Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 184: Breaking the Flying Boat

The projection of Wu Luo stood between heaven and earth, blocking all ways forward.

Everyone was shocked by this horrific scene and could not speak for a while.

Because the difference in strength is too large, it is impossible to even think of resistance. Not to mention that only heavenly beings can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. Wu Luo's projection has no entity. Even if he wants to take action, he does not know how to attack Wu Luo.

"This is the ancient immortal Wu Luo." Qi Xuansu said in a daze. Although the projection was not physical, he felt a familiar aura, which was exactly the same as the bloody divine power of Yulan Temple.

The next moment, Wu Luo slowly raised a hand and held the hull of the flying boat.

For ordinary people, the flying boat is already very huge. In Wu Luo's hands, it is like a flying boat model displayed in Duobaoge.

Everyone on the flying boat was frightened.

Wu Luo's palm began to solidify, and then slowly exerted force.

Shocking dents and cracks appeared in the middle of the ship's hull.

Under the cracks, various formations below the deck were revealed, shining brightly.

The flying boat trembled violently, and coupled with the fierce wind, everyone on the deck was even more unsteady.

Zhang Yuelu grabbed Qi Xuansu with his left hand, and the "photographic paper" in his right hand turned into a soft whip and wrapped around the mast of the flying boat, preventing the two of them from falling out of the flying boat. This place is thousands of feet high in the sky. Falling from here is bound to happen. It is impossible to die anymore.

Wu Luo's projection was indifferent, and most of his body was still in an illusory state. Only one palm was solid and continued to exert force.

The formation in the lower cabin of the flying boat is not a single one, but a combination of large and small formations, just like the gears in a clock, stacked layer by layer and interlocking with each other. Under Wu Luo's majestic power, some formations finally couldn't withstand the huge pressure and began to collapse. The violent fluctuations caused by the collapse of the formations triggered a series of consequences. Many formations that could still hold on originally The law was affected and began to explode.

The Dao Sect's ordinary flying boat is an imitation of the Grand Master's ship. However, due to expenses and other reasons, many materials have been reduced and replaced. Not only have many attack and defense methods been removed, but the sheer sturdiness is not as good as that of the Grand Master. On the ship, the violent explosion that occurred at this time caused part of the deck to begin to collapse, and even fragments continued to fall off the ship on both sides of the ship, falling downwards.

Many passengers who had been hiding in the ship building became hysterical, but there was nothing they could do.

For them, if they leave the ship building and do not have enough cultivation, they are afraid that they will be swept away by the howling wind in the blink of an eye. But if they do not leave the ship building, they can only sit back and wait for death.

It was only at this moment, at the critical moment of life and death, that Qi Xuansu had a very direct and clear understanding of the rampant secret societies and the corruption of Taoism.

In the past, he often heard others talk about how rampant secret societies were, but he never had a very deep feeling. At most, the Qingping Society's pervasiveness and various transactions in the "inn" did not seem to be considered "rampant". , even if the incident in Yishan City failed to come to an end, Qi Xuansu didn't think much of it.

As for what kind of secret society once sneaked into Yujing, and what kind of scene the Zhiming Cult was slaughtering cities and annihilating countries outside the territory, I have only heard about it, and have never seen it with my own eyes, so I am still doubtful.

It was different at this time. Qi Xuansu finally saw the methods of the Lingshan Witch Cult. The Taoist sect killed their people, and they wanted to retaliate. Not only did they want revenge, but they also openly destroyed the Taoist sect's flying boat within the territory of the Kunlun Taoist Mansion. There is no doubt that this provocative move is definitely not the first time.

No wonder Daomen has repeatedly reiterated its intention to further crack down on major secret societies.

Another point is the corruption within the Taoist sect.

First of all, with the size of the Taoist sect, it is not impossible to destroy the secret societies. After all, the Confucian sect has been defeated and the Buddhist sect has bowed its head. So what can the secret societies do? But it can't be wiped out repeatedly. If the main energy of the Xuansheng era was on suppressing Buddhism and not caring about these things, it would be excusable. In the Xuansheng era, an ancient immortal was even successfully recruited and became a Taoist great master. However, in the following few years, The great leaders of the past have failed to eradicate the secret association, which means that the Taoist sect itself has a big problem.

In some respects, although secret societies are rampant, they cannot fundamentally shake the foundation of Taoism like Confucianism and Buddhism. This is also one of the reasons for the inability to reach a unified consensus within Taoism.

Secondly, for the imperial court, Xizhou and Yongzhou are far away from the imperial capital and may be regarded as border areas. However, for the Taoist sect, this place is the outskirts of the Kunlun Taoist Prefecture, and the Kunlun Taoist Prefecture is equivalent to the direct control of the imperial court, that is, within the capital. land. As a result, due to internal fighting, Dao Sect allowed such a big flaw to appear in its core sphere of influence. Perhaps in the near future, Dao Sect will have to carry out a large-scale war while "drawing its sword and looking around for invincible hands" externally. Infighting.

Isn’t this kind of Taoism corrupted?

