Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 1 The New Year is coming

When it comes to Xiao Yin's strategy, Qi Xuansu still has something to say.

I don’t know whether I should say that Xiao Yin is a genius or that Xiao Yin is a weirdo. In short, most people can’t write about it.

For example, in the first draft of her policy, she claimed to be Wan Miao Zhenren and quoted her own words as arguments. In the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for so many years, there had never been such a shameless person, which made Sun Hewu laugh in anger.

The second draft of her policy statement frequently contained golden sentences, such as this one: Although my father was absent from my childhood, he was not absent from Taoism’s grand cause. Sun Hewu's comment: Let's just call it "My Grand Master Father".

At his age, Lao Sun is highly respected, and he is not afraid of violating taboos. He really dares to say so.

Qi Xuansu couldn't laugh or cry, otherwise Xiao Yin was just a blank sheet of paper, a man of ghosts and ghosts, trying to learn from one another. This "excellent" inheritance of the Taoist sect must be learned sooner or later.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Have you passed your strategy? How come I don't know how you can get by at your level?"

Xiao Yin began to hum and haha, and did not answer the question directly: "It's passed anyway, don't worry about how you passed it."

Qi Xuansu said: "Could it be that you are using my name to go through the back door?"

Xiao Yin's eyes widened: "How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? Besides, others are afraid of your banner, but Lao Suntou is not afraid. My policies are all reviewed by Lao Suntou personally. Since they can pass, then It means the quality is excellent.”

Qi Xuansu thought about it and realized that this was true. Mr. Sun was not afraid of him, and there was no need to be afraid of him. Speaking of which, Mr. Sun was half his teacher, but it was Qi Xuansu who had to hold the disciple ceremony.

Qi Xuansu said: "That's really strange. If you don't go through the back door, I really don't believe that your level can pass. What Master Wanmiao said, what my great master father, if you don't put me on the fire, I will Thank God."

Xiao Yin curled his lips and said: "Why do you need to go through the back door for this kind of thing? Can't I just find someone to write it for me? Anyway, there are plenty of pens."

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Xiao Yin realized that he had let something slip and quickly covered his mouth with his hands, but it was too late.

Qi Xuansu suddenly said: "Let me tell you, it's really hard to learn well. If you learn badly, who will write for you? Is it Yan Yongzhen? I haven't used my pen yet, but you have used it first."

Xiao Yin started to act rogue: "What's wrong? Whose child wants to write the strategy of a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest at such a young age? It's obvious that you are forcing others to make things difficult, which is completely unreasonable. Then there is no problem for me to find someone to write it for me."

Qi Xuansu snorted: "Whether it's reasonable or unreasonable, we'll talk about it later. Your most important thing now is to get this beating!"

Xiao Yin started shouting: "Hey, come and see, the master of the Western Region Taoist House is beating someone again."

Qi Xuansu grabbed Xiao Yin and lifted her up: "You yell, it's useless even if you break your throat."

Of course, Xiao Yin was no match for Qi Xuansu, and could only kick around with his short legs: "I have done great service for the Taoist sect, and I have shed blood for the Taoist sect. You can't do this to me. I want to see Wu Niang! I want to see Qiniang." !”

Of course, Qi Xuansu now has no energy to investigate Xiao Yin's falsification of policy theory. He wants to focus all his energy on the Taoist election.

Zhang Yuelu said that the burden on Qi Xuansu's shoulders was heavier, and that was true. Zhang Yuelu was in charge of the Taoist Palace in the Western Regions, while Qi Xuansu was in charge of six first-grade spiritual officials.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most elite blade in the Taoist sect.

This is where Taiping Dao is at a disadvantage. Taiping Dao controls more than half of the flying boat fleet. It has an advantage in large-scale operations on the frontal battlefield. However, if it is a small-scale operation such as palace transformation, it is far inferior to the Lingguan troops. .

Since ancient times, the army has always been more valuable than its elite.

The famous generals of the previous dynasty trained their troops to quell Japanese invaders. Only a few thousand soldiers were able to quell decades of Japanese invaders in one fell swoop. There are also generals in Liaodong who implement the retainer system and only have about two thousand main cavalry, but they are able to compete with the Golden Horde, frighten Silla, and even defeat the invading Fenglinzhou army.

This illustrates the truth that the army should be divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, that is, upper-class horses, middle-class horses, and lower-class horses. This may not sound good, but it can also be called first-line, second-line, and third-line. Some people have raised an army of hundreds of thousands, which is a third-line army. It costs a lot of money. When they actually go to the battlefield, it is easy for their defense line to be torn apart by thousands of strong troops, and they fall apart in an instant.

Of course, this does not mean that the second and third lines are useless. The first line is strong when it is strong. The problem is that the number of people is too small. They can attack but not defend. They can capture the territory, but they cannot rely on these people to defend the territory, let alone maintain public order. Therefore, the second and third lines are needed. The third line came to fill in and stabilize the situation.

If the third line collapses or is missing, then no matter how strong the first line is, it will become a tree with no roots. If it cannot be replenished, it will be consumed bit by bit by others sooner or later.

There is a very famous example. Famous masters and generals do not keep themselves in prison. Thousands of troops and horses avoid white robes. However, no matter how powerful the seven thousand white robes are, there is a lack of second and third lines to consolidate the results. The final result is that no results are left. The world is still the same, nothing has changed, which leads to the fact that this famous general's status in history books is not high.

