Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 4 General Election

Enter the hall and enter the room.

Which hall is it? Which room is it?

Of course, it is the Golden Palace.

Today, the Golden Palace has changed its appearance. The original Xumi throne only had the chair of the Grand Master, but now there is a jade box in front of the chair of the Grand Master.

This is the so-called voting box.

The three deputy masters also stood on the Xumi throne. The Heavenly Master, who was the chief of the Grand Master Election Committee, stood behind the jade box, and the National Master and the Earth Master, who were the second in line, stood on the left and right sides of the jade box respectively.

Many seats were temporarily added on both sides of the Xumi throne, which were the positions for the members of the Grand Master Election Committee.

At this time, these seats were already full of people. Except for a few people like Yao Yi, most of them were white-haired, and they were basically six generations of disciples. Those who could stand out from the old Taoist priests and enter the Grand Master Election Committee were naturally not ordinary people. At this time, sitting together, the immortal aura was born.

This formation headed by the three masters was still very scary.

Right in front of the Xumi throne were the seats for the Jinque members who participated in the vote, but this time they were not divided into three paths. Instead, all the Jinque members sat together, like a square array.

Around the Xumi throne and the square array were the seats for many ordinary real people.

Donghua Zhenren, Cihang Zhenren, Qingwei Zhenren and the eight Pingzhang Da Zhenren sat in the first row closest to the Xumi throne, then the hall masters and the masters of the Daofu were in the second row, followed by the masters of the ordinary Daofu in the third row, and finally the masters of the palace in the fourth row.

As the Daofu of the Western Regions, Qi Xuansu sat in the second row, and in front of him was Wu Niang in the first row.

As for Xiao Yin, she went to the ordinary real people and mixed well with them. She was calling them brothers and sisters, and even wanted to talk loudly. Fortunately, these real people knew the importance of the matter and persuaded her to stop. Otherwise, Qi Xuansu would be roasted on the fire again.

When Qi Xuansu came in, he took the opportunity to look at the Xumi platform. The Earth Master was still wearing the bronze mask.

This made Qi Xuansu a little disappointed, but it was reasonable.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also glanced at the members of the Grand Master Election Committee. Except for Yao Yi, they all looked solemn.

After everyone was seated, the Heaven Master gave a speech as the head of the election committee.

However, the content of the speech was a bit vague, because when mentioning the election of the seventh generation of Grand Masters, the sixth generation of Grand Masters must be mentioned. So the question is, how to characterize the sixth generation of Grand Masters?

The speech on such an occasion is basically the final word.

Sing praises to the sixth generation of Grand Masters? But the problem of Taoism is here. It is already a consensus among the top leaders of Taoism. Almost everyone is dissatisfied with the current situation. The sixth generation of Grand Masters is to blame. If they forcefully whitewash the situation, it will definitely cause great controversy. If an old Taoist priest questions it on the spot, it will make the Grand Master Election Committee lose face.

It can even be said that when the Grand Master Election Committee discussed it internally, this statement would be difficult to pass, and there would definitely be opposition. These old Taoists have already retired, and their life span is not much, so there is really nothing to be afraid of. They have initially acquired the courage to tell the truth, so it is better to speak out impartially and frankly, and maybe they can leave a good reputation.

But if the Sixth Grand Master is severely criticized, it is absolutely impossible. Criticizing the Sixth Grand Master will lead to a question-since the Sixth Grand Master does not have this ability, how did he get to the position? To put it bluntly, it was the Three Masters who helped him up. Although there are great differences among the Three Masters, there is no difference on this point.

Letting the Three Masters slap themselves in the face is absolutely impossible.

In this case, it is better to be rough than detailed, and directly pass it over, emphasizing that everything should look forward.

After the speech, the Heavenly Master took out a gorgeous box, opened the lid, and dozens of rays of light flew out of it, falling into the hands of the members of the Golden Palace.

The light faded away, and it turned out to be a piece of jade that looked like a black and white fish. Because there were only two candidates, it corresponded to yin and yang. If there were three candidates, it would be the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

The words "Donghua" were written on the yang fish, and "Qingwei" were written on the yin fish.

Since it was a secret ballot, there would be no handwriting left. If you want to vote for someone, just click it, and there will be no changes on the jade piece, so you don't have to worry about being seen by others. Only when the jade piece is put into the jade box will the choice of the owner of the jade piece be displayed.

Of course, these jade pieces are exactly the same, and the three masters supervise each other. Even if they have great cultivation, it is difficult to do anything.

This is the time to truly test the control and cohesion of each path. Some two-faced people usually shout the slogan of "loyalty" loudly, and it is not impossible to vote for others at a critical moment. The key is that it cannot be checked.

After Qi Xuansu got the jade piece, he naturally didn't hesitate at all and chose Donghua Zhenren directly. The Yang fish didn't light up, but the whole jade piece dimmed, which meant that he had made his choice.

In fact, who to vote for must have been decided before getting the jade piece. No one would hesitate until now, so the choice was made quickly.

