Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 188 Xingxiu Sea

Xingxiu Sea, adjacent to Zhaling Lake in the east, has a long and narrow terrain. The water of the long river travels here. Due to the gentle terrain, the river surface suddenly widens and the flow speed slows down. The rivers flowing everywhere form large swamps and numerous lakes here. In the Sea of ​​Stars, there are hundreds of lakes of different sizes and shapes dotted all over the place. When you climb up and look into the distance, these lakes sparkle under the sunlight, just like the twinkling stars in the night sky, or like a peacock spreading its tail, and the stars are shining. This is probably where the name of the sea comes from.

The spiritual officials of the Dao Sect were still searching the areas near Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake, and failed to take into account the distant Xingxiu Sea.

Among these hundreds of lakes, the largest one was about an acre in size. Suddenly, a "corpse" slowly floated to the surface of the water, drifting slowly with the water waves.

After a while, the "corpse" opened its eyes and looked around blankly.

The "corpse" is Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu remembered that when he was falling, he grabbed a piece of the wreckage of the airship, and then crashed into the earth with the wreckage of the airship.

Isn't he already dead?

After falling from such a high place, maybe there is a chance for a heavenly warrior to survive, but it is extremely difficult for a heavenly warrior to survive. This cannot be explained by the fact that his body is far superior to those in the same situation.

Qi Xuansu slowly swam to the shore and checked his whole body again. It couldn't be said that it was as intact as before, but it was still about 70% of its usual intact state. It was really miraculous.

He didn't understand what was going on. If he had self-healing ability that was so powerful that he was almost immortal, then why didn't he show any of this self-healing ability when his arm was broken by Zhao Fu'an in Baidi City?

But if it's not his own fault, what could it be? Is it because of the lake? This lake is actually not an ordinary lake, but something similar to the Spring of Eternal Life and the Spring of Immortality in "The Female Sword Fairy"? Considering that "Female Sword Immortal" was written by Mrs. Xuansheng, who once served as the great master of Pingzhang and the deputy head master, with her extensive knowledge, there may still be such a thing in the world.

But it still doesn't make sense, because Qi Xuansu is very sure that he is still in Kunlun, which is not far from the Taoist ancestral court. If there is such a good thing, the Taoist school has long discovered and protected it. There must be various mechanisms and formations around it, but there is obviously no such thing here. What formation.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew out, making the soaked Qi Xuansu feel a bit chilly.

Qi Xuansu came back to his senses, and while using his true energy and blood energy to steam the clothes dry, he still couldn't help but have his thoughts wandering. Assuming that he had some kind of self-healing ability that was close to immortality, if he didn't fall into the lake, but fell directly. After being turned into meat, I wonder if it can be restored to its original state. If it can be restored, will it remain in the inhuman state of meat, or will it return to its original human form?

After about a quarter of an hour passed like this, Qi Xuansu began to check the items on his body.

"Qingyuan" is still there, and the "Shenlong Hand Cannon" is still there. Although water has entered, the impact is not significant. Shenjiying considered waterproofing when designing the "Shenlong Hand Cannon". The leather bag containing the projectiles was still there, as was the satchel, and everything inside was safe.

Qi Xuansu touched the mezzanine of his chest again. When his palm touched his chest, his whole body suddenly froze.

There was no heartbeat, it was dead silence.

How is this going? Has he turned into the legendary zombie? But is it too fast? Even if the Taoist sect uses human power to cultivate zombies, it will take several years. If the zombies are naturally formed, it will take hundreds of years. Could it be said that hundreds of years have passed and the world has changed, and Zhang Yuelu and others have passed away?

However, Qi Xuansu quickly denied this idea. If hundreds of years had really passed, then the clothes on his body and the things in his bag would not have changed much. It should still have been forty-two years.

Qi Xuansu pressed his heart and fell into deep thought.

I don't know how long it took, but Qi Xuansu felt a slight vibration in his chest again. This heartbeat was very weak at first. After a while, it gradually became clearer and became stronger, and finally it was no different from before. .

While Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief, he also remembered something.

He was once stabbed through the heart by an assassin from the "Inn". It was Qiniang who saved him and brought him back to the Qingping Society. The Qingping Society made some changes in him, which not only saved his life, but also made him stronger physically.

Now it seems that the transformation of Qingpinghui may not be that simple.

So Qi Xuansu made a bold guess. The transformation of Qingpinghui not only gave him a stronger body, not only saved his life, but also gave him a magical ability to return from the dead.

This magical power is not triggered normally, which can explain why no changes occurred after his arm was broken by Zhao Fuan in Baidi City. However, if he suffered a fatal injury, this magical power would be triggered, causing He came back from the dead, which could explain why he was not beaten to death. Even his heart stopping just now was one of the miraculous external manifestations.

Qi Xuansu thinks this is the most reasonable explanation. He has to ask Qiniang for the specific reasons. Maybe Qiniang can give him a clear explanation. After all, Qiniang is the beginning of everything, and Qiniang probably knows the inside story.

But before contacting Qiniang, Qi Xuansu had to find a safe place to stay.

