Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 186 Xiu Nan Xuan

Qiniang quickly contacted Xiu Nanxuan and conveyed Qi Xuansu's intention to meet.

Xiu Nanxuan naturally agreed. To refuse the invitation of the Taoist Master of the Western Regions in the Western Regions requires sufficient strength and courage. Both are indispensable.

It is said that an ordinary assistant can choke the neck, not to mention the real person in charge. If you want to fight against the real person in charge, you must have the support of the real person in charge. If there is no real person in charge of the government to back him up, or if the Taoist government simply does not have the real person in charge of the government, it would be better to bow his head honestly.

Huqian County is now under full martial law, and no one is allowed to enter, so Qi Xuansu decided to put the meeting place at the Daxue Mountain Palace, which was just a trip back and forth for him.

In fact, Yujing is closer to Huqian County. After all, the area where Huqian County is located should have an independent government. However, due to various reasons, it has not been able to build a government. Instead, it has been managed by the Western Regions Daofu. This has made the Western Regions Daofu The Kunlun Taoist Prefecture is surrounded on three sides, leaving only the Kunlun Pass line.

Therefore, Yujing is the center of the entire area. Unfortunately, Yujing is more sensitive and we cannot meet in Yujing.

We can only stay at the Snow Mountain Palace.

So Qi Xuansu boarded the flying boat back to the Daxue Mountain Palace. However, in order not to attract attention, Qi Xuansu did not take the Palace Master's car, known as the "Mansion in the Sky", but took an ordinary cargo ship.

Xiao Yin was used to riding in the "Mansion in the Sky". At this time, he was a little unhappy when he was riding a cargo ship and could not jump around or use his fists. He was educated by Qi Xuansu, but the effect was not great. After all, it was easy to go from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to luxury. Frugality is difficult.

In fact, the condition of the cargo ship is not bad. You can't let the real person in charge go down to the cabin and squeeze together with the supplies. You can still squeeze out a room, but there are not as many distinctions as the living room, study room, bedroom, and quiet room.

There was no idle time along the way. Xiao Yin did not pass the graduation policy review because Xiao Yin did a shocking job. She used her own words as an argument and made a lot of nonsense in the policy review. For Qi Xuansu's sake, the Taoist Palace did not let her retake it, but the policy review must be repeated. Write.

Xiao Yin couldn't write it out, so he acted coquettishly and asked Qi Xuansu to help.

Qi Xuansu didn't want to help, but Qiniang had no choice but to support Xiao Yin. In Qiniang's words: Xiao Yin can't be the head master, she just wants to be happy, is that wrong? Why did you force her to do it? Hurry up and write it for her.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to ghostwrite a policy essay. As a real person in charge of the palace, his ambitions were naturally quite high and he would definitely be able to pass. In fact, this is already considered cheating. To put it more seriously, this has violated the Taoist law. However, the reality is that this kind of thing is not even a penalty of three drinks. Even Qi Xuansu's enemies will not do this kind of thing. Come to attack Qi Xuansu, because others have committed bigger crimes and it seems too trivial.

The greater the power, the more they despise the rules. They do not approve of these from the bottom of their hearts, and no one is exempt.

Qi Xuansu's observance of rules has always been in a state of confusion. To say that he has a "reason" for everything must be a compliment to him. He can say something about sending troops to Beijing, but it has nothing to do with being law-abiding. But to talk about how he acted wantonly, he was wronged. Among Taoist priests of the same level, he was not greedy for money, not lustful, and did not engage in assassinations to silence people. He could even be regarded as a breath of fresh air.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu focuses on a flexible body. What he sees as observing the rules is actually observing his own bottom line, rather than observing the rules of the Taoist sect. If he really wanted to abide by the rules of the Taoist sect, then there is no explanation for his joining the Qingpinghui back then. He should have reported the Qingpinghui to the Taoist sect at that time. This is to abide by the rules, rather than just hanging around in the Qingpinghui with peace of mind.

Forget about the Qingping meeting, let alone such trivial matters as writing policy papers.

Qi Xuansu handed the written draft to Xiao Yin: "Write it carefully. Your handwriting is very beautiful. This is a bonus."

Xiao Yin took the draft and said casually: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "Xiao Yin, although at home, neither Qiniang, Lao Zhang, nor I care about this, you still have to be careful when speaking outside. Some people care about this. Similar to ' Words like "Thank you for your hard work" are usually used by superiors to express concern for their subordinates. They should not be said carelessly and should be used carefully in the future. "

Xiao Yin nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, I understand, go and do your work."

Qi Xuansu: "..."

After arriving at the Daxue Mountain Palace, Qi Xuansu met Lu Yujue first.

Lu Yujue had already sorted out the information Qi Xuansu requested, compiled it into a volume, and handed it into Qi Xuansu's hands.

While Qi Xuansu was flipping through the pages, Lu Yujue supplemented the explanation: "Xiu Yueyi went to Yujing after leaving the northwest, so Xiu Nanxuan has been unable to do anything about her. We also used some Beichen Hall methods to find traces of Xiu Yueyi. "

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised and said: "Why did Xiu Yueyi go to Yujing? Does she also have the status of a Taoist priest?"

Lu Yujue said: "The master of the palace is right. This Xiu Yueyi does have the status of a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest. Although she is a wild Taoist priest and has no specific position, it is enough to enter Yujing. She rented a building in Nanhuafang Small building, closed door, Xiu Nanxuan is considered powerful even in the Western Region, but he is not a Taoist priest, so he cannot enter Yujing, and his subordinates dare not make trouble in Yujing, so Xiu Yueyi has no choice. "

Qi Xuansu turned over a page: "It turns out that Xiu Yueyi has experience in Wanxiang Taoist Palace and is a few years ahead of me. I have never heard of her. After careful calculation, she should be in the same year as Master Jing."

