Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 14: Mental Defense

Qi Xuansu left Yuxu Palace in a daze. When he came to his senses, he was standing by Kunlun Yaochi. The clear lake reflected his face, as if he had lost his parents.

Qi Xuansu stared at his reflection in the lake and slowly sat on the lake bank.

Then Qi Xuansu found that there was another face in the reflection of the lake.

Qi Xuansu looked back suddenly and saw Yao Pei following him and standing behind him.

"Su Yi." Qi Xuansu did not stand up, "Why are you here?"

Yao Pei was just indifferent, not stupid, and normal communication was still possible.

"You were in a daze after coming out of the abode." Yao Pei said, "It seems that the geomancer said something to you."

Qi Xuansu did not speak, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Yao Pei did not ask what the geomancer said, but asked: "Why are you depressed?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I suddenly feel that the past is just like a big dream, and it is a dream woven by others for me."

Yao Pei said: "Yesterday's things are like yesterday's death. Today's things are like today's birth. Others can only weave your past, and the future is still in your hands. The past is determined, the future is uncertain, and the uncertain things are hard to predict. Maybe the person you are talking about has made plans for the future, but there is another saying, plans cannot keep up with changes."

Qi Xuansu looked at Yao Pei in surprise: "You can say so many words in one breath, It's really rare. "

Yao Pei said: "It's also rare that you are so discouraged."

Qi Xuansu said: "Buddhism talks about cause and effect, yesterday's cause, today's result. The previous cause is set, can the consequence be changed?"

Yao Pei said: "There are consequences after the consequences, and there are previous causes before the previous causes. Do you think the consequences are the final results? Are the previous causes you see the initial causes?"

Qi Xuansu was stunned for a long time: "Are you playing tricks on me?"

Yao Pei put his hands behind his back and looked at Kunlun Yaochi: "I just kindly reminded you."

Qi Xuansu looked at Yao Pei and suddenly felt that Yao Pei was a little strange and unfathomable today.

However, Qi Xuansu thought about it and felt that Yao Pei's words seemed to make some sense. In the history of Taoism for more than 200 years, he Qi Xuansu was neither the beginning nor the end, but only a section in the middle.

Qi Xuansu was about to ask in depth, but Yao Pei didn't want to talk in depth: "I'll stop here, you can think about it slowly."

After that, Yao Pei turned and walked towards Yuxu Palace.

Qi Xuansu finally stood up and watched Yao Pei leave.

After this incident, Qi Xuansu temporarily lost the courage to face the Earth Master, and did not go to Zixiao Palace, and simply went back home.

During the election, it was difficult for Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren to get away, so many things had to be handed over to Qi Xuansu. Now that the election is over, Donghua Zhenren and Cihang Zhenren no longer have to be confined in Jinque. Even if there are any emergencies, the two of them can handle it by themselves, and it won’t be a big deal.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu doesn’t have to stay in Zixiao Palace, and it’s no big deal to go home directly.

Because Qi Xuansu had previously dismissed all the Taoists in his family, the huge mansion was empty, without a single figure or a single human presence.

Qi Xuansu came to the patio behind the main hall, dragged a recliner casually, lay on it and closed his eyes to take a nap, in order to calm his mind.

After an unknown period of time, a burst of noise broke the silence of the mansion.

The one who could make this noise was undoubtedly Xiao Yin.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Yin came over with a hop and a skip. Seeing Qi Xuansu lazing around on the recliner, Xiao Yin didn't hesitate. He jumped high, rolled two and a half times in the air, and then landed on Qi Xuansu's stomach accurately and fiercely.

It was only because of Qi Xuansu's martial arts physique that he could withstand Xiao Yin's harm. If it were someone else, he would have lost at least half his life.

Qi Xuansu couldn't take a nap anymore, so he opened his eyes: "Xiao Yin, didn't I ask you to go find Wu Niang?"

Xiao Yin rode on Qi Xuansu: "I went to find Wu Niang, but Wu Niang was very busy. She had to help Lao Jiang prepare for the enthronement ceremony, and I couldn't help. I was bored alone, so I came back."

Qi Xuansu patted her lightly: "You call me Lao Jiang? You are so disrespectful."

Xiao Yin rolled on Qi Xuansu's body and kicked Qi Xuansu: "What else can I call you if not Lao Jiang? Grandpa Jiang?"

