Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 25: Moving Forward Together

The highest institution of learning in the imperial court under the framework of Confucianism is the Imperial College.

There are similarities and differences between studying in the Imperial College and taking the imperial examination.

The similarity is that both require examinations. The difference is that the Imperial College is just a school, and only students with particularly outstanding performance can directly become officials through channels such as the imperial examination or the Ministry of Personnel examination. For most students in the Imperial College, if they want to pass the imperial examination, they still have to take the imperial examination.

There are roughly two ways to enter the Imperial College: tribute students and supervisors.

A tribute student refers to a scholar who is selected from the scholars of various states with excellent grades or qualifications and is promoted to study in the Imperial College in the capital. This is one of the most common ways of recruiting students in the Imperial College.

There are many types of tribute students, such as the selected tribute students, who are elected by the local area and sent to the capital for unified testing by the central government of the court. The outstanding ones enter the Imperial College to study.

The selected students are the most outstanding students among many sources of students, and they are also the most valued students among the students of the Imperial Academy. Following the principle of "better to have no students than to have bad ones", if the selected students have poor knowledge and bad character, the recommender will be severely punished.

The emperor will personally summon the selected students who are both good in character and learning. If the opportunity of this summons is grasped well, they can be directly granted official positions.

In addition, there are also excellent students: those who enter the Imperial Academy without recommendation; deputy students: candidates who did not make the list in the provincial examination but entered the deputy list, and entered the Imperial Academy in a similar way to the expansion of enrollment; regular students: paying a certain amount of money to enter the academy.

The students are divided into Enjian students: quotas for students who apply for the Academy of Mathematics; Yinjian students: taking care of the children of officials who have made special contributions to the country; Youjian students: selected from the scholars and martial students who have not obtained the qualifications of the stipend students in various prefectures and counties; regular students: paying a certain amount of money to enter the academy to study.

As a child of the Li family, Li Zhixing has many ways to enter the Imperial College. The Li family is powerful and wealthy, so whether it is recommended or paid by oneself, it is not a problem.

The key is that Li Zhixing's talent and learning were not good in the past. Even if the Li family planned a tribute student for him, he would be in front of the emperor. His knowledge was poor and his character was bad. Who would dare to recommend him?

However, Li Zhixing at this time was naturally different from the past. After being replaced by Qin Lingge, he was talented and knowledgeable, elegant and noble, respectful and humble, and had a noble character. He was like his father and would definitely inherit the family business.

When Qi Xuansu was traveling, borrowing books, and studying, Qin Lingge was certainly not idle. He was mainly doing one thing, which was to gradually change the views of his relatives and friends on him.

Qi Xuansu's main character was hardworking and studious, while Qin Lingge's main character was to return to the right path.

After so many years, the useless son has become an outstanding child of the Li family. At this time, the advantages of the useless son gradually emerged. Yin Zhengxin could only go to the capital when he went to Beijing to take the imperial examination, while Li Zhixing was born in the capital. After the Li family changed their views on Li Zhixing, they certainly had to vigorously support Li Zhixing and use their connections to directly plan a status of a selected tribute student for Li Zhixing. He did not need to take an exam, pay fees, or make up classes. He could directly enter the inner class Chengxin Hall of the Imperial College to study.

You should know that no matter whether it is a student or a tribute student, after arriving at the Imperial College to report, they must take a large-scale graded examination, and those who pass the examination are eligible to make up classes. The "class" here refers to the inner class and outer class of the Imperial College.

The quota for the inner class is 130, and the quota for the outer class is 120. Students in the inner class can live in the Nanxue School in the south of the Imperial College, while students in the outer class need to rent a house to live in. These students who have passed the exam must wait for students in the inner and outer classes to graduate before they can make up classes in order.

At the same time, they are divided into three grades according to their grades, and the lowest grade is Zhengyi Hall, Chongzhi Hall and Guangye Hall. After a year and a half, those who have achieved academic success can enter Xiudao Hall and Chengxin Hall to study. After another year and a half, those who are proficient in both classics and history and excellent in both literature and science can be promoted to the highest class, Ratexing Hall.

After entering Ratexing Hall, students began to implement a points system.

The method is that in the first month of each quarter, there is a test on the meaning of the classics, in the second month, there is a test on the essay, the imperial edict, the imperial edict, and the internal science, and in the third month, there is a test on the classics and history, and two judgments. Those who excel in each exam will be given one credit, those who are slightly deficient will be given half a point, and those who are very poor will not be given any points. If you can accumulate eight credits every year, you will meet the graduation standard, and those who fail will have to repeat the grade.

This is the advantage of being a tribute student, skipping many procedures and going straight to the final step.

As long as Li Zhixing is promoted to Ratexing Hall again and accumulates eight credits a year, he can be summoned by the emperor.

This is Qin Lingge's shortcut to Zhongnan.

Qi Xuansu will have to wait until the palace examination to be eligible to see the emperor.

Everyone watching the chess game noticed something different.

"This is strange. The young master took the right path of the imperial examination. He was a Jinshi and entered the cabinet. This is the right path in the eyes of Confucianists. But how did Ning Lingge, a Confucian, take the crooked path of luck?"

"Although being a Gongsheng is better than being a Jiansheng, it is not as good as being a Jinshi. After all, the Wei Dynasty is not a place where people are not rich. They value origin too much and no longer have the prime minister starting from the prefectures and counties. There has never been a cabinet elder who was a Gongsheng. At most, he is a frontier official. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a crooked path. Did Ning Lingge and the young master exchange routines?"

