Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 191: Guessing the Master's Intentions

After Hu Jiaochong came out of Qi Xuansu's signing room, he hurried back to his own signing room. As soon as he entered the door, he told his secretary: "Contact Deputy Palace Master Liu Jiaozheng for me."

There is no specific regional division for the Chief Deputy Palace Master, the Second Deputy Palace Master, and the Third Deputy Palace Master in the 36 counties of the Western Region. The other six deputy palace masters are responsible for six counties each. Liu Jiaozheng is in charge of Donation County. If Ke Qingqing wants to be arranged, he must go through Liu Jiaozheng.

However, Liu Jiaozheng is now in Huqian County, so if you want to contact Liu Jiaozheng, you have to go through a few detours. First contact Long Xiaobai-now Long Xiaobai replaces Xiao Yin as Wu Niang's secretary. Wu Niang has begun to consider changing people. It's not that she doesn't like Xiao Yin, but Xiao Yin is really not good enough. Xiao Yin is used to being the master at home, and she doesn't know who serves whom.

Then Long Xiaobai came forward and found Liu Jiaozheng.

When Long Xiaobai found Liu Jiaozheng, he was convening a meeting. However, when they saw Long Xiaobai coming in, everyone stood up and said, "Hello, Master Long."

Although Long Xiaobai was just a Taoist priest, she is now Wu Niang's deputy. In order to flatter her, the people below simply called her "Master", as if removing the word "deputy".

Long Xiaobai's arrival obviously interrupted the meeting process. Liu Jiaozheng realized that Long Xiaobai suddenly came at this time, and there must be something, so he asked, "Master Long, do the two great masters have any instructions?"

Long Xiaobai did not rush to speak, but looked around.

Liu Jiaozheng understood and waved his hand, saying, "Let's stop here today and go back to implement it as soon as possible."

Others were also very tactful and stood up and left.

When only two people were left, Long Xiaobai said, "It has nothing to do with the two great masters. It is the order of the master. Deputy Master Hu wants to talk to Deputy Master Liu, but he can't contact Deputy Master Liu, so he entrusted me to pass on a message."

Liu Jiaozheng understood immediately.

Although both of them are deputy palace masters, Hu Jiaochong ranks higher, ranked third, and has more seniority, so there is still a difference in superiority.

Liu Jiaozheng does not have a separate "telescope" here, no wonder Hu Jiaochong could not contact him, so he had to run to the "Central Army Tent" and then contacted the Snow Mountain Palace.

Hu Jiaochong has been guarding next to the "telescope", so Liu Jiaozheng just contacted and it was connected directly.

"Brother Hu, do you have something to ask me?" Liu Jiaozheng said.

Hu Jiaochong got straight to the point: "It's like this. Master Qi just instructed that Xiao Ke, the secretary of Master Zhang, has reached the age limit for her to be sent out. You should know that Xiao Ke is not only Master Zhang's secretary, but also Master Qi's secretary. She has a very close relationship with the two masters. So Master Qi specifically instructed that Xiao Ke should be trained well for this time. My opinion is to arrange her in the Donation County over there as the chief person in charge. Is there a problem?"

Liu Jiaozheng pondered for a moment and said: "Since it is a task arranged by Master Zhang, there is absolutely no problem."

Hu Jiaochong said: "Well, arrange it as soon as possible, and then write me back. I will directly follow up. It is best to implement this matter before Master Qi leaves the Daxue Mountain Palace."

Liu Jiaozheng said: "Of course, I will arrange it right away."

After the call, Liu Jiaozheng fell into deep thought.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of reusing Ke Qingqing. Although Ke Qingqing will not be promoted to deputy palace master soon, it is not difficult for her to be an assistant of a first-class branch hall in a few years. The key is that she has someone above her, whether it is Master Qi or Master Zhang, they both have a bright future. The two old bosses take into account their feelings and as long as they mention it a few times, it will be a matter of time before she becomes deputy palace master.

Putting such a person under one's command can be regarded as an opportunity. If one makes a good relationship early, he may be able to climb up to Master Qi or Master Zhang through Ke Qingqing. Anyone can see that Master Qi will never stop at being a master of the palace. He will most likely become the master of the upper three halls, or even take over Master Donghua's position, which is the position of the leader of the Taoist sect.

If one can hold Master Qi's thigh, he will be promoted to a high position.

Lu Yujue is the best example. He has been an assistant for so many years. Although he looks glorious, he is not a real person after all. Just because he followed Qi Xuansu, he was promoted to the second-rank Taiyi Taoist priest and became the second deputy palace master, and the second in the Dao Palace.

If Qi Zhenren goes one step further and really becomes the eighth-generation headmaster, he dare not ask for the position of the assistant master, but it should not be difficult to be the chief.

However, there is a problem. There is someone in the position of Donating Poison County.

If there is no one in this position, then Hu Jiaochong has no need to contact him, and he can directly issue a document in the name of the Dao Palace.

The assistant masters can flexibly control several positions, that is, leave them vacant and do not arrange them. They, the deputy palace masters, do not have this qualification. One carrot, one pit. One must go up and one must go down. This is an offensive job.

But there is no way. Hu Jiaochong contacted him to let him offend people. He can't refuse because he is one level higher.

Liu Jiaozheng thought for a long time and convened a remote meeting through the "telescope".

