Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 207: Withdrawal

Qi Xuansu can probably understand what Master Cihang means.

In fact, it is to prevent splitting of votes. Judging from the current situation, the total votes of the Donghua and Cihang Alliance must be higher than that of Qingwei. However, there is also the possibility of splitting votes. If some people vote for Donghua Zhenren and others vote for Cihang Zhenren, their own strength will be dispersed, and Qingwei Zhenren may win.

If there are only thirty-six votes in total, Master Donghua and Master Cihang together have twenty votes, and Master Qingwei has sixteen votes. Master Donghua and Master Cihang seem to be a sure winner over Master Qingwei, but if this Five of the twenty votes were cast for Master Cihang, so the final three votes would be Master Qingwei's sixteen votes, Master Donghua's fifteen votes, and Master Cihang's five votes. Instead, Master Qingwei won.

So in order to prevent this from happening, Master Cihang decided to sacrifice himself, voluntarily withdraw from the election, and then fully support Master Donghua, calling on his supporters to vote for Master Donghua, and Master Donghua and Master Cihang became a Taoist Couple is the best way to call.

This is undoubtedly a conspiracy. Daomen is allowed to withdraw from the election. We can't do the "you hurt me" thing like Xiao Yin.

This reason is not complicated, but this determination can only be made by Master Cihang himself. It is difficult to persuade others because it is suspected of forcing the uterus. No one would say this unless absolutely necessary. This is just enmity. You advise Master Cihang to give up the election of the Grand Master. If Master Cihang thinks more and more in the future, who will she blame? Isn’t it all your fault? These are difficult things to say. No one wants to be remembered by Master Cihang for a lifetime.

So Qi Xuansu was also very frightened. He just wanted the two elders to get married. As for whether to withdraw from the election, he never mentioned a word, not even a test. He would not take the blame.

Master Cihang said slowly: "In fact, at this point, the situation has become very clear. Master Donghua and Master Qingwei have both served as military masters. They led the Western Region War and Fenglinzhou War respectively, and achieved military exploits. This is a huge advantage. The Fifth Generation Grand Master rose to the position by virtue of his military merit. Although during the Sixth Generation Grand Master's period, there was a trend of advocating civility and suppressing martial arts and opposing military merit. However, with the Sixth Generation Grand Master's early advancement, the Three Paths split. , the place is full of chicken feathers, and many people begin to miss the period of the Five Dynasties Great Master."

Zhang Yuelu interjected: "I think so too. At least the Taoist sect during the period of the Five Dynasties Great Master was still one Taoist sect, instead of having multiple sects and trying to undermine each other. The Taoist sect really needs a strong great chief."

Qi Xuansu quietly pulled down Zhang Yuelu's sleeve.

How to speak?

You really don’t consider Master Cihang’s feelings.

Zhang Yuelu didn't take it seriously. Masters and disciples like them who had been young didn't have so many taboos. Qi Xuansu and Donghua Zhenren are incomparable masters and disciples.

Master Cihang said: "Although there are three divisions suppressing them, many people dare not express such opinions openly, but when it comes to voting, the three divisions can't control them. I think most people will vote for the two He is a real military commander with outstanding military achievements. I have never been a real military commander. This disadvantage means that I can only accompany him. "

Xiao Yin looked innocent and asked, "What is a running companion?"

Master Cihang patiently explained: "It just means gathering people and arranging vases. In essence, it is no different from making concessions and making concessions. They are all for the sake of face."

Xiao Yin suddenly realized: "I know three concessions and three concessions. I clearly want to be the emperor, but I can't take the initiative to propose it, because that would be immodest and ugly, so I have to let the people below take the initiative to advise me. I I had to refuse. After going back and forth three times, I would say, "What are you doing? I'm here to be a loyal minister." I finally accepted it reluctantly. "

Master Cihang couldn't help but laugh out loud: "At such a young age, we still know a lot. Our Taoist sect does not engage in the practice of making three concessions and three concessions. Instead, we follow the example of the ancient Holy Emperor's concession in conducting elections, and we only follow public consultation. Since If it is a choice, then there must be options. If there is only one person, then there is no choice, it is default, so it is not allowed. Some options are not allowed, but you still have to appear here to choose them together, that is. Run with me.”