"In this world, the Li family has many titles. If you inherit a title, you can enter the cabinet."

"It's difficult. This Li Zhixing was born from a branch family and is not the eldest son. How can he inherit the title? Unless Mr. Qin uses some tricks. However, the important people in this world are protected by dragon energy and have good fortune. To achieve this, Mr. Qin must have a son."

"In this way, Mr. Qin's advantage of leading by one son will be gone."

Of course, there is a contempt chain within the Confucian school. The best class is the Jinshi, followed by the Tong Jinshi, and then the Gongsheng, Juren, Jiansheng, Xiucai, etc. Just like the Taoist priests of the Taoist school, the Taoist priests from the Zhang and Li families are the purest Taoist priests. After all, their ancestors founded the foundation of the Taoist school, followed by other aristocratic families, and then the Taoist palace with a clean background, followed by people or non-humans outside the Central Plains, and finally the Tong Daoshi.

This difference also determines the upper limit of the future to a certain extent.

Maybe some people say that those who are born in the Taoist palace can also be the headmaster. Because this position is the face of equality in the Taoist school, it is an exception. But who holds the position of the three masters and most of the positions in the Golden Palace? If these people unite, what will happen to the Grand Master?

After Li Zhixing entered the Imperial College, he had excellent grades.

On the fifteenth day of each month, students in the Imperial College have to take "big classes", which is equivalent to the monthly exam of the Wanxiang Dao Palace. The exam content is divided into one article of the Four Books and Arts and one five-character eight-rhyme poem. The exam time is a whole day.

After the exam marking work is completed, the results will be announced on the first day of the second month. The results are divided into three grades. If you do not enter the third grade in three exams, you will be expelled from the Imperial College.

After Li Zhixing entered the Imperial College, he had first-class grades for nine consecutive months. He became famous for a while. From the Imperial College Dean, Jiancheng, to Xuezheng and Xuelu, they all praised Li Zhengxing. Finally, his reputation was heard by the Imperial College Jijiu.

The Imperial College Jijiu made an exception and promoted him, exempting the rest of his studies and directly promoted him to the Ratexing Hall.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also completed the marriage of Yin Zhengxin and Huang Rong. While Yin Zhengxin was studying with Huang Mei, he met many senior scholars under the introduction of his father-in-law, and exchanged poems and courtesies.

Li Zhixing had a family background but no knowledge, and Qin Lingge just made up for this.

Yin Zhengxin had talent but could not display it, and Qi Xuansu also made up for this.

Both of them chose people with a purpose, not randomly.

Although Yin Zhengxin and Li Zhixing did not know each other's existence, only those who watched the chess game could see it at a glance, but they did not dare to slow down for half a point, for fear that one step slowed down and all steps slowed down, and generally they kept pace.

Qi Xuansu was delayed for a year because of Yin Zhengxin's marriage, and he also felt that Yin Zhengxin was not knowledgeable enough, so he did not go to Beijing to take the exam immediately after winning the title of Jieyuan, but it was also a coincidence that there was an encyclopedia in the second half of this year.

The so-called "Enke" is the imperial examination held once every three years. In addition to the regular examination, the emperor's special grace is to select scholars.

As the saying goes, after you get married and start a career, you should get a big one after passing the small exam.

So Qi Xuansu began to prepare for many things to go to Beijing to take the exam.

Don't look at the talented scholars and beautiful women, the protagonist is always a scholar who goes to Beijing to take the exam, and he encounters a fox demon opening a shop, a female ghost sleeping in a ruined temple, or a daughter of a rich family.

Of course, this is all nonsense. What is a Juren? It is a master, a gentry, a landlord, a dog rich family, with a proper official status and various privileges, not a Tongsheng who doesn't even have the title of a scholar. So unless it is a prodigal son who is particularly bad at business, there is no such thing as a poor Juren.

Even if a Juren is down and out, there are some wealthy families or classmates who rush to help him and make a good relationship. There are also private institutions that specialize in lending money to Juren, and they can slowly pay it back after becoming an official. Three years of being a clean magistrate, 100,000 snowflake silver. How could she be so poor that she would carry a bookcase to Beijing alone? She would not settle in a desolate mountain.

From this, we can see that most of the scholars who wrote about talented men and beautiful women had no official title, had never seen the life of a scholar, and judged others by their own standards, so they wrote about these romantic stories.

As for the daughter of a rich family, it was even more fictitious. They all came from a scholarly family. Their fathers were either ministers or prime ministers. They must have loved a daughter like a treasure. This daughter must be well-versed in literature and etiquette, and she was actually a stunning beauty. As soon as she saw a handsome man, whether he was a relative or a friend, she thought of the most important thing in her life, and forgot about her parents and etiquette. How could there be such a woman? Moreover, since she was said to be a daughter of a scholarly family, there must be many people in such a family, and many wet nurses and maids. How could there be only a daughter and a maid following her?

It was the emperor carrying the golden hoe, the West Palace empress making pancakes, the East Palace empress peeling green onions, and if she wanted to dip them in brown sugar, she would dip them in brown sugar, if she wanted to dip them in white sugar, she would dip them in white sugar.

Yin Zhengxin brought five or six servants and bookboys with him when he went to the capital this time. Even though the scene was not as grand as that of the children of the noble families, it was not small at all.

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