Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 57: One-Minded Hell

Although Qi Xuansu had the advantage, he did not want to break up with Master Jingshi, let alone affect the internal situation of Buddhism due to this matter, so he proposed a compromise plan.

After Qi Xuansu entered the Buddhist kingdom, he saw a blazing sun hanging high.

Buddhism in the Central Plains does not overly praise the Tathagata the Great Sun. It is Buddhism in the Western Regions that really respects the Tathagata the Great Sun. In the early stages of the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, Buddhism in the Central Plains almost collapsed at the first touch. It chose to surrender without any resistance, and then integrated into Taoism and Confucianism respectively according to distance and proximity. Only a small number of people were left and were left by Taoism to place vases. This shows that The concept of the unity of the three religions occupies the position of Central Plains Buddhism.

If the Taoist sect really removes the Central Plains Buddhism, many ghosts and snake gods will definitely appear to seize the banner of the Central Plains Buddhism and claim to be the heirs of the Central Plains Buddhism. The Western Region Buddhism and Nanyang Buddhism will also claim to be orthodox. Then the Taoist sect must leave a person under its control. The Central Plains Buddhism in China, even if it is an empty frame, must occupy this ecological niche.

After the surrender of Buddhism in the Central Plains, the backbone of Buddhism became Buddhism in the Western Regions, so today's Buddhist supernatural powers can often see various suns based on the Dharma of the Great Sun Tathagata. The temple is small and the wind is strong, but the Buddhist temple has a lot of sun.

The sun hangs high in the sky, like an eye, overlooking the people. Under the sun, the Buddha's light is like the sea. For a time, the sunlight and the Buddha's light are mixed together, making it difficult for people to distinguish.

The sky and earth here are empty, and it is inevitable to feel boring.

But as Qi Xuansu continued to move forward, suddenly, a high black wall appeared in his sight, which seemed to be taller than the sky. It also looked like dark clouds drooping in a place that seemed far and near. It was extremely shocking.

This is a sacred mountain on the ground, bathed in the dual interweaving of the sun's rays and the Buddha's light.

Qi Xuansu had seen many mountains before, such as Yunjin Mountain, Taiping Mountain, Beimang Mountain, Difei Mountain, etc., as well as the fragmented Lingshan Mountain and Kunlun, the ancestor of mountains, but he rarely felt this shocking feeling.

On the vast plain, a large mountain as dark as a dark cloud suddenly rose up from the flat ground. This is a completely different feeling from seeing steep peaks in a land of continuous mountains.

Because among the mountains, no matter how dangerous or strange the mountains are, it is not surprising. Because they rise step by step, even Kunlun can hardly show its majesty. Only on such plains, a high mountain rises. It's like a tall building rising from flat ground, without any ups and downs, and only with the extreme gap can the ultimate shock appear.

Looking carefully, this sacred mountain seems to be suspended above the earth and not connected to the earth.

This is obviously not a human mountain, but rather like the legendary Buddhist sacred mountain Mount Sumeru.

Continuing towards Mount Sumeru, when we were still far away, we could already see the "Buddha City" that started halfway up the mountain and extended to the top of the mountain.

Distributed layer by layer, each temple has distinct levels. Under the sunlight and the Buddha's light, countless golden glazed tiles shine, shining in all directions, making this "Buddha City" even more sacred and solemn.

As Qi Xuansu got closer to Mount Sumeru, Qi Xuansu also discovered that there were countless Buddhist caves on the mountain walls around the Buddhist temple, the most eye-catching of which were the five hundred-foot giant Buddhas.

The one in the east is the Medicine King Buddha. Next to him are the Bodhisattva with the Sun Shining and the Bodhisattva with the Moon. They are the Three Saints of the East.

The one in the west is Amitabha Buddha, flanked by the Great Brave Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta and the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who are the Three Saints of the West.

