Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 33: Middle Game

The eight major sects besieged the White Lotus Sect, and the White Lotus Sect asked for help from the Taiping Sect.

After considering it, Qi Xuansu still sent some people to help. No matter what the final result was, the alliance had fulfilled its duty.

Then Qi Xuansu no longer cared about these things in the rivers and lakes.

To support so many people, money is the top priority.

Qi Xuansu has always been doing one thing in the past, that is, borrowing chickens to lay eggs, borrowing the chickens of the Wei court to lay Yin Zhengxin's eggs.

However, as the scale of the Taiping Sect grew larger and larger, this approach was a bit unworkable.

Qi Xuansu was also the chief deputy lord of the palace, presided over the Nanyang trade, and now he had to revive the economy of the Western Regions. He knew that without funding from above, there were only two ways to make money, one was to increase revenue, and the other was to reduce expenditure.

Qi Xuansu has already done his best to save money. The Taoists are not monks who have left their jobs in the temples. They are still engaged in production activities on a daily basis. Even the ghost generals and ghost soldiers are no exception. Those with official status are doing normal work, and those who hang out in the rivers and lakes do business in the rivers and lakes - water transport, salt gangs, escort agencies, etc.

In the past, it was almost enough, but now it is not enough.

We need to increase revenue.

So Qi Xuansu suggested to the governor to develop military farming in Yanzhou.

Military farming and garrisoning the border are not new policies. They have existed in all dynasties. The guard system is similar, but it has been abandoned. Qi Xuansu's current proposal is essentially to restore military farming.

The governor has been an old criminal for 20 years. It was okay in a peaceful world, but now it is a little overwhelmed. He is thinking about how to transfer all day long. Since the left councilor can take up the burden, everything depends on the left councilor.

Qi Xuansu took advantage of his position to arrange farming for the newly recruited Taoists, which was also a way of making a living. Not only would they not starve to death, but they could also turn in some money to ease the financial problems of the Taiping Sect.

Originally, doing this under the nose of the court would easily be discovered, but the court did not care about this.

The Golden Tent approaching the capital was one reason, and the internal strife in the court was another. It is said that a big tree attracts the wind. Now the court officials are not worried about the Taiping Sect, and even the White Lotus Sect is not on the list. The real headache is Liaodong.

Back then, the Liaodong problem was not solved, and they still had to bite the bullet and conferred a hereditary governor on Liaodong - there was no way to do it, Liaodong was out of control. Conferring a hereditary governor on Liaodong could still maintain harmony on the surface. If it was not conferred, they would turn against each other and imitate the old affairs of the Qi vassal state.

Now, Liaodong is too big to be removed.

The court knew that Liaodong had rebellious intentions, and Liaodong also knew that the court knew that Liaodong had rebellious intentions.

Although the Golden Horde's southward march did not cause any serious damage to the imperial court, it did tear off the imperial court's fig leaf.

This battle illustrates three facts.

First, Yanzhou was already rotten. If the Golden Horde army could go there, the Liaodong cavalry could naturally go there as well. They could go straight to Yanzhou via the grassland, bypass Yuguan, and march to the capital.

Second, the Beijing camp was already rotten. They didn't even dare to go out of the city to fight in the field. They could only hide behind the city wall and watch the Golden Horde army plundering wantonly. They were just a decoration.

Third, the Qinwang army was also vulnerable and was completely wiped out outside the capital. In the end, it was only by sending troops from Liaodong that the Golden Horde could be driven out.

These three points further fueled Liaodong's ambitions.

If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences.

Wu Niang carefully watched the changes in the chess game and asked a soul-searching question: "The game is a good one. Now there is only one question. Is Li Zhixing's surname Li or Qin? Why would the Qin family help him conquer the world instead of sitting on the throne himself?"

Xiao Yin said: "Wait for the father-in-law to die. If the Qin guy refuses to die, Qin Lingge will curse him to death by playing chess. Anyway, they are all family members."

Pei Xiaolou smiled and said: "It seems that Qin Lingge is going to 'betray' the Qin family and let the Qin family make wedding clothes for the Li family. Although it is a world in the book, I wonder what His Majesty the Great Emperor thinks?"

The Taoist sect respects "great", so they call it the Great Master and the Great Immortal. The emperor also has a saying of "Great Emperor".

Shi Bingyun said: "Those who don't know would think that Qin Lingge is not surnamed Qin, but Li. After all, isn't it this wedding dress that the Li family is thinking about?"

With the cultivation of the Great Master and the Emperor, they must have heard it clearly, but no one said anything.

The next is another extremely long development.

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Yin Zhengxin has been promoted to the third-rank governor.

