Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 12 West Gobi

After Qiniang told Qi Xuansu the location of the contact point in Xiping Mansion, she ended the conversation with the Zimu Fu.

Qi Xuansu opened his hand and let the ashes of Zimu Fu disperse in the wind, then turned around and headed towards Xiping Mansion.

By the time Qi Xuansu returned to Xiping Fucheng, it was already late at night. Xiping Mansion is not as good as Yujing or Shangqing Mansion. Because it is close to the Western Regions and there is still war in Xizhou, the city gate has been closed early and there is no side door for people to enter and exit. If you want to enter the city at this time, you can only get down from the city wall. hanging basket.

Qi Xuansu walked around the city for a while and found a remote place. Like a gecko swimming on a wall, he slowly climbed up the wall at night. After reaching the top of the city, go around the barbican and climb down from the other side.

Fortunately, Xiping Prefecture has also been at peace for a long time. Although the defense is tighter than that of prefectures and counties located in the pass, it is also quite limited. It's not war time now, so no one has noticed Qi Xuansu.

After Qi Xuansu entered the city, he did not dare to walk on the streets to avoid encountering the men in black patrolling the streets. He walked through various alleys according to the location given by Qiniang, and finally turned into an inaccessible alley.

The various contact points of Qingpinghui are all similar, with no obvious differences. They are hidden in towns, but chosen in remote places.

It was very dark in the alley. Qi Xuansu walked quickly to a small door at the end of the alley and knocked on the door according to the old method. First he knocked three times gently, paused for three breaths, and then knocked four times hard.

After a while, a voice came from the door: "Everyone has no worries, and everything is peaceful."

Qi Xuansu whispered: "The world is settled, and everyone from all directions wishes to have peace and prosperity."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened from the inside. There was no lamp inside. Qi Xuansu entered the door, and the person who opened the door closed the door again.

There is a winding path behind the door, and someone leads Qi Xuansu to meet the owner of this place.

The owner of this house was a middle-aged woman. After Qi Xuansu showed his fish charm, he handed Qiniang's package to him and arranged corresponding accommodation for Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu came to his residence and opened Qiniang's package. It was a wooden box divided into three layers. The first layer contained the Zimu Talisman, and the second and third layers contained pills.

After he became a full-time official, the "Mother and Son Talisman" was issued from once a year to once a month. Every month, he also received ten yuan of worry-free money, a Blood Dragon Pill, and a Purple Extreme Pill, which officially started in September. issued.

September, October, November and December, four months have passed, that is, four Zimu Talismans, four Blood Dragon Pills and four Ziji Pills. The Blood Dragon Pill is very important for strengthening the blood and strengthening the body. It has wonderful effects. Ziji Dan can improve Qi training, so it is very suitable for Qi Xuansu. As for the four mother-in-law talismans, two are used by Qi Xuansu to contact Qiniang, and two are used by Qi Xuansu to contact Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu separated the mother-child talismans, took out a Blood Dragon Pill and a Purple Extreme Pill, took them directly, and began to refine the potency. After having the experience of refining medicinal wine last time, Qi Xuansu took the Waidan very smoothly this time. By the time Qi Xuansu woke up from trance, it was already twelve hours later.

Qi Xuansu only felt that his cultivation had improved a lot.

Among the five major inheritances of Taoism, the Immortal Exiled is undoubtedly the first inheritance. In the past, the Qi Refiner was regarded as the inferior substitute of the Immortal Exiled, which is the saying that the two immortals of heaven and earth reach the same destination through different paths.

It was not until the appearance of Sanren that this theory was broken. The original intention of Taoism was to copy the banished immortals, and Sanren was just an accident. The result was that Sanren were not as good as Qi Refiners. Before the Heavenly Beings, the cultivation methods of the Exalted Immortals, Qi Refiners, and Sanren were similar, with Qi training in the Dantian being the main focus. Therefore, the Qi Refiners were regarded as the middle substitute of the Exiled Immortals, and the Sanren were regarded as the lower substitutes of the Exiled Immortals.

There are three realms for San people in the innate human stage: the inner alchemy realm is dominated by the lower dantian, the jade tripod realm is dominated by the middle dantian, and the holy embryo realm is dominated by the upper dantian. They respectively correspond to the Qi Refining Realm, the God Transformation Realm, and the God Refining Realm of the Qi Refiner.

The so-called jade cauldron, transforming into a god, or adding the purple energy of the banished immortal are all preparations for the final opening of the upper dantian.

In the human body, the section of the spine from Weilu to Mingmen is the coldest, and is called the Snow Mountain. When the Qi machine impinges on this level, it exerts the least force, and Taoism refers to it as "sheep pulling a cart."

Behind the snow mountain is the spine. The human spine has twenty-four sections, corresponding to the twenty-four solar terms. The head and tail are called dragon and tiger puns. The upper dragon and the lower tiger are the longest. When the Qi moves through this level, it exerts the greatest force. Taomen is known as "a deer pulling a cart".