Take the Fenglinzhou War as an example. Toyotomi Prime Minister's Palace actually acted as the third line, Fenglinzhou Daofu and Daxuan Army acted as the second line, and finally the elite led by Qingwei Zhenren were the first line. Qingwei Zhenren can quickly wipe out the Taoist forces in Fenglin Continent, but he cannot stay in Fenglin Continent all the time, so in the end he has to rebuild the Fenglin Continent Taoist Palace and continue to support the Toyotomi Prime Minister's Palace. At the same time, the Daxuan court established the Dongting Protector Mansion.

What is the concept of these six first-class spiritual officials? They are the first line of the first line, the best horses among the best horses, the elite among the elites, and they are the sharp edge of the Taoism.

Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren handed over the six first-class spiritual officials to Qi Xuansu, intending to defend, but when Qi Xuansu executed it, he had to attack, which was to replace defense with attack.

Among these six people, Qi Xuansu had dealt with Jiachen Lingguan, Jiayin Lingguan, and Dingsi Lingguan, and even fought side by side. For example, the first cooperation with Jiachen Lingguan was in Wuxing Mountain, and the second cooperation was in Fenglinzhou battlefield. Jiayin Lingguan was mainly in Borneo Daofu, and Dingsi Lingguan was in Xiyu Daofu.

The former Jiashen Lingguan also cooperated, but he was dismissed. The newly appointed Jiashen Lingguan did not deal with Qi Xuansu, but he had dealt with Zhang Yuelu, and he was extremely trusted by Cihang Zhenren. He was Cihang Zhenren’s confidant. Rounding it off, it can be said that they have been friends for a long time and have dealt with each other.

The only two first-rank spiritual officials that he was not familiar with were Jiazi Lingguan and Dingmao Lingguan of Kunlun Daofu.

These two spiritual officials were extraordinary. The so-called Six Dings and Six Jias, Dingmao was the leader among the Six Dings, and Jiazi was the leader among the Six Jias.

The two spiritual officials were undoubtedly powerful, which could be seen from their positions. One was in charge of Yujing and the other was in charge of Kunlun Daofu. Moreover, there was no great master in charge of Kunlun Daofu, so Dingmao Lingguan directly obeyed the orders of Tiangang Hall and Lingguanfu, and the master of Kunlun Daofu could not directly command Dingmao Lingguan.

This was also the main reason why Cihang Zhenren could transfer Dingmao Lingguan to Yujing.

Now that Dingmao Lingguan had not arrived yet, Qi Xuansu could talk to Jiazi Lingguan first, or wait until Dingmao Lingguan arrived before contacting him together.

With the certification of Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren, the loyalty of these first-rank spiritual officials should not be a problem, but it is better to contact them in advance to have a general understanding and know yourself and the enemy.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Little New Year. The results of the election committee of the Grand Master had basically come out. It must be said that all parties attached great importance to the election of the election committee this time, so there were basically no surprises in the election results. All those who should be elected were elected, there was no upset, and no one lost, so the situation of the election committee was also clear.

On the side of the Western Region Daofu, although Qi Xuansu, as the master of the mansion, was not in the Great Snow Mountain Palace to supervise in person, Hu Jiaochong still completed the task assigned to him by Qi Xuansu relatively smoothly. After all, Qi Xuansu had just sorted out the Western Region Daofu from top to bottom. It was hard to say about other effects, but the effect of establishing prestige was very significant. Not many people dared to jump out and make trouble for Qi Xuansu at this time.

Good people will not die, bad people will not die, stupid people will die.

As expected before the election, if only one Dao is considered, Taiping Dao is still strong, but after the Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao formed an alliance, they will surpass Taiping Dao, and there are not many neutral swing positions.

After the members of the Grand Master Election Committee are determined, the highlight is coming, which is to select the chief within the election committee. This involves a problem. Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao occupy the majority, but the votes can only be given to one person, either the Heavenly Master or the Earthly Master. If they vote for each other, it is very likely that neither the Heavenly Master nor the Earthly Master will be elected, and the National Master will get the advantage.

This requires the two sects to negotiate in advance.

Qi Xuansu also participated in this discussion, and the final result was to decide to vote for the Heavenly Master. The reason is not complicated. As the representative of Zhengyi Dao, Cihang Zhenren withdrew from the election. Zhengyi Dao is relatively neutral on the surface. No matter what the contradiction between Donghua Zhenren and the Earthly Master is, in the eyes of others, the Earthly Master still has to openly support Donghua Zhenren.

Now it is Donghua Zhenren vs. Qingwei Zhenren. If the Earthly Master becomes the chief of the election committee, it is inevitable that people will talk about it, so it is better to let the seemingly neutral Heavenly Master be the chief.

After the two sides reached a consensus, the election of the chief of the Grand Master Election Committee officially began.

As expected, the Heavenly Master was successfully elected as the chief of the Grand Master Election Committee, and the Earth Master and the National Master were elected as the runner-ups of the Grand Master Election Committee.

In this way, the Grand Master Election Committee was settled, and the next step was the final big event, which was also the real highlight - the election of the seventh generation of Grand Masters.

In this way, the 46 years of Jiushi came to an end, and the end of the year was approaching.

Zhang Yuelu was not there, and Qi Niang was not there either. Qi Xuansu brought Xiao Yin to Yujing to welcome the New Year.

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