Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 197 Lobbyist

Zhao Milue said nonsense: "It can and it can't."

Qi Xuansu still asked patiently: "How to say?"

Zhao Mile expanded and said: "Of course not now. Many radicals still have illusions. As long as Taoism can break these illusions, we can represent Buddhism."

Qi Xuansu hit the nail on the head: "If the Daomen directly capture Dazun Temple, is there any need for peace talks?"

Zhao Mile said: "This is necessary because it is impossible for Taoism to accomplish all its achievements in one battle. For a long time to come, Taoism and Buddhism will still coexist. Of course, more than two hundred years ago, the two families could be said to be equally matched. , more than two hundred years later, the two families can no longer be compared. I wonder if Master Taiwei thinks so?"

Qi Xuansu nodded, agreeing with this statement.

It's not that the Taoist sect is arrogant, but it's the fact that as the saying goes, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. After Dingding lost the battle, there was a huge difference from now on. One established a dynasty and dominated the world, while the other became a rebel and lost everything.

Zhao Mile continued: "Although I am in Buddhism, I also know a little bit about Taoism. Nowadays, Taoism looks at the world and has no rival except the Western Holy Court. However, whether it is the Eastern Taoist School or the Western Holy Court, it is difficult for them to do so. The foreign enemy died, so although the Daomen and the Holy Court fought openly and secretly, and even started a war with agents in the New World, they still managed to save face and would not start a full-scale confrontation. He is the Lord of the West, I wonder if Master Taiwei thinks so?"

Qi Xuansu nodded again and agreed with this statement.

Zhao Mile continued: "In this case, the Taoist sect's policy is very clear. Since it will not die because of foreign enemies, it is to seek stability. How to stabilize the interior? Two words, economy. When the economy is good, 90% Nine contradictions can be concealed. On the contrary, when the economy is not good, those concealed contradictions will burst out, such as the tendency of separation in overseas continents, such as the distribution of interests, etc. Regarding this point, Taiwei Zhenren must be better than me. It’s clearer, so I don’t need to go into detail. Does Master Taiwei think so?”

Qi Xuansu said: "Master Zhao, please continue."

Zhao Mile said: "To put it simply, Daomen must take economic construction as its main current task. This is the first priority of Daomen. So where has the focus of Daomen been in these years? In Qizhou Daofu, in Jiangnan Daofu, in Lingnan Province and the Borneo Province are all economically strong, but the inland provinces are a bit worse. Does Taiwei Master think so?"

Qi Xuansu had roughly guessed what Zhao Milu's argument was, but he did not interrupt Zhao Milu and still motioned for Zhao Milu to continue.

Zhao Mile has the style of an ancient political strategist, and he talks eloquently: "With economic construction as the center, a stable environment is inevitably needed. If we go to war all day long, it will be okay once or twice. Over time, it will not only destroy the stable environment. , affecting the economy, a large amount of military spending will also lead to the deterioration of the financial situation. Once the economy deteriorates and various contradictions emerge, it will enter a vicious circle. If it goes downhill, it will be difficult to look back. This is Daomen doesn’t want to see it. Does Mr. Qi think so?”

Qi Xuansu leaned back in his chair: "What else do I disagree with?"

Zhao Mile smiled and said: "So, Daomen is not willing to fight on the border of the Western Region. There is no benefit in winning or losing. The gains are not worth the losses. Because of the internal and external situation, Daomen cannot completely eliminate Buddhism in a short time. Daomen needs someone Maintain order on the border of the Western Region, and at the same time suppress the radicals of the Buddhist sect so that they cannot cause trouble and do not disturb the Taoist sect. Master Taiwei is the candidate for the future headmaster of the Taoist sect. We have a long-term vision and cannot fail to see this. The role is not in the present, but in the future, and the future is long.”

Qi Xuansu said: "If we not only break the illusions of the Buddhist radicals, but also agree to negotiate with you, proving that the radicals are wrong and the pro-Taoists are right, and you become the ones cleaning up the mess for the radicals, then you will It will create a momentum within Buddhism, with the pro-Taoist faction overpowering the radical faction, and the ignorant Dharma King overpowering the Peacock Ming King. Am I right?”

Zhao Mile said: "That's right. As Master Taiwei said, we both benefit from cooperation. In other words, we have a common enemy, which is the radical faction within Buddhism."

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal.

Zhao Mile continued: "What I just said are the general direction, but there are actually some details. We all know that the original intention of Daomen is to capture Dazun Temple. After achieving this strategic goal, and then go to peace talks, Daomen will not lose anything, even It can be said that it is a waste of money. However, I think that the Taoist sect still needs to show off the tiger's strength and put pressure on the Buddhist sect. After the seventh generation leader comes to power, he will further punish the Buddhist sect, so that such peace talks are meaningful. "

Qi Xuansu said: "This is not something I can decide. It's too early to say."

