Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 9 Eagle and Dog Killing Conference (Part 1)

Qi Xuansu looked at the Ruyi List for a while and found a very interesting thing. All the Taoist people on the list had the rank of Taoist priest plus their position, and the people from the court had the official rank or title. Generally, people in Jianghu used nicknames, such as "一字" "Flying Sword", "Great Mercy Palm", "Wind Thunder Sword", "Tiger Entering the Forest", "Laughing King Kong", "Three Counties of Power", etc., are either based on their weapon skills, their character, or It is based on his deeds.

Take Zhang Yuelu as an example. Outsiders call him Master Zhang, and Taoist people call him Deputy Hall Master Zhang. It is not very domineering, but it is full of weight and does not contain any boasting. Comparing the two, the nicknames are somewhat suspected of complimenting each other. It is true that some people in the world deliberately choose loud nicknames to put gold on their faces, which invisibly reveals a bit of a rabble.

Therefore, when people in the Taoist sect interact with people in the world, they will never talk about the nicknames given to them by their friends. They will only say that they are Taoist priests.

As for Qi Xuansu, although he traveled around the world, he was invisible and did not leave any name. This is not surprising, Qiniang is such a powerful person, her reputation is limited to those within the Qingping Society, and outsiders have no way of knowing about her.

Qi Xuansu finished reading the three lists and planned to stay in the restaurant for a while to see if he could find out any news about the "Eagle and Dog Killing Conference".

Thanks to Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu, who didn't like drinking in the past, now reluctantly likes to have a few drinks. After asking the waiter for a bottle of wine, he sat in an inconspicuous corner of the inn lobby.

This restaurant is not the Taiping Inn opened by Daomen, so there are many people coming and going. After a while, the restaurant lobby is already full.

Qi Xuansu sat alone, opened his cloak and took off his hood, revealing the Taoist robe inside. After all, he spent a lot of peace money to buy it. It was made with fine workmanship and could be regarded as a brocade robe. There were even daggers and fire guns hanging around his waist. In addition, Qi Xuansu's good temperament made people fearful, but no one dared to provoke him rashly.

At this moment, three people came in. They looked around and saw that the seats were already full, leaving only Qi Xuansu occupying a table by himself. They had no choice but to come over and said, "My friend, can we share a seat?"

Qi Xuansu raised his hand: "You can sit wherever you like."

"Thank you, thank you very much." The three of them thanked each other and sat down respectively, ordering two bottles of wine. Seeing that Qi Xuansu was not easy to get along with and didn't seem to be interested in talking, they did not dare to talk rashly. They just drank and chatted by themselves. .

A young man lowered his voice slightly and said: "This 'Eagle and Dog Killing Conference' is really a big event. There is only one day until the first day, and the city of Xiping Prefecture is already crowded with heroes from all walks of life."

Another man with a scar on his face said: "This is natural. This time it is the 'Tian Ting' who is taking the lead, and several major gangs have joined forces to create a huge momentum. Who doesn't want to make friends with them? I heard that this time the 'Tian Ting' The one who came to the court was Feng Bo. He was a direct disciple of Patriarch Jin Gong and one of the ten elders of the Heavenly Court. How could ordinary people get to see him this time without such a grand event? The 'Eagle and Dog Killing Conference' naturally attracted all the powerful people in the world after hearing about it, and it was quite a lively event."

The last man with a gray beard sneered: "There are a lot of friends from the world, and I'm afraid there are also a lot of Eagle Claw Suns. This time, people from the Purple Light Sect, Zhiming Sect and Lingshan Witch Sect were not invited, so the Taoist sect will not If someone comes, Qingluan Guard might be there."

The disfigured man said: "It's better to be careful. The Heavenly Court doesn't dare to provoke the Taoist sect. Apart from those three families, who dares to provoke the Taoist sect? All the Taoist sects have their doors open, and no one dares to cause trouble. As for Qingluan. No matter how powerful the guards are, it doesn't matter. As long as the court doesn't send out men in black, the Qingluan Guards alone can't make any big waves."

"That's right." The other two nodded in agreement.

The guests at the surrounding tables were also people from the martial arts world. After listening to the chat between the three of them, they joined in and said, "Qingluan Guard has indeed become very arrogant in recent years."

"It's not because the current emperor reuses Qingluan Guards that they are so arrogant."

"In the past, whether it was illegal salt or border tea horses, these businesses were difficult to do, but at least there was a way to survive. But in recent years, it has become difficult to do it. If you are caught, you will die."

"The business of digging ginseng in Liaodong is also not easy to do. Qingluan Guard has added several hundred households there and patrols back and forth on horseback every day with a long gun. The brothers have to lie in the snow for several hours before they can Find opportunities.”

"You can't go to sea. I heard that Daomen's Shibotang is recruiting crew members, but it's too hard and tiring, so that's it. The key is that once you get on the ship, you'll be in jail for several months."

Someone shouted loudly: "The so-called 'killing eagles and dogs' refers to the Qingluan Guards. These imperial eagle dogs kill countless comrades in the martial arts a year. They have already offended the public, so they will respond to them with one call."