After passing the Longhu Pass, go up to the Fengchi point on the back of the head, which is called the Yuding Pass. Its orifice is the smallest and difficult to open. It is difficult for the Qi machine to pass through when it reaches this point. The most precise force is used. Taoism is called "oxen pulling a cart" . The Jade Cauldron realm of San people is named after Jade Cauldron Pass, and it also means using the cauldron to refine elixirs.

In other words, the final step of Sanren Jade Cauldron Realm is to make the true energy pass through the twenty-four spines directly to Jade Cauldron Pass. After breaking through Jade Cauldron Pass, they will enter the upper Dantian, and Sanren will also enter the Holy Embryo Realm, which corresponds to the refining of Qi. The realm of refining gods of scholars and the manifested infant realm of banished immortals.

As the names suggest, Holy Fetus, God Refining, and Manifested Babies all involve the divine soul. The main focus is on how to cultivate the upper Dantian, rather than how to open the Upper Dantian.

The alchemist has already reached this point in the Kunlun stage, but the price is that his body is extremely weak, and the lower and middle dantian are in a state of neglect. There is no real energy in the body. If he relies too much on the idea of ​​​​the upper dantian, he will be taken advantage of by the same sword. The warrior restrained himself.

Now Qi Xuansu has broken through to the eighteenth vertebra, and there are still six vertebrae and a jade tripod pass left, and then he can enter the realm of the holy fetus. He estimated that after taking all the elixirs, he would be able to reach around twenty-two vertebrae.

Qi Xuansu rested here for a few more days and waited until the news about the "Eagle and Dog Killing Conference" passed before leaving the contact point. He did not stay in the city of Xiping Prefecture and quietly left the city to go to the Great Gobi that Qiniang mentioned. go.

This time, Qi Xuansu took out the armored horses given to him by Zhang Yuelu, tied them to his legs, and then ran all the way, faster than the galloping horses. Not to mention traveling a thousand miles a day and traveling eight hundred nights, it was not far behind. It only took about In one day, we arrived at the edge of the Great Gobi that Qiniang said.

This place is located to the west of Cuowenbu, also known as the West Gobi.

After entering the West Gobi, Qi Xuansu took off his armor and horse and walked instead.

After walking for more than ten miles, a projectile hit Qi Xuansu between the eyebrows without any warning.

I have to say, it’s a good shot.

It's a pity that the projectiles are only the most common projectiles. Not to mention compared with the "Dragon Eyes" series produced by Tianjitang, they don't even have the most basic armor-breaking talismans. They are still different from the ordinary projectiles that Taoist people think.

The result was obvious. The projectile hit Qi Xuansu between his eyebrows. Instead of injuring Qi Xuansu, it ricocheted.

Qi Xuansu was neither surprised nor angry, and looked towards the direction of the projectile. A man in tattered clothes stood up from behind the broken rocks, holding a long blunderbuss that looked like a fire stick.

Qi Xuansu looked at this person. The clothes on his body looked like pieces of rags spliced ​​together. His skin was dark due to the wind and sun. The firegun in his hand was old and old. It seemed to be a flintlock machine structure. It is not the firing pin structure commonly used by people in black today, and it is missing many parts. However, it has been polished to a bright shine, and it is obvious that the owner takes great care of it.

Judging from the posture of this person holding a firecracker, he must have received corresponding training and was not an ordinary citizen who accidentally picked up a firecracker.

Qi Xuansu asked in Mandarin: "Why don't you load the bomb? Are you waiting to die?"

The man was silent for a moment and replied in Mandarin with a heavy accent: "It's useless, I can't kill you."

Qi Xuansu smiled: "I have no ill intentions. I am here to find someone. If you can be my guide, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

While talking, Qi Xuansu walked towards this person.

There was a hesitant look on the man's face and he stood still.

When the distance between the two was less than three feet, the man pulled out a gun without warning and fired directly at Qi Xuansu's heart.

This handgun is the "Flying Bird Handgun" of the Shenji Battalion. Although it is not as good as the "Dragon Handgun", it cannot be underestimated at close range. Moreover, the hand gun is also loaded with special projectiles with armor-breaking talismans.

This gun directly broke through Qi Xuansu's body-protecting energy. Although Qi Xuansu had already made a dodge, he was still hit in the chest, leaving a bloody hole.

Qi Xuansu was immediately angered by the bludgeon, and stepped forward unceremoniously. He swung his arm violently, which was exactly the martial artist's "moving, blocking and hammering" move. It made a sound like a firecracker and broke the long blunderbuss in his hand into two pieces. Without saying anything, he swept the man's chest hard.

The man was sent flying and crashed into a huge rock. The whole person seemed to be stuck on it, and it took a while before he slowly slid down. And his entire chest had sunken, and he looked like he was no longer alive.

Then there was a soft sound, and the projectile shot into Qi Xuansu's body was "squeezed" out by his muscles, and the wound healed quickly. This was a miracle derived from flesh and blood.

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