabin below is where the formation where the flying boat can travel in the nine heavens is located, and no unauthorized entry is allowed.

There are only two floors that actually carry passengers. The first floor is an ordinary room, a single room, not to say simple, with only one bedroom. The second floor is the upper room, which not only has bedrooms, but also is equipped with a small study room, which is specially used by high-quality Taoist priests of fourth grade or above.

The three-story pavilion is connected by stairs internally. After the flying boat takes off, all the doors of the three-story pavilion will be closed and no one can enter or exit. The flying boat will also activate the formation to withstand the fierce wind.

Zhang Yuelu is a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest and can go to the second floor. However, she did not choose a private room, but a serial number, which was next to Qi Xuansu's room.

Zhang Yuelu originally planned to buy two boat tickets with his own money, but Qi Xuansu refused.

Zhang Yuelu roughly understood Qi Xuansu's mentality at this time. With so many people looking down on him, he had to think highly of himself, so Zhang Yuelu didn't force it.

In the end, Qi Xuansu paid for the boat ticket himself. Not counting some small change, there was only three hundred peace dollars left.

Of course, Zhao Fu'an's five hundred Taiping money is still there. It's not that Qi Xuansu has forgotten it, but Qi Xuansu has no intention of touching the five hundred Taiping money. Unless it really comes to the point where a hundred thousand people are in urgent need of death, Qi Xuansu doesn't plan to touch it and just leave it as a "Think about it".

Before boarding the ship, Qi Xuansu checked some of his belongings.

The dagger "Qingyuan", "Shenlong Hand Gun", plus nine rounds of 'Dragon Eye Yi Er', twenty rounds of 'Dragon Eye Yi San', five 'Feng Eye Yi San', and thirty rounds of ordinary weapons. Armor projectiles.

In his satchel was the compass given to him by Qiniang, and the silver fish talisman of the Qingping Society was placed close to his body, which contained the materials needed to enter the Dream Society and could be entered eight times.

Then there are the flying knives given to him by Zhang Yuelu. A lot of them were lost, and there are still eight of them left. A pair of armored horses still have a lot of spiritual energy left, which can be used to continue traveling. Then there are marching pills, ultimatums, tokens, seals, talismans, ordinary talismans, standing medicines and other miscellaneous items.

He hadn't had time to receive the elixir distributed by the Qingping Society.

After he became a full-time official, the "Mother and Son Talisman" was distributed from once a year to once a month. Ten yuan of worry-free money, a Blood Dragon Pill, and a Ziyang Pill were also distributed every month. They were officially distributed starting in September. .

September, October, November and December, four months have passed, which means forty yuan of worry-free money, equivalent to four hundred yuan of peace money, forty Blood Dragon Pills and forty Ziyang Pills. , the former is wonderful for strengthening blood and body, and the latter is beneficial for Qi training, both of which are suitable for Qi Xuansu.

Qiniang can collect it on her behalf, and Qi Xuansu is not in a hurry to use the money. He can keep the money with Qiniang. The key is to get the elixir as soon as possible and strive to enter the stage of death as soon as possible. Ever since Qi Xuansu drank medicinal wine, he has truly realized the benefits of using external elixirs. One elixir is worth his ten days of hard work, and so many elixirs are worth his years of hard work.

There are still some luggage, which are still placed in Zhang Yuelu's Xumi items.

What's more, what Qi Xuansu is learning now does not include basic skills such as using firearms and weapons, but only magical powers.

The Sanren of the Jade Cauldron Realm are proficient in "Body Protection Qi", "Sword Control Technique", and "Cicada Slough Technique". They are also warriors in the realm derived from flesh and blood. Their bodies are strong and strong. They can mobilize the blood and energy in the body to be expelled from the body and restrain the magic of alchemy. At the same time, it can also be derived from flesh and blood, and is particularly effective in recovering various external injuries. At the same time, because Qi Xuansu had martial arts powers, he did not practice the "big grain technique".

In addition, Qi Xuansu also learned a perfect method "Dayan Spirit Sword" from Zhang Yuelu. This is not a unique skill, and it is not comparable to the "Cihang Pudu Sword Code" and other perfect methods. It is even better in many fields. Cheng's method is not very good, but it is much more powerful than the sword method used by Qi Xuansu.

The reason why Zhang Yuelu chose to teach the "Dayan Spiritual Sword" to Qi Xuansu is that Qi Xuansu likes to use knives, and the "Dayan Spiritual Sword" does not have many restrictions. Everyone can practice it, but many people have to wait until they become gods. Knowing how to make contact, Zhang Yuelu just moved the time forward.

As for the "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Zhengfa" and "Cihang Pudu Sword Code", they are powerful, but they are not allowed to be taught without permission. Violators will be severely punished, and the most serious ones will even be deprived of their cultivation. This was something that Xuansheng was unable to completely change back then, and Zhang Yuelu did not dare to cross the thunder pool rashly.

A huge flying boat carried a burst of drifting snow, broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and landed in Shangqing Lake.

The huge boat body touched the lake surface, stirring up billowing water vapor.

After the airship stopped, a gangway was lowered, and the people on board disembarked one after another. However, there were not many people. After all, it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, so it was reasonable for there to be fewer passengers. There were also not many people boarding the ship.

After the two boarded the ship, they were about to find their own room. The director of Feizhou took the initiative to greet him. It turned out that the room on the second floor was not satisfied, and there was not even a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. The director recognized Zhang Yuelu and planned to sell him a favor. The two of them were upgraded to a private room on the second floor.

Since there was such a good thing, the two of them naturally had no reason to refuse, so they took advantage and came to the second floor of Feizhou.

Because of the dissatisfaction of the guests, the flying boat did not dock for too long. After replenishing the Xuanhuang, it suddenly left the lake, flew high into the sky, and flew to Yujing without stopping on the way.

During the boat trip, Qi Xuansu also discovered that the flying boat was really like a dragon, with the magical power to move clouds and spread rain. In some places, the water vapor was already rich, giving rise to rain clouds. When the flying boat passed by, the water vapor transformed by Xuanhuang reacted with the rain clouds, and immediately Then snowflakes appeared and lingered around the flying boat, forming a scene of wind and snow outside the window.

If the dragon crosses the river, the water will cover thirty miles.

Feizhou takes dragon beads as its core, and also brings some dragon supernatural powers.

Looking from the outside of the flying boat, there is actually a line of falling snow on the front. However, these magical powers and the ability to call for wind and rain are essentially following the trend. If there are no rain clouds to condense, there will be no snowfall anyway. There was already snow above this line, but Feizhou was just a few days ahead of schedule, so the impact was not big.

On the other side, Zhang Yuelu has been feeling uneasy since the flying boat took off. However, the flying boat has already taken off and cannot land anytime soon. She has no choice but to be on guard secretly.

Also on the second floor, an old Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine was slowly flipping through a book, turning a blind eye to the vast wind and snow outside the window.

This old Taoist and Zhang Yuelu are almost at opposite extremes. In terms of rank, he is also a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest. But in terms of age, the old Taoist is Zhang Yuelu's grandfather. In terms of position, Zhang Yuelu is the deputy director of Shangsantang. Lord, the future is bright. The old Taoist is only the head of the lower third hall, and he is still the Qingshui Yamen. How can it be compared?

After an unknown amount of time, the old man raised his head from the book, squinted his dim eyes, and looked out the window. The light and shadow of the window just divided the old man's face into light and dark halves.

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