Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 131: Letter of Allegiance

There is a reason why Qi Xuansu is so easy to talk to - Hu Jiaochong is very good at dealing with things.

This personnel change is a rare opportunity for Qi Xuansu, that is, an opportunity to control the Western Region Daofu.

The Western Region Daofu is different from the Borneo Daofu. When Qi Xuansu went to the Borneo Daofu, he started from the second deputy governor, but it was Donghua Zhenren who was in charge. All personnel arrangements were made by Donghua Zhenren, but even Donghua Zhenren took advantage of the opportunity of Wang Jiaohe's downfall to complete this power layout.

This time Zhao Jiaowu's defection was also an opportunity similar to Wang Jiaohe's downfall. Qi Xuansu was an airborne governor, not a deputy governor. He had no foundation in the Daofu and no confidants of his own. According to the law of power from bottom to top, he lacked a power base, which required Qi Xuansu to do it himself.

In the past, Qi Xuansu was not a governor, and did not have the most fundamental personnel power, so Donghua Zhenren needed to take action from a higher level. Now Qi Xuansu is the head of the mansion who has the power of personnel, so there is no need for Donghua Zhenren to take action, and Donghua Zhenren's people are somewhat different from Qi Xuansu's people.

It is better to have it yourself than to have it from your parents. This is a very basic truth.

To go further, anything anyone promises you does not count, only what you can decide counts.

The five generations of the headmaster are so powerful, and his designated successor has not been able to take the position. In the final analysis, it is still necessary to be strong enough.

Why did Hu Jiaochong go to the Tao?

Because Hu Jiaochong saw Qi Xuansu's situation and guessed Qi Xuansu's intention. He judged that Zhao Jiaowu's downfall was imminent, so he prepared this list in advance, which can be regarded as guessing the intention of the headmaster, or as a political speculation.

Qi Xuansu had never served in the Western Region Daofu before, and was not familiar with the personnel of the Western Region Daofu. Regarding the appointment of middle and lower-level personnel, he relied more on Ziweitang. As long as he grasped this point, he could cater to Qi Xuansu.

The secret of catering lies in the list of candidates.

Most of the candidates recommended by Hu Jiaochong were from Wanxiang Dao Palace.

Qi Xuansu was also from Wanxiang Dao Palace. Now he is not only the representative of Wanxiang Dao Palace, but also the master of Wanxiang Dao Palace.

These people from Wanxiang Dao Palace are naturally close to Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu appointed their generals this time, and they will naturally unite closely around Qi Xuansu.

This is the friendship of classmates plus the grace of knowing and meeting, and loyalty is guaranteed. Even if you want to betray Qi Xuansu, you will bear great moral pressure, so that others dare not use it again. The reason is simple. Qi Xuansu is your palace friend and promoted you. If you dare to betray Qi Xuansu, who dares to trust you?

This makes up for the lack of Qi Xuansu's foundation to a certain extent.

So Hu Jiaochong is good at guessing the intentions of his superiors.

Qi Xuansu did not refuse this good intention, but just glanced at the list, and probably knew what he wanted, so he asked Hu Jiaochong to do it.

Hu Jiaochong can use this letter of surrender to get close to Qi Xuansu, change his sect, and become Qi Xuansu's man.

This is not a betrayal. After all, Chen Zhengxian is dead, and he is not Chen Zhengxian's Taoist partner. He has to keep his chastity for him. Of course, he is loyal to the new head of the government. This is a natural thing, and no one can say anything wrong.

The moral pressure is on Qi Xuansu's side.

Some people will definitely say that Qi Xuansu wants to set up the Qi Family Gang in the Western Region Dao Mansion.

Admittedly, this move does not meet the requirements and imagination of loyal ministers and good generals in traditional concepts.

But the current situation has to do this.

The position of the Grand Master is vacant, and the three sects have reached the point of being incompatible. It is good for the upcoming seventh-generation Grand Master to integrate the Dao Sect. If not, the situation of the eighth-generation Grand Master may be even worse. In this case, it is not possible to have no team of your own.

Think further. If the three sects go to war, Qi Xuansu must have a piece of his own territory.