Zhao Mile said: "Everything has pros and cons, and you must look at it from both sides. The same is true for Buddhism and Taoism. Now Buddhism is dominated by radicals. From the perspective of Taoism, Buddhism is a hidden danger. But if Buddhism is dominated by us, then Buddhism will not It is no longer a hidden danger, but a shield to block the threat from the Holy Palace from the direction of West Posuzhou. The so-called beauty of its use lies in the idea of ​​Taoism. "

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "It is said that Buddhists are eloquent, and today it seems that it is true. However, in my opinion, Mr. Zhao is not like a Buddhist, but more like a politician."

"Master Taiwei is joking." Zhao Mile said modestly, "I'm just a messenger."

Qi Xuansu said: "Although I am not the one who calls the shots, I can also express my position on behalf of Master Jiang Da. Peace talks are possible, but right and wrong must be distinguished. Someone must be responsible for this war. No matter whether the innocent people are killed or injured, the consequences are Regardless of the loss, the responsibility lies not with Taoism. It can even be said that Taoism is also the victim. For the death of a Zhenzhi Zhenren, all the responsibilities lie with Buddhism. This must be made clear. If Buddhism is unwilling to accept this, then there will be no peace talks. The foundation ceases to exist.”

Zhao Mile pondered for a moment: "Master Taiwei means to punish war criminals."

Qi Xuansu said: "That's what it means. The reconciliation must be clear and clear. It cannot be confused. There must be an explanation, a beginning and an end."

Zhao Mile said: "Actually, why don't we want to punish these radicals? It's not that we don't want to, but we really can't. This sentiment must be shared by Master Taiwei."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "I have always advocated the unity of the Taoist sect. Whether it is the successful election of Qingwei Zhenren or the successful election of Donghua Zhenren, we should not liquidate our opponents, but should make every effort to bridge the divisions within the Taoist sect."

Zhao Milue smiled: "There are no other people here, so why should Master Taiwei be duplicitous?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I will report the content of this conversation to Jiang Dazhen."

Zhao Milue bowed slightly and said, "Waiting for the good news of Master Taiwei."

Then Zhao Mile stood up and said: "If Master Taiwei has nothing else to explain, then I will take my leave."

Qi Xuansu stood up and said goodbye: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhao, for visiting me in person. I hope Mr. Zhao will not be a little discourteous and offended."

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Zhao Mile reached into his sleeve and took out a scroll: "This is a partial description of the 'Eternal Life Heaven'. I want to express my feelings and show my sincerity."

This made Qi Xuansu very interested, so he did not refuse: "Then I will be disrespectful."

After seeing off Zhao Mile, Qi Xuansu contacted Jiang Dazhen again and truthfully reported the results of tonight's conversation to Jiang Dazhen.

Whether to talk or not, Jiang Dazhen still needs to make up his mind.

Jiang Dazhen thought for a moment and said slowly: "Our peace talks are based on strong force. Regarding Buddhism, we must use the contradiction between the radical faction and the pro-Taoist faction to draw the pro-Taoist faction to the Taoist side. , By doing so, we will reduce a lot of unnecessary losses, and we must take the initiative politically.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I think we should be especially wary of Buddhists using talks instead of procrastination."

Master Jiang Dazhen agreed: "Your worries are very reasonable. In order to prevent this kind of conspiracy from Buddhism, we must prepare for war more quickly. I think there is no problem in leaving Fengshan Pass and taking over Dazun Temple. How are you doing there? "

Qi Xuansu said: "I took a quick look during the day and found that the preparations are almost complete. The rest are just details and should not have much impact."

Master Jiang Da said: "Tian Yuan, you said earlier that this is a civil and military drama, and I completely agree with it. Now it seems that we are sure to win this martial drama, and there is no need for long singing. It will be over when a strong wind blows. The key is still literary play. Zhao Mile is right about one thing. We need to take a long-term view. Buddhists are barefoot and are not afraid of wearing shoes. They can spend it, but we cannot accompany them. We want to achieve long-term peace and stability on the border of the Western Region. "

Qi Xuansu said: "At the battlefield of Fenglinzhou, Master Qingwei repeatedly requested that we focus on attacking the nobles and treat the common people well, and strive to build a popular Fenglinzhou. This is to be able to better manage Fenglinzhou in the future. After all, Taoist priests also Well, monks, priests, warriors, especially the backbone, do not appear out of thin air. No matter how many families there are, how many people can be born?

"The Zunbang Sect doesn't care about the life and death of the people. They only care about the rule of one family and one surname. They just win over all the famous officials and ignore the existence of the common people. What we are most afraid of is that everyone in Fenglinzhou is united and wars are everywhere, causing the Taoist sect to be trapped in a quagmire. However, the Kezun faction failed to seize the opportunity, and still had the old idea that the Gongqing family decided who would belong to the world.

"So in this case, the Dao Sect's offensive is overwhelming. Don't worry about getting stuck in the quagmire. It is difficult for these rogues to rely on civilians to hide their traces. If it is a head-on decisive battle, with the huge gap in weapons, the rogues fighting against the Dao are no match.

"Because of this, Prime Minister Toyotomi was able to use Japanese to control Japanese. We can also try to use Buddha to control Buddha today."

Jiang Dazhen said: "That's right. You can reply to Zhao Milue. As long as we reach an agreement on the principle issue, then we will initially agree to this plan."

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