Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 184 Everything is ready

The news of Qi Xuansu's recapture of Laxia was immediately transmitted back to Yujing, but it did not cause too much trouble in Yujing.

To be honest, I have become somewhat used to it, and it feels like it should be like this.

Nowadays, even those who do not recognize Qi Xuansu have to admit one thing. There is no doubt about Qi Xuansu's ability and he will not disappoint anyone. It is no wonder that Master Donghua trusts Qi Xuansu so much and regards him as his arm.

Even Li Changge couldn't suppress Qi Xuansu. After all, direct combat exploits can best gather prestige.

Following the "Three Shows of Taoism" and "Double Walls of Taoism", there may be a new saying.

Many people believe that even if Donghua Zhenren is not selected this time, Qi Xuansu will definitely be selected next time.

Here in Shangqing Town, as the orthodox in-law of Qi Xuansu, Zhang Kuqi's home also has frequent guests. As a small sect, Zhang Kuqi usually plays a marginal role in the Zhang family. However, first he gave birth to Zhang Yuelu, and then he recruited a good son-in-law, Qi Xuansu. The tide suddenly rose, and he became a popular figure inside and outside the Zhang family.

To put it bluntly, it means respecting the father as a son.

Now it seems that instead of Qi Xuansu climbing a high tree, it was Zhang Kuqi who had the ability to pick up the slack.

Even if his daughter is Zhang Yuelu, such a son-in-law is rare.

It can also be said that the two achieve each other.

Shortly after Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu officially got married, Qi Xuansu completed another leap, from the real person in charge of the palace to the real person in charge of the palace, and it was a Taoist mansion like the Western Region Taoist mansion.

At the beginning, many people were worried that Qi Xuansu would not be able to secure this position. After all, he was only acting as the head of the palace. The real person who also served as the head of the palace was more like a retreat, in case Qi Xuansu could not support the Western Region Dao.

In addition to the airs of the government, you can also return to the real person in charge of the palace, so that it will not become a joke that you only know the name of the real person but no specific position.

But no one expected, including those who supported Qi Xuansu, that Qi Xuansu would secure his position as the real person in charge in such a short period of time. With the help of Zhang Yuelu, he trapped and killed the culprit, Monk Xiao, and successfully became a regular official. Among the many real people in charge of the palace, he is the only special being who also serves as the real person in charge of the palace.

Qi Xuansu has soared, and has become the most competitive successor to the eighth-generation master. Naturally, there are people who want to heat up the stove.

It's just that Qi Xuansu's whereabouts are unpredictable and he's always running around. It's extremely difficult to see Qi Xuansu. Qiniang is even more elusive than Qi Xuansu, and she can't find anyone. Not to mention Master Cihang and Master Donghua, it is much more difficult to meet them than Qi Xuansu, and the stove here is extremely hot. Compared with them, Qi Xuansu is a cold stove, unable to cook this. With Rezao's ability, he would definitely be able to see Qi Xuansu, so many people settled for the next best thing and went to Zhang Kuqi's place to burn incense and worship Buddha.

This made Zhang Juqi, who had been unknown for most of his life, brighten his face, and the grievances he had felt in the first half of his life were almost wiped away. Even when facing Tantai Qiong, there was something to say - who looked down on Qi Xuansu in the first place? That's not me. I have always supported my daughter and son-in-law.

When the old couple were bickering, Zhang Juqi could make Tantai Qiong speechless just by talking about it.

What can Tantai Qiong say? The old Yan family all bowed their heads, but Master Yan didn't say anything. He still kept his airs and acted in private.

But he was very honest and asked his good grandson Yan Yongzhen to be Qi Xuansu's secretary. Unlike his predecessor Chen Jianchou, who was born in Borneo, Yan Yongzhen belongs to the "old Taoist sect" with roots. His ancestors have produced deputy masters Dazhenren, Pingzhang Dazhen, and Shenzhizhen. He has broad connections and is a member of many Taoist families. , there will be basically no objections to his promotion based on his background. If Qi Xuansu can enter the Zixiao Palace, it is basically a certainty that Yan Yongzhen will enter the Golden Palace.

However, Zhang Kuqi is still very measured and does not accept any gifts. Even if he cannot provide any help to his daughter and son-in-law, he cannot cause trouble to his daughter and son-in-law. This is a matter of principle.

As for Tantai Qiong, he is a tough talker. Although he understands what is going on, he still can't lose face. Looking at these guests who come to the house because of his "good son-in-law", he simply doesn't show up. Out of sight, out of mind, let alone Said he accepted the gift.

Today we welcome a special guest, Zhang Wuyong from Dazhen Mansion.

Although Zhang Wuyong does not have a Taoist position, he has a special status and is one of the decision-makers of the Zhang family. Even among the large sects, he is also a core member at the forefront. Members of small sects like Zhang Kuqi are naturally incomparable.

Speaking of which, this is the second time that Zhang Wuyong has set foot in Zhang Kuqi's mansion. The last time was because of the controversy over Zhang Yuelu's naming. Zhang Wuyong came here with the Tianshi.

Of course, Zhang Kuqi knew that Zhang Wuyong would not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Even if we did not talk about his realm, cultivation or power status, but only his family lineage, Zhang Wuyong was also Zhang Kuqi's uncle. It was always his nephew who took the initiative to visit his uncle. There was no uncle. Zhang Kuqi also understood the reason for visiting his nephew.

It's not his turn to discuss any major issues. Most of them have to do with his daughter and son-in-law.

It was also thanks to his daughter and son-in-law that even Zhang Wuyong respected him and came to the door in person instead of directly sending someone to call him to the Dazhen Mansion. After all, don’t look at the monk’s face to see the Buddha’s face.

