Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 9: Legal Decree

Qi Xuansu left Xuandu all the way and came to Yujing.

It is true that Master Cihang secretly summoned six first-grade spiritual officers to the capital, but strictly speaking, the place where the six first-grade spiritual officers arrived was the Yuzhu Peak Spiritual Official Mansion, not the Yujing located at Yuxu Peak.

Yuxu Peak and Yuzhu Peak are sister peaks. The main daily activities of people in the Taoist sect are on Yuxu Peak. Yuzhu Peak is the largest flying boat port and military camp in the Taoist sect. "Yinglong" and various combat flying boats are docked here. In the glacial lake of Mount Yuzhu.

Under normal circumstances, the spirit officers of the brigade are not allowed to enter Yujing without permission from Jinque. Of course, individual first-grade spiritual officers can enter the Jade Capital, but six first-grade spiritual officers entering the capital at the same time is a different matter.

Therefore, according to the plan formulated by Qi Xuansu, in order not to attract attention, the six first-grade spiritual officers were divided into parts, entered Yujing separately, and hibernated first.

Then when the time comes, gather together and wait for Qi Xuansu's order.

So far, although there have been some twists and turns along the way, such as the failure of the God of Luo to respond and the Patriarch Jin Gong blocking the way in the street, the development of the situation is still planned. Qi Xuansu has sent the envoy Xiao Yin to gather in advance and wait for his arrival.

The meeting place was Taishangfang.

This can be considered darkness under the lamp.

Most of the people who can live in Taishangfang are Shenzhi Zhenren, with a few exceptions, they are also beings such as the Three Shows of the Taoist Sect.

Under normal circumstances, Taishangfang is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. There are too many experts and it is not a hiding place at all.

But today's situation is special. Everyone who can live in Taishangfang has gone to Jinque. Today's Taishangfang has become an empty place.

This is one of the reasons why Qi Xuansu asked Xiao Yin to be the envoy. Xiao Yin coming from Jinque means that Taishangfang is empty and can enter Taishangfang.

At the same time, Taishangfang is also the closest to Xuandu, making it easier to bypass Beichen Hall's defense line.

As for the specific location, of course it is Qi Xuansu's home.

As early as when Qi Xuansu went out this morning, he temporarily dismissed all the Taoists at home, leaving only an empty house.

To do great things, don't waste your life. Qi Xuansu has been deeply involved in it all the way. There is no room for turning back, and he doesn't care about this relationship. If it fails, he will bear all the blame. Whether to kill someone at the slightest provocation or to rise up to resist is another matter.

When Qi Xuansu returned to the main hall of his home, he saw Xiao Yin sitting in Zhang Yuelu's seat in a grand manner. Generally, there are two main seats, and the other seat belonging to Qi Xuansu was empty - if it were Qi Xuansu, it would not be the case. At home, Xiao Yin sat in Qi Xuansu's seat.

The six spiritual officials sat on the left and right respectively, with their hands on their knees, solemn and silent, motionless.

Seeing Qi Xuansu come in, six first-grade spiritual officers, except Xiao Yin, all stood up.

"I've met Master Qi."

Qi Xuansu strode to the main seat, but did not sit down. He turned around and looked around: "The election results of Jinque have come out. Our teacher got twenty-five votes, and Qingwei Zhenren got seventeen votes. According to the ancestral instructions of Xuan Sheng and According to the election regulations of the Grand Master, our teacher has been successfully elected as the seventh Grand Master of the Dao Sect!”

As soon as these words came out, the six first-grade spiritual officers all looked happy.

They have already been involved in this matter, and even if there is no way back, they still hope to stand on the side of the great leader to suppress the rebellion, rather than going to "conspire". This result is of course the best.

Qi Xuansu took out the "Three Treasures Ruyi", held it in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "All spiritual officials, listen to the order!"

Six first-grade spiritual officers leaned forward and shouted: "Here!"

