Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 210: Qingling Palace

Quanzhen Dao has Difei Mountain, Zhengdao has Yunjin Mountain, and Taiping Dao occupies 360 islands in the East China Sea, including 108 main islands. Among these 108 islands are Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou. The leader is the so-called Three Immortals Island.

Penglai Island is the first of the three islands and is where Zhenjing Villa is located.

Next is Abbot Island. The Taoist scriptures say: "The abbot is the leader of the human and heavenly religion, the master who saves the world, performs the righteous Dharma of the Dragon Gate, supports the compassionate navigation of the sea of ​​suffering, and serves as a model of Quanzhen and the program of the Law School. Only a Taoist teacher can do it Liye."

Therefore, Abbot Island is where Qingling Palace is located.

It is worth mentioning that Cihang's lineage, Longmen's lineage, and even the model of Quanzhen Tao are mentioned here. However, it turns out that it has nothing to do with Quanzhen Tao and is the holy land of Taiping Tao.

The national master usually lives in Zhenjing Bieyuan, Qingwei Zhenren lives in Yujing, and Li Changlu, the master of Qizhou Taoist Palace, lives in Jixia Dao Palace, which was formerly Jixia Academy, one of the three Confucian palaces.

When the Confucian sect was defeated, it first ceded Tianxin Academy and Wanxiang Academy to the Taoist sect, which were rebuilt into the Tianxin Dao Palace and the current Wanxiang Dao Palace of Jiangnan Daofu respectively. The Confucian sect only retained the Jixia Academy. Later, the Qizhou Taoist government expanded again and again, and Taiping Taoism gained momentum. The Li family forced the sage's residence to give up the Jixia Academy and rebuilt it into the Jixia Taoist Palace.

The Confucian sect is not monolithic. The other two schools have been ceded. You are the only one who still retains the Jixia Academy. Now that it is better, everyone is the same. Therefore, the Confucian sect is more about gloating over misfortune than sharing the same hatred.

Because of this, the Qingling Palace was actually Li Tianqing's territory. Although Li Tianqing had no position, the Imperial Master acquiesced to Li Tianqing presiding over the Qingling Palace.

Today, the sails at the pier of Fangzhang Island are like clouds and the masts are like forests. The ships of various Taiping Dao dignitaries docked here and gathered on Fangzhang Island.

I saw a group of people hurrying towards Qingling Palace.

First, we passed the archway engraved with the word "Qingwei", and then came to a huge square paved with white jade, as smooth as a mirror.

The entire square is rectangular, like an unsheathed long sword. The entrance is at the "sword tip". After passing through the "sword spine", "sword hoe" and "sword hilt", you come to the "sword head" position, where the connection is There are ninety-nine long white jade steps, about ten feet wide, and each step is more than a foot high. Climb all the way up, and are surrounded by white jade carved railings.

There are strange animals of different shapes carved on the pillars of the railings, which have the magical effect of suppressing evil and exorcising ghosts. Various legends and allusions to immortals are carved on the railings. The pictures on each railing are different. If you look closely, you will find these. The pictures are all superb sword manuals.

Climbing the steps, you will find a huge palace with a greenish-black color scheme, glazed tiles, sapphire eaves, sandalwood floors, and ambergris worth the same as gold. The rising smoke is truly a fairy tale. Beautiful scenery at home,

A plaque was hung above the main entrance of the hall, with the words "Qingling Palace" written on it.

There were Taoist priests with negative swords standing on both sides of the steps, all bowing their heads in salute.

As soon as the group entered the Qingling Palace, the leader shouted: "Let's do it!"

The others all echoed: "Yes, let's do it!"


“Rather than sit back and wait for death, it’s better to work hard.”

The seat in the middle of the hall belonged to the imperial masters of the past dynasties. It was empty at the moment. Li Tianqing just sat on the first chair on the left, leaning on the back of the chair, holding on to the armrests with both hands, and closing his eyes.

After hearing this, Li Tianqing slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately, someone slammed the door of Qingling Palace shut, and the light in the palace dimmed.

The person who just spoke out is not an ordinary person, his name is Li Changsheng.

This "long sound" is not Li Changsheng's "longevity", it comes from "Shun Dian" in "Yu Shu": Poems express aspirations, songs speak forever, sounds depend on forever, and rhythms are harmonious.

In addition to Li Changge, there are also Li Changsheng, Li Changlu and Li Changshi.

Although Li Changsheng has black hair and a black beard, he is already quite old. He is not only the elder of the Li family, but also a sixth-generation disciple of the Taoist sect. Although he has no position, he has the rank of an innocent Taoist priest.

Li Changsheng said in a deep voice: "Qi Ming, you can't hesitate any longer, let's do it!"

Li Tianqing's abbreviation is "Qi Ming", which means "the sky is clear at night, the smoke disappears and the Qi is clear".

Others also said: "Brother, try your best!"

"Yes, do it."

"Do it."

"Please make up your mind!"

Li Tianqing slowly stood up and looked at everyone.

Li Changsheng said: "Master Qingwei has not been forced to a dead end. He still has a way to retreat, but we have no retreat. We can only go one way in Huashan and fight to the death."

Li Tianqing took a deep breath.

Li Changsheng continued: "Master Cihang withdrew from the election, and then issued a joint statement with Master Donghua, deciding to form a Taoist couple. This means that Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism have made it clear that they will do their best to push Master Donghua to the top. Your Excellency, Master Qingwei is probably in very bad shape.