"Wasn't it easy for you to call Grandpa Wan before? Why don't you call me Grandpa now?" Qi Xuansu pulled Xiao Yin off him and put her on the ground.

Xiao Yin said, "The past is the past, and the present is the present. How can they be the same?"

Qi Xuansu didn't want to talk to her about this, and said seriously, "Xiao Yin, you are back just in time. I have something to ask you."

Xiao Yin put his hands behind his back and said in a mature tone, "You can ask, but I may not answer." I don't know who he learned these words from, but he sounded like a big shot.

Qi Xuansu said, "Xiao Yin, if I am not myself, will you still recognize me?"

Xiao Yin blinked, "What do you mean you are not you?"

Qi Xuansu chose his words carefully, "That is to say, I am not who I am today, not the head of the Western Region Taoist Palace, not the head of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, not a small headmaster, not a deputy headmaster, not even a high-ranking Taoist priest, just a... seventh-rank Taoist priest.

"Naturally, I can't afford to live in the mansion of Taishangfang. Without all kinds of special treatment, I can only rent a small courtyard in Haichanfang. Not to mention entering and exiting Zixiao Palace and Zifu, even Xuandu may not be able to enter. When traveling, you cannot take a luxurious sky mansion, but can only take an ordinary flying boat that costs 100 Taiping coins, and the room is cramped. There is no dragon meat, no "drunken life and dream of death", but you have to run around for a few hundred Taiping coins.

"Of course, I don't have the cultivation of a pseudo-immortal, and I don't have so many... friends, such as He Luoshen, Long Xiaobai, Yan Yongzhen, Chen Jiangou, and even Wu Niang, Donghua Zhenren, Cihang Zhenren, Tianshi, Lao Lin, and your grandfather, Grandpa Wan, Aunt Bai, etc."

Qi Xuansu hesitated: "But Lao Pei and Lao Ji should still have contacts, but they can't be considered friends, they have to be considered seniors."

Xiao Yin was a little dumbfounded, and asked after a long time: "Where is Lao Zhang? Where is Qi Niang?"

Qi Xuansu said: "They are still there."

Xiao Yin said: "Of course I am here too."

Qi Xuansu seemed relieved, and his tone was even a little gentle: "Xiao Yin, we are just discussing a if, you don't have to deliberately comfort me."

Xiao Yin said: "Old Qi, actually I understand what you mean."

Qi Xuansu looked at Xiao Yin.

Xiao Yin continued: "Old Qi, the first time we met was in Guiguan, at that time you were holding Bu Yue's hand, there was no flying boat, no mansion, no real person, no pseudo-immortal, and even no Old Zhang."

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly.

Xiao Yin said, "I don't feel anything. Everything is fine."

Qi Xuansu sighed and said with lowered eyes, "What if I have always been like this? Without all the things that happened later..."

Xiao Yin suddenly said loudly, "Old Qi!"

Qi Xuansu looked at Xiao Yin.

Xiao Yin said seriously, "If you have always been the Old Qi that I first met at the Ghost Gate, maybe there would be no Fenglinzhou, Nanyang, Yujing, and Western Regions later, and maybe we would not be like today."

Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin looked at each other.

"But." Xiao Yin said loudly, "We have now experienced Fenglinzhou, Nanyang, Yujing, and Western Regions. Even if you become the Old Qi of the Ghost Gate today, there is nothing, but the Fenglinzhou, Nanyang, Yujing, and Western Regions between us will not disappear. I am still me, and you are still you. You are still Old Qi."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a long time, and slowly smiled.

Although Xiao Yin's words were confusing, Xiao Yin was right.

Qi Xuansu lifted Xiao Yin high up: "That's it, that's how it should be."

Xiao Yin kicked his short legs: "Put me down quickly."

Qi Xuansu put Xiao Yin down. Although he was not old, he was still very sad.

Xiao Yin said: "Old Qi, this is not like you. Why are you so sentimental? Like a delicate young lady."

The women in the old Qi family, from Qi Niang to Zhang Yuelu to Xiao Yin, are not delicate young ladies. They have strength and means.

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Being exposed by a few words from others, I feel like a jumping clown. Every move is self-righteous, unable to let go, unable to break free, and unable to see through. But it's much better now, thanks to you and your sister Yao."

"Ah?" Xiao Yin was surprised, "Who is Sister Yao?"

Qi Xuansu said: "She is Qi Niang's niece, surnamed Yao and named Pei, who happens to be of the same generation as you, so you have to call her sister."

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