Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 204: Grand Leader

Ding Si Lingguan led the members of the observation team to visit the summer camp: "Just a month ago, this was a pasture with few people. It only took Daomen less than half a month to build this fully functional camp. It’s enough to support a medium-sized war, this is our Taoist speed.”

St. John nodded slightly, not very concerned.

Obviously, the drunken man in the Holy Court was not interested in drinking, and military exchanges were only secondary.

However, Tantai Ying was very concerned about this and asked many details in detail.

Xidaomen is one of our own, and Ding Si Lingguan also told the truth.

For example, Tantai Ying was very concerned about the food logistics issues of Daomen. Now is no longer the time to simply consider food issues, but also to consider eating well on the basis of eating enough. Ding Si Lingguan led her to a special area. There is a In the large-scale formation, spiritual officials constantly put various raw materials into it, and then the alchemists began to drive the formation to realize the truth from the fake, and directly turn the raw materials into finished food with full color, fragrance and flavor. This is the practical application of the spell.

As long as the raw materials are sufficient, only twenty alchemists can afford the food rations for the entire camp. Since it is not a rest period, alcohol and other entertainment items will not be provided for the time being. Only tobacco, which is good for relieving mental stress, will be provided.

In addition, Daomen has also considered the failure of the magic circle and has a backup plan, which is a mechanical product jointly designed and manufactured by Tianjitang and Shenjiying, which can batch-produce simple food similar to fried noodles. Although the taste is not good, but It can be used for emergencies, and the daily output is about 200,000 kilograms.

There is no doubt that there is no obvious generational difference between Xidaomen and Daomen in terms of weapons. After all, it was Daomen who provided great assistance. The key is that the logistics and other aspects are too far behind. Many veterans of Xidaomen will inevitably say sourly that Daomen are all garden soldiers. , can't bear the hardship.

Tantai Ying proposed this formation on the spot, but Ding Silingguan told Tantai Ying that this formation looked simple, but the construction cost was very high, especially the special talismans as formation points, which required a complete talisman preparation process. Only in this way can the cost be kept down. If you rely on manpower to write the talisman, it is not impossible, but the cost is too high, and the meaning of building this magic circle is lost. The establishment of a complete set of talisman preparation processes requires other prerequisites, such as how many supporting departments and workshops.

All in all, Daomen is very simple to build because Daomen has completed the construction and early investment of the entire system, and now it is time to reap the rewards.

So this is the main reason why Huangfuji advocates that Xidaomen should focus on development in the next step. It is true that Huangfu is a hardliner, but being tough also requires capital. On this point, Huangfuji was not confused and did not resort to militarism.

Tantai Ying felt a little regretful, but there was nothing she could do about it.

It took the Dao Sect two hundred years to get to where it is today, and it is unlikely that the West Dao Sect would catch up with the Dao Sect in just twenty years, even with the support and assistance of the Dao Sect.

Tantaiying visited the medical point set up here by Daomen again. Not to mention the general medical methods, what interested Tantaiying the most was the prosthetic body from Huashengtang, from the brain to the heart to the limbs. All of them can be replaced by prosthetic bodies. As long as the physical condition is up to standard, as long as there is still breath, they can basically be saved. Therefore, the exchange ratio between Taoism and Buddhism is very astonishing, and this is entirely due to the Taiping money.

In fact, the technology of prosthetics is not complicated. Daomen has solved these problems. The technology is very mature. The key is the cost issue. The cost of individual manufacturing is too high and it can only be used for certain specific groups of people. If you want to achieve universalization, cost issues It cannot be circumvented. Mass production and large-scale manufacturing must be achieved. When opening a mold, you cannot only make one finished product. The more the better, so as to keep the cost down.

This goes back to the previous issue, Xidaomen needs to be developed.

However, it cannot be said that the arrival of Tantai Yingbai. From the perspective of Xidaomen, seeing the huge gap between the two sides is a progress, and it can strengthen the determination and confidence in development.

St. John closed his eyes, but still made a habitual movement of looking away, looking at Qi Xuansu.

Standing next to Qi Xuansu was a Western woman who was famous in St. York in the North Continent and was known as the "Nightingale". She was the queen of the Magellan Theater on White Avenue in Midtown, Audrey Eyre.

Dao Men sent Audrey here, of course, there was some deep meaning.

As an old aristocrat from the Old World, St. John didn't care about the upstarts in the New World. However, his good upbringing allowed St. John to maintain his proper demeanor and pay tribute to Audrey.

Audrey returned the curtsey.

Qi Xuansu asked: "What do you think of the Grand Commander?"

St. John said: "Okay, very good, worthy of being a Taoist sect."

Although St. John is not very arrogant, there is still a perfunctory attitude out of politeness.

Qi Xuansu didn't take it seriously: "Grand Commander, may I ask a personal question?"

