Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 136: Response

The Great Snow Mountain is nearly 5,000 miles long, spanning the entire Western Regions. Its landforms are also different, with snow-capped mountains, Gobi Desert, and oases.

The area where the Great Snow Mountain Palace is located is an oasis, and its foothills are green. This is reasonable. From the map, the edge of the basin where the Sea of ​​Death is located is surrounded by an oasis, just like a green edge on this big bowl full of sand. There are also many rivers on the edge of the basin.

At this time, a woman in white walked slowly along the river. When she looked up, she could see the Great Snow Mountain Palace surrounded by clouds and mist. At this time, the lights were bright, like a fairy palace floating in the clouds.

The woman shook her head and sighed. She seemed a little disappointed, but she was not angry.

After all, she was prepared for failure before she could win.

Judging from the results, this operation was undoubtedly a loss. Losing a clone was a small matter, and arousing Qi Xuansu's vigilance was also a small matter - Qi Xuansu was already very vigilant. There was such a failure because Qi Xuansu was always vigilant, so there was no need to alert the enemy. It's just that it will be difficult to see Qi Xuansu again in the future.

The problem is that her memory is at risk of being leaked. Because the connection was forcibly blocked, she could not confirm which part of her memory was leaked except for being able to confirm that the clone had self-destructed. Naturally, it was difficult to make an accurate response, which would cause some unpredictable and unknown consequences.

Qi Xuansu would definitely seize this point and make a big fuss about it.

This is a troublesome matter.

Qi Xuansu is a very tricky character. Probably because of his average qualifications in his early years, he doesn't like to confront others head-on. He always likes to go with the flow and is good at taking advantage of various external advantages. In the words of a military strategist, Qi Xuansu is good at creating local advantages.

In this case, blindly defending is not a good strategy. If you prepare in front, you will be weak in the back. If you prepare in the back, you will be weak in the front. If you prepare everywhere, you will be weak everywhere.

We still have to take the initiative and not passively accept it.

Especially since the war in Dazun area is not going well, the reinforcements from the Taoist sect are constantly coming, and the pressure on the Buddhist sect has doubled. If we can cut off the firewood from the Western Region Daofu, we may be able to relieve the pressure on the front battlefield.

As for revenge for Monk Xiao, it is a very minor matter. It is best to take revenge, but it doesn’t matter if we can’t.

How to take the initiative, however, needs to be carefully considered.

What is Qi Xuansu’s biggest asset to compete with her? It is not a few ancient gods and immortals. Of course, immortals are powerful, but they cannot descend to the world in their true form, so the threat is limited.

It is not the pseudo-immortals who follow Qi Xuansu. It is true that three pseudo-immortals can compete with immortals, but immortals still have the advantage. The more people there are, the more problems of coordination will be magnified, and the more flaws there will be.

Theoretically, eighty-one pseudo-immortals can contend with the Three Tribulations Immortal, but in practice, it is probably not that easy. The Three Tribulations Immortal will probably find a flaw and defeat them one by one, unless the eighty-one pseudo-immortals can become one, or form a large formation with the help of some kind of immortal objects such as flag gates.

Moreover, Xiao Bodhisattva is not comparable to Xiao Monk. Although she is not as good as the top immortals like the Three Taoist Masters who are only one step away from becoming a One Tribulations Immortal, she is also at the level of the Three Great Masters, the Three Great Priests, and Jiang Da Zhenren. Three pseudo-immortals will definitely not be able to stop her.

Qi Xuansu's biggest asset is still "Cang Tian".

We have to find a way to prevent Qi Xuansu from summoning "Cang Tian".

Xiao Bodhisattva has always been thinking in this way. The logic of her attempt this time is to sneak into the Great Snow Mountain Palace, so that Qi Xuansu will be afraid to use his weapon and not dare to summon "Cang Tian" because of the Great Snow Mountain Palace.

The result is that she failed at the last hurdle, and lost both the wife and the army.

Since this road is blocked, let's adjust the idea from "making Qi Xuansu dare not summon 'Cangtian'" to "making Qi Xuansu unable to summon 'Cangtian'".

Find the seal place of "Cangtian" and destroy the seal directly, Qi Xuansu will naturally not be able to summon "Cangtian".

When Qi Xuansu confronted her in the temple, he took out a human head. Maybe we can find clues from this aspect. Another clue is where Qi Xuansu had been before coming to the Western Regions.

It seems that it's time to go to the Central Plains.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bodhisattva retracted his sight and his figure slowly disappeared.

In the Daxueshan Palace, Qi Xuansu had finished talking with Madam Ma. After confirming that Madam Ma had no problem, he let Madam Ma leave first. If it is cut and peeled, there will definitely be a problem of residue, but Qi Xuansu is going back in time this time. There are only two results of success and failure, and there is no middle state.

Madam Ma is just the first one, and there are several people waiting to "see" Qi Xuansu. Under normal circumstances, everyone only has about an incense stick of time, and Qi Xuansu will not express his opinion immediately, it is more of a gesture. In other words, the content of the conversation is not important, what is important is a gesture, sending a signal to the outside world. Madam Ma is an exception. After all, she was caught in the crossfire, so it is a compensation. Qi Xuansu also thinks that Ma Er’s matter is not a big deal, so he agreed to it as an exception.