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts, stood up, looked around, and decided to leave here first.

Although Qi Xuansu had just woken up, Qi Xuansu also understood one thing very well. He could not return to the Taoist sect again, and he could not be discovered by the people of the Taoist sect.

Otherwise he would not be able to explain his resurrection from the dead.

If he returns to Taoism now, Beichen Hall will come to him as soon as possible and conduct a comprehensive review of him. Then his past resume, Qingpinghui's transformation, the matter of "Xuanyu", and Qingpinghui's fish talisman will all be unable to be hidden. Once his identity is exposed, it is not difficult to guess his fate. How will Zhang Yuelu view himself by then? Do you feel like you lied to her and everything was just an act?

It would be better to really die. He was still one of the many victims, and he was still the Qi Xuansu remembered by Zhang Yuelu. Everything remained beautiful.

Of course, it is not that he will never be able to return to Taoism. After this matter is completely over, he will find a suitable opportunity and may be able to hide it from Beichen Hall. After all, it is difficult to explain things like chance and adventure. Although the matter of resurrection from the dead is not Many, but it does happen.

So Qi Xuansu carefully erased the traces of his stay by the lake, and then found a high ground, trying to hide his figure while overlooking the surrounding terrain.

He quickly recognized this place as the Xingxiu Sea between the Kunlun Mountain Pass and Zaling Lake. It was called the sea, but it was actually a basin with rivers and lakes all over it, and the scenery was excellent.

The beauty and characteristics of Xingxiu Sea also make it extremely easy to identify. When Qi Xuansu returned to Yujing with his master, he passed by this place and left a deep impression on him.

Qi Xuansu knew that Xingxiu Sea was located in the upper reaches of Zhaling Lake. When the flying boat crashed, it was probably located above Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake. The people in the Dao Sect should search and deal with the aftermath near Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake at this time. Speaking of other things, Feizhou's dragon ball must be found and brought back to the ancestral court, so he only needs to go upstream along the river to bypass the search area of ​​​​the Taoist people.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu no longer hesitated and immediately headed towards Xingxiu Overseas.

Xingxiu Sea is beautiful, but its location is a bit awkward. It is still quite far away from Yujing, so few people will come here from Yujing to enjoy the scenery. In the past, there would be spiritual officers from Kunlun Taoist House patrolling and passing by here, and they would even rest here for a while. However, with the tense situation within the Taoist sect and the large-scale shrinkage of Kunlun Taoist House, no patrolling spiritual officers would pass by here anymore. Therefore, the entire Xingxiu Sea was empty, with not a single person in sight, and it was very quiet and deserted.

Just like that, Qi Xuansu left Xingxiu Sea.

After leaving Xingxiu Sea, Qi Xuansu looked around and saw that it was really the vast Kunlun Western Region, boundless. He roughly identified the direction. Going east was Zhaling Lake, but this road was blocked. Going west is the Kunlun Pass, and this road is even more impassable. Walking south, over the mountains, you will reach Tongtian River and Yishan City. As for heading north, you will reach the vast Gobi Desert, also known as Salt Lake.

At first glance, it is undoubtedly better to go south. Firstly, the road is familiar, and secondly, it is densely populated.

However, Qi Xuansu still has another worry. The two times he encountered people from the Lingshan witchcraft were both near here. Tongtian River is only more than a thousand miles away from Zhaling Lake. The distance from Kunlun Mountain Pass to Tongtian River is even longer than that from Kunlun Mountain Pass to Zhaling Lake. The distance to Zhaling Lake is even shorter. If he encounters someone from the Lingshan Witch Cult again, he is afraid that the disaster will be worse. After all, he has also killed members of the Lingshan Witch Cult. It was only Zhang Yuelu's greater fame that attracted the Lingshan Witch Cult's attention. Just because all the efforts were put on Zhang Yuelu, it didn't mean that Lingshan Witch Cult would let him go.

After Qi Xuansu thought for a while, he decided to go all the way north to the vast salt marsh, and then all the way east along the edge of the salt marsh to Xiping Mansion, the capital of Yongzhou.

After arriving at Xiping Mansion, everything was easy to say. It is said that in the land of Yongliang, you can go from Xiping Prefecture to Tianshui Prefecture, the capital of Liangzhou, or you can go eastward along Guan Road to Xijing Prefecture, the capital of Qinzhou. There will be contact points of Qingpinghui in these big mansions. Qi Xuansu is not a pedantic person. Although he wants to get rid of Qingpinghui, he does not mind taking advantage of the various conveniences of Qingpinghui before leaving Qingpinghui.

However, this will also be an extremely long journey, ranging from several months to half a year at most. After all, there is no flying boat, so we can only travel on foot. Fortunately, Qi Xuansu's many years of martial arts career have made him accustomed to this way of traveling on foot. Coupled with his current Yuxu stage cultivation and martial arts physique, it is not a difficult task.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu no longer hesitated and took steps towards the north. At the same time, he also paid attention to hiding his whereabouts and tried his best to choose small roads to avoid encountering people from the Taoist sect.

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