Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 143: Light rain falls on the lake

A light rain fell on Yunmeng Lake. Since it swallowed up half of the ancient Jingzhou, Yunmeng Lake is like a real ocean. Whenever it rains heavily, the waves are really surging like the sea, which is very scary.

However, if it is just a light rain, Yunmeng Lake is still quite calm, but a layer of soft white rain mist is shrouded on the lake, like a soft gauze, everything is looming, full of artistic conception.

A woman in white holding an oil-paper umbrella walks slowly along the long embankment, seemingly enjoying the lake view in the rain.

The long embankment also serves as a road, so there are many pedestrians on the long embankment, and without exception, they can't help looking at this woman.

There is no other reason, just because this woman is too beautiful.

But how beautiful is it? After turning around, I forgot everything. I only remember a vague white shadow and the feeling of heartbeat, but I forgot her specific appearance.

From another perspective, these people didn't see the woman's appearance clearly, but they felt thrilling for no reason. Emotions always outweigh facts.

The woman ignored the passers-by and just walked forward. She was really alone and incompatible with the world.

"This is indeed the place where 'Cangtian' appeared last." The woman found a suitable viewing position, stopped, and murmured.

"According to records, 'Cangtian' appeared here during the Daqi period, swallowed up half of the ancient Jingzhou, and completely changed the fate of Yunmengze, causing the Yunmengze, which was supposed to shrink, to expand. Many small lakes were connected together, swallowing up the original swamp forest, and truly turned into a large lake like a sea."

"The Daqi court took great effort to suppress and seal 'Cangtian' again, which was seriously damaged, causing the Mingkong Empress of our Buddhist sect to replace the Li royal family, and also laid the groundwork for the rebellion during the Xuanzong period. Thanks to Mingkong I can only find this place through the archives left by the Mingkong Empress. "

"Qi Xuansu also came to Xiangzhou and happened to encounter the wonders of Yunmengze. The lake was covered with clouds, mountains, fog and sea, and there was no vastness. This is not a coincidence. From this, it can be inferred that the secret of Qi Xuansu's control of the "sky" is in Yunmengze. The key is how to get in. Qi Xuansu will not give me too much time. "

The woman in white holding an umbrella is Xiao Bodhisattva. As Qi Xuansu expected, she quickly determined the seal of "sky", thanks to some text archives left by the Mingkong Empress.

As we all know, the Mingkong Empress is a disciple of Buddhism. She came to power because of the support and endorsement of Buddhism, which suppressed the Li royal family supported by Taoism. After the Mingkong Empress came to power, she strongly supported Buddhism and wanted to elevate Buddhism to the top of the three religions. Therefore, it is reasonable for Buddhism to preserve the relevant archives of the Mingkong Empress.

It is no wonder that many radical Taoists attacked Empress Mingkong. For Buddhists, backstabbing the Li family is like Buddhists backstabbing Taoists. It is simply a great sin.

The problem that Bodhisattva Xiao is facing now is that he cannot open the Cloud God Cave Heaven normally. He has to wait until Yunmengze is magical. Perhaps Long Xiaobai can do it after entering the Cloud God Cave Heaven. Other immortals have no way unless their own cultivation can match the Cloud God of the year.

This situation also happened in Kunlun Cave Heaven. In the past, many Taoist immortals fought and could not enter the core area of ​​Kunlun Cave Heaven, that is, the area where the Ascension Platform and the Immortal Retention Platform are located. They must master the "Three Treasures Ruyi" to open the portal to the core area of ​​Kunlun Cave Heaven. Therefore, the "Three Treasures Ruyi" later became the token of the great master. Today, Kunlun Cave Heaven is essentially in a state of "no door closed at night". The door is often open, and then a ban is set on the already opened door to block idle people, so that it is convenient to enter and exit.

In short, the corresponding immortal objects can open the cave heaven. The immortal item corresponding to Kunlun Cave Heaven is "Sanbao Ruyi", while the immortal item corresponding to Yunshen Cave Heaven is——

"Chuanguo Xixi." Bodhisattva Xiao said softly.

When Zulong passed by Yunmengze, he threw the "Chuanguo Xixi" into the lake to help Yunshen achieve enlightenment. Later, Yunshen achieved enlightenment and returned the "Chuanguo Xixi" to Zulong before ascending. In the process of Yunshen's transformation from a god to a celestial being, Zulong and the "Chuanguo Xixi" made great efforts, so they also had a close connection with Yunshen Cave Heaven.

But the "Chuanguo Xixi" is now in the hands of the Great Xuan Emperor.

This emperor of the Central Plains can be described as "profound and unfathomable". As the second Taoist priest, the first Taoist priest is now vacant, and he is actually the first Taoist priest. In terms of status, he is even higher than the three masters. In terms of strength, he should not be inferior to the three masters. The key is that he also controls the lower Taoist gate of the Great Xuan court.

The Great Xuan Court is actually composed of most of the Confucian Sect and the Northern Dao Sect, not just the Northern Dao Sect, so the strength of the Great Xuan Court is stronger than the Western Dao Sect, even any of the three Dao Sects cannot compare, the Great Xuan Court is only inferior to the Dao Sect.

In those days, the five generations of great masters had the Dao Sect in order, and the three deputy masters were replaced. I am the Dao Sect, so the former emperor did not dare to disobey the five generations of great masters, and was very aggrieved.

But now it is different. The Dao Sect is in disarray, and the court has ushered in a strong emperor. The long-term emperor has always wanted to intervene in the affairs of the Dao Sect. Whether it is grand ambitions or ambitions, they are all supported by strong strength.

