Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 28: Moves one after another

After the official ranking is announced, it is a tour of the city to praise the officials, and a banquet is given in the evening.

Many generals who return victoriously may not have the honor of riding a horse to tour the capital, but the champion has this qualification, which shows the extent to which the respect for literature and suppression of military power has been reached.

The three top scholars are personally sent to the palace gate by the cabinet ministers, and the Shuntian prefectural governor welcomes them and personally escorts the three top scholars. At this time, a colorful tent is set up outside the palace gate, and both officials and civilians can watch the style of the new Jinshi.

After praising the officials, they will return to the inner city, and there will be a banquet in the evening.

For a time, the reputation of the new champion Zhao Yan reached the peak. Everyone knew the champion, and the little snake transformed by his luck began to transform into a python.

The next step is to observe politics.

The so-called observation of politics means that after the scholars pass the Jinshi exam, they are not immediately appointed as officials, but are sent to the six ministries and nine ministers to practice political affairs. To put it bluntly, it is to see how others handle their duties. After all, a group of scholars who have never been exposed to practical work also need a learning process.

This process takes about three months, so Yin Zhengxin asked Huang Rong to prepare a house in advance.

The official position will be granted only after the observation of politics is over.

The top scholar will be appointed as a compiler of the Hanlin Academy, and the second and third scholars will be appointed as editors of the Hanlin Academy. The rest of the Jinshi will take the imperial examination, and will be tested on the imperial edicts, memorials, poems and essays. Those who are good at literature and calligraphy will be selected as Shujishi, and the rest will be appointed as the six ministries, county magistrates, etc. In fact, to obtain the positions of the head of the six ministries and county magistrates, one must go through the process of being a candidate and a candidate. If one is unlucky, he will never be an official.

As for how the candidates and candidates can get the real job as soon as possible, of course, they can use the connections if they have connections, and use the wealth if they have money.

Yin Zhengxin was born in a poor family and did not have much money. He was also helped by his father-in-law. However, Yin Zhengxin was able to use the connections. He almost failed because of his connections, and now it is finally useful.

Yin Zhengxin first took the imperial examination, and then he had to visit this uncle and that uncle.

These elders are certainly not good people, but Yin Zhengxin has passed the imperial examination and has a bright future. He is useful to the elders, so he is worth investing in. After all, the elders will retire eventually, and they have to rely on these younger generations to help their children and grandchildren. This is called "passing on the torch". If Yin Zhengxin was just a juren and could only be a ninth-rank teacher, these elders would definitely not look at Yin Zhengxin, and they might not even be able to enter the gate.

In the end, with Yin Zhengxin's operation, he successfully became an official.

However, unexpectedly, Yin Zhengxin did not enter the Hanlin Academy, but was sent to Qiongming County, Hejian Prefecture, Yanzhou as a county magistrate.

In the Taoist world, Yanzhou is somewhat mediocre. It can neither be compared with coastal and overseas prefectures nor with many border prefectures. It is just an inland prefecture.

But in the Confucian world, Yanzhou is already a border. A considerable part of the so-called nine border towns is within the territory of Yanzhou.

Yanzhou is under the jurisdiction of Daming Prefecture, Kaide Prefecture, Hejian Prefecture, Zhending Prefecture, Zhongshan Prefecture, Xinde Prefecture, and Qingyuan Prefecture. Hejian Prefecture is in the lower middle level, and Qiongming County ranks at the bottom of Hejian Prefecture. It was originally named "Qiongmingbao", not a county seat, but later expanded to a county. The higher-ups thought it was too unpleasant, so they took the homophonic "Qiongming".

The chess spectators discussed again.