In theory, officials should be mobile, and there is no such thing as not moving for twenty years. The key is that Yanzhou has become a place of right and wrong.

First of all, this is the gateway to the capital. It is necessary to guard against both the Golden Horde and Liaodong. It is absolutely impossible for the chief officer to be incompetent. If there is an enemy at the gate, no one can bear this responsibility. If you want to achieve political achievements, you must be familiar with the local situation. If you change every three years and just get familiar with the situation and are transferred away, you can't do anything.

Second, others are unwilling to go. Over the years, the Golden Horde has knocked on the gate several times. Although it failed to reach the capital, the surrounding areas of the capital still suffered. Every time, there is a Yanzhou official who is unlucky. At the least, he will be dismissed from office, and at the worst, he will lose his head. From the governor, the governor, to the prefect and the county magistrate, it depends on who will hit the gun.

In this case, everyone avoids him, and no one competes with Yin Zhengxin for the position.

Not long ago, the Golden Horde marched south again, and this time encountered the military settlement that Yin Zhengxin had been managing for many years. Yin Zhengxin fought and retreated, leading the Golden Horde army into a pre-ambush pocket formation, relying on the advantage of firearms to defeat the Golden Horde cavalry, and was extremely lucky, killing the leader Yesen Nayan with a cannon.

This great victory made Emperor Yongli very happy, and he immediately issued an order to promote Qi Xuansu to the governor of Yanzhou, and added the title of Right Censor-in-Chief, from the second rank. He also gave him the royal flag, which allowed him to kill first and report later, and act at his convenience.

At first, each state was divided into three divisions, and the chief administrative officer of a state was the governor. The governor was the censor who inspected and pacified the local area on behalf of the emperor. It was not a permanent position at first, but later it gradually became a permanent official position, replacing the governor as the chief officer of a state.

Yin Zhengxin is now in charge of the power of a state.

After ten years of development, Taiping Sect is no longer what it used to be.

At first, Qi Xuansu established 24 jurisdictions based on Qiongming County and the surrounding 23 counties.

Now it is still 24 jurisdictions, but it has changed from 24 counties to 24 prefectures. It is no longer limited to Yanzhou. Youzhou, Qizhou, Jinzhou, Qinzhou, Luzhou, Zhongzhou and other places have Taiping Sect believers.

This is how preaching is. It is slow to complete the original accumulation, but when the snowball starts rolling, it will get faster and faster. It will only take a few years to sweep the world.

Today, Taiping Sect has hundreds of thousands of Taoists, 3,000 ghost soldiers, 800 ghost commanders, and 24 generals. There are more than a thousand chief priests, thirty-six chief priests, and two masters, one of whom is Song Guanying, who is being trained by Qi Xuansu.

Looking at Yin Zhengxin's luck, he has not only transformed from a python into a dragon, but now he has the aura of turning into a dragon.

At this time, Qi Xuansu has already had the initial capital to start a rebellion, just waiting for an opportunity.

On the other hand, Li Zhixing has also become the governor of Qizhou, while hooking up with the Qin family in Liaodong, while monitoring Yanzhou.

In the past ten years, Qin Lingge finally figured out one thing, Zhao Yan is not Qi Xuansu's pawn, nor is the White Lotus Sect, but the Yin Zhengxin and the Taiping Sect who are close at hand are.

This cost Qin Lingge a lot, especially when the eight major sects returned in defeat, and the White Lotus Sect instigated them, which made the eight major sects think that Liaodong was the mastermind behind the scenes, intending to kill with a knife and destroy the eight major sects. Now the eight major sects have already regarded Liaodong as an enemy.

Seeing that Qi Xuansu's power was already established, Qin Lingge could do nothing but play some palace disputes.

However, the emperor was afraid of Liaodong. Li Zhixing was the son-in-law of the Qin family in Liaodong. His letter to Yin Zhengxin would only have a counterproductive effect. The emperor not only did not doubt Yin Zhengxin, but instead regarded him as a capable minister to contain Liaodong.

For a period of time, the two sides attacked each other and became enemies.

However, no one took action, and they were all waiting.

Waiting for Emperor Yongli to die.

When Yin Zhengxin passed the second-class Jinshi exam and Li Zhixing met the emperor as a tribute student, the emperor was already quite old. Now twenty years have passed, and the two have become frontier officials, and the emperor is even more in his twilight years. It's only a few months.

The old emperor had been on the throne for nearly sixty years. He was able to control the court with both prestige and means. But once the emperor died and the new emperor ascended the throne, the court would inevitably be unstable. The original crown prince competed with the older princes for the throne, and was either deposed or killed. The new crown prince is less than thirty years old. He was born in the deep palace and raised by women. He is too young.

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