For a moment, the inn seemed to explode. This person said that his friend died in the hands of the Qingluan Guards, and the other said that he had been shot by someone from the Qingluan Guards a few years ago, and the crowd was full of emotions.

The restaurant owner's face was already pale, and he said quickly: "Everyone, everyone, please be careful when speaking. As the saying goes, right and wrong are just for talking more, and troubles are caused by force. This is in the city, where Qingluan Guard's Qianhu is close. It’s so close, it’s better not to cause trouble.”

Although many people complained about Qingluan Weiduo, they were afraid of getting into trouble because of it, so they silenced their voices.

After a while, people started paying their bills and leaving. After a while, the noisy restaurant became deserted.

Qi Xuansu then asked calmly: "I would like to ask three of you, where is the 'Eagle and Dog Killing Conference' you call held?"

The three of them looked at each other and did not speak rashly. They were obviously afraid that Qi Xuansu was from the Qingluan Guard.

Qi Xuansu saw the worries in their hearts and said: "The people of Qingluan Guard still use the restaurant to inquire about information? Their eyes and ears are extremely good."

"What I'm saying is that Sun Yingzhao's dog has the sharpest nose, and he's been smelling it for a long time." The young man couldn't help but say.

The other two people thought that this was indeed the case. How could Qingluan Guard not know the news that they all knew, and they said: "Such a grand meeting cannot be held in the city, but it was chosen on a hill outside the city. superior."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What is the name of that hill?"

The man said in one breath: "In Jiuwa Gang, after leaving the city, go west, pass Wuliuji and Nanni Town, and you will reach Tongmingji. From Tongmingji, go a little further north, and you will reach Jiuwagang."

"Thank you." Qi Xuansu nodded, dropped a handful of Ruyi Money on the table, and went straight out.

However, Qi Xuansu did not rush out of the city, but walked around the city again. Fortunately, Xiping Mansion is the capital of a state and is relatively prosperous. Qi Xuansu finally found a clothing store and bought a pair of inconspicuous scholar clothes. Then he found an inn and changed out of his cloak and Taoist robe with obvious Yujing style. After folding it, put it in the bag and carry it on your back. To avoid being recognized as a member of the Taoist sect again.

After doing this, it was already dark, so Qi Xuansu headed outside the city.

Although it was Qi Xuansu's first time to come to Xiping Mansion, as long as he knew the place name, he could always inquire about the past, so it was not a difficult task. After leaving the city, Qi Xuansu headed west along the Guanlu Avenue. At this time, there were many people rushing to Jiuwa Gang. Qi Xuansu randomly asked someone for the names of a few places, and after walking for more than a hundred miles, he arrived at Jiuwa Gang.

Looking from a distance, the Jiuwa Hill is not too high, just a slight ridge. There is a large open space on the top of the mountain. Although it was the official day of the conference, there were already many people waiting here today, forming small circles to warm themselves up because of the cold spring weather.

Since Qi Xuansu got the martial arts power, his blood was strong, and a little coldness was really nothing, so he jumped up to the top of a big tree and waited patiently.

By the next morning, many people came one after another, and more and more people gathered. By around noon, it was already filled with people, leaving only an open space and a high platform in the middle. Qi Xuansu sat on the treetop and glanced around. There were at least a thousand people. It's just that I don't know how many people from Qingluan Guard are here, and how many are members of secret societies.

After an hour like this, there was suddenly thunderous cheers everywhere, and dozens of people surrounded an old man in green clothes and walked into the open space in the middle.

This old man had a fluttering white beard and a good demeanor, which was not inferior to that of the Taoist priest of the third grade Youyi. He climbed onto a temporary high platform built with rocks, looked around, clasped his fists and said, "Comrades, please be polite."

Everyone suddenly stood up and returned the salute, saying in unison: "I have seen 'Uncle Feng'."

Only then did Qi Xuansu realize that the old man in front of him was the "Uncle Feng" of "Tianting", and he seemed to be on the Taiping list too? As for the specific ranking, I can’t remember.

I could only hear the loud voice of "Uncle Feng" saying loudly: "Dear friends, we are gathered here today. Everyone knows that it is for a major event, which is to solve the murder of many of our comrades in the Jianghu in recent years. Among them The culprit is the heinous one..."

Everyone everywhere shouted in unison: "Qingluan Guard!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the mountains.

Then someone shouted loudly: "Eagle Claw Sun!" This caused everyone to shout in unison.

Qi Xuansu only felt that the big tree under him was shaking three times, and he thought to himself: "Do the people from the 'Heavenly Court' want to recruit people from the Jianghu to deal with the Qingluan Guard? Although there are many acquired people among these more than a thousand people, but Such a number of people cannot be underestimated. No wonder the Qingluan Guard's pro-army commander's office has to mobilize three thousand-household offices, but in my opinion, only three thousand-household offices are not enough. "

At this moment, "Uncle Feng" raised his hands and pressed them down gently, and a mountain wind whistled by.

Everyone felt the breeze blowing on their faces and had to keep silent.

In an instant, silence returned to the hills.

Qi Xuansu's heart trembled. Is this the method of heaven and man?

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