Qi Xuansu said: "According to the decree of the Grand Master, follow me to the Zi Mansion to protect the Golden Tower!"

"Here!" The six straightened up.

Qi Xuansu strode out of the main hall, followed closely by six first-grade spiritual officers.

Xiao Yin also quickly jumped off the chair and followed behind.

At this time, Taishangfang was empty, so naturally there was no one to stop them.

Not far from Taishangfang, there is the entrance of Xuandu.

There are rotating spiritual officers responsible for guarding here, but the spiritual officers can't help but feel at a loss when they see their usual superiors.

Especially the Jiazi Spiritual Officer. He is not only the first spiritual officer, but also the great inspection spiritual officer. He has the power to supervise hundreds of thousands of spiritual officers. Therefore, if there is a problem with the Jiashen Spiritual Officer, he will go there personally after getting the permission of the real person Cihang. The Taoist government of the Western Regions brought Jiashen Lingguan back.

For ordinary spiritual officers, it is difficult for them to meet such a big figure as Jiazi Spiritual Officer. Today, not only did they meet him, but they also met five other equally high-ranking first-grade spiritual officers.

As part of their responsibilities, they dare not let a group of first-grade spiritual officials enter Xuandu without permission.

But if they block the road and they really don’t dare, it’s a dilemma.

At this moment, the people from Beichen Hall arrived.

Beichen Hall is responsible for the defense of Yujing, and it happens to be within the scope of Yujing at this time.

The leader is Shen Mingxin, the second-in-command of Beichen Hall. Since Master Qingwei and Li Changge are not here, Shen Mingxin should be the leader.

Shen Mingxin did not come alone. In addition to the people from Beichen Hall, there were also several Taiping Taoists.

Xiao Yin tugged on Qi Xuansu's sleeve and whispered, "That's the person who was chasing me just now."

Shen Mingxin looked at Qi Xuansu: "Master Qi, shouldn't you be participating in the election of the Grand Master at the Golden Palace of the Zi Mansion? Why did you come to Yujing? What do you want to do with so many first-grade spiritual officers?"

Qi Xuansu smiled: "I participated in the voting in Jinque, but the election has ended. My master Donghua Zhenren won the election and ordered me to lead a group of spiritual officials to strengthen the defense work of Zifu and Jinque. There must be no omissions. "

Shen Mingxin immediately said: "No, if the election is over, then it should be announced to the world immediately. I have not heard the news that Master Donghua was elected as the Seventh Generation Grand Master. What's more, all the Masters have not left Jinque, I'm afraid... "

"I'm afraid that before the election is over, I sneaked out alone to pretend to preach the decree, right?" Qi Xuansu took over.

Shen Mingxin snorted: "Exactly."

Qi Xuansu took out the "Three Treasures Ruyi" and held it up high: "You can see clearly what this is."

Everyone is perverted.

"The Great Master's token."

Qi Xuansu looked at Shen Mingxin: "Isn't this enough proof?"

Shen Mingxin's expression changed, and finally he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "As we all know, the Sixth Generation Grand Master ascended ahead of schedule, leaving the Grand Master's position vacant, so the Grand Master's token has been kept in the Zixiao Palace, and is controlled by Zixiao. The master of the palace, Da Zhenren, is in charge of it. It’s hard to say from whom the ‘Three Treasures of Ruyi’ in Zhen Zhen’s hands came from.”

Qi Xuansu said: "In that case, you and I will go to Jinque together. Who is right and who is wrong will be known by asking."

"No." Shen Ming said in his heart, "If Master Qi has other intentions, I will make a big mistake by letting Master Qi in. I also ask Master Qi to wait here for a while until the results of the election of the Grand Master come out. If this is true, As Master Qi said, I will let you in."

Qi Xuansu sneered: "The Grandmaster ordered me to strengthen the defense of Jinque, but you obstructed me in every possible way. You neither let me in nor went with me to Jinque. What are your intentions?"

