Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 195 Zhao Mile

Xiao Yin did not attend the Spring Festival party, but waited for Qi Xuansu on the flying boat in advance.

This period of time was quite boring, so Xiao Yin simply used a storybook to pass the time.

When Qi Xuansu got on the flying boat, he saw Xiao Yin holding a tome and having fun there. This made Qi Xuansu have to sigh, the book of words is a good thing, it can make the naughty children calm down and not noisy or naughty. Trick or treat, I don’t know how much cheaper than those ten consecutive cards, it only costs a few pennies, it’s really a good deal.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Xiao Yin, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Yin said without raising his head: "The latest story book "Earth Immortal Emperor"."

"This title is a bit domineering." Qi Xuansu asked again, "What story does it tell?"

Xiao Yin still didn't look up: "The protagonist's name is Li Zhenyuan. It's really hard. When he was a child, his bones were dug out, his birth porcelain was broken, and two horned dragons were planted in his eyes. When he was young, his engagement was canceled and he suffered all the humiliation. The family He was destroyed and joined the righteous sect. He had a pretty junior sister and a senior sister dressed in white as snow. However, he fell in love with the devil's saint and was not tolerated by the sect. The master wanted to clean up the sect, and his lover died blocking his sword. He betrayed the sect and joined the Demon Cult to find a way to resurrect his lover.

"But in the end, he still failed to resurrect his lover. Li Zhenyuan was heartbroken. From then on, he became ruthless and annihilated. He practiced the Tathagata Palm and became a demon Buddha. He also picked up the Spring Autumn Cicada by chance. Later, Li Zhenyuan was besieged by the righteous way and blew himself up. Triggering the Spring and Autumn Cicada, he reversed time and went back to the past to make up for his regrets, so he retrieved the Supreme Bone and the natal porcelain, refined the two horned dragons into the Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons, slapped his fiancée in the face, and lived in Hedong for thirty years and Hedong for thirty years.

West, don't bully young people into poverty.

"But in the process, he discovered that the man behind the scenes turned out to be his biological father. His biological father was named Li Lianqi. He wanted to plunder his luck, and there were people from the Buddhist sect helping him. Anyway, it was a chaotic battle. Li Zhenyuan finally defeated Li Lianqi and formed a secret society called Xuanshenghui. They held meetings whenever they had nothing to do. People in the meeting thought that Li Zhenyuan was the reincarnation of Taoist ancestors.

"Li Zhenyuan, who was reborn, had the memories and experiences of his previous life, as well as the supreme bone, the natal porcelain, the eight parts of Tianlong and the Spring and Autumn Cicada. From then on, the sky could no longer cover his eyes. He was proud of the ninth level and finally became the emperor of the earthly immortal world. , Even if you carry Kunlun on your back and hold up Mount Sumeru with one hand, you will still be invincible in the world of earth and immortals, and dominate the world forever!

"But at this time, Li Zhenyuan suddenly discovered that he was actually the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu. The Spring Autumn Cicada was sent from the sky by his other self. All of this was Emperor Zhenwu's conspiracy! He was actually the incarnation of Emperor Zhenwu. Emperor Zhenwu was about to absorb it. He pushed himself to a higher level and reached the other side. He refused to let Emperor Zhenwu absorb it, so the two of them fought until the great road was wiped out. I will only see it here for the time being. I will tell you after I finish reading it. you."

After Qi Xuansu finished listening, he was speechless for a long time: "You have learned so much knowledge."

Xiao Yin ignored Qi Xuansu and continued to read the storybook with relish.

The flying boat slowly took off and headed for Huqian County.

At this time, in Dazun Temple, the first and second seats from all walks of life gathered together, waiting for the arrival of Master Jingliuri.

Even in Dazun Temple, you can hear the continuous sound of cannons outside, and dust keeps falling between the beams and pillars.


Since the fall of Chaxia, Daomen has advanced to Fengshan Pass, occupied the favorable terrain on both sides of the pass, and launched a condescending bombardment in the direction of Dazun Temple.

King Peacock Ming was also here. He stared coldly at the Wu Shi Dharma King who had just walked in. His snow-white monk's robes were spotless.

Kunpo, who was next to King Peacock Ming, uttered evil words: "Wuzhi, dressed in white, looks like a scholar-bureaucrat from the Central Plains. He even thinks the water is cold when he throws himself into the water."

Peacock King Ming said: "Pretending to be famous and seeking fame is just a clown. Monk Xiao is dead. He has lost a big helping hand and can only get involved with those people from the Central Plains Buddhism."

Po Kun said timidly: "It's a pity that Xiao Bodhisattva also suffered a serious injury. We won't be able to see her for a long time in the future."

King Peacock Ming said calmly: "It is better to die than live."

Dharma King Wu Shi glanced in the direction of King Peacock Ming and Kun Po Yong, and quickly looked away.

There was also a person beside Dharma King Wu Shi. He had a Central Plains face and dressed as a layman. His name was Zhao Mile. Although he was not an immortal, he was also the person closest to the decision-making level of Buddhism. He was born in Central Plains Buddhism. Although most people in Central Plains Buddhism They all submitted to the Taoist sect or the imperial court, but there were still a small number of outliers who went to Buddhism. Zhao Maitreya now represents Central Plains Buddhism.

This is actually a kind of speculation. In the past, Cihang's lineage and Jingchan's lineage were the leaders of Central Plains Buddhism. Their lineage could only follow and wave the flag. Later, Taoism and Buddhism went to war, and Central Plains Buddhism collapsed completely. However, in line with the three principles With the idea that Buddhism is a family, Zhongyuan Buddhism did not feel any pressure and immediately changed its sect.

