Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 186 The aftermath (Part 1)

The huge explosion caused by the flying boat finally alerted the Kunlun Taoist Mansion, and then Yujing.

Kunlun Daofu and Tiangang Hall soon sent people to this place, and the real person in charge of Tiangang Hall came in person.

The real person in charge rescued Zhang Yuelu, who was still wandering in the air, and sent a spiritual officer to seal off the incident site from the ground, and initially delineated a radius of 500 miles to search for the wreckage of the airship.

The spiritual officer of Tiangang Hall temporarily built a canopy for the master of Zhangtang to stay. Zhang Yuelu was also brought to this place.

The canopy was covered with carpets, tables, chairs and other items were placed, and an accurate map provided by the Kunlun Taoist Government was hung. It was not much different from the tent where the men in black marched and fought.

Zhang Yuelu sat alone in the corner, his eyes empty and unfocused.

Her face was very pale, and she actually gave off the air of a sickly beauty, which led many people to believe that she had suffered a severe injury in the battle and had not yet recovered.

At this time, many people came and went in the canopy to report various matters to the real person in charge.

Regarding the progress of the search for the airship, when the airship exploded, it was over Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake outside the Kunlun Pass. Therefore, many wreckage of the airship and the remains of the victims fell into the lake, making it very difficult to find them. , ordinary spiritual officers cannot go deep into the water, and the Taoist sect needs to dispatch spiritual officers of third grade or above.

Moreover, the spacecraft disintegrated at an altitude of several thousand feet, and the various wreckage and fragments did not fall vertically, but dived all the way. In the process, the wreckage also continued to fall, which may have exceeded the range of 500 miles. If the search scope is expanded, additional manpower will be needed.

The master in charge instructed his subordinates to first complete the search within a 500-mile radius, focusing on finding survivors and the flying boat's dragon beads as the first priority. After reinforcements arrived, they would expand the search area and conduct an underwater search.

In addition, there were also inquiries and letters from various parties. This matter actually alarmed the three deputy head masters at the same time. It was not that the matter was serious enough, but it was a coincidence.

The flying boat departed from the Shangqing Palace, and most of the passengers were disciples of Zhengyi Daozhen. Zhengyi Daizhen was bound to ask questions. At the same time, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it is also the day when the great masters of Quanzhen Dao and the great masters of Taiping Dao take over the rotation of the great masters. On such a sensitive day, something like this happened, and the two deputy head masters wanted to pretend It’s not okay if you don’t know, you will definitely have to ask.

What's more, Zhang Yuelu is also on this flying boat. The three deputy masters, Da Zhenren, all know Zhang Yuelu. Needless to say, the first two deputy masters, Zhang Yuelu, is the junior they admire, the grand-niece of the Tianshi, and the earth master. The deputy hall master was personally promoted by name. As for the national master, it was because of Li Tianzhen.

The master in charge had to personally reply to the letters sent by the three deputy masters and report the specific situation here in detail.

There are also inquiries from other halls, such as Beichen Hall, Huasheng Hall, Kunlun Taoist House, etc. After this incident, Beichen Hall must be led by an internal self-examination to prevent such a thing from happening again. Huashengtang asked about the casualties and whether support was needed. As for the Kunlun Daofu, after all, it happened on their territory, so of course they had to intervene and minimize their responsibilities.

In fact, if something like this happens, for Daomen, the loss is not unbearable, but the impact is extremely bad, and someone will inevitably be unlucky afterwards. Jinque was held accountable. First of all, it was the Kunlun Taoist Mansion. The rescue was not timely and even a large blank area appeared. It was hard to escape the blame. Followed by Tiangang Hall and Beichen Hall, after all, it involves secret associations, these two families must bear the responsibility no matter what. Finally, the Wuzhou Dafu was also charged with neglecting precautions.

Regarding these things, Zhang Yuelu seemed like a complete outsider, without any feeling, like a walking zombie, very numb, not wanting to participate or ask anything, just sitting in the corner alone.

But she wasn't all in a daze, she was more thinking.

Although the person who took action was a member of the Lingshan Witch Cult, the divine power of Lord Siming also appeared, which means that the Zhiming Cult was also indirectly involved in this matter. But this is not the most important thing. No matter how powerful Wu Luo's projection is, the Taoist sect is not unable to deal with it. The key is that the Lingshan Witch Cult has captured a message very keenly. There is no third-grade Youyi Taoist priest on the flying boat this time, so they will How did you know this information?

The last secret society involved in this matter also surfaced, Ziguang Society.

After all, Zhang Yuelu was from Beichen Hall, so it was easy to deduce a simple fact.

The list of passengers on the flying boat is in the hands of the Shangqing Palace. Either members of the Ziguang Society lurked in the Shangqing Palace and obtained the list directly, or members of the Ziguang Society had a close relationship with the relevant Shangqing Palace Taoist priests and obtained the names of the flying boat passengers from them. List. No matter what the possibility is, I am afraid that the Zhang family will not be able to escape the involvement. In other words, there is a spy in the Zhang family.

At this moment, another person walked into the canopy and bowed respectfully to Master Zhangtang. After Master Zhangtang waved his hand, he quickly walked up to Zhang Yuelu.

She knelt down, gently pressed her hands on Zhang Yuelu's knees, and whispered, "Qing Xiao."