As expected, after Zhang Wuyong sat down, he just said a few polite words and got to the point.

The main thing is about Master Donghua and Master Cihang.

Although it was mainly Qi Xuansu who pushed for this matter, pulling strings and making connections, and could even be said to be taking great credit, in the end it could not be Qi Xuansu who came forward. After all, Qi Xuansu was a junior, while Master Donghua and Master Cihang were elders, and they were not compatible with etiquette. So we have to ask many old guys to come forward, at least they have to be of the same generation.

In this matter, the Zhang family is undoubtedly the most caring. As the saying goes, "gifts are sent out of the country", they are not sending gifts from Master Cihang out of the country and sending Master Cihang to the position of the wife of the Grand Master. Zhang Only the position of the Heavenly Master can be stable.

Therefore, Zhang Wuyou's purpose of coming is not complicated. This kind of thing definitely cannot be done by one person, but many people must come forward together to create a momentum. In addition to the elders of the Zhang family, the Zhang family decided to send Zhang Juqi to Bring them too, the reason is very simple. Zhang Kuqi is the in-law of Master Donghua, and his daughter Zhang Yuelu is a disciple of Master Cihang, so they have a relatively close relationship. After all, this kind of "family matter" requires family members to come forward. The first thing is to be close, and then It's status or something.

Zhang Juqi was surprised. He had heard his daughter mention it and thought it was a joke at the time, but he didn't expect Qi Xuansu to actually accomplish it.

The shock this incident brought to Zhang Kuqi

Even bigger than Qi Xuansu becoming the real person in charge.

Naturally, Zhang Kuqi would not refuse, nor could he refuse. He agreed and prepared to follow the Zhang family's "mission" to Yujing.

Now everything is almost ready, all that is left is the east wind. All that is waiting for is Qi Xuansu's east wind. All he has to do is wait for Qi Xuansu to win and return to the court.

However, Qi Xuansu's mood at this time was not so relaxed, but rather heavy.

He didn't think that Qiniang suddenly came to Huqian County simply because of business, because Qiniang seemed to be acting haphazardly, but in fact she was well-targeted and had hidden secrets. The one who is truly disorganized is Xiao Yin, and that’s when he thinks of one thing after another.

What's more, it was too much of a coincidence. Just as Zhao Jiaowu died, Qiniang arrived in Huqian County. It's hard to say there was no connection.

So Qi Xuansu concluded that Qiniang was giving him a heads up under the guise of doing business this time.

But what can we do if we know it? Can he still take the initiative? This is not the way to seek death.

No matter in terms of realm cultivation or power and position, Qi Xuansu was far behind, so he could only make more preparations.

However, after several battles, Qi Xuansu's "Xuan Jade" has been almost digested. Qi Xuansu still has a piece of "Xuan Jade" on hand. If he absorbs this piece of "Xuan Jade", Qi Xuansu can push his cultivation level to the next level. At the third level of the immortal stage, he also masters the magical powers of the fourth great witch.

By the time Qi Xuansu becomes an immortal, he will almost be able to master the magical powers of the fifth or sixth great witch.

When Qi Xuansu mastered all the magical powers of the eleven great witches, which was the level of cultivation of a quasi-one-kalpa immortal, he reached the end of the dead end of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

So still

There is a problem. Qi Xuansu needs more "Xuanyu". If he has not found a new "Xuanyu" after digesting the second piece of "Xuanyu" given by the Yao family, it will be embarrassing. In this "Xuanyu" In the competition for cultivation of "Heart of the Immortal Stone", there is no room for wasting time.

Qi Xuansu thought about it and realized that this matter still had to fall on Qiniang, and he couldn't count on Xiao Yin.

Qi Xuansu originally planned to wait until the conflict with Da Zun was over before talking to Qiniang about this matter. Since Qiniang took the initiative to come over this time, she happened to talk about it together.

Qiniang was not surprised. As Qi Xuansu said, she had her own way of doing things. After so many years, which step of Qi Xuansu's was not part of her plan?

If Qiniang didn't have some overall planning skills, she wouldn't be able to train Qi Xuansu. It can even be said that Qi Xuansu's habit of making more preparations in advance was learned from Qiniang. Qi Xuansu naturally considered what Qi Xuansu had considered.

Qiniang said: "What do you think I'm busy with during this time? I already have some clues about the 'Xuanyu' matter, but it's a bit tricky."

Qi Xuansu asked: "How do you say it?"

Qiniang made an "eight" gesture: "As the name suggests, the Eight Tribes have eight branches. Just as there are seven heads of Qibaofang, the Eight Tribes also have eight leaders. I am just one of them. Theoretically speaking, we The eight have equal status, there is no one who orders whom.”

Qi Xuansu understood: "The 'Xuanyu' you mentioned is in the hands of a certain leader of the Eight Tribes, and he is unwilling to part with it?"

Qiniang said: "You can't say that. He doesn't have the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone', so keeping the 'Xuan Jade' is of little use, but he refuses to use peace money to solve the problem."

question, but put forward a condition. "

Qi Xuansu asked: "What are the conditions?"

Qiniang said: "Either exchange it for something of similar value, or do something for him. I haven't discussed it with him in detail yet."

Qi Xuansu said thoughtfully: "If necessary, I can meet with him."

"I originally planned to strive for perfect attendance this month, but I failed on the fourth day. I felt a little sleepy after dinner, and fell asleep for some reason. When I woke up, it was already around nine o'clock and almost ten o'clock. The good news is that I was not sleepy. Okay, I'm still updating the second chapter."

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