Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 22 The past

Generally speaking, no one can actually buy a house in Yujing. Because nominally, all the houses and palaces in Yujing are owned by Daomen, and are in charge of Tianji Hall among the nine halls. Tianji Hall corresponds to the Ministry of Works in the imperial court.

Including Da Zhenren, they only have the power to use, not all rights, so everyone is leasing, but the lease period is very long, the longest can be a hundred years. Taoist priests habitually call this kind of leasing for hundreds of years. Buying a house.

This is somewhat similar to the "one field with two owners" in the secular world. A piece of land can be divided into the bottom of the field and the surface of the field. The bottom of the field and the surface of the field are held by two people respectively. The bottom of the field and the surface of the field are two parts that do not interfere with each other and can be bought, sold, pawned, and given as gifts at will.

The holder of the field cannot cultivate it and can only collect rent. If he wants to cultivate it himself, he must buy back the field surface from others. The holder of the land can cultivate it, but has to pay rent. At the same time, he can buy, sell, and transfer the land at will, and even build houses and graves on the land, and the land holders have no right to interfere. If the land holder owes rent, the land holder can find ways to collect the debt and use other things to pay off the debt, but he cannot evict people from the land unless the land holder sells the land himself. This is one field and two owners. .

In the same way, the residents of Yujing do not have ownership of their houses, but they can transfer the lease period of their houses at will. If Daomen wants to take back the house, he must return the corresponding rent.

Qi Xuansu's master originally rented a small courtyard in Haichanfang, spending one thousand yuan of peace money, and the lease term was twenty years. Now there are still ten years left, and the Taoist sect has not taken it back.

Qi Xuansu can stay there temporarily for a month. Although it is a sad place, Qi Xuansu is obviously not qualified to be emotionally affected by the situation. The pressure of survival forces him to temporarily put aside these emotions and concentrate on solving the matters at hand.

As for one month later, if he successfully enters Tiangang Hall, Tiangang Hall will issue a settlement fee to help him settle down in Yujing. If something unexpected happens, such as being dismissed by the new deputy hall master at the last moment, then there is no need for him to stay in Yujing. He can go back home. He doesn't even need to take the flying boat. He can slowly take the land route. When you go back, you can enjoy the scenery along the way.

Qi Xuansu wants to go to Haichanfang. The shortest way is to pass through Taiqing Square and then walk in the southeast direction, that is, from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the "tian" pattern.

This time, Qi Xuansu did not ride in a sheep cart or an ox cart, but walked slowly, admiring the suspiciously samey scenery along the way, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

The sky soon entered dusk, the sun set in the west, and a large fire cloud burned at the end of the sky. The blood-red sunlight no longer fell from the top of the head, but seemed to be shining straight down. Along the east-west Yuqing Street, it fell on Qi Xuansu's body, stretching the back behind him.

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt a little lonely.

In the past, Qi Xuansu would deliberately suppress this emotion because he believed that the feeling of "loneliness" was the beginning of weakness. Really strong people would not care about loneliness, let alone feel loneliness. They would even enjoy loneliness, and Deny others access to you.

However, Qi Xuansu did not deliberately suppress this emotion today and let himself be immersed in this emotion that was always associated with a bit of sadness. Correspondingly, the memories buried in his heart began to pour out, filling Qi Xuansu's heart. mind.

Qiniang once said that after leaving the Wanxiang Taoist Palace where the unified teachings are taught, and entering the Taoist sect, the status will automatically change from a Taoist boy to a ninth-grade Taoist priest, and then there will be a three-year assessment period.

Before talking about the three-year assessment period, we have to first talk about what the Wanxiang Dao Palace is.

This place was originally the Wanxiang Shrine built by Empress Mingkong. It was later converted into the Wanxiang Academy by the Confucian sect. After Xuansheng led the Taoist sect to defeat the Confucian sect and became orthodox in the world, the Confucian sect ceded the Wanxiang Academy and the Taoist sect rebuilt it into the Wanxiang Dao. palace.

The Wanxiang Dao Palace has two palaces, the upper and lower palaces. The lower palace has two functions. The first function is to adopt orphans and abandoned babies, and to raise these orphans and abandoned babies into adults without charging a penny. It is regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

Many people cannot raise their children, or for other reasons do not want or cannot keep their children with them, so they send their children to Taoist temples in various places. The Taoist temples then uniformly send these children to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace.

From this point of view, Wanxiang Taoist Palace is actually a place similar to Puji Hall or Yuying Hall.

Because of this, many people in Taoist sects have neither father nor mother. They are born in Taoist sects, grow up in Taoist sects, and most of them die in Taoist sects in the end. They remain members of Taoist sects all their lives.

Qi Xuansu is also one of these people.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu didn't quite understand what parents meant. Since he could remember, he had been playing, living, and studying with other peers in the Wanxiang Dao Palace. Only an elderly female crown was responsible for their daily life. .

To be fair, that nun is a good person and a loving mother, but it is a pity that she has to be responsible for fifty children by herself. When her love is distributed to each child, it is already very thin.

The second function of the lower palace is to cultivate these orphans and abandoned babies into talents and become the fresh blood of the Taoist sect.

Wanxiang Taoist Palace adopts a unified teaching method, usually one teacher teaches dozens of children, which is similar to the private schools in the past, but on a larger scale.