Xiao Yin asked again: "If you withdraw, wouldn't it become an informal decision?"

"You can't say that." Master Cihang said, "Because after I retreat, there are still two people left, so I still have a choice."

Xiao Yin nodded seriously.

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Xiao Yin, don't interrupt."

Master Cihang returned to the topic: "Of course, there are also some considerations about equality. It is best to have a female Taoist priest among the candidates to show the diversity, tolerance, equality, and harmony of yin and yang in the Taoist sect. After all, for so many years, there have always been people within the Taoist sect. Voice, I hope that a female great master will appear and break the monopoly of male Taoist priests. What I have condensed is no longer my own efforts. It’s just that the reality is here. The conditions for a female great master are not yet mature, and when it comes to swords. When there is blood, this is not a dinner party, let alone playing house, but a life and death situation, and there is no room for equality. "

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu exchanged glances and opinions.

In their opinion, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

It is most conducive to the stability of the Taoist sect to have Master Donghua as the Grand Master, Master Cihang as the Grand Master's wife, Master Qingwei as the National Master, Zhang Jucheng as the Heavenly Master, and Yao Yi as the Earth Master. If Master Qingwei becomes the great master, he will have to fight over the issue of the three divisions in the future. Master Cihang will face Zhang Jucheng, Master Donghua will face Yao Yi, and Li Tianqing will face someone from the Li family. The situation will be like this It’s complicated.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu said together: "We have no objection."

Master Cihang nodded: "Jinque will soon hold a meeting on the election of the 'Grand Master Election Committee'. I will officially announce the matter after the meeting is over, and at the same time, I will send a newspaper to inform each Taoist government."

Qi Xuansu asked: "About this matter, what are the opinions of Master Xiaoxiang and Master Baili of Tianji Hall? And what are the opinions of Tianshi?"

Master Cihang said: "Of course I will not carry out a surprise attack. I have sought the opinions of all the masters, including the Heavenly Master, and they all expressed their understanding and support."

Qi Xuansu said nothing more.

Master Cihang also does what he says and does not delay.

When the Jinque meeting was held, Master Qingwei presided over the proceedings and nominated the main candidates for the election committee of the Seventh Generation Grand Master. Not surprisingly, they were the three deputy Masters: Zhang Wushou, the Heavenly Master, Yao Ling, the Earth Master, and Yao Ling, the Earth Master. Learned from Li Changgeng. Basically it was passed unanimously, just a formality.

What is really going to be elected are the candidates for other first-grade innocent Taoist priests, and there will probably be fierce competition.

Therefore, the main purpose of this meeting is to determine the nominees. There are also many first-grade innocent Taoist priests. They have all been ministers to the real people. They are all highly respected. It is hard to say whether they will be selected, but basically all of them have been nominated. If Sun Heyu had not fallen, he would have been nominated. On this list, and with a high probability of entering the election committee of the Grand Master.

When the discussion was coming to an end, Master Qingwei followed the established procedure and asked, "What do other fellow Taoists have to add? If not, then the discussion is over."

At this moment, Master Cihang stood up: "Excuse me for a moment, I have something to announce."

Some people were ready to stand up, but after hearing this, they sat back down.

Master Cihang looked around for a week: "I take this opportunity to announce something to everyone. After careful consideration, I have officially decided to withdraw from the election of the Seventh Generation Grand Master."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Some people already know it, some people don't know it yet.

The real people ignored their identities, whispered to each other, and even whispered.

Master Donghua remained calm, obviously he already knew that Master Cihang passed the Qi in advance.

Many people are looking at Master Qingwei. After all, Master Cihang's withdrawal is clearly directed at Master Qingwei.

This is a conspiracy.

Master Qingwei's expression remained unchanged and he said slowly: "That's such a pity."

Master Cihang smiled slightly: "That's it. I wish Master Donghua and Master Qingwei all the best."

Master Qingwei repeated: "If there is nothing else, then I declare that the discussion is over."

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