So Qi Xuansu had a bold idea, to defeat the Buddhist sect and open up the land passage between the Western Region Daofu and the Eastern Posuo Continent Daofu, so that the Borneo Continent Daofu, the Eastern Posuo Continent Daofu and the Western Region Daofu can be connected.

Once there is a change in Yujing, Qi Xuansu will withdraw from Yujing and return to his own territory, still able to watch Yujing, but the Taiping Dao will be surrounded.

The idea is of course good, but there are two problems to achieve this.

The first problem is of course to defeat the Buddhist sect first.

The current battle situation is that the Taoist sect has a slight advantage, but it is not a victory. In the first round of confrontation, the two sides fought to a draw.

Although Jiang Dazhenren has a higher level of cultivation and holds many immortal objects, he was unable to do anything to the Wushi Dharma King who was blessed by the Buddha. The Buddha was still unreasonable.

However, the Pure Liuli Master was unable to do anything to Wu Niang, and Long Xiaobai played a big role.

As for the clash of the two armies, both sides suffered losses. The army on land did not even fight head-on. Without considering consumables like Ruolang, the only result was that Long Xiaobai killed a Buddhist leader. Although it boosted morale, it had little impact on the overall situation.

If the Taoist sect wants to completely solve the problem of the Buddhist sect, it needs to continue to increase its troops. Now Jiachen Lingguan and Xiting Daduhu have rushed to the battlefield. If the Buddhist sect also increases its troops and the situation further expands, then the Taoist sect may have to consider setting up a military master to control several Taoist prefectures, integrate resources, and unify dispatch, rising to the level of war.

The most suitable candidate is not Donghua Zhenren or Qingwei Zhenren, which will undoubtedly break the balance between the two. No matter who is chosen, the other party will strongly oppose it.

In this case, Cihang Zhenren, who is also one of the three crown princes, is the most suitable candidate. As the highest-level Canzhi Zhenren and the head of Tiangang Hall, Cihang Zhenren is undoubtedly qualified and legitimate.

However, the Zhengyi sect may have some opinions.

Strictly speaking, the Zhang family will have opinions. If Cihang Zhenren becomes the head of the army, as long as the war goes smoothly, her prestige will definitely increase greatly. Although it is not enough to support her to defeat Donghua Zhenren and Qingwei Zhenren to become the head of the sect, the possibility of inheriting the position of the Heavenly Master will increase greatly. After all, Xuansheng has actually abolished the rule that only people with the surname Zhang can inherit the position of the Heavenly Master. If Cihang Zhenren really wants to take the position, there will be no obstacles from the rules, and it is very likely that a second Heavenly Master of a different surname will appear.

The Zhang family defended the small clan for a long time, but it was stolen by people of other surnames. It was undoubtedly a big joke.

In this case, the Zhang family has only two choices.

One choice is to do everything possible to prevent Cihang Zhenren from becoming the head of the army. However, if this is the case, Donghua Zhenren and Qingwei Zhenren will be restrained and pulled against each other, and Cihang Zhenren cannot serve as the military Zhenren, which will undoubtedly delay the war. Should the Third Master lead the army in person?

Another option is to make every effort to promote the union of Cihang Zhenren and Donghua Zhenren, and then completely gather the power of the two sects to defeat Taiping Dao. As long as Cihang Zhenren becomes the wife of the Grand Master, the position of the Heavenly Master of the Zhang family will naturally be preserved, and no one else can say anything.

Cihang Zhenren himself will also be satisfied, after all, the wife of the Grand Master can directly participate in the decision-making of the Grand Master. The Third Master is nominally the Deputy Grand Master, but in essence he is the leader of the three major factions, and plays a more important role in balancing the Grand Master. In terms of function, the wife of the Grand Master is more like a real deputy Grand Master, that is, when the Grand Master is unable to perform his duties, the wife of the Grand Master will act on behalf of the Grand Master.

If you can take care of both dilemmas, you can not delay the Buddhist war, and you can keep the position of the ancestor's Heavenly Master, which is of course good.

But the problem is that no one can guarantee that Donghua Zhenren will become the Grand Master after defeating Taiping Dao. If Qingwei Zhenren takes the position, the situation will be complicated.

