Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 35: The Legacy of the Xuansheng

After the Taiping Sect rebelled, Yin Zhengxin, as the Great Sage and Good Teacher, saw his fortune soar, especially after conquering Qizhou, and successfully transformed into a dragon, which meant that Yin Zhengxin was already a local lord and qualified to compete for the world.

However, Qin Lingge was not in a hurry. As the saying goes, the first to stand out will rot first, but it was just to pave the way for the true king.

It's just that one thing is very ironic, that is, Qi Xuansu used the Taoist tradition of Taiping Dao, under the banner of the national teacher, and now occupied Qizhou.

Li Zhixing, an orthodox Li family member, fled to Liaodong, attached to the Qin family, and prepared to seize power at the same time.

I wonder what the Qin and Li families in the real world would think?

The emperor and the national teacher came together with different purposes and each had their own calculations. The emperor wanted to use the hand of Taiping Dao to intervene in the affairs of the Dao Sect, and the Taiping Dao wanted to use the power of the court to fight for the Grand Master.

It is true that the Qin and Li families have a close relationship, but the size of the two families is too large, and no one is willing to be a vassal, which is the biggest problem.

Of course, Quanzhen Dao and Zhengyi Dao also have this problem, but there are not so many "strong men" among the seven generations of disciples of Quanzhen Dao and Zhengyi Dao. After counting, it is only Donghua Zhenren. Cihang Zhenren is a little bit worse. She is not as strong as Zhang Yuelu, and is more inclined to traditional female thinking. Not to mention Zhang Jucheng and Yao Yi, so they can support Donghua Zhenren wholeheartedly.

But the Li family and the Qin family have two strong men, Qingwei Zhenren and Ziji Da Zhenren. Qingwei Zhenren may not be convinced by the emperor.

Moreover, Qingwei Zhenren's position is very clear. How he competes with Donghua Zhenren is an internal matter of Taoism. He is willing to accept defeat and the overall situation is important. He will never allow the court to climb over the head of Taoism.

Qingwei Zhenren is unwilling to rebel, and it is useless for others to worry.

The state teacher is unusually silent, which is essentially helpless.

Time is the greatest weapon. The state teacher has little time left, and he can't replace Qingwei Zhenren. In fact, the Yongli Emperor in the chess game is a negative example. He didn't have much time, and he changed a young new crown prince. Although he consolidated his power, when he passed away, the world would be in chaos. Now it seems that as long as Qingwei Zhenren is there, at least the basic base of Taiping Dao can be ensured to be stable. Once Qingwei Zhenren is gone, Li Tianqing alone may not be able to support the overall situation of Taiping Dao.

To be pessimistic, if the seventh generation of the Grand Master decided to abdicate early, he would help Qi Xuansu take the throne. After all, Qingwei Zhenren was Qi Xuansu's old boss, and Qi Xuansu still respected this old boss, so there was a sense of affection. But if it was Li Tianqing, there would be no affection, only hatred.

Besides, Qingwei Zhenren is not so easy to replace. The Grand Master obviously supports Qingwei Zhenren, which is somewhat like a return of favor. Moreover, Qingwei Zhenren also has many supporters. He has grown up and has become a powerful figure. If the national teacher is given ten years to slowly work on it and cut off his wings, there is still a chance, but now it is basically impossible.

So the national teacher can only sigh helplessly.

The Li family rebelled in the past, and people thought they had compromised. Now it seems that they are just hiding deeper.

In Xiao Yin's words, Qingwei Zhenren has the legacy of Xuansheng, while other Li family members have the legacy of Donghuang.

In the chess game, Qi Xuansu occupied Yanzhou, Qizhou and other places. Since he chose to take the lower-level route, he simply went all out and put forward the slogan of "Look forward to peace, welcome peace, and don't pay taxes when peace comes."

This slogan certainly has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that it completely offends the gentry and big families, and the advantage is that it can mobilize the grassroots masses to the maximum extent and make the righteous army further grow.