If Zhao Milue's lineage also changes the family and submits to the Taoism,

If he joins the Buddhist sect, he will still be a fringe character waving flags and shouting, and there won’t be much change. But if he joins the Buddhist sect, and when everyone else submits to the Taoist sect, he can represent the Central Plains Buddhist sect, and his value will suddenly increase. So they made a bold decision and fled to Buddhism thousands of miles away.

Judging from the results, they got what they wanted. By the time of Zhao Milue's generation, they were no longer inferior to "old Nalanda" like Kun Poqiu.

Zhao Mile said in a joking tone: "Just a few months ago, there was a lot of excitement here, and the scene of everything competing and full of vitality was still before our eyes. Just a few months later, it was lifeless, as if this place had already been destroyed. It became a burial place.”

The reason why Zhao Maitreya has this attitude is not complicated. As a Buddhist from the Central Plains, he is naturally pro-Taoist, so he has a close relationship with Wu Shi Dharma King. When the radical faction encountered a major setback, it was naturally an opportunity for the pro-Taoist faction, so the attitude of Peacock Mingwang and Kun Poqian was so bad, and they were somewhat angry.

Dharma King Wu Shi said calmly: "Dazun Temple has become the front line. The radicals can't hold on here. Dazun Temple is finished."

Zhao Mile said: "From the overall situation, it is necessary for us to preserve our vitality for Buddhism instead of holding on here. If we continue to stay here, then we are likely to die here, and this series of failures will become The prelude to the demise of Buddhism.”

King Wushi said: "We have to convince Master Jingliuli to make the decision to evacuate Dazun Temple. The Taoist sect's general election is coming soon, and the Taoist sect will definitely capture Dazun Temple at all costs and use it as a gift for the election.


Zhao Mile shook his head: "I have tried all possible methods. Master Jing Liuli knows better than anyone else, but he is unwilling to make this decision because of his reputation. To put it bluntly, Master Jing Liuli is also afraid The radicals put the blame for the defeat on him. It takes courage and courage to make this determination."

Wu Shi Dharma King sarcastically said: "We can't be too harsh on Master Jing Liuli. After all, the radicals are like mad dogs, biting whoever they catch, and they become crazy in the end."

At this moment, a Jialan shouted loudly: "Master Jing Liuli has arrived."

Everyone who was still talking to each other stopped talking.

Master Jing Liuli walked into the main hall, holding the "Seven Treasures Bodhi" in his hand.

All Buddhist monks bowed to Master Jingliuri.

When Master Jing Liuli came to the front of Wu Shi Dharma King, Wu Shi Dharma King stepped forward, stopped Master Jing Liu Li, and also isolated others. He said softly: "Master, make up your mind. It's not too early yet." Night."

Master Jing Liuli first lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes: "Too late?"

Dharma King Wushi did not answer directly, but said to Zhao Mile: "Master Zhao, please come here."

Zhao Milue, who was already standing not far away, joined the circle.

Wu Shi Dharma King looked at Zhao Miloku: "Master Zhao, you and I think that we should have a little contact with Taoism."

Then Dharma King Wu Shi looked at Master Jing Liuli again: "Peace talks."

Master Jing Liuli kept staring at Wu Shi Dharma King, and then lowered his eyes.

Zhao Mile said: "Yes, the best way now is peace talks."

Master Jing Liuli glanced at Zhao Milue: "Peace talks? Peace is conditional. Who will bear the infamy?"

Master Jing Liuli looked at Wu Shi Dharma King again: "Now is not the time. After all illusions are broken, it may be your turn to take action."

King Wushi said softly: "But by then it will be too late, the conditions for peace talks will be even worse, and the Taoist sect will not even talk to us at all."

Master Jingliuri's eyes showed fatigue: "Okay, there is no need to tell me what you want to do."

The Unconscious Dharma King stopped talking and retreated back to his original position. At the same time, he also released the restriction that isolated others.

After the discussion was over, Dharma King Wu Shi and Zhao Mile walked out of the hall side by side, and the sound of the roar of artillery became clearer.

Wu Shi Dharma King casually set a restriction and said slowly: "We must take action. We cannot just sit back and watch this big ship sail towards the abyss."

King Wu Shi paused for a moment: "Dazun Temple will fall in less than half a month. Master Jing Liuli is unwilling to bear this infamy. King Peacock Ming is opposed to peace talks. Who do you think will be the target of Taoist negotiations next?"

Zhao Milue glanced at the other people coming and going: "Then how can you be sure that the Taoist sect will negotiate with you?"

King Wushi said: "Because the general election is coming, the focus of the Taoist sect must shift to Yujing. Quanzhen Taoism must defend Taiping Tao with all its strength and cannot be distracted. As long as I talk to Jiang Hedao for an hour, he will see this clearly. . To be honest, there have been some preliminary contacts.”

Zhao Mile was not surprised, he just looked around and said, "Be careful what you say, King Peacock Ming and his gang are still staring at us, and they will label us as traitors at any time."

King Wushi didn't care and continued: "Of course, it's not yet time for me and Jiang Hedao to

When it comes to meeting, I think it would be better for you to come forward on my behalf. "

"Me?" Zhao Mile frowned slightly, "I'm going to see Jiang Hedao?"

"No." King Wu Shi said, "You should find a way to meet Qi Xuansu first."

Zhao Mile did not refuse, but made a joke: "How should I greet Qi Xuansu when I see him? Should I use the Buddhist namaste salute, or the Taoist sect's head-offering salute?"

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