Qi Xuansu said to Yan Yongzhen and Hu Jiaochong: "Let's stop here today. Cancel the rest of the arrangements. Find another time to make another arrangement later. I have something to report to Jinque."

He Luoshen has shared the memory of Xiao Bodhisattva with Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu plans to stay up all night to carefully sort out and summarize the matters related to Xiao Bodhisattva and report them to Jinque. After all, he can't fight Xiao Bodhisattva alone, and he still needs to find the parents.

To be fair, although the Taoist sect has great support for Qi Xuansu, with three immortal objects and a hundred thousand divine powers, Qi Xuansu has not let down the support of the Taoist sect. He has already solved the problem of Monk Xiao, and then let him solve the problem of Xiao Bodhisattva. This is treating him like a real person from Jiang Da, which is a bit overwhelming.

However, Qi Xuansu still communicated with Zhang Yuelu first. In this regard, Qi Xuansu has never been self-righteous and will not hide Zhang Yuelu's information from Zhang Yuelu under the guise of "fearing Zhang Yuelu's worries". This behavior seems to be for Zhang Yuelu's benefit, but in fact, he does not treat Zhang Yuelu as an equal.

Zhang Yuelu, as someone determined to change the Taoist sect and a solid ally of Qi Xuansu, naturally could not tolerate such an almost humiliating behavior.

This is a huge disrespect to her personally.

Just imagine, the Grand Master's wife serves as the Grand Master's backup. Could it be that the Grand Master also uses this banner to let the Grand Master's wife serve as a vase? If one day, the Grand Master has an accident and is unable to exercise his power normally, and the Grand Master's wife needs to take over, and as a result, the Grand Master's wife doesn't know anything about it, what will it be like?

In the competition for the Taoist leader in the Taoist sect, the bonus of Taoist companions is very high, so Qi Xuansu wants to seek the good deeds of Master Cihang and Master Donghua. As a Taoist monk, Master Cihang is naturally better than Master Qingwei and there are too many Taoist companions. If Donghua Zhenren does not have a Taoist companion, he will be much behind compared to Qingwei Zhenren who does have a Taoist companion.

Zhang Yuelu is also staying at the Daxue Mountain Palace. Although she did not attend today's banquet, Mabo did not arrange a separate residence for Zhang Yuelu. After all, things are different now. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are now official Taoist companions, and everyone in the entire Taoist sect knows that. Of course, the two of them live together, and there is no reason to live apart even if they are not married. Perhaps those old couples and Taoist couples who have been married for many years will do this, but it is obviously not suitable for newlyweds.

In this way, it is very convenient for the two of them to talk. They can just go home and talk slowly at night.

After Qi Xuansu returned home, he roughly told Zhang Yuelu what happened.

Zhang Yuelu's first reaction was: "The problem with Xiao Bodhisattva must be solved as soon as possible. Either the Taoist sect will counterattack in equal measure and send people into the Buddhist territory to carry out a series of actions against the senior Buddhist sects to achieve mutual deterrence and force the senior Buddhist sects to recall Xiao Bodhisattva." The Taoist sect mobilizes manpower to annihilate Xiao Bodhisattva as soon as possible. If the Buddhist sect loses Monk Xiao and Xiao Bodhisattva one after another, it will be difficult to continue this war. "

Qi Xuansu said: "I think so too. Buddhism has lost its sight this time and has broken many unwritten tacit understandings. It actually assassinated the real person in charge of the Western Region Taoist House twice in a row. This is intolerable and unbearable. I decided Officially report this matter to Jinque, and based on the memory of Xiao Bodhisattva we have, launch a comprehensive and thorough large-scale purge operation to uproot all the 'hands' and 'hidden elements' of Buddhism in the Western Regions, leaving no one behind."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Have you made up your mind?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I couldn't make up my mind at the beginning. The key was the lack of a suitable excuse. My being assassinated this time was the best excuse. I used this excuse to make some radical actions, and others had to be considerate." 'One or two. Now that the inside of the Taoist mansion has been sorted out, it's time to sort out the outside of the Taoist mansion."

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment and then said, "I don't trust leaving this matter to anyone else. You have to do it yourself."

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Aren't you afraid that I will expand the situation and destroy the stability of the Taoist government? This is war time."

Qi Xuansu said: "I'm not afraid. Today's Taoist government in the Western Regions should be dealt with by people like Zhenren Zhang. It is precisely because it is wartime that Tiangang Hall can intervene. I took a look. , many people involved in the case are related to Lingshan Witch Cult and Zhiming Cult. It is the responsibility of Tiangang Tang to deal with the secret societies. It is best to focus on Tiangang Tang in this matter, downplay the influence of Beichen Tang, and let Beichen Tang focus on Taoism. Inside the mansion.”

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while and agreed: "Okay, I can take charge of this matter."

Qi Xuansu said: "As long as you take over this big mess, I can focus all my energy on dealing with Xiao Bodhisattva. I have already made an agreement with Master Cihang that she will come over in person and she will be in charge." Solve this matter. If the war further expands and Master Cihang is needed to take charge of the army, then it will be considered as familiar with the situation in advance. "

Naturally, Zhang Yuelu would not object: "In this case, without further delay, we'd better take action immediately, otherwise Xiao Bodhisattva will respond, the information will lose its timeliness, and many things will be difficult to handle."

Qi Xuansu sat behind the desk: "I will report to Jinque now."

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