Then it was not taken back by the Heavenly Master, but everyone stepped forward in order to put the jade piece into the ballot box in front of the Xumi throne.

This is not only a sense of ritual, but also a responsibility for one's own vote.

The first one was Cihang Zhenren, then Jiang Da Zhenren, and so on.

After Pingzhang Da Zhenren finished voting, it was the turn of the group of Zhangfu Zhenren.

Qi Xuansu put the jade piece in his hand into the voting box, glanced at the Earth Master, and then returned to his seat.

After all 42 votes were cast, the Heaven Master announced that the election committee of the Grand Master would count the votes.

At this time, Qi Xuansu faced a difficult problem. He had to start preparing, but he could not leave the venue without permission, so he turned his attention to Xiao Yin who stayed in the ordinary real person seat.

If the king is not discreet, he will lose his ministers, and if the minister is not discreet, he will lose his body.

Qi Xuansu could not hand over such a matter of life and death to others. He could only trust Xiao Yin.

Although Xiao Yin usually looks unreliable, he is actually very reliable. It is no exaggeration to say that Xiao Yin has experienced the test of blood and fire and is a warrior with a firm stand.

Because the voting process is that one person goes up to vote, and the second person can go up after this person returns to his seat, so the whole process is inevitably long and boring.

The atmosphere of the entire venue was very tense and serious. No one could make loud noises, and no one whispered to each other. Instead, they focused on this major event that determined the future of Taoism.

Xiao Yin leaned back on the chair, her head tilted back, her mouth facing the sky, just missing a snot bubble.

Qi Xuansu frowned.

Xiao Yin seemed to be pricked by a needle, suddenly woke up, looked left and right, and finally met Qi Xuansu's stern eyes.

To others, it seemed that Qi Xuansu was dissatisfied with Xiao Yin sleeping in the meeting, but only Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin knew that this was actually a secret signal between the two.

Since Qi Xuansu couldn't get away now, Xiao Yin would represent Qi Xuansu and go ahead. Don't underestimate Xiao Yin, she is the Little Saint of Qi Tian.

Xiao Yin was startled and returned to her usual appearance. She sat upright as if nothing had happened, and then when she saw that no one was paying attention to her, she jumped down from her seat and quietly slipped out.

The real people around didn't care too much.

Because Xiao Yin gave people the impression that she was unreliable. It was hard to associate a little girl sleeping soundly in the highest hall of Taoism with the word serious.

However, others didn't care, but the Li family kept paying attention to Xiao Yin.

The reason is very simple. The Li family just suffered a big loss at the hands of Xiao Yin. Originally, Li Changlu had already taken down Qi Xuansu with the "Sheji Jiuzhou Ding" and thought that the overall situation was settled. As a result, he underestimated Xiao Yin. Several Daxuan first-rank military officers took turns to fight, but not only did they fail to take down Xiao Yin, but they also capsized in the gutter.

In the end, Xiao Yin dragged Qi Xuansu out of the predicament, causing the whole plan to fail. It can be said that the Li family fell into a big fall.

A failure is a lesson. The Li family is not a fool and will not suffer a second loss. So they have been sending people to keep an eye on Xiao Yin. Once this ghost girl has any abnormal behavior, they will immediately be alert.

Seeing Xiao Yin walking out, several Taiping Dao Zhenren also stood up.

Now it is a temporary adjournment, waiting for the Grand Master Election Committee to count the votes, and they can actually leave. It's just that Qi Xuansu's target is too big to move lightly, so Xiao Yin was sent to leave first.

Xiao Yin and the Taiping Daoists went out of the Golden Palace one after another and came to the square outside.

There were only some spiritual officials in charge of the ceremonial guards here. Xiao Yin suddenly quickened his pace and ran away. Several Taiping Daoists looked at each other and quickened their pace to follow him.

Because Yujing did not allow flying, they all ran to compete with each other's leg strength.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yin had already left the range of Zifu and entered the range of Xuandu.

Several Taiping Daoists also chased after him.

These Taiping Daoists were certainly not comparable to the three Daxuan first-rank military officers, but when summarizing the experience and lessons afterwards, Taiping Dao believed that the problem at that time was that they went into battle one after another, which became a tactic of adding fuel, so this ghost girl succeeded.

This time, we must learn from the experience and lessons, we cannot engage in a one-on-one duel, we must attack in groups, and we should fight against the few with more people at the beginning. This ghost girl is only at the stage of creation, and without those strange means, she is not really invincible.

This summary is correct, but the specific situation still depends on the execution.

At this moment, Xiao Yin suddenly stopped and turned around.

Several Taoist masters who had been chasing Xiao Yin also stopped, and the leader asked: "Xiao Qi, where are you going?"

Xiao Yin shouted: "What does it have to do with you? Where are you from? You look so disgusting and your appearance is a bit weird. You must be a demon from somewhere else."

While talking, Xiao Yin had already taken out his big brush, and played with it in a proper manner, and shouted: "Demon, I'll beat you up!"

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