It's no wonder that Zhang Yuelu is obsessed with reforming the inside of the Taoist sect and cleaning up the muddy water.

At this moment, there was another huge explosion sound, and Qi Xuansu discovered that the flying boat under his feet began to deform. The bow and stern of the boat were strangely raised, while the discontinuous point bent downward and collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu exploded from below. Qi Xuansu only felt a huge force coming from his feet, and then he flew into the air. Fortunately, there was a deck blocking it, so no damage was caused, but he and Zhang Yuelu had also completely flown away. After getting out of the boat, the paper whip in Zhang Yuelu's hand was connected to the mast of the flying boat, like a streamer swinging in the air.

Wu Luo's projection seemed to be unconscious. He just held the airship and kept exerting force. The increasingly intensive explosion sounds on the airship were like a cry. At this time, there was even a fire burning. The water vapor carried by the airship itself could no longer be suppressed. The intensity of the fire.

Under the fierce fire, many places began to collapse, and some even began to melt.

Finally, after a huge roar that far surpassed the previous explosions, Wu Luo's five fingers finally closed together, and the entire spaceship was completely broken into two pieces. Countless pieces of the flaming hull peeled off, like a small-scale fire. Rain, and many figures slipped out of the cabin, screaming and falling downwards. In the blink of an eye, only a small black dot remained, and then disappeared.

The two broken hulls could no longer maintain flight and afloat, and each dived towards the ground.

After doing all this, Wu Luo's projection also began to fade and dissipate, and the solid palm turned into a bright spot of light and dissipated around.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuelu used his true energy to pull Qi Xuansu towards him and said loudly: "Hold my waist tight!"

Out of trust in Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu followed the instructions subconsciously, wrapping his hands around Zhang Yuelu's waist, and the two of them stuck together tightly.

Zhang Yuelu retracted the paper whip that connected the two people to the mast, and then the "photoless paper" turned into a pair of huge paper wings and spread out behind Zhang Yuelu.

Although the pair of paper wings cannot fly, they can glide in the strong wind, and both of them have good cultivation, and their physical fitness is far better than that of ordinary people. In this way, the two of them may not be able to have a chance of survival. It can be said that there is no solution.

At this moment, a figure covered in fire jumped out from the half of the spaceship that was close to the two of them.

Although this figure has changed beyond recognition, from the "hump" behind it, one can still barely identify it as the old Taoist who summoned the Wuluo projection.

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist was not dead yet.

Then Zhang Yuelu felt his back sink, and the old Taoist actually jumped above the two of them.

The area of ​​the "photographic paper" is not infinite, and the size of the weapons it can be transformed into is also limited. At this time, the paper wings are only about two feet, and it is already a bit reluctant to carry the weight of two people. Add one more person, and it will immediately appear Downtrend.

Zhang Yuelu wanted to adjust the angle and throw off the old Taoist on his back, but the old Taoist clung to the paper wings tightly and refused to relax at all. No matter how Zhang Yuelu tilted, he still refused to fall.

Qi Xuansu seemed to be silent for a long time, and then seemed to be silent for a very short time, and then said: "Qingxiao, do you still remember what I said to you yesterday? Maybe I can't do it. I hope you can realize your ideal."

Zhang Yuelu was startled, then realized what he was doing and said in shock: "Tian Yuan, what are you going to do?"

Without saying a word, Qi Xuansu changed the posture of grabbing Zhang Yuelu, and with the physical strength comparable to that of a martial artist, he forcibly climbed onto Zhang Yuelu's back, just like a cavalryman burrowing under the horse's belly to avoid arrows and then climbing onto the horse's back from under the horse's belly. .

Then Qi Xuansu locked the old Taoist who had changed beyond recognition from behind and shouted angrily: "Let me go!"

Qi Xuansu's limbs exerted force at the same time, like the strangulation of a python, and a series of sounds of broken bones were heard, both from the old Taoist and from Qi Xuansu.

Although the old Taoist was immortal, he was not indestructible. His bones were shattered and he could no longer grasp the paper wings behind Zhang Yuelu with one hand.

The old Taoist who was still holding on to the paper wing with only one hand and Qi Xuansu who locked the old Taoist were swaying in the strong wind together.

Fortunately, the "no photo paper" is very strong. No matter how hard it is, it is not deformed or completely out of control. It just looks very dangerous.

"I said, let me go!" Qi Xuansu reluctantly pulled out "Qingyuan" and cut off the old Taoist's last arm bit by bit.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes were already red and he said angrily: "Qi Xuansu, stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

Qi Xuansu could still remain calm and said softly: "Qingxiao, it's better to die one person than two people. When things come to an end, you must let go..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Xuansu had already used "Qingyuan" to cut off the old Taoist's last arm from the elbow. Under the strong wind, the two people locked together instantly separated from Zhang Yuelu and fell downwards. It went away, getting smaller and smaller, and in the blink of an eye it became an extremely tiny black spot.

Zhang Yuelu looked at this scene helplessly, with tears streaming down her face. The anxiety that had been lingering on her finally dissipated, but she felt her heart twitching hard.

She knew that she would never forget this man in her life.

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