Zhang Yuelu slowly raised his head and found that the person coming was Mu Jin.

Mu Jin lives in Yujing, and this time she came with Master Zhangtang, but she was assigned the responsibility of liaison by Master Zhangtang. After all, this time Tiangang Hall and Kunlun Taoist Mansion acted together, although Master Zhangtang was in charge of the overall situation. , but many places require liaison and coordination, and Mu Jin is in this position.

Until then, Mu Jin had some free time and immediately came over to see Zhang Yuelu.

Regardless of Mu Jin's relationship with Qi Xuansu, her relationship with Zhang Yuelu is not fake.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes returned to consciousness slightly, but he did not speak.

"Tian Yuan..." Probably because the deceased was older, Mu Jin called Qi Xuansu by his first name for the first time.

"Tian Yuan..." Zhang Yuelu repeated softly, his voice actually a little hoarse.

Mu Jin gently patted Zhang Yuelu's back and whispered: "The deceased is gone, but the living are like this."

Zhang Yuelu slowly closed his eyes: "If it weren't for Tian Yuan, you wouldn't be able to see me."

Mu Jin didn't know what to say. Although she disliked Qi Xuansu very much, she always felt that Qi Xuansu had taken away Zhang Yuelu, but to be fair, the two of them did not have any unforgettable hatred. At this time, they were gone, and it was because of Zhang Yuelu, so a little hatred was nothing. .

Zhang Yuelu opened his eyes again: "I came to Tiangang Hall from Beichen Hall, and I came at the right time. I will cancel all my rest, and strive to become a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest as soon as possible, so that I, the deputy hall master, can become worthy of my name."

Mu Jin wondered: "According to the year suspension system, it takes three years for a fourth-grade Taoist priest to be promoted to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. You have just been promoted to a fourth-grade Taoist priest. Even if you have done enough, you still have to upgrade to the third grade." It will take two years.”

Zhang Yuelu said slowly: "That being said, there are no absolutes in anything, and there are exceptions."

Mu Jin thought for a moment and said in surprise: "Exception...are you talking about heavenly beings?"

After the Taoist sect established the ninth-grade Taoist priest system, except for the great master, no one was outside the scope of the ninth grade, and there was a very strict promotion system.

At low levels, positions and grades are not too tied together. But when you reach a high-grade Taoist priest, the two become inseparable, so the position of a high-grade Taoist priest has become a disguised grade, collectively called the ninth grade and the twelve grades. "

Under this circumstance, the "stop year" system, modeled on the ancient "stop year" system, came into being. The promotion of grades is strictly restricted by the stop years, which is the number of years that a certain grade must be stayed, which is the minimum number of years. years. According to regulations, a Taoist priest of the seventh rank must wait for one year to advance to the sixth rank. A Taoist priest of the sixth rank must wait for one year to advance to the fifth rank. It takes two years to advance to the fourth rank. It takes three years to advance to the fourth rank. For second-grade products, choose to upgrade.

However, there are exceptions, and these exceptions are reserved for people with extraordinary talents.

From ancient times to the present, there have been many amazingly talented and beautiful people. For example, Donghuang from the Xuansheng era had already become a heavenly being before he even reached the crown, and was regarded as half as talented as Xuansheng. Although Donghuang was already the deputy head master when the ninth-grade Taoist system was established, assuming that Donghuang appeared after the ninth-grade Taoist system and was promoted strictly according to the year-stopping system, Donghuang might still be a low-grade Taoist when he became a heavenly being. He has not even been promoted to the fourth level of Taoist Priest Liquor.

This will lead to very embarrassing results, and this situation did occur after Donghuang. In order to specifically deal with this situation, the Taoist sect later added a special regulation. As long as you are a heavenly person and have enough merit, you can ignore the suspension system and be directly promoted to the third level of Youyi Taoist priest. From the third level to the second level, you will still use the selection method. More flexible.

Zhang Yuelu said expressionlessly: "I will soon be promoted to heaven. It will not be difficult to accumulate merit in Tiangang Hall."

"I understand." Mu Jin nodded.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes turned cold: "The people from the Lingshan Witch Cult say that using their heads in exchange for credit is hot on your hands. I want to see if my hands are tougher or your heads are tougher."

"Okay." Mu Jin didn't know how to persuade her, so she sighed, "The space vacated by Tianyuan..."

Zhang Yuelu's eyes darkened, but he still said: "Now it can only be regarded as a matter of life or death. You can do his job first. After three months, it will be treated as missing. After three years, it will be treated as..."

"Yes, I understand." Mu Jin saw that Zhang Yuelu was in a very bad mood and did not dare to raise too many objections on this matter.

If something like this happens, the Taoist sect will definitely allocate funds for compensation. Most people don't want this time to drag on for too long and other accidents happen, so they will assume that they are dead. However, what Zhang Yuelu said is right. In this kind of life, no one will die. When no body is found, it can indeed be considered missing first and then considered dead.

Furthermore, Qi Xuansu had no relatives, no wife, and no master. Zhang Yuelu only heard him mention a Qiniang, who seemed not to be from the Taoist sect, but to be a figure in the world. She was nowhere to be found. She was given a pension, and Who can I leave it to? Even if you want to burn it all into paper money, you don’t know where to burn the paper.

Although there was some unspeakable luck in Zhang Yuelu's decision, it was also reasonable.

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