The main issue discussed was what kind of team to assign to Assistant Ke.

Someone suggested: "Just keep the original team unchanged."

Liu Jiaozheng immediately rejected it: "This is not appropriate. Assistant Ke has always been with the Taoists and lacks grassroots experience. If she is assigned a group of clerks, it will be difficult to achieve results. I am afraid it will be difficult to explain to Master Qi in the future. It will seem as if we deliberately embarrassed Master Ke and undermined the Dao Mansion. If Master Qi misunderstands, it will be very passive."

Another person said: "But Master Qi said that he should let Assistant Ke come down to practice..."

"Confused!" Someone immediately interrupted, "Although Master Qi said that, those of us who are subordinates can't really do that. Master Qi's intention is good and he wants to train Assistant Ke well, but we must not fail to execute it. , if Master Ke is a little acclimated, Master Qi and Master Zhang will not be able to speak for Ke Fuli, wouldn't that delay Ke Fuli's future? If Master Qi still wants to promote Ke Fuli without excellent results, then someone will gossip, and then there will be people gossiping. It’s our fault that Mr. Qi lost face.”

Many people heard the hidden meaning and took a deep breath.

It is good for Master Qi to be magnanimous, but what if Master Qi does not want to be magnanimous? If Qi Zhenren angers others, who will he blame? If you can't make arrangements for everyone, why should you be promoted? Ke Qingqing can't be promoted, so don't be promoted either.

Liu Jiaozheng made a final decision: "Organize a new team immediately. Instead of old guys, hire more capable officials and motivated young people to assist Assistant Assistant Ke properly, and transfer those who are dawdling to other places to dawdle. In addition, the original person in charge of the drug donation county should appease him, do his ideological work, and not get upset. Tell him that there will still be opportunities in the future, and that he must take the overall situation into consideration. After all, there is nothing he can do, and he can only be aggrieved. "

Others naturally agreed to it, and we will bear the blame for Director Zhao's misfortune.

After the agreement was reached, Liu Jiazheng reported the results to Hu Jiachong.

After Hu Jiachong ended the call with Liu Jiazheng, he immediately reported to Qi Xuansu.

Don't look at the people below who are so busy thinking about Qi Xuansu's words. In fact, Qi Xuansu himself didn't think that much. He had too many things to distract him.

After listening to Hu Jiachong's report, Qi Xuansu expressed that he had no objection and let's just do it.

Then Qi Xuansu had another conversation with Ke Qingqing: "The county magistrate is also called Bailihou. This is a position of great real power and an important cornerstone of the Taoist sect. As the saying goes, the prime minister must start from the state and county, and the fierce general must be sent from the army. Grassroots experience is of great benefit to a person's growth. When you come here, don't ignore others just because of the names of me and Mr. Zhang. You must improve your interpersonal relationships and improve the unity of the team. Secondly, Do more practical things, don't talk empty talk, don't talk rhetoric. Finally, it's a matter of style. You must be honest and self-disciplined, otherwise I will not protect you. Mr. Zhang hates evil, let alone protect you. "

Ke Qingqing said solemnly: "I have written it down."

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said, "That's all."

On the other side, Director Zhao, who was originally the chief officer of the drug donation county, was talking to Liu Jiazheng.

Liu Jiazheng said through the telescope: "Logically speaking, I should meet you, but the situation is special now. I am still here in Huqian County, so we can only have this form of conversation through the air." Talked to you."

Hearing these words, Director Zhao couldn't help but feel nervous. He knew that his situation was not good, but he still maintained his superficial respect and waited for Liu Jiazheng to announce his fate: "I understand Palace Master Liu's difficulties."

Liu Jiazheng continued: "That's it. I studied it with Palace Master Hu, who is in charge of personnel, and other Taoist friends, and decided to change your position. The relevant grades and benefits will remain unchanged, and you will be transferred to the temple of Daxue Mountain Palace. As the director of the branch of the Jitang Hall, your current position is concurrently held by Fellow Taoist Ke Qingqing. Fellow Taoist Ke Qingqing used to be the secretary of Chief Zhang of Tiangang Hall and also served as the secretary of Zhenren Qi. Now he is the assistant of the second-class branch of Tiangang Hall. reason."

Director Zhao immediately understood that he had to make way for Ke Qingqing, but he had no choice. He had strong backing. He was both the secretary of Master Qi and the secretary of Master Zhang. The two of them had good connections, which was similar to that of his own family.

Liu Jiaozheng continued: "Fellow Daoist Ke's visit to our drug donation county is a sign of Master Qi's great trust in us. Palace Master Hu requested that we must proceed from the overall perspective and conscientiously arrange the work of Daoist Friend Ke. As for you, these few The Taoist government has seen your work over the years and fully affirmed it, so I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration and not be emotional. You can put forward any ideas you have now and the Taoist government will satisfy you. I will try my best to satisfy you.”

Mr. Zhao has been through many ups and downs for a long time. How can he not understand that in fact, these are just polite words? A little, maybe it can leave a good impression.

Director Zhao said: "I have no problem and will resolutely obey the Taoist government's arrangements."

Liu Jiaozheng was very satisfied: "The fact that you have this attitude shows that you, a fellow Taoist, are aware and that the Taoist government still considers your future. If there is an opportunity, the Taoist government will give priority to you, who considers the overall situation." Fellow Taoist."

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