Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 157 Rewards

Qi Xuansu and Cihang did not return directly to Yujing, but first went to Wuzhou, which is adjacent to Xiangzhou, and went to Da Zhenren's Mansion in Shangqing County to meet the Celestial Master.

Dazhenren Mansion is still the same as before, Zhang Jucheng is not here, Zhang Yuelu is not here either, there are only Tianshi and Zhang family elders.

Xiao Yin came with him, and now he didn't look like a sinner at all. He came to Dazhen Mansion in a grand manner and became a guest.

If only Qi Xuansu came to visit, it could be interpreted as a communication between relatives. With the addition of Cihang, the meaning would be very different.

The elders of the Zhang family have experienced ups and downs and are all people with a keen sense of smell. They immediately realized that something big must have happened, otherwise Cihang and Qi Xuansu would not have fled to Wuzhou from the Taoist mansion in the Western Regions.

Zhang Wuxia and Zhang Wuyong, the masters of the Shangqing Palace, received the two people and immediately informed the Heavenly Master that it turned out that the Heavenly Master was not in the Dazhen Palace, but had gone down the mountain. As for where the Celestial Master went and what he was doing, the two of them didn't know very well. After all, the Celestial Master was the biggest, who could control him? If he wants to report it, he can report it; if he doesn't want to report it, he can't.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Master didn't go too far. After getting the news, he quickly returned to the Dazhen Mansion.

Qi Xuansu even suspected that the Heavenly Master had gone to Xiangzhou, just outside Yunshen Cave, and might have had a confrontation with Emperor Daxuan.

Of course, this is just speculation and probably not true.

After meeting the Heavenly Master, Master Cihang gave an overview of what happened. The focus was of course not on how the two of them severely injured Xiao Bodhisattva, but on the involvement of people from the court, including Zhang Wuhen. After all, it was in private, not on the table, and there was no suspicion of putting the Heavenly Master on the fire.

In fact, even if this matter is put on the table, the Celestial Master is only in trouble, not helpless. If he really wants to be determined, others can't do anything. After all, the Celestial Master is about to ascend, and it is not too big to force the Celestial Master too much. significance.

Zhang Wuxia and Zhang Wuyong looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

In terms of relationship, Zhang Wuhen is not only Tianshi's sister, but also their cousin. As the so-called close relatives hide each other, regardless of what the two people think of Zhang Wuhen, it is a bit too much to have to be on the line in front of their own family members. .

Zhang Wuyong considered his words and said slowly: "After all, my brother's hard work was wasted."

The Heavenly Master waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this for now, let's talk about the court affairs."

Zhang Wuxia said: "It is actually expected that the imperial court would do such a thing. After all, party disputes are more important than state affairs. It's just that those who do unjust things will be killed. It is reasonable for the imperial court to lose his wife and troops this time." ”

Zhang Wuyong said: "However, one thing can be seen from this matter. The imperial court's understanding and research of extraterrestrial demons is indeed ahead of the Taoist sect, and its plans are very big. It must be said that our Emperor Ziji Zhenren has always been He is bold and ambitious, and everyone in the Taoist sect is well aware of this. He first refines the 'Heart Monkey', and then seeks the 'Heaven'. What does an emperor want with so many immortals? Be prepared to intervene with force."

Qi Xuansu was keenly aware that Zhengyi was quite dissatisfied with the authority of the imperial court, but after thinking about it carefully, it was reasonable. This kind of prejudice was laid down long ago in the previous dynasty. The Qin family of the Daxuan Dynasty was founded in Liaodong. They were neighbors across the sea from the Li family of Qizhou. The relationship between the two families had always been good. On the contrary, the Zhang and Li families had constant disputes. It even evolved into a dispute between the North and the South.

Later, the Daxuan court established its capital in Dijing, and the Li family fully supported it. The geographical location determined that the Daxuan court had greater influence in the north. This influence would continue to weaken as you went south. The Daxuan court only represented most of the Confucianism. The Confucian sect, not the entire Confucian sect, and some figures in the Confucian sect have always been far away from the rivers and lakes, not as high as the temple. Jiangnan can be regarded as the base camp of these people.

In current popular terms, Zhengyi is the representative of the southern power group. Zhang Jucheng introduced Zhang Taixu to Qi Xuansu, Tianshi introduced the elders of the Zhang family to Qi Xuansu, plus Cihang Zhenren and Su Yuanzai, representatives of The Yan family, represented by the real person Yan Da, means that this so-called southern power group has made a choice.

The Heavenly Master remained silent and was not in a hurry to express his attitude.

Qi Xuansu did not speak rashly, but quietly waited for the results of Tianshi's thinking.

After a while, the Heavenly Master looked at Qi Xuansu: "Tianyuan, is the 'Seal of the Kingdom' in your hand?"

Qi Xuansu took out the "Chinese Imperial Seal" and handed it to the Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master played with the "National Seal", as if he was playing with the "Yangping Capital Seal" passed down from generation to generation, and then looked at the eight characters "Ordered by Heaven, both longevity and longevity".

The Heavenly Master suddenly said: "If receiving the 'Chuan Guo Xi' means receiving a destiny from heaven, then if the Emperor who has been watching for a long time has lost the 'Chuan Guo Xi', does it mean that the destiny has been lost?"

Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered the prophecy: when the imperial crown fell, the king's dream was shattered. They went on and on, staining the mountains and rivers with blood. The world is shattered and everything is new.

The Heavenly Master continued: "My opinion is to let Zhang Dajijiu talk to Cheng Dajijiu first and find out the background of the imperial court. No favors, I will leave this matter to you."

Zhang Wuyong nodded in agreement.

"Buhui" is the epitome of Zhang Wuyong, which comes from "Xunqing": If you say it is useless, you should argue, and if you argue it is not beneficial, you should observe it.