The one at the top is the ancient Buddha that burned lamps in the past, and the one at the bottom is the fifth Buddha Maitreya Bodhisattva. Because Maitreya is the future Buddha, and his era has not yet come, so he is still a Bodhisattva in Tusita Temple at this time, also known as Maitreya Buddha and Donglai Buddha. Buddha, future Buddha.

Located in the middle is the fourth Buddha who is in charge of the current central world. The current Buddha is what the world calls Buddha. He is accompanied by Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, collectively known as the Three Saints of Hua Zang.

Medicine King Buddha, Amitabha Buddha and the Buddha are collectively known as the Horizontal Buddha of the Third Generation, and the Ancient Buddha of the Deng Deng and Maitreya Bodhisattva are collectively known as the Upright Buddha of the Third Generation.

In addition to these five main Buddhas, there are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Vajras, large and small, surrounding the five Buddhas in all directions.

Qi Xuansu looked carefully at the various Buddha statues.

There are standing Buddhas, reclining Buddhas, and seated Buddhas. There are various forms of Buddhas. Some Buddhas hold the fearless seal, some hold the inner lion seal, some hold the lotus seal, and some hold the outer lion seal.

Bodhisattvas are like a forest. There are Bodhisattvas holding the Vase Seal, there are Bodhisattvas holding the Inner Bound Seal, and there are Bodhisattvas holding the Outer Bound Seal.

There are five great kings of enlightenment among the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. In the middle is the king of immovable wisdom, whose hands are tied with the seal of the king of immutability, which is a majestic treasure. On the left side is the flying goddess, and on the right side is the Dharma Protector Jialan. There are Arhats on the lower left and Vajra King on the lower right.

Under the Buddhas are the eight tribes of gods and humans.

The Jungle of Ten Thousand Buddhas hides wonderful magic.

This is Nalanda Temple, which is called Daleiyin Temple in the Central Plains.

In the Nalanda Temple, there are countless Buddhist disciples who are also bathing in the Buddha's light. They do not give birth, but concentrate on chanting sutras. The substantive Buddha's voice turns into Sanskrit visible to the naked eye, gathers into a long river, spirals up, and finally converges into in the sun above.

Qi Xuansu could feel that these Buddhist disciples were not false illusions, but real existences. They may have been devout believers during their lifetime, but after death they were taken into this Buddhist kingdom and transformed into sons of the Buddha. Although this place is not a true paradise, for ordinary people, the difference is not big. Just like in the past, the world regarded Kunlun Cave Heaven as the earthly immortal world. For those who cannot ascend, it does not matter whether it is true or false.

Qi Xuansu had long heard of such methods of Buddhism.

In order to ensure the immortality of the kingdom of God, the souls of believers are collected into their own Buddha kingdom, so that they can be reborn and live forever with the Buddha kingdom. Some seem to be immortal, but in fact they are not free. However, ordinary believers are foolish and do not feel constrained. Instead, they think this is a great gift.

Therefore, there are always countless Buddhist children in the Buddha's Buddha kingdom. In the words of Buddhism, there are countless Buddhas. These so-called Buddhas chant scriptures day and night to keep the Buddha kingdom from declining and constantly strengthen the Buddha's golden body.

However, the Buddha kingdom is eternal and unchanged. Whether it is believers or Buddhas, they have been repeating the same thing for thousands of years, and it is inevitable that they will be numb. Numbness means no piety, and the wish power they can provide will be greatly weakened. Therefore, Buddhism created the six reincarnations, so that believers in the Buddha kingdom can be constantly reincarnated and reborn, wash away past memories, start again, and rejuvenate, so naturally they will not be numb. This is the paradise.

The world of Possa goes one step further, and can enable believers to be reborn in the human world as ghosts and immortals, and return to the Buddha's kingdom after a hundred years of training in the human world. The running water does not rot, and the door hinge does not rot. And these people are often people with great wisdom and perseverance. After returning to the Buddha's kingdom, they are no longer just ordinary Buddhists, but will become subordinates of the Buddha.