Qingwei Zhenren will not allow the two deputy masters to hinder him. That is too dangerous. He may turn to unite with Zhang and Yao families and exchange the promise of the position of Heavenly Master and Earthly Master for the support of Zhang and Yao families to achieve the fundamental purpose of suppressing the two great enemies, Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren.

The second point is to control the Western Region Dao Mansion on the basis of defeating Buddhism.

There are several factions within the Western Region Dao Mansion. The most powerful one is of course the faction of Chen Zhengxian and Zhao Jiaowu, which is considered the local faction of the Western Region Dao Mansion. However, with the death of Chen Zhengxian and the defection of Zhao Jiaowu, this faction has fallen into a situation of no leader.

This big faction is divided into many small factions. Strictly speaking, Hu Jiaochong also belongs to this big faction. If he is not Chen Zhengxian's confidant, it is impossible for him to control such a critical department as Ziweitang. However, this does not prevent Hu Jiaochong from getting along with Zhao Jiaowu, who is also from the same faction, and Chen Zhengxian is also happy about it.

This is actually a kind of emperor's balancing technique. The two factions fight each other. Only as the leader can mediate, balance, and referee in the middle, and only then can the overall situation be mastered.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu's attack on Zhao Jiaowu's people will not affect Hu Jiaochong and others, who are still standing on the dry shore. So after Qi Xuansu made it clear that he would not expand, Hu Jiaochong immediately presented his name letter, indicating that he was willing to support the new real person in charge of the house.

Qi Xuansu's operation is not complicated. To put it bluntly, it is to win over a group, that is, Hu Jiaochong, and attack a group, that is, Zhao Jiaowu. Except for Hu Jiaochong and Zhao Jiaowu, everyone else naturally "surrendered at the sight of the wind".

In the name of the real person in charge of the house, and with the opportunity of Chen Zhengxian and Zhao Jiaowu's death and escape, Qi Xuansu just followed the trend and initially mastered the largest faction in the Western Region Daofu.

Qi Xuansu did not have to worry about Hu Jiaochong's dominance, because he also had Lu Yujue. It happened that Zhao Jiaowu was also the second deputy house owner before, and Lu Yujue just filled Zhao Jiaowu's vacancy, and they still checked and balanced each other.

The problem is who will be the new chief deputy house owner?

In the past, it was Yao Pei. She was of noble birth and represented the Yao family. No one dared to offend her, but Yao Pei was more of a gold-plating, so she didn't think about taking power like Qi Xuansu, and was more like a bystander in the Daofu.

Later, it was Zhao Jiaowu. Before he could sit in the position of chief deputy house owner, he was exposed and defected directly.

Qi Xuansu certainly wanted to arrange one of his own people to serve as the chief deputy house owner of the Western Region Daofu, but there was no suitable candidate. After all, his foundation was a little shallow, and there were not many people he could use and trust.

Secondly, others would not agree. The Grand Master of the Palace is Qi Xuansu's man, the Second Deputy Master of the Palace is Qi Xuansu's man, Qi Xuansu himself is the Grand Master of the Palace, and there is another Chief Deputy Master of the Palace who is close to Qi Xuansu. The Western Region Daofu is a solid block. Qi Xuansu can be independent if he advances, and can fight against the Golden Palace if he retreats. It is impossible to get in, and it has become an independent kingdom.

It is even more excessive than the Borneo Daofu. It is true that Grand Master Lan is close to Qi Xuansu, but if Qi Xuansu wants to "rebel", no matter whether he really rebels, is forced to rebel, or is accused by others, Grand Master Lan may not follow. But Wu Niang is hard to say, she may really rebel with Qi Xuansu.

Jinque will not allow Qi Xuansu to do this, and will definitely send someone who is not on good terms with Qi Xuansu. It is not expecting a chief deputy palace lord to compete with Qi Xuansu, but more of a surveillance role. At the very least, they can know what Qi Xuansu has done and understand the situation of the Western Regions Taoist Palace, so that the entire Western Regions Taoist Palace will not be shrouded in "fog".

In addition, there are other factions in the Western Region Dao Mansion, such as Yao Pei's people, or the Yao family's people, Donghua Zhenren's people, etc. But there is no need to rush, Qi Xuansu will slowly sort them out.

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