This Confucian world is suppressed by dragon energy, and it is difficult for great supernatural powers to achieve anything. Having more people is really useful, and it makes sense that he who wins the hearts of the people will win the world.

Further, if the tillers have their own land, Qi Xuansu will have the possibility of seizing the world.

On the contrary, in the Taoist world, the influence of great supernatural powers is too great, and the creation is too developed. It is difficult to achieve anything by relying on the bottom alone. This is also the main reason why Zhang Yuelu failed in some things.

After the King of Liao entered the capital, the effect was very significant. First, he sent troops to defeat the Yanzhou army of the Taiping Sect and initially opened up the northern half of the grain transport. After all, the Taiping Sect and the White Lotus Sect joined forces to almost block the grain transport. If the grain transport could not be opened, the grain in Jiangnan could not be transported. There was no need for the Taiping Sect to attack, and the capital would be in chaos.

This defeat was also within Qi Xuansu's expectations. The Liaodong Iron Cavalry was the most elite army in the entire Wei Dynasty. His Yellow Turban Army had just been formed. Except for the eight hundred ghost generals and three thousand ghost soldiers as the backbone, the others were all new recruits, and of course they were no match for the army that had fought for a hundred battles.

However, the King of Liao did not think about completely wiping out the Taiping Sect. The key was that it could not be done in a short period of time, especially after the Taiping Sect entered Qizhou, it would be even more difficult to annihilate. The main purpose of the King of Liao was to connect the north and the south along the Grand Canal.

Jinling Prefecture had not fallen yet, so it had to be rescued.

In fact, the King of Liao's thinking was not difficult to guess. The King of Liao certainly wanted to quell the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect and the Taiping Sect, but the reward the King of Liao asked for was the entire Wei Dynasty.

In the process of suppressing the rebellion, the King of Liao would continue to foster his confidants and infiltrate the court.

By the time the Taiping Sect and the White Lotus Sect were suppressed, the King of Liao had accumulated enough prestige to turn the tide and save the collapsing empire. Moreover, the court was full of his people, and with the Liaodong army as a support, at this time, the big dragon could swallow the small dragon, and abdicate, thus changing the dynasty.

So the King of Liao agreed to go to the capital and set up a government to govern the country.

However, the White Lotus Sect is different from the Taiping Sect. The Taiping Sect is divided into 24 regions, and all of them worship the Great Sage as the supreme leader. In essence, it is like a small court, similar to the relationship between the central court and the local government offices. The White Lotus Sect is more like a loose alliance.

In the White Lotus Sect system, the highest god is the Mother of No Birth, and under her are: the Lord of the Law of the Robbery, the Mother of Hariti, the Lord of the Manni Dao, and the Lord of the Demon-Slaying Saint.

The status of the Lord of the Law of the Robbery is equivalent to the Great Sage of the Taiping Sect, and he is the nominal supreme leader of the White Lotus Sect.

The reason why he is the nominal supreme leader, not the actual leader, is because the White Lotus Sect has as many as eight branches, namely: Wenxiang, Hunyuan, Yuandun, Shouyuan, Tianli, Qingyang, Hongyang, and Baiyang.

The relationship between these eight branches is somewhat similar to the three paths of Taoism, taking turns to be the dealer.

For example, during the period of Xu Zu, Qingyang became powerful, and the White Lotus Sect was also called Qingyang Sect, sweeping the world. The predecessor of "Emperor Shitian" was the leader of Qingyang Sect, who was calculated by Xu Zu and became the material of the "Eight Divisions Plan".

During the period of Jin Gong Zushi, Baiyang became powerful. Jin Gong Zushi also had the title of "Baiyang Zushi". In essence, he was the leader of Baiyang Sect. However, in order to connect with the West, he absorbed the advanced experience of the Holy Court, so he changed his name to "Tianting".

In this Confucian world, the one who gained power was the Tianli lineage, so this White Lotus Sect can also be called the Tianli Sect.