So Zhou Mengyao warned Qi Xuansu that if the emperor really wanted to make trouble for Qi Xuansu, even though Qi Xuansu was already a real person, he still couldn't bear it.

It is of course impossible for Bodhisattva Xiao to do anything to Emperor Daxuan with her own strength. If she really has this ability, she doesn't have to consider the issue of "Heaven" and can just take down Qi Xuansu directly.

But if the Great Xuan court intends to teach Qi Xuansu a lesson, that's another matter.

Don't forget that Qi Xuansu not only participated in the "Dingxin Monkey", but also killed the "shopkeeper" of the "inn" in the Yin and Yang Palaces. This matter will not be let go. You have to look at the owner before you beat the dog.

It's okay for the five generations of the Great Master to oppress the Great Xuan royal family, but you, Qi Xuansu, dare to oppress the Great Xuan royal family? You haven't become the Eighth Generation Great Master yet! The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, and it may not be you who will become the king. What if you become a bandit? At that time, as long as there is a Beichen Hall, you can be dealt with.

In fact, Xiao Bodhisattva also has some "friends" in the court. Although the court worships Taoism, practicing Taoism and refining elixirs seems to have always been the hobbies of emperors and princes. On the contrary, the women in the harem are particularly worshipful of Buddhism. The Buddha blesses, and the Bodhisattva blesses. For example, the famous Da Baoen Temple was built by the emperor for the empress dowager, so it is named "Baoen".

This gave the Buddhist sect an opportunity.

The original Empress Mingkong was not a Buddhist disciple. Some people said that Empress Mingkong was the reincarnation of a Mahayana Bodhisattva, but this statement has not been confirmed and cannot be confirmed. From the historical records, it was actually after Empress Mingkong was forced to become a nun that she got in touch with Buddhism. Buddhism is best at burning cold stoves.

When the Daxuan court was first established, Empress Gao was the head of the Cihang lineage. There is no need to say more about what the Cihang lineage is, especially at that time it was still a Taoist and Buddhist alliance, the relationship between the two families was just right, and Buddhism had foreshadowed it long ago.

However, it can't be said to be infiltration, it can only be said that each party takes what it needs and cooperates.

The Daxuan royal family turned a blind eye to this, leaving an opportunity for dialogue, just in case it is useful.

For example, now, isn't it useful?

The Daxuan court wants to take back "Cangtian" and teach Qi Xuansu a profound lesson. In the eyes of the Daxuan court, Bodhisattva Xiao is a suitable knife, a knife to kill with a borrowed knife.

Bodhisattva Xiao just held an umbrella and waited quietly.

The rain rustled.

After an unknown amount of time, a black-sailed boat sailed out from the rain and fog on the lake. Although the boatman was wearing a straw hat and a raincoat, some casual details showed that he was from the military and was very serious.

The black-sailed boat stopped not far away, and the boatman said loudly: "That girl, my master invites you to come on board for a chat."

Bodhisattva Xiao slowly turned his head and glanced at the man in black. The heavenly warrior suddenly felt a thrilling feeling, his heart twitched fiercely, and his face changed slightly.

The warrior's spirit and body are united, and the soul and body are united. This is actually an impact on the spirit, but the warrior has no soul, so it acts on the body.

Bodhisattva Xiao moved lightly with lotus steps, floating from the long embankment to the lake, stepping lightly, and stepping with lotus, in a blink of an eye, he had boarded the black-sailed boat.

Then Bodhisattva Xiao put away the oil-paper umbrella, lowered his body, and entered the cabin.

At this time, there was only one person sitting in the cabin, wearing a dark black uniform. His real age was less than fifty years old, in the prime of his life. He wore a sword on his waist, and the whole sword was carved into the shape of a golden dragon. The sword head was the dragon head, and a golden gem was inlaid on the sword head, like a dragon holding a pearl. The hilt below the sword head was the dragon neck and part of the dragon body. The fine scales replaced the metal wire usually used to wrap the hilt, and then the hilt was carved into the shape of two dragon claws.

It was the "Emperor Ying" who was listed with "Human World".

Then the identity of the person was self-evident.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness the King of Liao in person." Bodhisattva Xiao sat opposite the King of Liao.

The King of Liao leaned forward slightly: "I have heard of your great name for a long time. I am honored."

Xiao Bodhisattva said: "I don't deserve it. I thought His Majesty would send the 'Eastern Master'."

The King of Liao said: "Your Majesty has been in the Western Regions for a long time, but he also knows about the Central Plains. Logically speaking, this kind of thing should indeed be the responsibility of the 'Eastern Master'. However, on the one hand, the 'Eastern Master's' old injury has not healed, and His Majesty is worried, and on the other hand, I took the initiative to volunteer."

Xiao Bodhisattva asked: "Does Your Highness have an old grudge with Qi Xuan?"

The King of Liao did not hide it: "Both public and private, when the 'Heart Monkey' of the Five Elements Mountain 'The failure was due to Qi Xuansu, who became the deputy hall master because of it, and he also killed my housekeeper. Later, Yunmeng Lake was in a strange state, Qi Xuansu intervened, killed the 'shopkeeper', and took away 'Cangtian'. So today I want to borrow the hand of Bodhisattva to teach Qi Xuansu a lesson, and we will each get what we need. "

Xiao Bodhisattva smiled and said: "The 'Chuanguo Xi' is a treasure, Your Highness, aren't you afraid that I will be tempted by the money? If I take it away by force, His Majesty the Emperor may not be able to find me. "

The King of Liao laughed: "As the saying goes, the monk can run away, but the temple cannot, so I am not afraid. "

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