Therefore, Buddhists believe in the afterlife. In a sense, this is indeed the afterlife, but how much difference there is between this afterlife and eternal liberation is a matter of opinion.

However, the Pure Lion Bodhisattva did not establish the six reincarnation system in this Buddhist kingdom, so these Buddhists have become very numb, like the dregs of medicine that have been boiled dry, and the divine power they can provide is quite limited. In theory, with the realm of the Pure Lion Bodhisattva, even if he cannot build the Possa world system of the Great Awakening Golden Immortal, it is not difficult to just build a six-path reincarnation system.

Just when Qi Xuansu wanted to find out what was going on, he suddenly heard the voice of the Pure Lion Bodhisattva: "The mind does not stay in the body, and the body does not stay in the mind, but it can do Buddhist things, and it is free and unprecedented. If people want to know everything in the three worlds, they should observe the nature of the Dharma Realm, and everything is created by the mind."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole world suddenly turned upside down, and the heaven and earth were in disorder, with the sky above and the earth below.

Mount Xumi became an upside-down mountain, and Nalanda Temple became an upside-down city.

The original brilliant Buddha light disappeared, the sun disappeared, and the sky and the earth were dark.

The Buddhist disciples who were chanting fell silent, with a terrifying red light in their eyes.

The voice of the Pure Lion Bodhisattva continued to sound: "When there is no delusion, one mind is a Buddha country; when there is delusion, one mind is a hell. All living beings create delusion and give birth to mind with the mind, so they are always in hell. Bodhisattvas observe delusion and do not give birth to mind with the mind, so they are always in the Buddha country."

"If you do not give birth to mind with the mind, then every mind will enter emptiness, every thought will return to tranquility, and you will go from one Buddha country to another. If you give birth to mind with the mind, then every mind will not be tranquil, every thought will return to movement, and you will go from one hell to another."

"If a thought arises, there will be good and evil karma, and there will be heaven and hell; if a thought does not arise, there will be no good and evil karma, and there will be no heaven and hell. The essence is neither existence nor non-existence. It exists in ordinary people and does not exist in saints. Saints have no mind, so their chests are empty and the same size as the sky."

In Qi Xuansu's sight, Nalanda Temple is no longer a sacred and solemn place, but has become a demon cave hell.

Then Qi Xuansu knew why the Pure Lion Bodhisattva did not build the six reincarnation system.

Because the Pure Lion Bodhisattva was not meant to generate divine power, but to hurt and trap people.

After the Buddha Kingdom turned upside down, the Buddhist temple became a demon cave, and these Buddhist disciples who had been squeezed dry also turned into demons, surging out, black and heavy like the sea.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand and killed countless demons, but the surging karma also followed, attached to his body, and deepened Qi Xuansu's connection with this world.

The more he killed, the deeper the karma, and the harder it was for Qi Xuansu to get out.

It was like being trapped in a quagmire and gradually sinking.

The Pure Lion Bodhisattva said: "Little Master, do you feel refreshed by killing at will? You have a thought, and you have a heart. Your heart is not calm, and your thoughts are moving. You have gone through hell after hell. My Buddha Kingdom is your hell. How can you escape from the palm of my hand?"

Qi Xuansu already understood a little.

The key to this Buddhist kingdom is the word "heart". Everything is born from the heart. If you can see through it, it will only take a thought. If you can't see through it, even if you have great power, you have nowhere to display it.

So this place is different from the world in the cauldron. Qi Xuansu himself has become part of the cage and cannot forcibly break this world with the "Shadow Gang Dissociation Divine Blade".

How to break free from the cage of the heart?

The sharp blade in your hand can kill others, but can the sharp blade in your hand kill yourself?

Qi Xuansu, after many years, although it is not under the Five Elements Mountain, but between the five fingers, can you calm the monkey in your heart?

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