Shen Mingxin didn't speak, but just put on a defensive posture.

So did the person behind him.

Qi Xuansu stared at Shen Mingxin and continued: "Let me say it for the last time, get out of the way immediately, otherwise I will kill you on behalf of God. Don't say it was unforeseen."

Naturally, Shen Ming's heart would not be swayed by Qi Xuansu's few words, and he did not believe that Qi Xuansu dared to use weapons rashly in Yujing. Yujing has been at peace for too long. It has been so long that the Huayuan Taoist priests have been in charge, and they have forgotten that the basis of rules lies in force.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand with the "Three Treasures Ruyi".

The first-grade spiritual officer behind him immediately understood and strode forward.

The six first-grade spiritual officers were so intimidating that even if Grandmaster Jin Gong was here, he would be captured on the spot.

In particular, Jiazi Spirit Officer is the first spiritual officer and the most powerful existence among the one hundred thousand spiritual officers. He is very close to an immortal. There are even rumors that under certain special conditions, Jiazi Spirit Officer can break through the boundaries of immortality like the ancestor of Xuanhuiyuan, but no one has ever seen it, and I don't know whether it is true or not.

Regardless of whether this rumor is true or not, it does not affect the power of Jiazi Spiritual Officer.

After Qi Xuansu signaled to take action, Jiazi Lingguan was the first to take action. Although Shen Mingxin was on guard, Shen Mingxin was still surprised when faced with Jiazi Lingguan's grasp, because the grasp was so powerful that it even exceeded The scope of spiritual official means.

It seemed like an ordinary grab, but it brought forth five powerful energies, attacking from all directions.

This is exactly the Confucian secret "Five Mountains Feng Chan Hand" that Master Qingwei once used. It is called "Sacrifice to Heaven", and Zen is "Sacrifice to Earth". Feng Chan means heaven and earth. The five fingers correspond to the five mountains, and according to the momentum of the five fingers, they move towards the opponent's world. Attacking from above, below, and from all directions, it is like the five mountains pressing down on the top. It can directly crush people into powder, and can also suppress and blockade people. At that time, the Confucian sect's mind-study sage once uprooted a mountain peak and suppressed a Taoist sect at the foot of the mountain.

Although Jiazi Lingguan cannot be compared with the Saint of Xinxue, Shen Mingxin is not an immortal, so it is more than enough to deal with him.

Shen Mingxin also didn't expect Jiazi Lingguan, as a member of the Lingguan who relied on the Lingguan armor, to have mastered such a unique skill. He was defenseless, unable to avoid, and unable to hide.

This change is too strange and too fast, otherwise Shen Mingxin is also very good in cultivation. If he fights with Jiazi Spirit Officer, although he will lose in the end, he will never be captured by him in one move.

This time the rabbit rose and the falcon retreated, a strange change that no one could have expected. Jiazi Spirit Officer grabbed Shen Mingxin's "Tanzhong Point", then with a finger of his right hand, he hit his heart. Shen Mingxin's body softened and he fell to the ground.

Then Jiazi Lingguan grabbed Shen Mingxin's throat.

If it had been Li Changge here, there might have been a different result, and he would not have been captured with one move, but the final result would not have changed, because Qi Xuansu never made a move from beginning to end. Although Qi Xuansu couldn't defeat Grandmaster Jin Gong, he still had few opponents below the level of Immortal.

The people around Shen Mingxin also wanted to take action, but were easily blocked by other first-grade spiritual officers.

This is pure force suppression.

Officer Jiazi led Shen Mingxin to Qi Xuansu and forced him to kneel on the ground.

Qi Xuansu said condescendingly: "For the sake of Master Qingwei, I will spare your life and stay here."

Then Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "Enter the city!"

No matter it was the spiritual officer on duty here or the people from Beichen Hall, they all did not dare to stop him and all moved out of the way.

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