"Once Master Donghua wins the election and becomes the Grand Master of the Seventh Generation, Master Cihang will be the wife of the Grand Master. Zhang Jucheng of Zhengyi Dao and Yao Yi of Quanzhen Taoism will both be able to serve as Deputy Master of the Great Master as they wish, and each will take their place. If necessary, there will be no more troubles between Zhengyiyi and Quanzhendao.

"But our Taiping Dao is about to suffer a huge defeat. Master Qingwei still has a way out. If he can't be a great master, the worst he can do is to step back and take over the position of national master. With his status as the second seat of Jinque, Master Shenzhi and the master's position as master of the army. No one can compete with him in terms of resume, but if Master Qingwei becomes a national master, how will you deal with it?"

Li Tianqing finally said: "Of course I understand that if Master Qingwei becomes the Grand Master, then I can still hope to serve as the National Master. Then it will be Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism that will be in chaos. But the situation is like this, what can we do about it? ?”

Li Changsheng said: "It seems that if the Imperial Master and Master Ziji are not ready for a full-scale war, then they are likely to choose to endure. However, the outcome of the Eighth Generation Master is also not optimistic. After the conflict between Da Zun and Qi Xuansu, Qi Xuansu It is already a powerful force, leaving the Taoist Three Shows far behind.

"If Donghua Zhenren becomes the seventh-generation master, as long as he abdicates a few years in advance, and starts the election of the eighth-generation master in advance at the time when Qi Xuansu's trend is already established but the eternal truth is still one step away, they will be able to achieve it If two generations of master and apprentice were re-elected as Grand Master, then we will never be able to turn around.

"That's not all. Let me tell you something more heart-breaking. When Qi Xuansu becomes the eighth-generation master, who will he use? Leaving aside the special situation of Yongyan, it must be Li Zhuyu's group, because Zhenren Qingwei is his old boss , Li Zhuyu has worked with him for many years. Qi Xuansu cannot uproot the Li family, but can divide it from within. Li Zhuyu is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

"Pull one faction and fight another faction. Now that Li Zhuyu has been roped in, Tianzhen, Minghuang and others will die without a burial place. Even if we old guys accept our fate, we must always think about our descendants."

Another old man from the Li family also said: "If they want us to annihilate our children and grandchildren, then we will fight them to the death."

Li Tianqing asked: "How to kill the fish? How to break the net? If the national master doesn't take action, Master Ziji doesn't take action, Master Qingwei doesn't take action, can we kill Master Donghua?"

Li Changsheng said: "Of course we can't kill Master Donghua, but Master Donghua got carried away this time. In order to deal with Pei Shenfu, he actually sent Qi Xuansu to Lanling Mansion. It is a God-given opportunity for us. As long as we can win Qi Xuansu, even if Master Qingwei loses to Master Donghua, we can still place our hopes on Yong Yan and the fight for the Eighth Generation Master."

Li Tianqing narrowed his eyes: "Are you going to kill Qi Xuansu?"

"Of course not." Li Changsheng said, "Qi Xuansu is now the real person in charge of the Taoist House in the Western Regions, one of the thirty-six real people who know how to know. If we really want to kill him, Tianshi, Earth Master, Donghua Zhenren, Cihang The real people will take the opportunity to cause a big case, and they have a good reputation, and the neutral faction will all turn to them, so we will be very passive, and I am afraid that even the national master will not be able to protect us, so we cannot kill Qi Xuansu."

Li Tianqing asked: "If you can't kill Qi Xuansu, what's the point of taking him down?"

"If it were Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei, it would indeed not mean much, but Qi Xuansu is different." Li Changsheng said, "Others don't know, but we know the details of Qi Xuansu. He is today only because of the 'Heart of the Immortality Stone' , as long as we control Qi Xuansu, dig out his 'Heart of Immortality Stone', replace it with an ordinary heart of righteousness, and then put Qi Xuansu back, what can Zhengyi and Quanzhen Dao say?"

Another person agreed: "This is a very good plan. The fact that Qi Xuansu has the 'Heart of the Immortal Stone' has never been put on the table. Most people don't know the secret. Only Zhang, Li, Yao and some senior Taoists know about it." . Since it is not on the table, we can just pretend to be stupid. Qi Xuansu's meridians, acupuncture points, Dantian, bones, body, and soul are not damaged at all. What does it have to do with us that he suddenly lost his cultivation? It’s a mistake. If the neutral faction doesn’t know the details, it’s hard to take sides. As long as we are not passive in terms of morality, we are not afraid of war.”

Li Changsheng said: "That's right. The Grand Master has strict requirements. Non-immortal cultivators cannot serve as Grand Master. If we take away Qi Xuansu's 'Heart of the Immortality Stone', we are taking away the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron. As long as Qi Xuansu cannot become an Immortal, then No matter how many achievements he makes, it is meaningless. It is just a great person who cannot make big waves. "

Others echoed: "That's it. Things in the world are unpredictable. Many things are not about whether you can, but whether you dare. Qi Xuansu got this opportunity, and becoming an immortal is not far away. If he really becomes an immortal, then what will happen again? It is extremely difficult to take action against him. This is the only chance and our last chance. If we miss this God-given opportunity, our faction will never be able to turn around. "

Li Tianqing paced back and forth, frowning, thinking rapidly.

The others said no more, their eyes all fell on Li Tianqing, and they moved accordingly, waiting for Li Tianqing to make a decision.

Li Tianqing stopped abruptly, looked at the crowd again, and asked: "How can Xiao Bodhisattva defeat Qi Xuansu? The key is how to capture Qi Xuansu?"

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