Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 189: I don’t know

Of course the 10,000 Taiping coins used to buy "Xuanyu" did not belong to Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu was notoriously poor, and his family wealth was not as good as that of Xiao Yin. Although Xiao Yin's money was low, Xiao Yin had a great reputation and received all kinds of gifts. Be soft-handed.

The 10,000 Taiping money was given by Qiniang, so there is no such thing as an unfair exchange of interests between mother and son.

Xiu Nanxuan's face looked very ugly, but he probably understood what Qi Xuansu meant. The master cherished feathers and was unwilling to be criticized. If he insisted on giving money or refused to accept money, then he would be enmity.

So Xiu Nanxuan put away the peace money and left the Daxue Mountain Palace.

Qi Xuansu told Xiu Yueyi a few more words, probably about doing a good job. Even if this matter comes to an end, there is no action from beginning to end, and the problem is solved solely by power.

Qiniang is also staying at the Daxue Mountain Palace. Although she has to address her titles when working, Xiao Yin and Qiniang are both exceptions. In private, Xiao Yin is called "Miss" and Qiniang is called "Mrs.". The wife is of course Zhang Yuelu. Yes, but Zhang Yuelu has a position, so he is usually called "Chief Zhang" or "Zhenren Zhang".

This is the dregs of the Confucian sect, and it has resurfaced in the Taoist sect. Of course, this has not been completely eradicated.

However, Qiniang is not as ostentatious as Xiao Yin. She rarely appears in front of people and she doesn't know what she is busy with. It seems that Qiniang is very interested in the underground city of the Snow Mountain Palace and spends most of her time wandering around the lower level of the Dao Palace.

Qi Xuansu invited Qiniang over. He had some doubts and wanted to ask Qiniang to answer his questions, mainly about the "Heart of the Immortality Stone". After all, Qi Xuansu spent so much effort to collect "Xuanyu" for the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" ".

After Qiniang came over, she sat on Qi Xuansu's chair in a grand manner, and even floated her feet on the table. She has never been able to be dignified and virtuous in this life. If it were Cihang, she would never be able to do such a thing in her life. From this point of view, Xiao Yin and Qiniang have the same style, and Zhang Yuelu and Cihang have the same style.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask. My time is precious. If it were anyone else's, I would charge by the hour, accurate to the second." Qiniang lit a long cigarette, took a deep breath, and blew out a smoke ring.

Qi Xuansu has long been used to it and doesn't care about this. He sat in the subordinate position opposite and said: "I want to know about the limit of the 'Heart of the Eternal Stone'. At the earliest, I thought that the limit of the 'Heart of the Eternal Stone' was It is to become an immortal, which also corresponds to the saying of the road of death, but after I reached the stage of pseudo-immortal, I found that this is not the case. "

Qiniang asked: "What's wrong? Please explain it clearly."

Qi Xuansu said: "To put it simply, I roughly calculated based on the current level of cultivation and the gain of using 'Xuanyu'. I don't need to eat all the 'Xuanyu' to become an immortal. This is far from the 'Eternal Life Stone'" I still have enough energy to reach the limit of my heart. If I eat enough 'Xuan Yu' and raise all the eleven totems that symbolize the eleven great witches, I can probably reach the point of being a quasi-one-kalpa immortal. I made a miscalculation after all. Or is there another mystery here? Please teach me."

Qiniang took a few puffs of her cigarette, but she didn't see the slightest hint that time was precious. It seemed that she just said it casually, and then said slowly: "You are not wrong in your calculation, there must be another mystery."

Qi Xuansu asked tentatively: "Can I say this? It is not restricted by the contract?"

Qiniang exhaled a burst of smoke: "Of course I can. If I can't, I will tell you directly."

Qi Xuansu said: "I would like to hear the details."

Qiniang sat upright and knocked the cigarette ashes. It was all fine white ash without any residue: "You have been to Lingshan Cave Heaven. You should know that Yao Zu refined three pieces of 'Heart of Immortality Stone' in total and placed them separately. The Huasheng Hall, the Li family's Zhenjing Courtyard, and the Yao family's Lingshan Cave Heaven are in the same order. The "Heart of Immortality Stone" in the Huasheng Hall was the first one to be refined. It was somewhat experimental and had many flaws. , so the effect is the worst, and it is only worthy of becoming an immortal, and the restrictions are very high. This is also the source of the judgment of the Taoist senior officials on the way to banish an immortal to death. "

Qi Xuansu suddenly said: "You mean to say that the Immortal who was banished the day after tomorrow was greatly underestimated?"

Qiniang poured out the tobacco from her purse and said: "Since it is an experiment, it is to find out the loopholes, then fill them up, and further improve on this basis. Therefore, Yao Zu's technology is constantly improving. When it came to the second piece of 'Heart of Immortality Stone', which was the one from the Li family, all the loopholes were basically filled. Compared with the first piece of 'Heart of Immortality Stone', it was greatly improved, and the effect was also greatly enhanced. No longer worthy of becoming an immortal, he has become more capable.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I remember that Xuansheng has a great 'Eternal Life Stone'. Mrs. Xuansheng and Donghuang are both knowledgeable people, and Yao Zu cannot fool them."

"That's the truth." Qiniang refilled the tobacco, "However, the second piece of 'Heart of Immortality Stone' is not a perfect work. It can only be said to be quite satisfactory."

