Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 47 Leaving Beijing

What will happen to Xiao Yin is naturally not very good.

Losing happiness is certain.

Considering that Xiao Yin had good intentions and was a first-time offender, the temporary trial court of Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu decided to reduce part of his guilt as appropriate. According to Article 123 of the Family Law, he was ordered to copy the "Tao Te Ching" a hundred times, and All story books were confiscated and banned for three days. If you dare to commit the crime again, your home will be confiscated - all collected cards and deposits will be confiscated and turned over to the Qijia internal treasury.

The subsequent implementation and supervision will be left to Zhang Yuelu.

After a brief reunion, they parted again. Qi Xuansu is leaving Yujing and returning to the Daxue Mountain Palace.

Because the problem of Buddhism has been resolved, there will be no more powerful opponents in a short period of time. He Luo Shen is enough - if he really wants to face the Earth Master, Qi Xuansu doesn't think that "Heaven" can reverse the situation. Don't forget However, there is still one thing that has not been found out yet. Zhao Jiaowu, who betrayed Chen Zhengxian, died inexplicably in the heavily guarded Beichen Hall. Zhao Jiaowu's real motive for colluding with Buddhism was completely buried with the death of Zhao Jiaowu.

The number of people who can do this can be counted on one hand.

So Qi Xuansu simply left Xiao Yin in Yujing and just took away the "Guicang Lantern".

Before leaving, Qi Xuansu went to see the Grand Master again. In name, of course, it was to say goodbye, say hello, and make a profound reflection. In fact, what the master and disciple talked about between them was unknown to outsiders. I only know that after Qi Xuansu came out of Weiming Hall of Zixiao Palace, he went to Ziwei Hall, which once belonged to the Grand Master and now belongs to Zhenren Qingwei.

Qi Xuansu talked a lot with Master Qingwei. This is no secret. They mainly talked about the personnel issues of Daxue Mountain Palace.


Because of Chen Zhengxian's death, Zhao Jiaowu's rebellion, and the serious infiltration and leakage problems in the Taoist government, Qi Xuansu conducted a comprehensive review and purge after taking over as the real person in charge, resulting in many people being imprisoned. I was busy with the war, and then there was the election of the Grand Master, so I never paid attention to it. Now that I have some free time, of course I have to fill these vacancies.

The issue of the chief and second seats has been resolved. The remaining positions do not need to be discussed in Jinque. They are mainly divided into two parts. One part can be appointed by the Western Region Taoist Government itself. Needless to say, the other part is appointed by Ziwei. Appointed by the church. Qi Xuansu followed this procedure.

Ziweitang has the right to make decisions and must also consider the opinions of the real person in charge. After all, the real person in charge needs to stabilize the situation in the government. To control the power of the government, it must support the work of the real person in charge. This is like Jinque’s need to fully consider Ziweitang’s opinions when discussing.

To put it simply, unless he loses Jin Que's trust like Wang Jiaohe did, or Jin Que intends to check and balance the real person in charge, the real person in charge has a great say in the personnel issues of the Taoist government and may not be able to push people to the top. If you want to prevent anyone from getting up, you can basically do it.

Master Qingwei did not embarrass Qi Xuansu, and directly asked the chief deputy hall master Yao Pei to confirm a list with Qi Xuansu. The reason was also very good. Yao Pei once served as the chief deputy master of the Western Region Taoist Palace, and he knew the situation better. He, the master of the hall, I just took office and I am not familiar with many things, so I will not participate.

Among the many Yao family members, Qi Xuansu's favorite is of course Qiniang, followed by Yao Pei. She is different from other Yao family members, just like Qingwei Zhenren is different from other Li family members.

People are different, and Zhang Yuelu is different from other Zhang family members. Qi Xuansu privately calls these three people the three rebels of Taoism.

As for Qi Xuansu, he is not rebellious at all. He mostly goes along with the light, and he was criticized for this.

All in all, Qi Xuansu got a relatively satisfactory result from this trip to Ziweitang.

Later, Qi Xuansu boarded the flying boat to the Daxue Mountain Palace.

It is still the familiar mansion in the sky, so this is not a violation, it is normal treatment. This time all the heads of government gathered in Yujing, and it was said that this was the largest number of mansions in the sky in recent decades.

Qi Xuansu didn't have many followers. He was the only one in the huge study room at this time.

To be honest, Qi Xuansu is still a little uncomfortable without Xiao Yin. When she is around, it always feels a bit noisy, and when she is not around, it feels too quiet.

By the way, what is Xiao Yin doing?

Of course, I have a heavy workload.

After Zhang Yuelu finished explaining, he went out to Tiangang Hall.

When Zhang Yuelu left, Xiao Yin, who was crying and copying books, jumped down from his seat, cried and poked his head outside. After confirming that Zhang Yuelu had really left, Xiao Yin immediately stopped crying, wiped his tears with his sleeves, and then snapped his fingers. , the big brush began to copy books automatically. Xiao Yin himself lay down on the soft couch next to the desk, crossed his legs, took out a storybook that had not been confiscated, and hummed the newly learned tune while flipping through it.

But Xiao Yin didn't know that Qi Xuansu had installed a "picture stone" at home not long ago, allowing him to have a panoramic view of all this.

This is Xiao Yin.

In this regard, Qi Xuansu could only sigh helplessly and began to deal with the official affairs accumulated during this period, leaving Xiao Yin's affairs aside for the time being.