However, the other seven lines are not all decorations, and they still have a lot of say, which leads to the White Lotus Sect not having a unified direction and lacking a clear strategic goal. The Taiping Sect can obey the orders of Qiong Mingzhi in everything, retreating when he says to retreat, attacking when he says to attack, and enforcing orders. When it comes to the White Lotus Sect, it is inevitable that they will argue with each other and even miss the opportunity to fight.

From this point alone, it is difficult for the White Lotus Sect to succeed.

When the Liao King's army went south to suppress the rebellion, the White Lotus Sect had great disagreements. Some people thought that they should attack head-on, while others thought that they should avoid the enemy's sharp edge. The two sides were deadlocked and no one could convince the other. The result was that they neither fought nor retreated.

The Liaodong Iron Cavalry had a clear strategic goal and headed straight for the Yangtze River and Huai River.

To defend the Yangtze River, the Huai River must be defended. As long as the Yangtze River and Huai River areas are taken, the natural barrier of the Yangtze River will not be a concern. Then get in touch with Jinling, and you can open a breakthrough in Jiangnan, which can be used for attack or defense.

The final result of this battle was naturally a great defeat of the White Lotus Sect. Although the Taiping Sect sent troops to harass, the effect was not great.

Qi Xuansu looked at the luck of the Liao King and found that he was only one claw away from the real dragon.

Now Qi Xuansu and Qin Lingge have encountered a problem. The Liao King is too strong. Yin Zhengxin is difficult to defeat the Liao King, and Li Zhixing is difficult to replace the Liao King. If the two of them go to the end and let the Liao King pick the peach, it will be hard to settle.

However, the two of them must have a back-up plan, so let's wait and see.

This went on for another three years. Yin Zhengxin stored up grain, built high walls, and delayed claiming the throne. He rebelled, but he did not proclaim himself king. He was always accumulating strength, training the army, and developing military farming. The Taiping Sect reorganized all the people into Taoists, who were farmers in peacetime and soldiers in wartime. Naturally, they did not pay taxes or salaries, but only distributed land and supported themselves.

The finances of the Taiping Sect mainly came from the official business of copper, iron, salt, tea, etc.

Qingwei Zhenren came to Xiao Yin and said, "Xiao Yin, for the same official business, why is the money of the Taiping Sect enough, but the money of the Wei Dynasty is not enough? Do you know why?"

Xiao Yin was not afraid of Qingwei Zhenren, and she remembered that it was Qingwei Zhenren who made her a fourth-rank Taoist priest, and immediately said, "Because someone in the middle has embezzled all the money!"

"You are a teachable child." Qingwei Zhenren clapped his hands and said, "When Changsheng Dazhenren started the rebellion in Liaodong, the Wei Dynasty taxed 30% and Liaodong taxed 20%. Liaodong's tax was lower. Because the court's tax was 30% on the surface, but that was only the main tax, and there were miscellaneous taxes. All kinds of messy names added up, even if all the harvests of a year were paid, it would not be enough. But it's different in Liaodong. Whatever you say is what you want. Without those miscellaneous taxes, it is lower than the court."

"A Liaoxiang , but two million taels of silver is not much, but when it is distributed to the people, it forces the people to flee, because the middlemen increase the amount, the court can get one million taels of silver, and the people below have to pay ten million taels of silver, and the remaining nine million taels of silver are exploited layer by layer. Unfortunately, the court does not have the ability to replace them, because these officials and the gentry behind them are the foundation of the Wei court. Without them, the court will not exist. "

"In the chess game, the Wei court collected one million taels of silver, got one million taels of silver, and the people below handed over ten million taels of silver. The Taiping Sect collected two million taels of silver, got two million taels of silver, and the people below handed over two million taels of silver. The result is that the Taiping Sect is richer than the court and more popular. How can such a court not be defeated? "

Xiao Yin suddenly realized: "So that's it. "

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