The Heavenly Master looked at Master Cihang again: "Zhisheng, I remember that your junior sister is also in the Imperial Capital and has a good relationship with the King of Jin. Also, your Cihang lineage has many arrangements in the Imperial Capital. You should also touch it here. Regarding the court’s attitude, we should adopt a two-pronged approach.”

Master Cihang responded: "Yes."

The Heavenly Master said: "If the court is really willing to negotiate, I will personally come forward to talk to the Great Master Ziji. If the Great Master Ziji is not convenient to come forward, his envoy will do. As for the location, I will not go to the imperial capital, but will set it in the Great Baoen Temple of Jinling Prefecture under the rule of Chengde. This is a good place for negotiation, and let the Confucian people be witnesses. Xuansheng and Zhang Zu also negotiated with the court here, but at that time it was still the Great Wei court."

"Chengde" is Zhang Jucheng's courtesy name.

An anti-intuitive common sense, the Great Baoen Temple does not belong to Buddhism, but to Confucianism, as early as the beginning of the temple's establishment.

The Heavenly Master accepted the "Chuanguo Xi". Qi Xuansu was a little reluctant, but considering that the Heavenly Master had given him "Qingyun" and "Guizangdeng" a long time ago, Qi Xuansu had nothing to say.

Xiao Yin saw that the old man was very kind, not like Lao Zhang at all, so he dared to be presumptuous and took the initiative to show his merit: "I got it, why don't you ask my opinion?" Then Xiao Yin tried his best to straighten his chest, put his hands on his waist, and looked very proud. This is the newborn calf who is not afraid of the tiger. People who don't know the past experience of the Heavenly Master are indeed easily confused by the Heavenly Master's appearance. The Heavenly Master, who can compete with the National Master and the Earth Master for many years, will never be soft-handed when it comes to killing. When the Heavenly Master was young, he was mostly a smiling tiger, the kind who smiled all day long, and smiled when facing the enemy, and killed with a smile. He seemed sunny and cheerful, but in fact he was dark and cruel. When he got old, the "mask" was probably grown on his face and could not be removed. Qi Xuansu was secretly criticizing the Heavenly Master, but on the surface he pretended to be a strict father and scolded him: "You are so young, what do you know? Why don't you shut up!"

The Heavenly Master ignored Qi Xuansu and asked Xiao Yin with a pleasant face: "Wan Miao, what do you think?"

Xiao Yin seemed to be born with the ability to please the elders, even the Heavenly Master was no exception. The same thing, Qi Xuansu, an adult, would only annoy people, but Xiao Yin would be likable. In a sense, this is also a kind of "innate holy body".

Xiao Yin thought for a moment and said, "I don't understand this. I only know that merits should be rewarded and faults should be punished. Merits should not outweigh faults, and faults should not negate merits. This is the way to distinguish between rewards and punishments. Since I got the 'Chuan Guo Xi' from the Liao King, I am a meritorious person and should be rewarded."

No matter what Qi Xuansu thought in his heart, he still had to pretend on the surface and said righteously, "Xiao Yin, shut up! Who taught you these nonsense? You have done a little for the Taoist sect, and you are thinking about merits. Haven't you heard that 'it's better to be treated with respect than to be treated with respect'? The more you meet, the narrower your mind becomes, and the more you talk about dedication, the higher your realm becomes'? Where is your dedication? "

The Heavenly Master interrupted Qi Xuansu: "Shut up, who said Wan Miao was talking nonsense? Wan Miao is right, rewards should be given for merits, and punishments should be given for faults. Clear rewards and punishments are the long-term way. It is not sustainable to advocate that everyone only talk about contributions without asking for returns. Maybe it can be maintained for one or two years, and it can barely be maintained for ten or twenty years, but what if it takes decades or hundreds of years? It will be backfired. People's hearts are like water, always flowing to the lower places. "

Qi Xuansu had to shut up.

When Xiao Yin was not around, Qi Xuansu was a junior, and when Xiao Yin was around, Qi Xuansu became an elder and could not enjoy the various preferential treatments of the juniors.

The Heavenly Master raised his hand to signal Xiao Yin to come to his knees, held Xiao Yin's shoulders, and asked: "Wan Miao, what do you want?"

Xiao Yin said without thinking: "I want dragon meat."

The Heavenly Master shook his head: "There is no dragon meat now, change another one."

Xiao Yin rolled his eyes: "As long as it is delicious."

The Heavenly Master ordered: "Bring five red fruits."

Zhang Wuxia took the order and left.

Xiao Yin asked, "Can you become an immortal after eating it?"

The Heavenly Master said, "No, but it can make you take a big step towards the pseudo-immortal stage. You can't be impatient about cultivation. You have to eat one bite at a time."

Xiao Yin didn't push it any further and nodded obediently, "Okay."

The Heavenly Master said, "The red fruit blooms and bears fruit in a hundred years. It is a very yang thing. If an ordinary person takes it, the strong fire contained in it will burn his internal organs and die immediately. But if you can resist the fire in it, you can use the medicinal power of the red fruit to improve your realm. The fire of five red fruits is too strong and it stops life. You still have to use the "Eternal Life Spring" to neutralize it."

Under the stone wall on the east side of the Lotus Temple on Huishan Mountain in Putuo Island, South China Sea, there is a spring. The spring water has not dried up for years. It drips every day and makes a clanging sound. The water is sweet. Drinking it can prolong life and eliminate diseases and disasters. It is named "Eternal Life Spring". In the past hundred years, the output of spring water has been decreasing. Now the annual output is only two or three bowls. Ordinary people cannot even get a drop.

Cihang Zhenren was very happy: "Okay."

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