"At that time, the Great Xuan Emperor, that is, the chief of our Taoist sect, the Great Immortal Yuxu Wulei Changsheng, was entrenched in Liaodong and wanted to march south. At that time, there were three routes, one was to enter the pass from Yuguan, the second was to detour through the line of Jinzhang and Yanzhou, and the third was to land in Qizhou by boat. In the end, the Great Immortal Changsheng and Xuansheng agreed to divide the troops into two routes, the land route went south from Yuguan, and the water route landed in Qizhou. The two armies met at the foot of the imperial capital, and the Great Wei court perished as a result."

"At that time, the North Daomen led the land army, and the water route led the The main army is from the Dongdao Sect, which is today's imperial court and Taiping Dao. The foundation of the friendship between the two families was laid at this time, so the area north of the Yangtze River is their territory. "

"I'm getting off topic. From what I see, Qin Lingge's layout is to imitate the great immortal Changsheng's entry into the pass, so he managed Liaodong in advance. Logically speaking, the young master should go to the south to accumulate strength. In this way, one in the south and one in the north, when the world is in chaos and the climate is ripe, the young master will lead his army to the north and Qin Lingge will lead his army to the south, just like a male and a female. "

"But how many people have succeeded in the Northern Expedition throughout history? There was only one Emperor Taizu of the Great Wei Dynasty. Even the Marquis Wu failed. Moreover, even if the Emperor Taizu of the Great Wei Dynasty succeeded, he did not achieve his full success. It was the Golden Horde that took the initiative to abandon the capital. Throughout the Wei Dynasty, the Golden Horde was never destroyed and repeatedly invaded the border. It was not until our Taoist sect became the common ruler of the world that there was no war on the border. The difficulty of the Northern Expedition can be imagined. It is reasonable for the young master not to go to the south."

"But Yanzhou is not as good as Jiangnan. Although Jiangnan values ​​culture over military, it still has money and food. Sufficient. The people of Yanzhou are tough, but it is too close to the imperial capital, making it difficult to develop their own power. Moreover, they have to face Liaodong directly. When the Liaodong army marches south, Yanzhou will be the first to bear the brunt. It doesn't make sense. "

"If you ask me, I'm afraid it's not the little master who wants to go to Yanzhou, but the "variable" mentioned by the big master. The changes in the way of heaven in this world have made the emperor in the world feel something, and he directly ordered the little master to go to Yanzhou. "

Qi Xuansu also noticed the resistance of this world, and frowned slightly.

However, Qi Xuansu didn't have a good way, so he could only continue to lay out according to the original plan.

So Yin Zhengxin went to the Ministry of Personnel to get the official robes and seals, and took his family and children to Qiongming County to take up his post.

There are post stations along the official road. Officials who take office can get different treatments according to their ranks. They are responsible for all food, accommodation, and transportation along the way, which is much more convenient.

And Yanzhou is close, and it will be there in a few days.

Yin Zhengxin first went to the state capital to report to the governor and the governor, and then went to the prefectural capital to meet the prefect. The prefectural government then sent someone to go to the county capital with Yin Zhengxin to take up his post.

The county had been notified long ago, and everyone from the county magistrate to the three shifts of yamen runners went out of the city to welcome him.

Although a county is not big, it is small but complete. There are six rooms corresponding to six ministries, the county magistrate corresponds to the cabinet, and the county magistrate is even known as the Marquis of Baili.

There is also a ranking. The county magistrate is the eldest master, the so-called upright eldest master, the county magistrate is the second master, the chief clerk is the third master, and so on.

Although Qi Xuansu was respected as a little master, he was not a prince born to a woman in the deep palace, but climbed up step by step from the bottom. He was experienced and had just cleared up the Western Region Daofu. Now, in the name of the county magistrate, he used both kindness and power to subdue the people of a county government. Of course, it is not difficult.

Under normal circumstances, the county magistrate is just a floating official and has no power. But once the world is in chaos, it will be different. The elders sitting in the central government have become decorations, and the local governors are the ones who hold great power and can even compete for the world.

Qi Xuansu and Qin Lingge took this path.