Qiniang paused for a moment: "'Not satisfactory' means almost satisfactory, generally satisfactory, you know, right?"

"I'm not Xiao Yin, of course I know." Qi Xuansu said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry, "Have you made a fool of yourself with your child? Have you adjusted your IQ to Xiao Yin's level?"

Qiniang didn't care whether Qi Xuansu was big or small, just like Qi Xuansu didn't care about Xiao Yin, and continued: "The proud work that truly embodies all Yao Zu's hard work and lifelong learning is the third 'Heart of Immortality Stone' , that is, the 'Heart of Immortality Stone' you have. You should be able to feel that it is indeed the same at first, but after it evolves to a certain level, eleven totems symbolizing the eleven great witches will appear. Other 'Hearts of Immortality' don't have this."

Qi Xuansu said: "I think this is a disguise made by Yao Zu."

Qiniang said: "It can be said that it is mainly just in case. If someone knows about the existence of the third 'Heart of Eternal Life Stone', it will only be regarded as similar to the second 'Heart of Eternal Life Stone', and They won't care too much. If the Li family knows that the third 'Heart of Immortality Stone' is further than the second 'Heart of Immortality Stone', and even touches the threshold of a calamity immortal, something may change. The Li family is so powerful and domineering, it’s hard to say what they will do.”

Qi Xuansu probably knew it well.

The three "Hearts of Eternal Life Stone" showed a progressive trend. The first "Heart of Eternal Life Stone" misled most of the Taoist officials who knew about the existence of "Heart of Eternal Life Stone", excluding the Li family. The second "Heart of Eternal Life Stone" "Heart of the Immortal Stone" misled the Li family.

Qi Xuansu benefited indirectly, but Qi Xuansu became increasingly worried. Yao Zu had spent so much effort, and he would not be paving the way for future generations. This was not Yao Zu's style.

But Qi Xuansu really couldn't figure out what Yao Zu's true intention was, so he turned to ask: "Qiniang, do you know Yao Yueyan, right? This is the ancestor of your Yao family."

Qiniang paused while smoking, and then said: "Of course I know, not only me, anyone who has studied the history of the Taoist sect knows this Earth Master."

Qi Xuansu said: "There are many people who know this Earth Master, but there are very few people who have seen the true face of this Earth Master. It can even be said that there are only a handful of people. But this is also the tradition of the old Yao family. I have not seen the current Earth Master yet. Earth Master, I have never met Yao Pei’s father, Yao Yi. Even you and Yao Pei are rarely seen. Every time we meet, you have to wear big sunglasses that cover half of your face. Do you know , Xiao Yin has changed to wearing transparent flower glasses?”

Qiniang said in surprise: "Really? I didn't know. As a grandmother, I haven't put on my spectacles yet, and she put them on first. This is contrary to Tiangang."

Qi Xuansu had a sense of proportion and did not force Qiniang. He took advantage of the situation and said: "After all, she is a great military strategist. Of course she must look like a great military strategist. If I don't care about her anymore, in a few days, she will dare to call herself the Soldier Saint. Do you believe she still dares to write a military book? "

"Believe it, of course I believe it." Qiniang said with a smile, "That's what our little Yin is good at, so follow me."

Qi Xuansu looked at Qiniang's face.

Because of the sunglasses, Qi Xuansu couldn't see Qiniang's eyes and could only see his own reflection in the dark lenses.

Qiniang blew a puff of smoke into Qi Xuansu's face: "What are you looking at? I'm not Zhang Yuelu."

Qi Xuansu laughed: "Fellow Taoist Qi Jiaoyao, you still haven't changed. When the critical moment comes, just follow me and talk about him."

"What did you call me?" Qiniang's tone suddenly rose.

Qi Xuansu changed his words and said: "Qiniang, True Lord Ziguang gave me a painting. The person in the painting only showed a side face, covered with a bronze mask, and his true appearance cannot be seen clearly. However, you can see that the person in the painting is wearing a 'Yin Yang' "Immortal Clothes", with "Heaven, Yang, Earth, Yin, Candle and Dragon Seal" hanging on his waist, with the broken Lingshan Cave Sky in the background, heading towards Yaozu's palace on the top of Lingshan.

"I tried to infuse divine power into the painting, and then the painting came to life. The person in the painting took off the mask on his face, and I finally saw the true face of the person in the painting. For some reason, I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if Where have I seen it.

"But before I could think deeply, the person in the painting had turned around. She was no longer a silhouette in history, but more like a living person. Her eyes seemed to have penetrated the long river of time, projected from the past to the present, and fell on I feel great fear on my body, even more so than the 'Eternal Life Heaven' that is isolated from the human world.

"It was as if a hand was holding my heart tightly. Even though I had a heart of stone, I still felt the long-lost fear.

"Ever since I had the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone', the emotion of fear has become less and less. The word 'fear' seems to have become a distant nightmare. As I open my eyes and wake up, there is no trace. But painting The fear that the Middle Man brings to me is not the fear of facing a powerful enemy, not the fear of facing death, or even the fear of facing the unknown, but pure fear, the most primitive and strongest emotion.

"This is an instinctive fear, which seems to come from the nature of all things in the world formed through eternal evolution, just like mice are afraid of cats, engraved in their bones.

"Qiniang, do you know what's going on?"

Qiniang smoked a cigarette, was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "Tianyuan, I don't know..."

Then Qiniang met Qi Xuansu's eyes: "Do you know?"

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