"Jingshi" is Cheng Lixue's nickname.

Lu Yujue said: "Although Xiu Nanxuan is the leader of the Eight Tribes, he does not want his daughter to be a member of a secret society for life, so he asked someone to send his daughter to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further study. Later, she took the exam and became a Taoist priest. She was promoted step by step, so she got the identity of the fourth-rank Taoist priest. But Xiu Nanxuan did not expect that it was the experience of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace that led to the conflict between them."

Qi Xuansu became interested: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yujue said: "Because of her family background, Xiu Yueyi also focused on creation in the Taoist Palace. Later, she came into contact with the knowledge of Tianji Hall and became interested in casting firearms. Gradually, she began to question her family's family learning, which eventually evolved into a dispute between father and daughter. Xiu Nanxuan shot himself in the foot and it was too late to regret."

Qi Xuansu nodded and continued to read the file.

After a while, Hu Jiaochong came in and reported: "Master, Xiu Nanxuan is here."

Qi Xuansu closed the file in his hand, stood up and said: "Then let's go."

When they arrived at the reception room, an old man was sitting here, with his hair loose and casually draped, wearing black clothes and a stern face. Seeing Qi Xuansu and the other two coming in, he stood up to greet them without being arrogant.

Hu Jiaochong spoke first: "Old Xiu, this is our Master Qi." Then he said to Qi Xuansu: "Master, this is Mr. Xiu Nanxuan, who is also the leading creator in our Western Region and has a great reputation."

Xiu Nanxuan leaned forward slightly, which was considered a greeting: "I have heard of Master Qi's name for a long time. Heroes have always been young since ancient times."

Qi Xuansu smiled slightly and said to the two deputy masters: "Thank you for your hard work. I have something to talk to Mr. Xiu. You can go and do your work first."

Lu Yujue and Hu Jiaochong retreated, leaving only two people.

Qi Xuansu sat opposite Xiu Nanxuan: "Mr. Xiu, please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

Xiu Nanxuan sat down slowly, his eyes fixed on Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu got straight to the point: "I think Mr. Xiu already knows about my purpose, right?"

"Yes." Xiu Nanxuan did not beat around the bush, "Then Master Qi should also know my conditions. I believe Master Qi has checked me inside and out."

Qi Xuansu did not hide anything and said frankly: "If my guess is correct, Mr. Xiu wants to talk to me about your daughter's affairs?"

Xiu Nanxuan looked at Qi Xuansu deeply: "Yes, I will not hide it from Master Qi. My disappointing daughter ran away from home and ran to Yujing City. Because of my status, I can't go to Yujing, so I can only sigh at the city. But for Master Qi, Yujing is naturally free to come and go. I'll just say it directly. As long as Master Qi hands over my daughter to me, I will offer everything Master Qi wants."

Qi Xuansu did not rush to agree.

As Xiu Nanxuan said, this matter is not difficult for him.

But Qi Xuansu has never done such a thing. To put it more seriously, this is suspected of kidnapping. On the contrary, the people of Taiping Dao are very good at doing such things, and they even dare to kidnap Zhang Wuyue in the New World.

Qi Xuansu does not want to do such a thing.

Xiu Nanxuan saw that Qi Xuansu was hesitant to agree, and he couldn't help but become a little more anxious: "Can't Master Qi do even such a small thing?"

"That's not the case." Qi Xuansu said, "I have a little understanding of the conflict between you and your daughter. I also have a daughter. I want to advise Mr. Xiu that it is better to ease than to block."

Xiu Nanxuan said with a stern face: "Master Qi doesn't need to care about my family affairs. Master Qi just needs to say whether he agrees or not. If Master Qi agrees, we will hand over the goods and the people. If Master Qi disagrees, I won't force it, and I will think of another way."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and said, "No need to do this, there is a third way."

"What way?" Xiu Nanxuan asked.

Qi Xuansu said, "I am willing to be the middleman for the reconciliation between father and daughter. How about it?"

Xiu Nanxuan remained silent.

Qi Xuansu continued, "It is said that we should seek common ground while reserving differences, and this is also true for you two. You sent your daughter to the Wanxiang Dao Palace early on. To put it bluntly, you still want her to go ashore and clean up her name. Now she is interested in developing in the Dao Sect, why not help her? I have some friendship with Baili Zhenren of Tianji City, and I can recommend her to study at Tianji Hall. Mr. Xiu will not think that the school of one family can surpass the Tianji Hall, right? When your daughter returns after completing her studies, and then integrates with the family's knowledge, won't it be a step up? Your daughter will get what she wants, and naturally she will no longer be angry with Mr. Xiu, so you can reconcile as before."

Xiu Nanxuan was obviously shaken.

Qi Xuansu added, "If I force her back, it will be hard to untie the knot between father and daughter. No matter how powerful Mr. Xiu is, he can't kill his daughter. In the end, both sides will suffer."

This is exactly where Xiu Nanxuan is in trouble. Qi Xuansu's words just hit Xiu Nanxuan's sore spot, so Xiu Nanxuan asked, "How sure is Master Qi?"

Qi Xuansu said lightly, "I dare not say 100%, but there is always 70% to 80%."

Xiu Nanxuan stood up and said, "Then I will wait for Master Qi's good news. Goodbye."

After that, Xiu Nanxuan walked out.

Qi Xuansu stood up and said, "Guizhen, send Mr. Xiu off for me."

Yan Yongzhen, who had been guarding outside the door, sent Xiu Nanxuan away.

When Yan Yongzhen came back, Qi Xuansu said, "Leave this matter to Master Cheng Jing. I will say hello to Master Baili."

Yan Yongzhen replied, "Yes."

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