Before the age of ten, the most basic breathing and breathing techniques, as well as literacy, arithmetic and other courses are taught. After the age of ten, there will be an assessment. Children who pass the assessment will obtain the status of Taoist children and begin to study hundreds of classics such as Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohism, and Dharma. Elementary courses on astronomy, geography, organs, and talismans have been added, as well as Be taught more profound methods of cultivation.

Children who fail to pass the assessment will become Taoists and begin to learn various craftsmanship skills.

When they reach the age of eighteen, there will be a second assessment. After the Taoist boys pass the assessment, they will leave the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, enter the Taoist sect, and become ninth-grade Taoist priests from Taoist boys. Taoist boys who fail to pass must continue to study in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace until they pass the assessment, and these Taoist boys will lose their qualifications for the three-year assessment period, and it will be difficult for them to become fourth-grade Taoist priests in this life.

The difference is like the difference between Jinshi and Juren. Both are regarded as official status, but Jinshi is extremely noble. The first rank to be released to the outside world is the seventh-grade county magistrate. On the other hand, if you look at Juren, you will not be able to join the cabinet in this life. Even if you are promoted to an official position, you can only start from the eighth grade county magistrate. There is a huge gap.

Qi Xuansu was the former, considered a "Jinshi" in the Taoist sect. He left Wanxiang Taoist Palace and entered the Taoist sect with excellent results and became a ninth-grade Taoist priest. Then he was favored by the master during the three-year assessment period and became a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest. disciple.

With the help of his master, he soon became an eighth-grade Taoist priest. He has a bright future, but it is going smoothly.

Until the master died.

Every time Qi Xuansu thinks about this, he feels a dull pain in his chest. This is not an emotional or psychological feeling, but a real pain, a real feeling from the body.

Qi Xuansu, who was walking on Yuqing Street, reached out and pressed his chest, skipping this memory and returning to his youth.

His master's surname is also Qi, or in other words, he follows his master's surname.

Because many people in the Taoist sect were adopted and raised by the Taoist sect, for them, the Taoist sect is home, and the concept of a personal family is very weak. Over time, a culture of "master and apprentice are father and son" has been formed in the Taoist sect. Many people in Taoist sects do not get married or have children, but instead take in a disciple to train as a son and pass on the mantle. The reason is also very simple. The son cannot choose, but the apprentice can.

Qi Xuansu's master was such a person. He had no parents, no children, and no wife. He was alone. When he was forty years old, he accepted Qi Xuansu as his disciple and named him "Xuansu".

The word "Xuansu" has many different meanings. The meaning of Qi Xuansu's name is very simple, which is "black and white". Xuan means black and Su means white. The difference between Xuansu and black means the difference between black and white.

The master also gave him the nickname "Tian Yuan", which sounds very domineering, but the meaning has nothing to do with domineering. "Tian" means the sky, and "Yuan" means the abyss, which means the difference between the sky and the abyss, corresponding to the difference between Xuan Su, black and white. The difference.

During those days, Qi Xuansu and his master lived in the small courtyard in Haichanfang. For Qi Xuansu, this small courtyard was undoubtedly more home than the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, but it was a pity that this home was no longer there.

When Qi Xuansu recalled these things, he was not angry at all, but more sad.

Because the revenge had been avenged, Qi Xuansu took matters into his own hands, and in the name of Qingpinghui, Qiniang cleaned up the mess.

The price was that Qi Xuansu became a member of the Qingpinghui and had to obey the orders of the Qingpinghui and do things that Qi Xuansu didn't like very much and couldn't refuse.

From the day he entered the Qingpinghui, Qi Xuansu was like a pawn and could never look back. Fortunately, after crossing the river, the pawn can not only move forward, but also swing left and right. Maybe in the end game, it can also walk sideways?

In any case, this caused Qi Xuansu to gradually deviate from his original trajectory and embark on his current path.

In fact, whether it was when his master was alive or before taking revenge, Qi Xuansu had a clear goal, but after taking revenge, he was a little confused.

During this time, Qiniang gradually took over the master's position, teaching him and guiding him. Qi Xuansu cheered up again. After all, life would go on. He was still young and had a long road ahead, so he began to think about how to leave the Qingping Society.

The Qingping Society did not embarrass him, and nine thousand meritorious deeds were regarded as two clearings.

Merit is a unique accounting method of Qingping Society. It depends on the difficulty of the task. The higher the merit, the greater the risk. Take the Fengtai County group not long ago as an example. Qi Xuansu recorded 300 merit in one go. , is the sum total of Qi Xuansu’s small fights in the past few years, but Qi Xuansu almost died under Zhuge Yongming’s fist.

Even if Qiniang's appearance was inevitable, it was Qi Xuansu's luck that the fourth-grade Taoist priest Qiniang said did not take action. If the fourth-grade Taoist priest had taken action in person, Qi Xuansu would have been a corpse.

It is precisely because the Fengtai County incident involves Qingluan Guard, Taiping Dao, and Quanzhen

With the four forces of Taoism and Zhengyi, as well as a fourth-grade Taoist priest who was born in Taiping Dao, and even a real person standing behind this fourth-grade Taoist priest, the Qingping Society gave a high price of three hundred meritorious deeds. If it was just A Zhuge Yongming may have less than a hundred meritorious deeds.

At this moment, Taiqing Square arrived.

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