Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 159: Are kings, princes, generals and ministers of different species?

The nectar doesn't taste good, this is Qi Xuansu's biggest feeling.

The most fragrant thing is smelly, and the most sweet thing is bitter. It turns out that there is a lot of truth in the yin and yang.

But this is not the point. Li Changge asked: "Does Brother Tianyuan usually read history?"

Qi Xuansu knew that the topic was coming and replied: "I have read some and use history as a mirror to know the ups and downs. And history cannot be forgotten. Forgetting history means betrayal."

Li Changge said: "The first half of the sentence was said by Emperor Taizong, and the second half was said by a Westerner. In the annals of history, there are also cases where officials were neglected and neglected, people were destroyed, and there were people who sought glory and humiliation. This sentence exactly corresponds to that sentence. , The people of Qin had no time to mourn for themselves, and then others mourned for them. Later generations mourned without taking notice of it, which also caused future generations to mourn for future generations again. "

Qi Xuansu said, neither salty nor cool: "Brother Yongyan, there is something in his words."

Li Changge did not hide his thoughts: "The troubles of Taoism do not lie with a few ancient immortals, nor with Buddhism and the Holy Court, but within Taoism."

Qi Xuansu was not in a hurry to express his opinion.

This is a basic fact.

Li Changge continued: "The proposition of the dispute between the three Taoists is too ambitious. It is not only a conflict of ideas or interests, but also the root of the disease that the Taoism carries from the mother's womb. We will not talk about this today, let's talk about something else."

Qi Xuansu said: "Brother Yongyan, please speak."

Li Changge spread out a map on the table. It showed the current territory of Daomen, including Xidaomen. In addition to the Central Plains, all overseas continents were marked with other colors: "Xuansheng unified the Central Plains, and the great masters of the following dynasties On the basis of Xuan Sheng, the Taoism expanded its territory and finally had today's Taoism. Regarding how to properly handle these overseas territories.

, is a rather difficult problem. The Fenglinzhou War, Chen Shuhua's betrayal, the resurrection of Itsumna, and the Buddhist issue can all be classified as concentrated expressions of this problem. "

Qi Xuansu looked at the map: "I would like to hear the details."

Li Changge pointed his finger at Borneo and said: "Take Borneo as an example. We rule Borneo but don't give the people of Borneo a channel to rise. They will be resentful and resist Taoism. Chen Shuhua is an example. The promotion channel here certainly does not refer to the positions of several deputy palace masters. At the very least, it must be the seat of Jinzhen Zhenren. "

Qi Xuansu knew what Li Changge was going to say, but due to position issues and correct considerations, as well as the true intention of not touching Li Changge, some words were difficult for Qi Xuansu to say, so Qi Xuansu chose to play dumb: "When autumn comes on September 8, my flowers will bloom." When Baihua kills, the city is filled with golden armor. There are only so many positions. Everyone wants to be in the position. There is no way. This is something that has been inevitable in all dynasties. "

Li Changge seemed to see that Qi Xuansu was deliberately pretending to be stupid, and continued: "For the Central Plains people, we came to Borneo, we conquered Borneo, people like Chen Shuhua, as our defeated generals, want to rise, but she relies on What is creeping up on us? If we can't win on the battlefield, but we can win, isn't it like making wedding clothes for others? And there are thirty-six seats in Jinque, and if you give up one, you have to drive away who. Is this world still for the Central Plains people? If it’s not the Central Plains people’s world, then what’s the point of our conquest?”

Of course, this kind of issue cannot be discussed on the table.

Destroy unity. But you can’t pretend you can’t see it, the problem won’t disappear just by closing your eyes.

Qi Xuansu's face was a little solemn and he said: "Brother Yongyan, you are serious."

Li Changge laughed: "To put it bluntly, this is a problem that our generation must face. I can use Taoist Brother Tianyuan as an analogy."

Qi Xuansu didn't speak, just took a sip of wine, but he was thinking quickly in his mind.

Li Changge took it as Qi Xuansu's acquiescence.

"Suppose that Taoist Brother Tianyuan becomes the eighth-generation headmaster. In view of some problems of the sixth-generation headmaster, he will definitely form his own team of confidants. However, Taoist brother Tianyuan lacks family support, so he will either use people from the Zhang family or others. People from the Yao family, or people around them.

Taoist brother Tianyuan has a secretary named Chen Jianchou. He was born in the Chen family in Borneo. He is now the deputy head of the Borneo Taoist House. It is only a matter of time before he becomes the chief deputy head. If Taoist Brother Tianyuan wants to promote him as the Grand Master, will he be made the real Master? There is a high probability that he will, after all, he is his confidant.

The real master is already a member of Jinque and has the key vote to elect the master. When the time comes to elect the Ninth Generation Grand Master, will the candidates make some promises to win over him?

If there are more and more people from Borneo in the Golden Palace and there are enough votes, the candidates for the Grand Master will fight for votes for their own positions. Will they use some so-called art of transaction and compromise to satisfy the interests of Borneo first? In vain to take care of the interests of Daomen as a whole?

This is just Borneo. There are so many overseas Taoist temples, including Xidaomen. In fact, it is easy to say that Xidaomen has the same origin and origin, and they are dependent on each other for their existence.