After becoming a county magistrate, you have to make some achievements. As a county magistrate, you don’t have to reopen the land trade route. The governance system and technical level of the Confucian school are still very backward, and there is no talk of economic development. At most, it is to encourage agriculture and reclamation of fields. The disadvantage of this kind of achievement is that it takes too long to take effect.

Qi Xuansu thought about it and decided that it would be better to suppress bandits.

In addition to the capital area, there are bandit problems everywhere in the Central Plains. The only difference is the size, even Yanzhou and other places are no exception. Speaking of it, suppressing bandits is Qi Xuansu’s strength, which is essentially not much different from the Taoist’s crackdown on secret societies.

Qi Xuansu took this opportunity to train his family servants and create a direct line of troops.

This family servant is not a servant.

The Wei Dynasty implemented the Weisuo system, setting up two levels of Wei and Suo throughout the country, and setting up military households for soldiers. However, since Emperor Shizong, in addition to this orthodox regulation, the Jiading system has also emerged. The so-called Jiading refers to those who are not included in the military register under the jurisdiction of military generals. They are private soldiers used by generals to defend themselves against the enemy and are completely dependent on the commander.

A major feature of the Weisuo system of the Wei Dynasty is the integration of soldiers and civilians. Soldiers must engage in farming and support the army through the income from farming. However, as a large amount of land was annexed, including military settlements and official fields, some soldiers lost their livelihoods, and the exiled soldiers relied on generals and became private soldiers and servants.

Under such circumstances, the Weisuo system was bound to decline. At the same time, with the changes in the Wei Dynasty's tax and service system, the Weisuo system gradually changed to the recruitment system. The recruitment of family servants was not restricted, so family servants were recruited in large numbers with the development of the recruitment system, which was also an important source of family servants.

In order to resist the Golden Horde, the Wei Dynasty set up heavy troops in Liaodong. Since the Ming and Yongzheng years, the army was scattered and weak, and it was difficult to resist foreign invasion. The pressure on the northern border was huge. In order to guard the border, the successive governors of Liaodong began to vigorously develop the family servant system. The overall combat effectiveness of the family servants is extremely strong. They are the backbone of the army and play an important role in consolidating the border. The family servants are controlled by the generals rather than the court, which has also led to the successive rise of governors in various places.

The Qin family, which has been stationed in Liaodong for generations, claims to have tens of thousands of family servants, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of troops. This is the capital of the king of a different surname.

These family servants are not inferior to the martial arts in the rivers and lakes. They are even better than the martial arts in the rivers and lakes like scattered soldiers because they are proficient in the art of joint attack of military formations. They are extremely powerful.

Qi Xuansu wants to train these family servants.

But training soldiers cannot do without money. If you don’t have rice in your hand, you can’t even coax chickens. Where can you find money? This proposition is too grand. Not to mention the chess game, even Qi Xuansu outside the chessboard is also worried about this problem.

Corruption is definitely not allowed, this is an evil way.

Asking the father-in-law for money, not to mention that the father-in-law is not a wealthy family, even if he has money, the Confucian school despises warriors and talks about loyalty to the emperor, and it is absolutely impossible to support Qi Xuansu's military training.

Another way is to squeeze from the big families.

How to squeeze? You can't just keep the enemy alive, right?

Qi Xuansu knows the morality of these big families too well. If they don't move the knife, they must have no money. If they move the knife, they may not have money. The risk is huge.

As for getting some advanced Taoist technology, such as glass, it seems a bit unrealistic. Qi Xuansu doesn't understand this at all. Except for firearms, he knows the facts but not the reasons for other things, and it will hinder his official reputation because these are all strange and lewd skills.

Is he going to drop the third child?

On the other side, Qin Lingge finally dropped his second child.

This child is destined to be a good match.

The fate of Li Zhixing and the eldest daughter of the Qin family.

A perfect match? They are like gods and goddesses, what more can a husband ask for?

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