St. John responded with a smile: "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Why does the Grand Commander keep his eyes closed?"

St. John said calmly: "When I was young, I participated in the holy war against the vampires. When I faced a vampire prince, I was blinded by the blood mist. Afterwards, the Ministry of Sacraments arranged for the best doctors and priests. The Master performed an operation on me, dug out the completely rotten eyes, and replaced them with two brilliant gems of perfect appearance. These artificial eyes are called 'Eternal Truth', which possess extremely powerful light power and can judge all darkness. , is a genuine artifact, in order to avoid accidental injury, I usually choose to close my eyes.”

"That's it." Qi Xuansu understood that St. John was in a similar situation to him. They both suffered severe trauma and then replaced it with foreign objects to gain powerful strength.

Of course, this will inevitably lead to some flaws.

Qi Xuansu has achieved a state that can be called "hard-hearted". Although he cannot be said to be completely ruthless, he is inevitably a little emotionally indifferent and has lost most of his fear. Only the paintings of the Extraterrestrial Demon and Yao Yueyan can touch him. Except for his soul mate Zhang Yuelu, he is completely uninterested in women and carnal desires, and so on. His obsession with missing family became his anchor.

It is doubtful whether Qi Xuansu will be so determined to die, but the "Heart of Stone" did kill the ordinary boy back then and reshape him into the Taiwei master he is today.

In the same way, St. John also had to close his eyes all day long to see everything with his "mind's eyes."

St. John said: "I have no doubt about the strength of the Taoist sect at all. There are only two issues that I care about, one is the issue of outer gods, and the other is the issue of extinction behavior."

Qi Xuansu said: "As for the issue of demons outside the territory, Lingguan Ding Si has already said that it is a problem of Buddhism, not Taoism. What we want to discuss is how to punish Buddhism and completely eliminate the sons of demons."

Qi Xuansu paused and his tone became cold: "As for the so-called act of extermination, I don't know where the grand leader heard the news."

St. John answered the question: "I remember that when Master Taiwei just took office as the chief deputy master of Beichen Hall, he once gave a speech in which he severely condemned the genocide that was taking place in the New World. Now Master Taiwei personally leads the army and also pays tribute to Buddhism. Did the person who carried out the act of extermination say something wrong at the time, or did Master Taiwei do something wrong now? I hope it’s not a double standard.”

Qi Xuansu said seriously: "Of course this is not a double standard. These are two completely different things. The Dazun area has been the territory of the Taoist sect since ancient times. The Buddhist sect illegally occupied and controlled the Dazun area, established an illegal stronghold here, and used it to wreak havoc. The attack on our Western Region Taoist government was carried out with a rampant attitude and caused heavy losses to our side. My predecessor Chen Zhengxian and Chen Zhenren also died as a result. The Taoist attack on the Dazun area was a righteous act after being unable to tolerate it, regaining the lost territory and eliminating all intruders. Therefore, Daomen has the right to use any weapons, and all responsibilities lie with Buddhism.

"The problem in the Northern Continent is an undoubted act of aggression. After defeating the three major empires of the aboriginal people, the Steam Gospel seized a large area of ​​owned land, and then carried out large-scale and systematic attacks on ordinary unarmed aboriginal people. The massacre was intended to completely eliminate the indigenous people of the New World, seize their homes, and tamper with history. This is an act of genocide.

St. John said: "Whether it is yes or no, in order to prevent such things from happening, I propose to set up relevant observation agencies in the Western Region, and the Holy Court will send observers to ensure the peace and stability of the Darzun area as a neutral third party. ”

Qi Xuansu's tone turned cold: "To be blunt, the Holy Court thinks too highly of itself. The Holy Court is not qualified to talk to the Taoist sect like this. What the Taoist sect wants to do does not require the Holy Court's consent, nor does it need to care about the Holy Court. attitude. So I can immediately reply to the Grand Leader that this is absolutely impossible.”

St. John was not angry, but said with a hint of threat: "The Holy See will conduct a comprehensive assessment of this war, which will be related to the subsequent introduction of a series of related bills."

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "The Holy Court is not the lord of the world, let alone the judge. What you think is your business, and what we do is our business. You can make a bill, and we can also make a bill. It is nothing more than reciprocity. Just two words. If the Holy Court has enough strength, it can come up with a plan and declare that this world is given to you by your supreme will. You are the chosen people and the masters of this world. As for how to put this How to implement the bill is your problem.”

When Qi Xuansu was studying in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he learned about the problem of dealing with Westerners. Westerners are very arrogant and will not be reasonable wherever they can be unreasonable.

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment: "I would also like to remind you that you can introduce relevant bills for the Darzun area, and we can also introduce relevant bills for the West Posuzhou Company. This world can accommodate Taoism and the Holy Court. Non-interference is the most important thing. At the very least.”

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