There’s not much to say, but what about the people of Tawantin? How to deal with people like Hu En Ahan? If they are not given a way to rise, they will be dissatisfied and resentful. If they are given a way to rise, what will the people of the Central Plains think? We conquered the country and rescued them from the hands of the Westerners, but ended up climbing on top of us? This is really unreasonable.

When the minority becomes the majority, it cannot be reversed and it is difficult to remedy it, despite all efforts. At this time, we were not yet united and were driven by the desire for success. The party was united and opposed by different parties, so the situation became complicated. What if the oysters and snipers fight and both sides suffer, and these people turn against the guests, and the fishermen gain, and a great leader who is not from the Central Plains comes out, what will the Central Plains people think of the Taoist sect? After thousands of generations, how will future generations evaluate us?

History tells people how to rise and fall. How did the Western nation of Qin perish? Brother Tianyuan wouldn't know it.

Could it be that we have made great progress and conquered the world all the way, but in the end we have become someone else's wedding dress, and we have been defeated without defeat. On the contrary, these defeated generals won without victory?

Use the Dao Sect's sword to get more for the Dao Sect. Whose Dao Sect is this?

Some people may think that we have magical powers and Taoism, but the end of the Dharma is coming soon. What will happen to the Taoism that cannot seek immortality? After all, we cannot make cakes to satisfy our hunger like Buddhism.

Moreover, as we become more civilized, the past method of fighting each other to the death is no longer applicable. We can kill the enemies outside, but it is not easy to distinguish the enemies inside, making this problem more complicated. "

After listening to Li Changge's words, Qi Xuansu fell silent.

Taiping Road represented by the Li family

It is not unreasonable to be able to overpower the other two. They do cater to many people's thoughts and concerns.

No matter how equal we are, no matter how correct we are, some trends of thought cannot be suppressed.

Maybe one or two years is ok, ten or twenty years is ok, but what about tens or hundreds of years? There will always be times when you can't suppress it, and one day it will explode.

Fenglinzhou will rebel, Chen Shuhua will rebel.

Wouldn’t the Central Plains people rebel? Maybe then we can't call it a rebellion, but an uprising, and dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

The imperial crown will fall to the ground, but what about the Taoist crown of the great leader?

Li Changge also took a sip of wine: "I wonder what Brother Tianyuan thinks?"

Qi Xuansu had nothing to say at this moment.

Because he really didn't know how to explain it. Unity requires ceding interests, and power is also one of the interests. But since ancient times, power is the most sensitive, and people will die if they are not careful. Let alone ceding power, spying on power is a recipe for death. To seize power within the rules, if there is no force to support it, the consequences will be insignificant.

The dispute between Donghua Zhenren and Qingwei Zhenren is not restricted by rules, but that both of them have enough strength to support them. This is the optimal result with minimal internal friction. It is precisely because each other cannot help the other, so they must abide by the pre-decisions made by both parties. If the strength of the two sides becomes unequal, then the rules will not count.

Qi Xuansu could only say: "Brother Yongyan must have an idea."

Li Changge said calmly: "There are indeed some immature ideas."

Qi Xuansu said: "I would like to hear the details."

Li Changge put down the wine bottle and made a shocking statement: "No more election of great masters, great masters"

There is no need to win over these people for the sake of superiority. The Grand Master can proceed from the interests of the Taoist sect and control the general direction of the Taoist sect. As long as the fundamental interests of the Taoist sect are guaranteed, the Taoist sect can also give them the channels they want to rise and let them enter. Golden Tower. "

The picture is poor and the dagger can be seen.

Qi Xuansu didn't say that, but he thought so, so he went straight to the point: "It is Xuan Sheng's decision to elect the Grand Master at the Jinque Collegial Conference. If you don't vote to recommend the Grand Master, then how to decide on the candidate for the Grand Master? It will be decided by the previous generation. Will the Grand Master directly appoint a successor?"

Li Changge said: "Of course this is a way."

Qi Xuansu understood in his heart why there was a saying that the Li family wanted a hereditary headmaster. At first glance, the hereditary Grand Master is rebellious, but if the various prerequisites mentioned by Li Changge are added, then the Hereditary Grand Master becomes less difficult to accept.

Even if it is hereditary, it is better than letting outsiders ride on the head. This is what many people think.

No wonder the Li family has been emphasizing the Great Saint Ancestor and the Holy Ancestor in recent years. This is based on the legal basis of blood. The Taoist sect was established by the Taoist Ancestor, and the Taoist sect was integrated by the Xuansheng. The "Taizu" and "Zhongzu" are both our Lao Li The ancestors of our family, of course we are the most orthodox heirs.

But there is an obstacle here, the old Zhang family.

It is true that Daozu is the founder of Taoism, and it is true that Daozu laid the foundation of Taoism. However, Daozu did not really establish a religion in the world, spread doctrines, and develop believers. It was the Zu Tianshi who really implemented all this, so the Zu Tianshi was equivalent to the "Great Ancestor" of the Taoist sect.

The status of the old Zhang family in the Taoist sect is equivalent to the status of the descendants of saints in the Confucian sect, so there are only three families in the world.

What others say.

The battle between Zhang and Li is not a battle for the right to inherit the throne.

Qi Xuansu patted the table three times: "To put it bluntly, people like us who are neither surnamed Zhang nor Li will have no chance of being a great leader in this life?"

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment and looked at Li Changge: "Does Prince General Xiang Ning have the guts?"

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