From Yujing

It’s not too far to reach the Snowy Mountains, and we’ll be there soon.

The flying boat landed slowly in Daxue Mountain Yaochi. Everyone from the Taoist government who had received the news in advance had come to greet them. As long as they were at home, they were basically there, headed by Li Zhuyu, Lu Yujue, and Hu Jiaochong.

Qi Xuansu walked down the gangway slowly, and everyone on the shore came to greet him.

"Congratulations to the Master."

Although no one said congratulations, and Qi Xuansu was not promoted during this personnel adjustment, but was criticized instead, everyone knew exactly where the joy came from.

Among them was Li Zhuyu. After all, Master Qingwei recognized the result, so what could she say.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "The successful conclusion of this election and the ascension of the Seventh Generation Master is truly a blessing to our Taoist sect, a blessing to the country, and a blessing to all the people in the world."

Everyone said yes.

Master, your words are profound.

The pattern suddenly improved.

Then a crowd of people gathered around Qi Xuansu and headed to the Daxue Mountain Palace.

On the way, several deputy palace masters gave Qi Xuansu a brief report, mainly on the current situation of the Taoist palace during his absence.

Zhang Yuelu has already talked with Qi Xuansu about this, and Qi Xuansu probably knows it well.

When they arrived at the Daxue Mountain Palace, Li Zhuyu had to make a special report to Qi Xuansu. After all, everyone else was in charge of their own affairs. Li Zhuyu was different. During Qi Xuansu's absence, she was equivalent to half the acting head, so she had to make a comprehensive report.

Female Taoist priests and male Taoist priests obviously behave differently. If a male Taoist priest were sitting in this position, he might not be so solemn, and at most he would give a verbal report.

Because of the relationship between the chief and the top leader

, not only superiors and subordinates, but also partners. The chief is the deputy to the top leader. In most cases, they have a good relationship.

For example, the Grand Master and Yao Shu, Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua, and Shi Daren and Sun Hewu are all examples. When this kind of relationship is relatively good, except for formal occasions, it is more casual in private. According to a man's thinking, the relationship is so good, being too respectful would appear to be too harsh.

But Li Zhuyu definitely wouldn't have such thoughts. It's not that her relationship with Qi Xuansu is so tense, but that the relationship between men and women is very delicate. They are either lovers, enemies, or passers-by. Anyway, it is difficult to have a relationship. Pure male-female relationship.

Qi Xuansu was also very taboo about the relationship between men and women among his peers. Most of the women who were close to him were elders, such as those who were born with the word "mother" in their name. You could tell they were elders just by hearing their names. Among the peers, there are only a few Zhang Yuelu, Yao Pei, and Li Qingnu. The former is his wife, and the latter two are related to Qiniang. As for Liu Hu, Xiao Yin, and Ke Qingqing, they were all included in the ranks of juniors by Qi Xuansu.

Although Li Zhuyu and Qi Xuansu have known each other for a long time, it is really difficult to determine the relationship between the two. None of the three types of people are related, so the best way is to be a pure superior and subordinate. Everything is in accordance with the regulations.

From this incident, we can see the difference between men and women. Although Taoism advocates equality, it is essentially the male Taoist priests who lead the direction of Taoism. After all, power is not other things, but no one talks about gentlemanly manners, so everything is unwritten The rules are based on the habits of male Taoists.


After arriving at the signing room, Qi Xuansu motioned to Li Zhuyu to sit opposite him, with a desk between them. Li Zhuyu took out a file: "The funding for Duzhitang has been released. The relevant details and the current situation of the Taoist government are here. Please read it."

Qi Xuansu took the file and said: "I have only been away for less than two months in total. If you have anything to do, just say it verbally. There is no need to be so solemn."

Li Zhuyu responded.

Qi Xuansu quickly looked through the file and said, "Get the outstanding debt as soon as possible. You have worked hard during this period."

Then Qi Xuansu put the file aside: "Just in time, I have something to discuss with you, mainly about reopening the land trade route. Although the Grand Master and Jin Que have not yet made a final decision, the Grand Master and Mrs. , Master Qingwei all agree with this matter, it is imperative to revitalize the Western Region, it is just a matter of time, so we must make preliminary preparations first to avoid being in a hurry later. "

Li Zhuyu was slightly startled: "Inviting investment?"

"That's for sure, but don't worry about it. I'm talking about security issues." Qi Xuansu said, "Only a safe and stable environment can attract a large amount of Taiping money to take root. Although the main problem of Buddhism has been solved, There are still some minor issues that have not been resolved, such as the issue of secret associations.”

Li Zhuyu understood.

The Zhiming Cult has always been entrenched in various countries in the Western Region, and has done many outrageous things, such as conducting blood sacrifices, creating large-scale corpse tides, and so on. At the same time, based on the countries in the Western Regions, we will expand to the Central Plains

penetration. The former site of Tso Wenbu's workshop is the work of Zhimingjiao.

The first time Qi Xuansu went on a mission with Zhang Yuelu, he had indirect dealings with the Zhiming Cult. That Western vampire was resurrected by Lord Siming.

Later, Qi Xuansu had direct dealings with the Zhiming Cult in Jinling Mansion.

In the blink of an eye, after so many years, Qi Xuansu has been able to solve the problem of Zhiming Cult head-on.

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